Page 101 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 101
• Vol IV., Number 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, February 25, 1977 Modern Dance Few Adverse Responses on Saturda31 to Center $ Drive by Cheryl Jane Waller ~ If you miss this show, you may Jeff Robinson of a larger program which in- have missed the best in creative The manner in which funding has cluded Kick-off meetings in all the dance. Western Maryland students been accumulated for the new various areas, and special gifts and faculty will have the op- College Center has been less requests that were asked of a portunity to see Maryland's only haphazard than many people may select few people had been asked to modern repetory dance troupe, the think, according to Vice President give somewhat larger gifts. Maryland Dance Theater. for Development James F As Car as reactions that the tomorrow night, 8 pm, in Alumni. Ridenour. "For the past two years 'Development Office has gotten to This group of young dancers, .the college has set up a very the small amounts of pressure that comprised of dance students and exacting system of researching they have applied, there have been faculty members from University and requesting donations that has little in the way of real problems of Maryland, have brought the spanned all the way [rom Ridenour stated, "Some people beauty and excitement of modern Baltimore,Md. to Los Angeles, Cal. would have felt that making a dance to hundreds of audiences One method of discovering what suggestion of a gift amount, as we since the troupe's inception in 1971. potential gifts actually existed was -did, exerted some degree of What is dance to the MDT? ~ the concept of "raiding meetings" pressure. However. we've had Dance is an art. a way of ex- &.:--~ very few adverse comments on the pressing beauty, mood, message, The Maryland Dance Theatre's serious, from mood-provoking to ~~d ~ti~~~e~e;t~~~r:~~:~ matter." and imagination by means of talents range rrom "comic to pure entertainment." alumni were invited to these As far as the college com- creatively choreographed pieces to describes feeling "off the floor Why is it important for the meetings, with the explicit in- munity's reactions to the overall a wide-variety of music styles. Not three feet high" while watching Maryland Dance Theater to be tentions spelled out, and allowed to funding drive, he said, "Whenever using ballet, the troupe extends MDT perform. The dancing seems seen by everyone at WMC? TO ·Iook over lists jJf potential doners you use a basic fundraising itself into the theatrical as well as so effortless, she adds, which it process, you do get a certain modern dance to interact with and should, considering the numerous ~!:r~a~~VE i~h~e o~:p::Jin~ for that particul
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