Page 98 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 98
Page 6 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 19, 1976 .****************************~ News briefs ~***************************~ The Student Government of and Debussey as well as "The young people by Western A fee of $8 covers the six classes 513, WMC, Box WMC is becoming active in many Dodger" by Aaron Copland and and supplies. Classes are held on Lynn ~arrison, Md. 21157 and should Westmmster, student problems this semester. "That's Life" by John Sacco. ~f[i~l:endit~OI~::;~gAr~e~~~~'n w~~ Saturday mornings from 9 to 10:30 include the parent's name, home The group most concerned with A graduate of Potomac High classes, beginning February 28 and a.m. in the Fine Arts Building. (No address and telephone number these activities is the Action School in Oxon Hill, Robin is the continuing through April 24. The classes are scheduled on March 20 anrl I.h~child's name. and age. ' Committee. The Action Committee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roland six-week sessions are grouped and '1:1, spring break; and April 17, is a problem-solving oriented body Cumberland. according to age: 3-5, 6-9, 10-13, Easter weekend.) *************** which oversees building any *************** and 14-High School, and are taught Jesse Glass, Jr. will give a and grounds, food service, and by art students on campus. Registration is on a first-come, reading of his poetry Feb. 24, in other area of student complaint. Remember when a clown could first-served basis and parents Memorial 106 at4P.M. Jesse is one The committee has been held back make you laugh no matter how you interested in enrolling their of WMC's most widely published by lack of help from student felt! And the animal acts had you pr~!~d~~~t of :tennArt ~~;'iS~~~ children should contact Miss poets. His work has appeared in representatives, a problem gripped with both fear and wonder nounces that new students have Harrison (848-9758 after 4 p.m.). or Wisconsin Review, Aleph, Unicorn, hampering the entire SGA as they responded to their master's joined the SMARTS teaching staff. Mr. Roy Fender, assistant Circus Maximus, Bardic Echoes Chairman John Norment is commands. Remember the cries of They plan to introduce new and professor of art (848-7000. ext. 241) Hey Lady, Invictus, and Krel. H~ presently seeking new people with "popcorn and peanuts mingled exciting ideas and medias in which before February 26. Mail has also appeared in 3 national ability and ideas about solving with the smell of sawdust that to work: registration should be directed to anthologies. Public invited. such campus concerns as cafeteria made the circus the most exciting service, student parking, event of your summer! Sen. Tydings speaks af WMC academic testing conditions, Western Maryland College is causes of the WMC Attrition rate, proud to present a bicentennial Herman Auyang proper coordination of campus children's theater production of Joseph Tydings, lawyer, veteran were activities, and reinstituting fall "CIRCUS," a bright, joyful and public servant, and aspirant for the lobby groups. in They thwarting largely Tydings cited that the program Mr. responsible break. A present project is the brilliant reminiscence of the old U.S. Senate, was on campus Tydings' bid for a second term. would be unfeasible due to the distinguished teaching award tent show. It is with marionettes Monday to discuss his candidacy. Ironically, in 1972 the state of exorbitant and inflationary cost If you are interested in helping this that Mr. David Syrotiak chose to In 1960 Mr. Tydings served as Maryland passed its own handgun and administrative difficulties. He body and the campus, contact John touch the hearts of thousands in a campaign manager for John law concerning rightful possession advocates a step by step approach Norment, ext. 348. production so real you can almost Kennedy in the Maryland primary and ownership, similar to the one whereby the first program would smell the sawdust. give priorities to persons over 65, Whether an SGA representative Exquisitely hand-carved, and in during laUer's Presidential proposed by Mr. Tydings. His goal, the working poor, and a or a concerned student, they need the hands of a skilled professional, campaign, and subsequently he if he were to return to Capitol Hill. "catastrophic injury insurance" everyone's support to make WMC was appointed, as U.S. Attorney of is "to pick up where he left off" and for everyone; but he did not come alive a better campus. these 2 L h' marionettes complete with Maryland during Kennedy's in- continue to "strengthen our elaborate. on their own stage system," *************** wagons, sound, all lights, other circus ap- cumbency. In 1964 he successfully Judiciary for a national first handgun by Mr. Tydings emphasized that ill drapes, ran for the U.S. Senate and served pressing the and followed The time is here to nominate the propriate scenery. Children and from 1964 to 197(), his one and law, to be reforms and by im- the the Seventies where there are no necessary conspicuous The term. only instructor you feel deserves the adults alike will be delighted as the achievement during his tenure was provements of the Courts, the quick and easy solutions, where Distinguished Teaching Award. marionettes take on the emotions his sponsorship, along with Senator Correctional institutions, and the our resources are limited, our This year, for the first time, ALL and humor of the master pup- Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut law enforcement agencies. On the leaders have to be realistic and set Juniors and Seniors are being peteer. From the time the stage and others, in the creation of subject of national health up priorities on the policies they asked to participate in this lights come on 'til the end of the Medicaid and Medicare programs programs, he specifically intend to pursue, since we ob- all at selection process. show, you will be captivated by the that accrue benefits to over 20 distanced himself away from his viously cannot afford them he fielded the same time. Though rhe Distinguished Teaching graceful movements and delightful million Americans today. He also opponent, Congressman Paul questions on various topics, Mr. Award is presented annually by an antics of the Syrotiak marionettes. endeavored, , though unfruitfully, Sarbanes, who favors the com- Tydings only went into any detail interested alumnae club at the It's a show you and your children to put through a federal handgun prehensive cradle - to - grave on gun control and national Spring Honors Convocation and won't want to miss! control bill, that earned him the national health program authored health, and on them he rests his Investiture to commend a WMC "CIRCUS" will be presented enmity of NRA and other powerful by Senator Edward Kennedy. Mr. faculty member for excellence in Sunday, February 29, 1976 at 4:00 the field of teaching. pm in Baker Memorial Chapel. Circle K is alive and well Juniors and Seniors who vote will Admission is 50 cents for children be asked to select not more than 5 12 and under and $1.00 for adults. nominees from the Jist of eligible Seats will be reserved by a row Jeff Robmson faculty members. To be eligible a nwnber marked on the ticket. Kiwanis Circle K has a 9 year tries to hold at least one major relocating, consistently placing a faculty member must have tenure Tickets and information are history on campus here, being project each semester, with minor float in the annual Homecoming and teach at least 3 credit hours available at the College Activities chartered in 1967 initially. The club and ongoing ones being carried out parade, and working with the each semester. Past recipients are Office located in Winslow Student membership has fluctuated, during the entire period. Last Westminster Kiwanis Club on their not eliaible Center or by calling 848-7000, ex- ranging from last year's low of semester they sponsored the annual pancake feed. Currently the Ballots will be totaJea oy the SGA tension 385. about 6 active members to the Dance Marathon in the basement club is sponsoring their annual Action Committee, with the most *************** present 18-20 active in club of Baker Memorial Chapel and heart fund drive. The drive is set 5 names receiving the projects. Included in that total is raised over $1700 for the Maryland up so that donators will give a nonimations being forwarded to On Monday, March 1, at 8:00pm, approximately 8 girls who joined Association for Retarded Citizens. "Penny a Point" for the number of the Office of Student Mfairs. A Mr. Syrotiak will return with the just this year,the third year that On a continuing basis Circle K points that the Western Maryland group of campus student leaders, production "ART OF THE females were allowed into the club. periocl.ically spends time at Carroll Terrors score in their final home selected by tbe Sigma Alwnnae PUPPETEER." Are puppets for According to Obrecht, "It should Haven, which contains a sheltered game against Galludet. Club, will rate the nominees by children only? Most definitely not! be understood that the club is open workshop for older mentally The central theme this year is secret ballot which will then be This award winning production has to any student on the campus." retarded citizens and a day care "Impact on Life" which has been placed in sealed envelopes and been arranged to give adults a The idea of Circle K began in 1936 center for younger ones. During broken down into five action areas: submitted to the Student Mfairs glimpse of this truly unique art when a service-oriented fraternity their time there they usually at- Public Health, Alleviate Hunger, Office for mailing to the club form. "This is no kiddy show, this at Washington State University tend to general maintenance work Youth and the Elderly, Consumer president. The Club tallies the is elaborate and sophicated adult was converted to the new title by such as painting, furniture repair, Protection, and Social Priorities. rating sheets and selects the theater." (Jackson Daily News, the local Kiwanis Club. Clubs then and general odd jobs--basicalJy However, the club feels that it is recipient. Jackson, Mississippi) sprang up throughout the nation on ."'Oii'iii.ti.nUij,.d 0ifjn•.F.".8.'."'•.4•• From the faceless marionette to the college level, reaching a total;~7s i~r~:'c~y~a~ Remember to make your the saucy Flapper Dancer, you will of over 700 in the U.S. and Canada, been ongoing for many years. nominations on Wednesday, be captivated by the dramatic today. All clubs are a member of Other projects include helping February 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. portrayal of human existence. Circle K International which is Tri-Beta with their recycling and 5 to 6 p.m. in the cafeteria Come laugh and cry at yourself directly sponsored by Kiwanis drives, giving aid to a Vietnamese ~Jwt lobby. through the magic of Mr. International. The WMC club is refugee family who were The formula for the method of Syrotiak's marionettes. What an sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of .....ut nominating and selecting the educational opportunity! That's Westminster, which aids in the ElJR~PE recipient of the Distinguished "ART OF THE PUPPETEER" on payment of dues and invites Circle l~~~1~/2f:;~uJmy Our people make it better Teaching Award was revised this Monday, March I, at 8:00 pm, in K members to attend their ~ year (in 1975) by a joint student- Baker Memorial Chapel. Ad- meetings. "" ,", ". , , alumnae committee in an effort to mission is $1.00 for adults and 50 Emphasizing service to the -AMeli ID~ free 800-325'4867 t.:\ sample a broader base of student cents for children 12 and under. community and college, the club "'" Un;Tfavel Chaffers Monday nights of the SGA ***************. I---------r========i opinion. Formerly only the Junior and Senior members 5 p.m. -'1 made the selection. The Spanish Table (La Mesa ;~,() Plain & Fancy p.m. '*************** Hispanical from 12:00 to 1:00 on the College Night every be held will Tuesday Robin Cumberland, senior music stage in the Cafeteria. The Spanish (1.0. required) major from Hillcrest Heights, Md., Table offers the students a chance La.n.e4 Donuts will present a voice recital at 8 to converse with teachers from the 8oH' r,3;SC, p.m., Friday, February 20 in department and meet other 13" pizza-with one Levine Recital Hall at Western students, while offering the Open lanes afternoon 140 Village topping - only $2.09!! Maryland College, Westminster, challenge of speaking Spanish for Weekends Reservations Only M~ss Cwnberland will sing a ~~~d:nn~ :rr~~tif:~el~l~r~nt~:i~~e:. Tenpins and Duckpins only 5 minutes away Bud, Mic & Schlitz **************** Open 24 Hours a Day on Tap ~;r~:~~~t~~C~~~~~~i~~~n~~ 140 Village ~::~;~ ~~:k~~i~!n~~~~~~~: c1~=~':sda:rf~~~i~~ ~o~!h~nf[: .!.._...·,4~G_"~":_L.'.::.G~:_s:_"__'W_'_I·._', _o.:[_,,_,,_" -4- _J
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