Page 96 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 96
Scrimshaw Thursday, February 19,1976 Editorial ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• After talking with various have been heard loud and clear seemstohaveadifferentideaasto behind the building. But that is also probably resulted in the ap- teachers, administrators, and through informal discussions and where to locate the building. on1y how SCRIMSHAW feels about pearance of Dean Mowbray at students, being interviewed by two meetings, and finally a con- Monday night's SGA meeting the location-how each student very informative SGA meeting. papers, and attending one very elusion can be reached: the revealed several suggestions: in feels is up to that individual. The We should have more SGA meet- important SGA meeting, it is time . majority of students want A front of the library, even on the golf main issue involved, though, and ings like Monday night's where for another editorial concerning a STUDENT CENTER. course! SCRIMSHAW, after much the most important to remember is about campus issues. This meet- matter of interest to all. thought, has concluded that it must that, as reflected thr ough a Ing cleared up a lot of the mts- Let us clear up the issues in- If nothing else, SCRIMSHAW'S volved. The old student center be realistic. Granted, the presently discussion of concerned students at-conceptions of many students, editorial of two weeks ago con- cannot be improved upon; since proposedsiteforthecenterisbyno the SGA meeting and throughout and, most importantly, it cerning the construction of a the library needs new space for means perfect, but it is the only the past two weeks, the majority of brought everyone together. Sure, college center created quite a bit of books, the psychology department realistic solution to the problem. In students feel the need for and want we can't and we don't agree on heavy discussion. When the along with a few other depart- order for the construction to cost a new student center. all of the issues, but it showed editqr-ia l was published_ in ments needs classroom space, and less money, for the administration us that we do have a common SCRIMSHAW, it was based on since the grille is not structurally to have nearby space in which to Lastly, let me just say that I do bond-we want a new college those views that were heard sound enough to take any additions branch out, for the cafeteria and not regret any bit of what I said center. I expressed my opinion by its editors, the majority of to transform it into a new student the grille to conveniently connect, in the editorial I wrote two once, reflecting what I felt to these views being in opposition center, it will remain as is and be the center will have to be built in its weeks ago. That editorial was be the majority of the campus. to building a college center used as classroom space. We need proposed location. We are by no right for that time-it expressed Now that additional views have in its presently proposed loca- an entirely new building for an means saying that this location is the opinions of a lot of students been heard, I say we must strive tion. Now, in the two weeks after ideal-s-far from it! We are just and that they were questioning foracommongoal,andlagainwill the publication of the editor-ial. entirely new student center. That saying that we stude.nts must be a lot about the student center reflect the majority of the campus is settled. Now, where do we put it? issue. That the other opinions on campus That is me question. Every student realistic about the situation and about much editorial nrougnr it by saying, simply, let's build a new • K.L_!,: and student discussion, of planning have faith in the years center. P erSODa I Vlew p. t Facts Behind the OlD: College Center by Jeff Robinson The SCRIMSHAW's stand on the proposed site will be there for service to students throughout the as a college reception center. site of the proposed college student convenience and should draw a day. Admissions, financial aid, and the Deaf Education department, overcrowded center was, in my opinion, either larger population for greater USt'. president's offices will be placed in terribly 'location in Carroll in their Hall, present premature or neglected to take into Now, isn't that what a student As to the aesthetics of the the new building for a proper will' take the Psychology depart- account many facts in the case. To center is there for-to be used? campus, the present faculty reception of incoming guests. To ment's place in the bottom of the go over the editorial of Feb. 5 part parking lot will be made smaller, allow the proper space for ad- library. by part would be extremely grass-seeded, and p1anted with ministrative work this is almost a laborious. However, pertinent The economics of the placement trees and shrubs to increase the must in the plan /?O, all of the above are definite details should be brought up to help is also considered. More sales to beauty of the area. Also, by cutting To tie up -the entire plan, the facts and show several solid round out the issue. the college bookstore should lead to down six trees for the new center, center's hook-in with Rouser Hall reasons why the center should be lower prices. The return of a grille this will amount to less than 1 built in its proposed site. As such I presently The entire concept of a new to the campus should be a welcome percent of all the trees on this will utilize the rooms of Rouser. thought that they would be per- wasted in the basement student center was started 5 years addition. But in order to make it campus-hardly a conservationists More room will also be added to the tinent and vital to the case and ago, when a Long Range Planning economically feastble- to allow idea of mass aes jetic destruction. cafeteria space (under an opaque should therefore be brought out. Committee, during the late Dr. enough students to make use of it roof for a different decor) by en- Now it is up to you, the reader, to Lowell Ensor's term as college so that it can pay for ttselr- it must Another pomt IS to consider the closing the patio-terrace just make a decision as to where you president, laid out a report entitled be in the center of campus. The administration's plight. Without outside. This room can also be used stand on the issue. "A Plan for the Seventies." Ac- Grille was taken out of Winslow enough room for even the present for special parties in the future. cording to the WMC treasurer, several years ago because it could number of employees in Elderdice (The previous comments are Philip B. Schaeffer, the committee not hold its own, being so far out of Hall, they are hard pressed to find By the way, Winslow student intended as another viewpoint on was "composed of trustees, ad- the way, and students eventually additional space when new em- center will not be wasted. The the student center issue and were ministration, faculty, alumni, and avoided the place once too often. ployees are brought in - as in a Psychology departm u-t wiJl not meant to cast any aspersions students (Note this well). They The new grille will, once again, specific examp1e late this fall. The transfer operations there ::IS soon either the SCRIMSHAW or its studied every aspect of the college, provide counter and manned-food center's upper floor will be utilized as the new center is built. And the editors.l and its physical facilities and in- RidtM4 HIly€oJt'3 cluded long range and financial p1anning in the report. In actua1ity UigKeffe: "A SeI0e'" Hi4lo1uj" they rewrote the college objectives and they were approved by the History is little more than the job market. Buildings not twenty- that history is boring. It need not faculty and trustees. register of the crimes, follies, and five years old must be made ready be so. Let him begin by inquiring sustained of in our flight by the long and history, by shaft the misfortunes of mankind. for the wrecking ball on the into his own family's history. Was The plan brought out, among -Edward Gibbon principle that modernity somehow fletching of family, customs, other already implemented History is more or less bunk. makes things better, more com- he never curious as to the SCience, and religion. changes, that Western Maryland -Henry Ford fortable. With such emphasis on whereabouts of his parents or what was weak in the area of extra- they were doing during the Second With a sense or history ingrained curricular and student services. Perhaps an inclination to one or the "cult of youth," it is hardly World War? Did he ever consider in the mind, no man or woman is so little surprising that there So, as far back as 1971 people the other of these two sentiments "sense of history" resident in our what influence his grandfather's need ever feel alone or afraid to front the future. have recognized a need for on the uses of history would ac- minds. ideas may have had upon him, or that he lived in which old house improvement of services on count for the opinions of a large with all those old items of Court campus. The plan also called for an yesteryear? Did he even for a architectural firm to prepare a segment of any given population, m~: tzo:e "~~~e ~f ~~t:~'~c~ moment think about the exploits of campus master plan. The firm assuming, of course, they had any. cumulation of historical dates. No his great-great-grandparents, or docket eventually selected, called "The ~~~~on~:~halls~~t~e~~j~~~ y~~ "sense of history" is achieved by about the hardships they may have Architectural Affiliation" out of endured? His very efforts to An elderly municipal juage In Reisterstown, culminated- 18 longer "revolutionary," it is not ~~:~~~~atet:aitn 4~a~.~., ~~~ become acquainted with his an- Skiatook, Oklahoma,has been months of work and study in April, ~~~::~eth:~~i!~~S ~l~~;::~ Charlemagne was crowned Em- cestors may prove the beginning of forced to resign after six years of 1974. with the current Master Plan a great fascination with the past, expediting court cases by ac- in the administrative offices. students at a liberal arts college. ~~~re o~ft~~~~;:~~g~~~~~~~:~~ with history. cepting on1y guilty pleas and ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~t/t~~ 1863. A "sense of history" is at- holding no trials. His policy came The plan took into account traffic to attention of city officials after a patterns, open space, topography, pessimistic persuasion that the ~~~:~esw~:; ~~~elit~~i~~~~~or~ us~~~: ~~~~:m~~~t~a~~c:~~~ young traffic offender continued to utilities, etc. The firm's recom- :~;~~i~~n ~~e~:S~f;~~,,~cc~~~~~~ theory that will in some fashion past, sensing in our heirlooms the insist on a trial. The judge told mendation, was to place the him, "Unless you can produce a student center between Elderdice, collocations of atoms" as ~}vee~:~~!ngt~~~e~~~: c~1~f~~ ~~~~:USa~~ali~~at~~~gga~~ th:: witness and prove you're innocent, Rouser and Englar dining Hall. professed by Bertrand Russell. But mankind's evolutionary strides. forebears. you're guilty." Later, the judge This was not the administration's ~~~~ [:~~Jttu!e~~s~o~~,hl~~ ~~~~~ Such theories, or rather, elaborated: "He said he didn't idea but one arrived at after 18 have any witnesses, so it was his months of study. In fact, the plan formulated a "sense of histor-y;' in ~~~~~~~:'i~~i a~! t~i~~~~le:~~ a 'it:~~f~;~~~,c~~7 ~~~I~~~;h~ word against the police officer's, so also recommended extending the a nation only two hundred years be here elaborated. But the mankind may be thought of as an he didn't need a trial." stuoent center-ad building com- old. liberally educated student should arrow coursing its way through the plex to also take up all of the space And why has this "sense of acquire some familiarity with world, subject to the binding and Lynda Haggard appeared for in front of the library thus adding a history" been cultivated in the these theories in order to perceive controlling laws of nature. But jury duty at the district courthouse library extension and a new per- minds of btlt a few? Doubtless, the if the chaos of events about him what force released this arrow in Albany, Oregon, wearing a pants forming arts center to the building. emphasis on youth and newness is might have any order--thus flight can only be conjectured. So suit. The judge dismissed her, Even the administration questions partly responsible. As with so meaning. This meaning, this too may we only conjecture about explaining that he didn't allow such a move at this time. many things in our society, that "sense of history," will permit the its destination. But on this each one pants suits i~ his courtroom. Mrs. which is old or past is often either student to put the events of daily of us may be certain: Though we Haggard immediately protested: What reasons are there for scorned or forgotten. In point of existence into some perspective seem to stand, bewildered, on the "I can think just as well with my putting a student center in the new fact, oldcr people are often not that can only ma~e life more forward edge of an arrowpoint of pants on as with my pants off." location? Although the SCRIM- valued for their accumulated meaningful. Indeed, a "sense of time, alone but for our con- The judge, thinking things over, SHAW described centralization as knowledge and experience, but history" does make more bearable temporaries, we are, however, not was impressed with Mrs. being a curse inflicted upon the only praised when they remove the struggle of life. __ ._ without precedent and en- Haggard's logic and decided to let students of the c:ollege, the themselves from the competitive But some student wilI.still assert couragemenL For we are her wear the pants suit.
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