Page 102 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 102
Page 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 26, 1976 Editorial ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Well, the excitement of the sports, they have absolutely no can't figure out why this is so. any other leading school in the sports arrive, the cheerleaders will football and basketball seasons are rapport with their cheerleaders. nation in the field of sports - their really get the WMC crowd par- now behind us, and I'm a little Our cheerleaders practice long crowds spiritedly join in with their ticipating! sorry for that. There's nothing like What is the basis of this problem- hard hours each week. They spend cheerleaders. Is it that you think a good football game on a cold, -is WMC just totally lacking in time creating new cheers and new the cheerleaders are lacking in Scrimshaw has one suggestion crisp Saturday afternoon, "eating spirit? 1_don't think so. During movements. One member of the their show of spirit? As was stated that it would like to make-owe hot dogs and watching the halftime games WMC fans seem to be really squad will often stand back and before, the cheerleaders are very would like to see male entertainment and getting caught involved in the action of the sport, watch the others cheer and then discouraged at the lack of par- cheerleaders on our squad. Male up in the sport. And there's nothing and they are continuously cheering will offer constructive criticism ticipation, and they need to know cheerleaders would add a new like watching a good basketball their team on. The only trouble is The cheerleaders work hard, and how you feel. Is cheerleading too touch-their deep voices would CITY game and being so close to the that we fans cheer only as in- throughout the course of our high-schoolish? Do you stay quiet well and the combination of male actual playing of the sport that you dividuals, and not as an organized football and basketball seasons, during a game just because you and female cheer leading could can hear sneakers squeak and an group. Granted, there is some they have been getting frustrated friends aren't cheering? Or don't create a really effective squad with occasional swear and you can organized cheering done at football at the crowd's reaction to them; the cheerleaders show enough possibly some new acrobatics, new really get involved-sports are games, but most of this is led by more and more they feel as if they enthusiasm for you? Scrimshaw is cheers, and lots of spirit. We think exciting! In both of these sports, of the band--it seems that when this are just objects to be laughed at. encouraging you to let the that men on the cheer-leading course, you always have the group gets some cheers going, Scrimshaw is joining with the cheerleaders know exactly how squad would be a great way to help cheerleaders leading everyone in everyone chimes in. Also, during a WMC cheerleaders to ask WMC you feel. Offer the cheerleaders school spirit. With this and other spirited cheers and ...sorry, just some constructive criticism--tell suggestions that all of you will respond they don't kidding on that one, for it seems recent basketball game, the Terror fans why Is it that once you get to to them what you like about their hopefully offer our present cheers. mascot who turned out to be a real that we WMC fans' have a distinct "ham" got the crowd to participate college you're too mature to cheer? cheering and what you don't like cheerleaders, either through habit of watching, laughing at, and in a cheer. So it doesn't seem that Are cheerleaders obsolete in about it. You are also welcome to talking directly to the squad or totally ignoring our cheerleaders-- we lack spirit; it's just that the college life, to be left behind in high write to Scrimshaw as a means so through use of Scrimshaw, we hope we do everything but cheer along! WMC cheerleaders have no sue- school, where they belong? That speak out on your views of our that next year's cheerleading It is apparent that even though cheerleaders. The important thing squad will be one that will be able but then look WMC fans have a great spirit for cess of turning that spirit into could be apossibility, of Maryland or is for you to voice your comments to fectively. organized cheers K.L.S. ef- lead lively cheers. And the cheerleaders at the University year's so that by the time next Personal ViewPoint: Impotence vs. Individuality by John Springer Life is really very beautfful.c.anu the same way when we learn about learn for its own here-and-now joy? you can appreciate its richness, its the become sensitive to the world Learning can be fun and dynamic must ask students to think and be Growing up means standing on depth, its extraordinary loveliness, we seek to change and better it. As and exciting - and if its not these [or themselves to teach the your own two feet - to experience only when you revolt against true learning begins so does active things then it probably isn't professor, as it were. Students and create revolution inside and everything •. against organized love. learning. have had and are having their own out religion, against tradition, against unique and personal experience So continue being impotent, the present rotten society - so that If it is true that concern and Impotence is also found in our with life. Because this is so, compliant, and ignorant if you you as a human being find out (or involvement necessarily follows refusal to assert ourselves in our because we are people, we have a want - but don" call yourself an yourself what is true. Not to learning and individual thinking, relationships. How many of us are wealth of humanity and knowledge adult and don't claim to be imitate, but to discover - that is why is this campus so apathetic? members of a group - possible to offer professors. learning. And don't claim to go to education, is it not? .. To live is to Why are so many of us unable to examples are the fraternities, We have a choice. Its not an an institution which encourages find out for yourself what is true, relate to one another in an honest, sororities, and ROTC which either-or choice, and neither is it a learning or maturity. and you can do this only ... when intimate, and roll-free way? Why restrict our individuality? How choice which can be made once and On the other hand we may begin there is continuous revolution do so many men at WMC deny their many of us are partners in a 'love' for all. It is a choice between to question and learn and grow as inwardly. within yourself. humanity by treating women as relationship which is an inhuman striving for a growing humanity individuals. We may begin to love -J.Krishnamurti pieces of meat? Why are there so meeting of male - female roles (via Krishnamurti's revolution), We may revitalize' or break out of few people here who look dif- rather than a loving happening identities and What does it mean to be a human ferent, think different, and act between two free individuals? and contlnulng. unthinking com- our prison-like and assert ourselves and unaware conformity and relationships being? What does it mean to be a weird? (since all of these are a Those of us in these prisons have a plianct;!. It is an internal decision in as individual human beings. We unique expression of life? And consequence of individual growth choice between belonging and that to choose humanity and may begin to throwaway our what does it mean to be sensitive to and thought.) Why is it necessary growing up, between aware learning is to choose an orientation inhibitions and express ourselves beauty - and what sort of revolution for Herb Watson to say that student adulthood and adolescent com- and a continuing experience based creatively and lovingly. We may will lead to humanity, beauty, and and organizational support of the pliance. in love, openness, and awareness. begin shifting our emphasis to sensitivity? What is learning? student government is a lie It is also external in that we seek learning rather than memorizing, because it is almost non-existent? Our apathy and impotence is our Involvement is central to all of Why are there so few students who choice - but it reflects the fact that positive change for our selves, for and shifting our priorities from to self-initiative. these things. Only by quitting our' seem to be concerned with most of the administration and our school, and for our society. grades challenging professors We may and begin detachment from life may we changing our world of hungry, faculty want us to be apathetic and become most human and alive. In lonely, and insecure people into a impotent. Students who are There are a few professors who the administration more often. We loving weare closest to our natural world of fed people, equality, and challenging individuals scare and attempt to learn from WMC may begin asserting ourselves as and selves. Only by dynamic personal sharing? I threaten some so-called educators. students. But too many others treat people who may influence' shed us as ignorant who are to children change We may the world. involvement and immersion in our We are not involved _ we do not '!'his is true because as students be manipulated and molded by our impotence and begin to be school and in society may we assume an active role in our lives. begin to challenge and to think imprinting on us their largely involved.. • independently those who are being arbitrary view of the world. :~~~;er e~hr~~ t~~ C~:\ii~~ic~ll; ~!t:~~d:es;:~~,t~:~~::~r7z'i~: challenged must re-think and Professors who think they know S.G.A. Office Hours possible. This is true because the peer groups, to the government, reconsider their own positions and what is happening are the very depth and excitement of life is and to the world situation. We sell lives. This is very difficult and same ones who are furthest The Executive Council of the within us all - the potential of the out as individuals rather than threatening - and very human removed from students and from SGA has designated office hours world outside is only as rich and assuming adult responsibility for reality. (These professors are, I for the SGA office, which is located dynamic and alive as is our world our own lives and for the im- WMC does not encourage venture to guess, also the same beside Rouzer Lounge. It is hoped awareness, or inside. By taking the lid off of our provement of the earth. Many adulthood, thought very often. in- It ones who would feel very that students will bring their dependent inner world - by freeing ourselves students at WMC are, in a larger does encourage, via grades and threatened if you ever asked them problems to the SGA during these to care and to become dynamically than sexual sense, impotent. We what sort of trip they're on to need hours, so that officers may advise other external motivation, our :~v~Vt~~~:~~;~~I~~~t~~~~ng~~~ adapt to our environment and are adaptation and conformity. It students to call them 'Dr.'!) you and act upon your concerns--in complicit with it and so voluntarily operates on the ridiculous notion order to make WMC a better Sensitivity and learning occur relinqu~sh .our. a~lity and power to that self-initiating individuals may To choose apathy and com- campus. be created through exter-nal pliance is a choice which will bring Office hours: :~~V:d ~:o;e!lu~i~n~nC:i':d~! ~~:nl~t~;~~e It III a dynamic and you lots of acquaintances (not Monday ro-n AM, 1-2:30 PM, 5-6 stimulus. That's a lie. critically consider and think about Impotence is evident in our over- The fact of the matter is that if a friends). and Many people are afraid to PM, and 8-9:30 PM. Tuesday themselves. express realize 2-3:30 PM all that we are taught (this is concern with tests and grades. This school is to create mature in- They'll 'belong' to a group to Wednesday 10-11 AM, 12-2:30 Krishnamurti's revolution), we is memorization rather than dividuals it must treat them as alleviate their loneliness and in- PM, 3:3(J..6 PM, and 8-9:30 PM begin to see the world in our own learning _it is merely adaptation to mature individuals from the start. security. But they'll never grow up Thursday 2-4 PM, 9:30-10 PM. way - we begin to discover rather this system so that we may go on to It cannot teach in the sense of "We either' because growing up means Friday 10-11 AM, 5-6 PM. than imitate. Freeing people to be another which is [ust as bad. Why the educators will tell you the individual thinking (the hell with Phone extensions: individuals and the learning which memorize for a future test or students what the facts are about what people on your hall think) and Intercampus: 384. naturally follows that freedom is credential rather than Outside 876-3753. the essence of education. Taking this world." Rather, educators active involvement in the world. off that inner lid so that we become STAPH: Who to Blame freer individuals who feel and love The Little Three: as well as think independently - Kimbre Shewbridge, M~rk C. Bayer C"lIon Harrls, M"k K~t2, Jeff Robin.on that is the heart of education. When ~t:~: ~~t~~;.a ~a~Iu~ !~ii ~~!g~~-;::~~si~~~~~i~~ni~:OR~~~~~~~~I,::~.nJi~i ~;:ae:~~al, ~~r;~ o~~I:.gher , we start perceiving the world anew - that is learning. Ty.,nt Emeritu5: Layout: RObin.on, Kim Shewbrldge . Cartooni.t: Mark C. Blyer, Jeff Mark C. Bayer Biron L. Tayler Our actions in the world are the Bu.inn.Manlger: Adverti.ingManager: Distribution Manlger: Attorneys: natural reflection of our sensitivity Dlvid Range DIve Range Jeff Robinson Slmuel Goldenstein IndSons and of the learning which we have AND, A ca.t of thousands. done. If we love another person we The opinions exprened in this paper do not necessarily reflect tho"" of the Idminl.tration ... Scrimshaw, BOX 3A,'Western M'ilyland College, Westminster, Md. 21157 feel the need to express our love. In
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