Page 93 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 93
Pithy Saying: I live not in myself, but I become Portion of that around me; and to me High mountains are a feeling, but the hum Thursday, February 19, 1976 of human cities torture ... Volume 3, Issue 3 Lord Byron "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" SGA Podium: M"kM,owbray discusses college center SGA. meenngs. whose effects Jan Term movies, now at a total of have any questions should ask suggested that the prospective over well." A more feasible idea upon the student body are often of $2,258.86. Donna Culotta, recording Linda Thomas. school concert Thursday night was to sell the tickets through the far-reaching importance, are not secretary then read the minutes of John Norment then spoke for the be followed by another Bottie Hill Student Activities Office. It was adequately communicated to the the last SGA meeting, which was Action Committee, whose main c?ncert in Alumni the following noted that college support of the WMC population. The minutes of held during the third week of Jan event on the current agenda is the night for the Westminster town- high school concert would these meetings are not widely Term. Although May Week upcoming Distinguished Teaching people (since most WMC streng ten relationships with future distributed or read, and the student (mentioned later in this article) Award. Nominations will be held in students will have gone home or Westminster High in case ~oncer~ ~:~~:~~~:a:!V~:ei~r~ust~:,et!~l~: ~;:~,~V~~~";:':':~f~h,::OI~~::,;'~~~':"eo,~e~~~~:~!~;Oq"O~':~~:i~~s~~is:1,e:.'E~: £~~~Il\~t;~t~;ai~ef~~~:~.Sk~~::!~~0~~~~;::b~~'~,i1t~~~~;~r~ cafeteria the next ~~se~h~~ Wednesday. T~~t)S~r home~om~gh or sprin~. wasdi~cussed~.ndSGAgo:~were b~hthe~). ~~~~::e~~ti~~Ci!:dator:!:fa~hen;~~ SG~n:~i~~~~~s~ft~:!:~~~~ ~~~: mittee of student leaders, who will noted that Bottie Hil~ had per- certs than Alumni is. Since feature, an account not only of the for that group. The committee has pick the winner. Norment also ~,:~n;'~~i~~e: c~~,l.e ~tu~~~~ a:t~ ~~~:~~~~;rta~~~~ t:~hea~at:~~ activities and decisions made at issued a full bid for Poco as a band ~i~~;~~~~ec:n ~~~e sus:~~t"'Of ~~~ tended and enjoyed it. When asked groups for the concert, the SGA did :~: ~~O~g~~et~~~ o:e~s:.:e~~'h~nu; ~~~~~~ ~h~:~gi;~~~er~z~oc~~~ Action Committee, and announced ~~ttO :~~he;u~c~;n C~~ldi~P~~:,~ ~~~~~~1on the matter for the the actions, so that you the mittee's list of student-preferred the next meeting to be held tonight, "break even," stated doubt, since students can intelligently decide bands that were financially Thursday, February 19, in Rouzer Junction is a non-profit Also brought up was the up- how well The Student Government feasible; Fleetwood Mac, the first Lounge. organization and needs all it can coming NEC convention in Association is serving YOU. These choice, has just released an ex- The report from the Election get to conduct its free programs. Washington, which is a kind of articles \\iIJ be done in a jour- tremelysuccessful album and has Committee was that all the After a few more questions and market for performing groups, and nalistic style that is as completely decided not to tour until summer, vacancies for representatives had statements, a motion was made provides a good opportunity to objective as possihle, and tile and the second choice, Jackson been filled, except for one for day and seconded to sponsor the Bottle contact future bands for concerts, newspaper's support for or ;,b- Browne, will be on the West Coast students, made necessary by a Hill concert, and upon a vote was since many agents are there in jeclions to the meetings, if any, at the time of our Spring Concert. rhange in the by-laws. The com- passed almost unanimously. A person. Two representatives and will be published in the Editorial At this moment, the agent is mittee also recommended that all price of $1.00 per student was Joan Avey are going to the con- page. And, of course, your checking to see if a WMC representatives know who their suggested. vention and questions needed to be opinions, through Letters to the engagement can be fit into Poco's alternates are, and that those The second matter of old answered concerning the power ~o~i~~;~~lc;:;:~I::~:n~:~~;g~~~ ~~~e~~~~~~i~~~~C!So~[y ~h~: ~v~:::~~~e~It~~~~te~:~~~I,d ~~1business discussed by The ~~~~~1~~~!h~nt:~:~~s a:~~ne~~ bid can be made at a time, the president, then noted that there ~o:ecce~~~ t~~%.~titt~e:t ~~!ts;:e:r finally taken on allowing the ~:i~eCO~:~~~~~~I~~v~::af! ~~St~! ~~bl~~:;e~~~~~~:~~~~~ Westminster High School was ~~~~~se~~i\~':i~~ m~7c~en~t!~: The first SGA meeting of the second semester was held this past ~\G~JW::£':~~~~:l£~~~~~~1£:'~:g,,,W~~:~a':~;d~nr~;~~~~~~;~fl!~~;:r~~~!:~f~2:~~{~~~n~::~'li£e~~1::::~t~~E Monday night, February 16, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in Decker Auditorium. Although meetings are usually complete results of the band Watson, "seems willing and able to :~~n:~~~~ ~~tc~:u~e~~~~s::~ and the $500voted to Scrimshaw at held in the Rouzer basement, in the this case Decker was used because ~0r;eY2~a~S~~ou~g, in !~~~~Sh!;~ ~e W~~:~~:'o::rtsnoonm~~:~io~~~~ blocks of tickets, an idea which :~!~:~:~:~t;;. ~e::I·. 1 Watson had told him "wouldn't addition. a large attendance was expected, published in mld-December.) none were made. In 'he SGA·s••••••••••••••••••••••• go since Dean Mowbray was WatsonIntroduced scheduled to discuss the facts Since the Social Committee new parliamentarian, Paul. ld thO • behind the new College Center-.a extended the possible concert night Smalzer. Whenever problems exist • I I • controversial issue which has had to either Thursday or Friday in ~~~:o~~c:~ur~iISd~~:~:ro~'~~~.n51 e IS ssuei • extensive coverage in Scrim- order to offer greater flexibility to shaw, and, last Wednesday, prospective bands, it has been vise.". • reached the Baltimore Sun, Most of decided by them that what was The next order of business dealt. More on the New College Center • the seats were filled, as an- previously known to WMC as "May with two matters which were • • ticipated. Weekend" will be extended to a Mice in McDaniel Hall • "May Week," running from April discussed by the Executive. The meeting began with roll calL 25 to May 1, and which Committee last week, and whiCh. Students Protest Animal Trapping • ,\'1ost representatives were either will hopefully include such ac- present or had alternates there, tivities as a movie, a grille party, ~~~~g~°:SS~~i\~~y u:~. c~~~e~~a~~ • • although about one-fourth were a singalong, a May Day festival be held by Bottle Hill, a bluegrass • WMC Bitten By Flu Bug • absent altogehter. The treasurer's with a maypole dance, a talent band, in Alumni the Thursday • • report was then read, and show, and the traditional dance to night before spring break. The • Chapter 2 of "Soap" • it revealed that the SGA's be held that Saturday night in the previous monetary balance 01 cafeteria. Future Social Com- ~s~~~sJa~ith P~~~o~f~:~ers b:~~ • ... and MUCH MUCH MORE........ • • t" II t, I $2,411.83 was, after subtracting the mittee plans include a computer members by a representative of • cost of phone bills, the coffee dating service and the selection of center, and two SGA-sponsored films for next year. Those who ~~rnVci~;n'Ofa w::t~~~~~~;,se~~~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1
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