Page 100 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 100
Page a Scrimshaw Thursday, February 19,1976 Pages from 'the Past Reprinted from back issues of the GOLD BUG. Compiled by Mark Katz Should a college student be If they were, how do you account with many indivdual touches that By following these simple rules, a their egg shells, they leave no keys allowed to attend Communistic for these things which certainly added great jnterest from an much needed dress reform can be in the boards, they part their hair meetings'? This is a question of far must have shocked their moms and onlooker's viewpoint. Many spec- brought about at this institution. in the middle and stick it down with reaching importance today, for it dads? tators rooted from dormatory (M~y 3, 1934) cowfat, they wear loud neckties, they do. A good suggestion •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• is that is one of the big problems of But then you will say that when windows, the Postoffice porch and The Sophomore Class has failed the Soph Class incorporate into teachers and parents throughout we tamper with democratic ideas other vantage points. Dean to keep its eyes on the Frosh. The their new budget system a plank the entire United States. Should we are playing with fire. But we Schofield, after a snowball had Frosh break all the rules on the that will correct these infractions young people attend and determine aren't! We don'l tamper with missed his left nose by 5-32 of an for themselves the right or wrong democratic ideals. We don't ad- inch, measured with a calorimeter, 'list, they do. They forget to wear of rat rules. (March ll, 1924) of radical issues, Of' would this be vocate communism or fascism or decided that the battle might rage risking too much? Youth is apt to any other odious "ism." Com- icily on. (March 18, 1924) McDaniel Mice listen to these fanatics lime after munism we may banter lightly on The seniors, according to the time and then come from one of our tongues but Americanism we custom established a few years these meetings entirely convinced have in our hearts and who dares to ago, will be out at dawn Friday continued from pg. 2 col. 5 that the eloquence of the speaker brand that as "odious"? morning to sing Christmas carols. reproduce at [Ill astronomical rate) to trap setter and unwary visitors, carried a message of great truth. James Truslaw Adams recently They intend to continue practicing and spread to other areas. One it is virtually impossible to set The ultimate answer to these said that the maturity of our every evening from 6:30 to 7:00 expensive solution is to have the enough traps to protect a large floor. The best then. gives questions will lie in our ability to universities justification perhaps of the the between now and (December Seniors, IS, dorm professionally exterminated. area like an entire solution to the This method is a good one except it spirit! show your strongest natural and most leave these meetings as we en- doesn't solve the problem of the mouse invastions, is to import a tered, with an open, unprejudiced statement that America itself is 1925) myriad of rat holes and tunnels number of conscientous house cats. mind. We cannot be swayed by becoming mature. Our instruction that honeycomb the dorm. The This age old answer to the problem is sound despite suspicious every soap box orator and still teacher's oath bills. We are sound; The proper clothers at the proper setting of mouse traps is an inef- of mice in the house, could quickly remain uncontaminated. we don't deny our social and time are essential to the well- fective way of attacking the and effectively make McDaniel a But we wonder, do college dressed and well-groomed man. problem. Not only is it dangerous mouse free dorm again. students as a group cherish radical political heritage. We say this Considering this standard, all ideals? In the greatest sincerity we sincerely and hope that some of the present indications point to the fact Circle K think that they do not. Basically, effort which our critics expend that Western Maryland College is continuedfrompg.6col.5 the young people of today have accepting their own false seriously in need of a dress reform ideas that are not only sound but assumptions may be applied to among the men students. conservative. Rare indeed is the believing in our basic sincerity The idea of dress reform is not a not all work. Getting together to a day-care center in Sykesville in college man who would junk the (October 22,1936) new one. In the latter part of the know each other and the college order to repair broken toys as a American system of government. . eighteenth century this very idea community" is a basic idea Ac- service to the center. Plans are College people are patriotic, and Tuesday noon after the big led to a radical change of men's cording to the president, "When we still being worked out to make foolish is he who denies it snowfall, the quadrangle was the clothers under the guidance of the carry our drives through the dorms visits to a local Chidren's Hospital Now, we do say that college scene of a pugnacious exhibition now famous Beau Brummel. we find that it's a great way to soon. people are misunderstood. With unequalled in the annals of the Throughout the nineteenth cen- meet people." The major project this semester the diabolical abandon of youth college. More eyes were blacked, tury, one style changed so quickly will be a Tr-ike-a-then on campus, they feign advocacy of more more ears were soaked, more to another that the men began to In the future, Circle K has many where contestants will ride a crackpot schemes than any sane ROTC jerkins were soused than in rival the women in variety and activities. On Saturday, tricycle on a specified course and person could seriously think they any similar fracas within the number of clothes. In more recent March 6, they will be showing the be sponsored by the number of laps advocate. Browder? Townshend? memory of the oldest inhabitant years, the popularity of formal film "Reefer Madness" and completed. This money will then be Gerald'Smith? Surely these names When the Black and White reporter evening attire, business. clothes, several assorted cartoons in donated to the Multiple Sclerosis are often connected with awoke and cautiously flattened his and sport suits has promoted still Decker Lecture Hall. Showings fund. radicalism of the campus. But nose against a window pane, the further the idea of discriminating will be at 7 and 9 pm, admission is For anyone interested in joining will be or- cannot our critics see that we Preps and Freshmen, fifty strong, dress among men. So it is that 50 cents, and popcorn the Circle K, it meets every Sunday really don't favor them and their were excavating the snow from the Western Maryland is in need of a fered. On March 5, the club will be night at 7 pm in Baker Seminar ideals? We aren't communists, middle of the quadrangle and dress reform; not a reform that traveling to the Church World Room. The officers consist of really we aren't. We are just trying assiduously plastering the walls of will be revdlutionary. but rather Service Center in Hampstead in President Holly Obrecht, vtce- __and apparently we succeed too the old building and the one that will correct and perfect order to package clothes to be sent President-Treasurer Rob Platky, well to shock the older physiognomies of about twenty the existing condition of dress on overseas. Both projects with and Secretary Mike Haberstick. generation. Why did our parents Sophs, who stood in a solid the "Hill." Carroll Haven and 'I'ri-Beta will any of whom may be contacted for bob their hair and halve their phalanx, returning shot for shot Many men students at Western also be continued. Thev will attend further information about the club. skirts? Why was there an influx of despite the discrepancy in the Maryland seem to lack the traveling salesmen jokes years numbers of their sharpshooters knowledge of what to wear and ago? Were our fathers so angelic? The fight waged cold and furious. when to wear it. Students not only appear in the dining hall without crossword puzzle coats and neckties, but many of the men come to their classes dressed in ragged sweaters, torn shirts, DOWN linen tousers, bedroom slippers, 18"""01 and parts of their athletic suits by.d.n l ..·1n·v lab.) sketching pads, sweaters were ______ ~~~~j~I!~:_I'~~~:...~~'=l.:_ _ 15 Unclo"ded 7P'ostigiou, made to be worn with their right sides out, vests should be kept GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PJ\f\TIES _,ha" ",hool(ab.) 18R .. ,." ••n. 8 Enough buttoned, and shoes have laces for FOR RESERV:\TIO:\S-833·6060 or 861·8200 "gn 9~~;I::;:~ a definite purpose 19 Roddi,h 47S~n"""h;p It is not to be gathered that the b",....nwi,h!I@ 48 A 101.. 9"" ,p.inkli"!!DI 11 Populo, con· o'9'ln;•••io~ 49 Squat. column men students are criticized for not ::~m~;~~:11 (.b.) 21 Th.Ru",.", 16 Ac ..... in ~~t~~:~·:d always and appearing in immaculate at- complete wardrobe suits 0.. ,04lin90"" ,n.o.ionol we serve ... tire. Quite often financial dif- 23 ~~al::l~.n. 20 ~:~i:n~o.ed ficulties make it impossible for us 27 au-. rononelo.h *~~:~::~:~;I~:~o~~~~~:in9 2SLigh' ~~~::;,:g miniatu.e "".n. 57 Tnp li~~ •• to dress as well as we should like 29S..n. 24R, 'h.' 4OComb;ninglo.m (ab.1 Nevertheless, neckties, shoes, and BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ",I.oclo. 31 Uomu.ical flo in,olhe ~:":I~:~~.~~~~!::n coats should have their place in Co.p;"nS .. every man's wardrobe and some discrimination concerning proper laid Subs Pizza 355''';0 dress should be employed by 3S SYmOol everyone. t.n.,'um 39S"".pti,io", Realizing that editorial criticism Chicken Day·Monday-Dinner $1.60 419o>.n should never be expressed without 42 Kind 0' offering at the same time some Pizza Day·Tuesday·$.40 off 44_G .. co suggestion for improvement, the 46 "',,,,il.. foundation for a dress reform will Spaghetti Day-Wednesday·Dinner $1.25 be briefly but definitely outlined. 51 Ty,,"01 b ..... WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE 52 Soc,alin
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