Page 103 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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Thursday, February 26, 1976 News briefs ----I Page 3 Scrimshaw ---- ..~Q.@5d5.~~.jj;jiii.... ~ter 3 in the series. Again the editors of Students in technical theatre, Prelude on "Greensleeves", S. a 5-minute break on the hour. this paper, as well as the author, would like to under the supervision of Christian Wright; A Prophecy, D. Pinkham; Trophies will be awarded to all state that despite the setting, all characters and Wittwer, are presently turning his Divertissement, L. Vierne; design of a sordid apar-tment in Carillon-Sortie, H. Mulet. :~:~~~s p~~~~p~~t~~es~~te~~~ .•••••••• ;~:~t~:~~i.n.g.~I~:~ ~~ :';~.a~:'.~r: :~~~I~~~i.c~i:~~~s: •••••••• New Orleans into a reality. On the A graduate of Pitman High Thon will be donated to the Carroll John passed Henry on the way "Hello. is this Vicki?" evenings of March 12, 13 and 14 this School, Carol is the daughter of Mr. County Association for Retarded into brea~fast. John's ~t~ were "Yea, is that you Albert?" Albert environment will be peopled by the and Mrs. John Fulton of Pitman, Citizens. Further information .soaked With dew but he didn t care. was a scrawny freshman twit who characters in Tennessee Williams' N. J. . regarding this event may be ob- Prai~e ~he Lord. Henry was had a crush on her. He kept calling celebrated American classic A , tained by contacting officials at walking ~Ike a calculator on roller up at 1:30 in the morning and just Streetcar Named Desire. The National Poetry Press an- Rainbow Roller Rink. skates-kindnf Sliding this way and breathing A cast of 12, under the direction nounces its Spring Competition. '."i.'.".'.' that over the tiles. John moved out "No it's Paul " of Tim Weinfeld, are in rehearsal The closing date for the submission of the way because he knew Henry Tingle. Tingle.' "Paul who?" for the play which has been called of manuscripts by college students An exhibition of ceramic works didn'tbelieve_lf~edidhewould've "The one that danced with you "disturbing, explosive, poetic, is April 10. Any student attending by William Hunt will open Monday, been _out there 10 the grass this last night. Remember?" tragic, ironic, violent, haunting ... " either junior or senior college is March 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at morning Singing praises to the "Ummrn." (She could hardly Regardless of how it is described, eligible to submit his verse. There Gallery One, Western Maryland Lord. (Praise the Lord.) John control herself.l "Yea. I the truth remains that it has been is no limitation as to form or College, Westminster. Md. The couldn't help looking Henry over remember you." strongly engaging and affecting theme. Shorter works are artist, managing editor of twice before he was out of sight "Well I.was wondering if you'd audiences since its first production preferred by the Board of Judges, Ceramics Monthly magazine, is John jusLhe was just... like to do something this evening" almost 30 years ago. because of space limitations. Each nationally known as a ceramic "This evening? Gee Idon't know Kelly Stone will be playing the poem must be typed or printed on a artist and author in the craft. He was uncert.a.W about himself. __I " pivotal role of Blanche DuBois. separate sheet, and must bear the The show includes a mix of ~~l~~. t~~n h:~as~'tV~~e ~~it :'Guess ,1:11 try again ~hen you'~e Stanley and Stella Kowalski are name and home address of the functional objects, humorous God loved him as much as he n~t busy He was wise to their being played by Alan Zepp and student, and the college address as scultpural works, and con- loved God. See, John was frat, a tricks. He ~dn't wear that funny Sandra MacKenzie and Barry Solt well. Manuscripts should be sent to structions bordering on the con- soccer player, a good student, a hat for nothing. is Mitch. Rounding out the cast are the Office of the Press: National ceptual. A variety of the typical super Christian, but he was also "Oh no, I'm free-yea I'm tree- Daryl Neighbors, Sue Geyer, Poetry Press, Box 218, Agoura, ceramic media will be represented queer. This really troubled him ah, what do you want to do?" Chuck Benjamin, Carol Krauss, Calif. ~1301. including stoneware, Jasperware, because he was sure that God "Well sweetheart, there ain't Steve Lummis, Carol Warehime, IMI III'.' and china paint. didn't want him to be that way. much to do in this here West- Craig Singh ass and Rick Powell. Tryouts for The Imaginary In- Mr. Hunt's work reflects the John expected to be struck down minister." Performances will be on valid by Moliere will be held in national crafts movement in its after kissing Paul while he slept. God, he could imitate Humphrey Mainstage of Alumni Hall and will Alumni Hall on March 2nd and 3rd exploration of materials and He couldn't help himself.. .he just Bogart so well! begin at 8: 15 p.m. each evening from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. It is to be techniques within a framework Tickets, at $2.00, will go on sale presented on April 23, 24, and 25. which some regard as primitive. ~~~mt~. !'6e:apaC~te~t~~te~~~ ::g~~!e~~ over to my room and March tst at the College Ac- The show is a farce dealing with a The artist has been represented in tivities Office. hypochondriac who creates a number of national and in- D_iiiiii_Ciil ~~~[fi~~~~~~~~~i:~::;~~~~~!7~~<[~~::;~~:i~ problems for everyone around him ternational exhibitions, as well as Carol Fulton, a junior majoring with his imaginary illnesses. The in private collections. didn't love him. He even tried to "Yes! They're my favorites!" in music education, will present an cast has 4 female and 6 male roles. Mr. Hunt has published date a few of the girls in his "How about The Grateful Dead'? organ recital at 4 p.m., on numerous articles describing the Christian group. But he couldn't How do they strike you'?" Tuesday, March 2 in Baker Beginning at 7:30P.;.:::;rch methods and materials of help eyeing the jocks. He even "Mmm Hmmm." Memorial Chapel at Western 5 and running through 7:30 P.M. ceramics. Research in these areas wrote a song about his dilemma: "Do you smoke?" Maryland College, westminster. March 6, Rainbow Roller Rink has brought the artist to the point "What?" Md near Taneytown will be sponsoring of using products such as laundry What would you do "Do you get high?" Miss Fulton's musical program its 3rd Annual Skate-A-Thon for the detergent to form the glassy What would you do "Sure! ,. She had tried it once at a includes: Prelude and Fugue in B benefit of the mentally retarded. surface of ceramic ware. If Jesus were gay girlfriend's pajama party back minor, J.S. Bach: Orgelbuchlein, The price for this event. will be The exhibition is open weekdays Were gay _ home. It burned her throat and J". S. Bach; Prelude:' Fugue and $4':1)() per person. Participants will from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Would you walk out on your soul made her eyes water. And then she Variation, Op. 18, C. Franck; skate for 55 minutes and then take March 19. Would you kiss the cross good- swallowed some smoke and it kind and gave Letters to the Editor bye'? hear this if you of turned her that stomach dam stuff You men that her gas for the rest of the night And besides lived back then the Would you crucify him with your didn't get her high! "Love it." she Dear Scrimshaw. pops into one's head. The editorial you work even better. said. We are writing this as a reply to should be the CUlmination of much Names available for sneers'? They set the time at six-thirty that hear this if he You women the last 'letter to the editor' that research and carefully thought persecution upon request. knocked at your door and he ended their glorious con- appeared in the last issue. The out alternatives. Our opinion is Would you let him in versation with an imitation of letter seems to be criticizing a that this is not done. The editori- Humphrey Bogart saying goodbye. group of individuals for com- als of this semester are full of Dear Editor Would you wash his feet "GoocIby sweety" he said. This menting on the quality and con- false statements and reflect an This is in reference to the "Soap" queer'? perfect man that was a Vicki felt so important she tents of a recent editorial. The individual's gut feelings, not in- portion of scrimshaw. I have it wouldn't talk to Charlene the whole writer seems to think that this is telligent thought. Now this from a very reliable co-editor that somehow cruel and inhuman and a statement should not be construed Vic Eremita tends to develop But John never sang it to anyone. day. violation of constitutional rights. as an emotional attack upon Ms. "Soap's" characters in coming Paul knew John was strange. He Porno porno We believe this to be false. We do Shewbridge. We offer it, instead, features. I hope that in doing so, he .was ready to knock the shit out of ever3lwhere know what was said since we are as a constructive suggestion that (she or it) also refines the topic- John ifhe tried anything. And John the group that said it. What we are she attempt to improve the quality "Soap" being anything but clean. I was always going away on Monday A handbook designed to help South."·n commenting on was the quality of of her writing. Otherwise, we are know of several others on campus night. One time he asked John HaptiSI ministers fight ·''1'UI has ocen as IlOrnograp!iic dCIlouncW hy many of them the editorial. We do believe that the afraid that the credibility of the who feel as r do, that "Soap" is of straight out what was what, and "nd may bc banned by the churcb. The 1911- editorial is an important and Scrimshaw may be sacrificed and no literary value to the paper and John stared at him and get this! He Pi'ge paperback. called ··P~rnography: The was needed parter the paper. However, the campus lose a valuable almost degrades it. No wonder Vic began to cry! And John wept. s..-,ual ~!arria~e:· Convention's p;-oduced by Life the General Christian Hapti~t it should be of much higher quality medium of fact and knowledge. To doesn't want us to know who he Commission and was mailed to 4200 Soulhern than a 'letter to the editor'. This this end we offer the Scrimshaw really·is ... Vicki was so excited. She had a B~plist preachers in Tens. A church means that one should not sit down staph our thanks for working for A One-Time "Soap" date with Him-that big frat man! scene ~nd Ihat they do and write just opinions; whatever the school, and hope in the future Reader Vicki was a freshman. When he not n<.'ed tn know the specifics of !)Ornography called she just went cold all over to combat in order it
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