Page 101 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 101
c p,.t Pithy Saying: "Life is just a bowl Thursday, February 26, 1976 of cereal." Volume 3, Issue 4 -Mary Gately Brian T'''mpo ......' WMC Hosts College Republican Convention Jeff Robinson Unbeknownst to most of the address warmly supporting those states that are of these bills, however, lacked work they left with optimism on the students on campus, Western trying to repeal their previously support, losing 13-13 (a tie is the premise that they had tried their Maryland College held a political In the legislation department, 17 favorable votes for the Equal same as a defeat) and 8-18 best to represent the opinions of convention in its midst during the bills were brought up for con- Rights Amendment, which is respectively. Republicans on campuses weekend of February 20 and 21. sideration, ranging from presently pending nationwide throughout the state. At_fuis time Although there were no actual decriminalization of marijuana to ratification. This would have, in The convention adjourned at anyone interested in helping or smoke-filled, back rooms in sight, honoring colonial patriot John effect, stabbed the ERA in the back approximately 4:00 pm and most of joining the local Western Maryland the Maryland Federation of Hanson with an honorary mem- since four states are presently the delegates had taken off for College Republicans may do so by College Republicans met for their bership into the MFCR (another trying to reverse their decisions parts unknown within the next half contacting Jack Millard in 228 annual policy-making get-together Western Maryland College through the Supreme Court. Both hour. Having put in a full day's Rouser. in the lounge of McDaniel Hall. original). The convention agenda included: Taking a strong stand on many Faculty Art Exhibit reviewed election of officers for 1976, a issues, the convention's first keynote speech from Maryland controversial one involved support Thea Braver Delegate Wade Kach (R., 11th of efforts to prevent the British- There is currently an exhibition canvas. The serenity of the faces is Whether you see a raft Sailing DisU, and the assembling of a French SST Concorde from landing in the fine arts building well worth in contrast with their turbulent under a crescent moon or a scythe College Republican platform lor in the U.S. By a close 16-15 vote attending, featuring works of art surroundings, and yet both of these in a wheat field is irrelevant: what presentation throughout the state. (with the chairman breaking a tie) by two of our own art professors, two opposing forces contribute to is important is the texture and Forty-seven students from nine the efforts were supported. Wasyl Palijczuk and Roy Fender. the overwhelming sense of spirit. feeling of his beautifully-shaped colleges attended representing Another close issue was that to forms. It just so happens that Anne Arundel Community College, repeal all tariffs on merchandise At this show, it becomes evident cr~~~~te~ro~ ~~ ~~:g~;;ceW~~ many of his forms can be identified Johns Hopkins University, College coming into the U.S. which also ~:: a;!~ar;,i~~!, s~~Y ~in~ro;~ cheese--this time bleu cheese. with internal organs of humans, of Notre Dame, Prince Georges passed by one vote, 15-14. usually female, but this only shows Community College, St . Mary's "Norman Rockwell" type that we e~~e i70~~~:mi~;n\~;h~~:e ~~10~ his appreciation of the earth, College, University of Baltimore, By overwnermtng majorities, commonly associated with the University of Maryland at bills on decriminalization of ~: ~~~~~a~~~c~:~~~~:,e :ni~~~! ~~;~~~U!;:h ~~!~fa~~n ~noV~I,I;~: woman's womb. Baltimore, U. of Md. at College marijuana and reexamination of Park, and of course Western the policy of detente both passed. ~!~i:rna~e~~~e t~~atOo~~:~~l~:::~ ~;::e~n;o::::r~a~::e ~~~i~~ i~:~ Fender's "Composition NO.4," Maryland College. WMC had the The "pot" bill, which originally done in red, white, and black, for strongest delegation registering 14 included the decriminalization of ~:~:St~~ h~~d~i~~e~n~~o::;~~:~~ ~~!~~,i~~::~~~!ie ~~ ~:~~~~~ example, mayor may not voting delegates. cocaine also, had this portion represent a fetal form, but its deleted almost immediately, but ~e:S~ific~t~:: Thi:y a~! in :e~l~~~ rendition of the bark of these trees curving shape is beautiful in itself. The newly ejected officers were still came out on top 24-9. Detente all their own. and here the bubbles of green form Going beyond the painted forms, also widely dispersed throughout reexamination passed through Palijczuk's "Still Life in Reds" ~~i1~~~~~~~!~er~:?'P~~~ ~~I~~~e he has manipulated his carving the state. Chairman honors went to even more swiftly, with a 16-0 vote seems to be the starting point of all quality but his background instruments in such a way as to Steven Sims of Johns Hopkins, with and four abstentions. his paintings. The blossoms con- assumes a more identifiable form. indicate the intricate fibers of the Jeff Robinson from Western Four proposals did not fare so tained in the vase are not totally As a matter of fact, it almost looks wood that not only the botanist can Maryland being elected as the new well among the College confined, but almost "diffuse" into like an impressionistic painting, appreciate. vice-chairman. The University of Republicans during the four hours their surroundings, spotting var- although it doesn't follow rigid1y His ceramics likewise indicate Maryland, College Park gave up of assemblage. The most ious areas of the canvas with the principles of this style of his admiration and regard for Bill Hafer to the treasurer position. noteworthy, the proposal to their color. These bubble-like pat- painting. nature. His pottery is relatively Finally, Barbara Sims from Notre legalize prostitution in the state of ter"? of ,light are found repeat- Each- of Palijczuk's paintings, simple and clean; smooth and Dame was selected as MFCR Maryland, failed by three in an 11- ed m his other works of art, although all making use of the exact, they show his skill at the secretary for the year. 14 vote. Another motion dealing but to.~ gr~ater extent: Looking same technique, contains its own potter's wheel. The glazes that he somewhat along the same lines, ~t Pa1~Jczuk s other paintings, I images and symbols to be ap- applies are again colors of the Delegate Kach's address dealt supported striking all present state g~t the fe~lmg that I preciated on its own merits, and so earth-oranges and browns. His with "Elections and the laws that dealt with prohibiting was standing In a SWISS cheese with Fender'S art. raku pigs seem to have determined Democratic Process" and how sexual activities among two factory. Swirling tunnels had been their own form. Their snouts have college students could become consenting adults. The bill went formed with color, and I expected a Roy Fender, as is obvious from not been painstakingly molded, as involved. Putting emphasis on the down to another 11-14 defeat, mouse to emerge at any minute his art, is desperately in love with some artists would have done, hut three best ways of how to work- mainly because of the implication munching on a bag of cheetos. But wood, especially fragments that the clay has flipped of its own hard, eftc-tively, and scared- that it allowed relations between instead I was confronted with the are gnarled with age. His "Com- accord to form the necessary . Kach enlightened the group on how humans and animals. sudden appearance of a madonna position No.9," one of a series of shapes. to have an effect on the election and child in "The Visit." The entire 4'x4' wood carvings, is done in process. He also discussed how Two other bills were shot down painting is done in cool colors- warm, earthy colora-yellow, The article would not be com- students could work within the during the session, one dealing blues and greens-with the ex- brown, and black. Using paint to plete without my commenting on legislative structure to get their with allowing private companies to ception of the careful placement of complement the natural grain of his "Blew Boy." The ceramic points across- in the future. The compete with the present U.S. three or four cherry trees and the the wood, he has left some areas statue itself is delicately carved. assembly received the delegate's postal service and the other with two peaceful faces centered on the unpainted while painting others. continued on pg. 4, col. 1
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