Page 95 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 95
Thursday, February 19,1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Cathie Citro It's no secret that we, here at The A-Victorian influenza has Western Maryland College, have had universal victims. What been bugged. The bug won't be Western Maryland students have found concealed in pens or hidden experienced is representative of under phones-It exists within those' what the surrounding community who have been unlucky enough to and state have encountered. In catch it. Attempts have been made fact, the citizens of the community to protect oneself against this bug, are "still cresting" the effects of but there doesn't seem to be any the virus and I have been told that, fool-proof combatant. At this point, due t.o the virus, an eastern shore everyone is considered fair play in' college was closed down. its game. Not only have those in Maryland This particular bug, ornctany been affected, but there have been known as the A-Victorian strain of outbreaks of flu in Arizona, influenza, is the cousin to the Hong Washington state, Iowa, New Kong and Port Chambers Jersey, Minnesota, Massachusetts, varieties. What doctors know and New York, and Illinois. It has even sufferers are unaware of, is that travelled as far as Innsbruck, this new strain of flu virus is im- Austria, where approximately 20 mune to the flu shots that are percent of the Olympic par- available to us. A flu virus has the ticipants are battling against the ability to change its immunology flu. Here, the non-Europeans affects the upper respiratory area. versation as you walked down a had been sick, the question wasn't and although the symptoms may seemed to have fared better in the Its symptoms can include a dry hall or sat in the cafeteria ... "only "who was sick" but rather, "who be no different, its antigenetic battle of the bug, with the worst cough, high fever, respiratory 30 more students have to get sick wasn't sick"?! Many of the players components are, and people may cases among the Austrians, the distress, shortage of breath, and a before they close down the on the Men's Varsity Basketball not be fully protected from it. Once Swiss, and the Czechs. The ~~~:lI;hr;s~\ ~!e~!~e~~~~t ~!~ ~:~o~~ .~Os~ct2 ~lo~~.~~'s~i~~~~~ ~:~~th~~~o~:~ws~~~'m d;f:~~~gt~~ ~tg=;!'t ~~~rI~ ~~ ~fre:~~ ~og~:;:. :=~:ri~~~~ ~l;!::Ctt~:::::s~persist for a month. Complications, thinking! (What was really funny the court. Twelve out of the thir- Usually it 'takes about 4 weeks for has also done well against the flu such as pneumonia, can arise when was when you were told that it teen occupants of Per-loins were flu immunization to build up sur- virus and are enjoying an secondary infections result from a would only take 5 more students to declared sick, although only one ficient antibodies that withstand "epidemic of health." severe case. With older people, in be sick for the college to close and person in the German House the infection. Dr. Daniel Welliver, particular, having such medical then hear the next day from caught the flu. Of those who were of Western Maryland's medical The bug has struck hard here on complications as heart disease or someone else that the countdown sick, they all seem to agree on the ~~f~ h~~ti~~~~~a::l~ ~~=:~~~o~ ~~i~PUt~~O~i~~u~u I ~:~~s"t~~; ::::::::~: fl~~f~~ c~tn ~!~ge~ ~:~~;:al~tr~~~rsD~;~:{i~~~~~ ~~~t~:~i:Il~~res~~~~~: h~~z;~::~: :~l~~~~:;~~~~~ni~~~fc~~~~ ::~~~:~~ ~~~u~~i~eem~gi~:!~~~ ~~~~~:ea~~e~if ~e g~;m~~~i;:~i~~~t!!~e07a:t~hd~:t~V~~: s~~~ ~~:f~:~l:~~~~:1n~\~~~~~ flu its peak mid-way through the is needed, in addition to following a administration which could caught the flu except that one week. During this time, the in- proper diet, drinking lots of juices, possibly shut down the school. It is person speculates that, after Since 1957, when the first flu firmary had 12-15 overnight guests and taking aspirin. true that, upon Dr. Welliver's having worked up a sweat, was epidemic originated in Asia, and entertained about 80 visitors It was discovered that many of advice, a Preacher's Grille Party faced with a cold shower, due to the science has determined that flu perday.Thispace,whichisabout3 the students, who declared they was cancelled because he feared Preacher's excessive use of hot infections follow certain cycles. times the number of regular had "the bug", actually had that a social affair might en- water to create an artificial steam With this in mind, they have been visitors, endured for about a week. nothing more than a bad cold or courage the contagious disease. bath. able to calculate approximately, It began to slack off last Wed- sore throat. Perhaps they wished There was also the consideration of To those of you who are still sick, when a flu virus is likely to occur. nesday and has continued to do so to bring a little truth to the rumors cancelling the Valentine's Dance please get well soon. And for those So It seems that medical doctors smce then Happy to say there IS no of having the school closed down but, by Friday night, the prevalent of you who aren't sick, there's still were not surpns~ by It~ arrival one left sleeping m the infirmary Remember hearing. the favorite sickness was beginning to subside hope ... GeUysburg College is now but rather surprised by ItS type. This A-Victorian virus primarily prophecies of a .dtstant con- In trying to interview those who infested with the measles! Animal trapping protested on campus Jeff Robinson Students on campus have begun traps, or capture the animal intact, Ui1jJl.IIUg were stopped the animals treated as part of the ecosystem in reached to take up a new hobby-trapping. known as box traps. Comber traps would die an even more in- which he lives. Currently there is conflict over No, the entire campus hasn't been are already in wide use at this sufferable death from over- What of people whose livelihood whether there is sufficient or any booby-trapped yet and probably point in time. population, disease and starvation. comes from the present trapping legislation on the subject. One won't be in the near future. In- Another point against the traps is Traps are also used for this reason situation? Should they. be com- major attempt from the current stead, a small group of students, they are not selective in what they to keep the balance of nature in its pensated from loss of the use of drive is to get students to write to sponsored by Tri-Beta, are catch. In a Canadian survey over a proper proportions. By placing their traps? And has the damage their elected officials in support of initiating a drive to make people 5-year period it was shown that of them in designated areas, the from the three main animals House Bill 6651 and Senate Bill 1223 aware of the harm involved in 561 animals caught whose fur was animal populace is many times caught--muskrat, raccoon and fox-- in the U.S. Congress now. This and uging steel jaw traps that are saleable, there were 1350 un- controlled by official government has the havoc they cause been better education on the subject is utilized across the nation saleable victims caught in the agency regulation. From this, the considered? On the other side, is it the major emphasis of the effort. A petition drive has already been same trans trappers feel that many appeals ridiculous that we buy animal furs. For further information on trap- started in Englar Dining Hall and The other side, however, has against trapping are emotional and Simply for fashion's sake? These ping and effects, the readers are The Grille, for those who agree quite a case built upbehind it also, don't look at all the facts. It is questions and more must be made asked to contact John Sprjn,ger that the traps are an Theyfirstbringoutthepointthatif contended that man must be before a final decision can be on znd floor Rouzer inhumanitar-ian way of dealing with animals. Four days after its Nancy Barry's poetry "sensitive, funny, sad" inception, the drive already had over 50 signatures registered. Al~o, Kim Shewbridge on Tuesday, March 9, at 7 PM, The first time I heard of Nancy contest, she has been published in assignment due for a class. Nancy her warm personality and sense of Jim and Mary Jo Kovick, from the Barry was last spring through a three campus publications: "The likes to be aware of great poets, humor, yet I found myself crying Anti-Trap Committee of course J took on literary criticism; Hili," "Contrast," and the English what they say and, most im- twice, in "Family" and "For Baltimore, will be speaking on the when we invited a poet from Department Newsletter, and she portantly, how they say it, and she Delores," both very personal subject in the McDaniel Hall lobby. Baltimore to speak to our class, has been published in both the expresses this in poetry such as poems. Of the several available types of Nancy came to our class to listen to Loyola College and UMBC "For Emily," about Nancy's When the reading was over, the traps with which to capture animal what he had to say, I didn't know magazines. After the audience favorite Emily Dickinson, and audience, attentive to the finish, furs, the main orie under attack is who she was then, but I was very welcomed her with warm ap- "For Anne Sexton." Nancy can would have listened to much more. the steel jaw light-hold trap. The much impressed with her sen- plause, she confessed the large beautifully grasp every day And I'm sure that we will be able to greatest objection to it is its sitivity, and how she could really crowd to be "very flattering and events, and relate in a moving way hear much more, and not just nature-It doesn't kill, but rather understand poetic form, structure. extremely frightening," and very special happening. She can within the confines of the college. maims the animal and then holds it and all of the deep thinking that proceeded to captivate the pull emotions from her listeners Nancy Barry, sensitive, funny, until the trapper comes to check poetry requires. Last Tuesday, audience with her poems of the through her different themes; sad, emotional, and very moving, the traps (traps were originally February 10, at 4:00, I attended past 2-3 years many times the crowd laughed at is goin,g places. made to keep serfs off of the nobles Nancy's poetry reading in Nancy opened her program with Parking tip hunting lands in the Medieval Memorial 106, and if I didn't know "Storms," a poem that she had Eral. Sometimes the time between who Nancy was then, I certainly do especially written to open her The big news .,scooP this week Dr. Royer's comment about her checks can take days, even over a now-she is a poet, captivating and reading; m Iact, she finished it just pertains to all those at WMC new found hobby is "I don't know if week, during which the animal can sincere. a half hour before the reading owning a car parked on campus. these cars belong to students or a slow and painful death. This is a Nancy's poetry 'reading was began! Some of my favorite poems Dr. Isabelle Royer, department Cac'ulty, but if they're parked major factor that upholds the extremely well attended by a included: "Reunion," where "the head and professor of biology has illegally, they're going to get claim that steel jaw traps are cruel crowd of well over a hundred; things we never learned about each started a personal campaign to rid ticketed." and unusual. extra chairs were piled into the other come back to haunt us .. ," the campus of illegally parked Many cases have been shown room and people were siUing in the "Executive's Dream," about a cars. During her free afternoons Beware WMC students--our new where the animals bite their own aisles. Dr. Lawler gave Nancy, a Blue Cross-Blue Shield Insurance and on her lunch break, Dr. Royer one man parking enforcement flesh and tear the limbs off in order junior English major wHh man, and "Dry Spell," where you has been busy writing parking squad really means business. On to get free. It should be brought out graduate school plans, a brief just can't find the works to write tickets for all illegally parked cars the other hand, maybe this is the that there are alternative traps-- introduction and informed us of her that poem. "On Being Forced to behind Lewis Hall, near McDaniel solution to faculty cars parked in ones that either kill in- promising experience; she was a Write Poetry" was a humorous and has even been sighted in the yellow and red parking zones in stantaneously, called coniber prize winner in a WMC poetry favorite about having a poetry parking lot near Blanche Dorm. front of Memorial.
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