Page 94 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 94
Page 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 19,1976 Mowbray discusses college center continued from pg. 1 col. 5 At this point all old and new tatives (and now four, owing to the been honestly expressed no matter Trustees. Following, another primary accomplishment of the business had been discussed, but fact that two graduated) was where the center would have been student asked how students got on new center as similar to that of before introducing Dean Mowbray, reconstituted. In addition, a placed. Although Dean Mowbray the various committees involved every other building on campus-as Herb watson read a small speech Student Affairs Committee of the did not support the present location with other aspects of the "an educational building." The which he "would like to share" Board of Trustees (which consisted of the'new center, he terms it "the college center. Dean Mowbray present Winslow Student Center, with all SGA members. According of twelve members, six of them best compromise" considering the answered by stating that said Dean Mowbray, "doesn't [0 [he speech, the SGA has "for a students) met twice to discuss the financial status of the college and for most committees the SGA picks accomplish much." In answer to long time now been living a lie .. We proposed college center, and in some of its needs. He noted some the representatives, an exception requests concerning branching out have led ourselves to believe that particular the center's relationship advantagesolthelocation; for one, being the Ad Hoc Committee of back campus and building the we were something when wer were to such student needs as a tl"!,:,alignment with the dining hall Student Affairs, whose student center toward the golf course. nothing." He quoted pages 47 and publications office, a photo lab, would cut down on the expense of representatives are picked by the Dean Mowbray staled that most of ~IIof the most recent WMC Student and so on. In citing the level of building more food services. In Chairman of the Board. As far as his previous experience with the Handbook in stating that the SGA, student involvement in planning, addition, such problems as that bow well these student planning and construction of supposedly, is "the central coor- Dean Mowbray also cited the fact caused this past Christmas when representatives keep other college centers had indicated that dinating body to promote the that the interior decorator that the the students were hurried through students informed, Dean Mowbray a central or near-central location is - general welfare of the student body school had hired for the center two their dinner so that preparations admitted that he "couldn't say," the most logical and useful choice. (which) expresses student voice in weeks ago had stated a desire to could be made for the Christmas although he felt that most students At this point, Herb Watson of- the affairs of the colJege ... (and) meet with students on the planning dinner-dance would be alleviated, would criticize any committee for ficially closed the meeting, has as its members all of the of decoration, and had gotten the and a long-awaited grill for not doing that job well enough. although many visitors lingered students who are enrolled in the job partially for that reason. hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and Other questions involved the cost for as long as half an hour in order college." Watson also quoted so on could be built at less expense, of the center. Dean Mowbray to talk with Dean Mowbray. Article II of the SGA Constitution, The next series of points made by since the necessary dishwashlng estimated the cost of planning and Watson, vice-president Scott which states that the SGA "shall Dean Mowbray concerned what he facilities and storage space would building at about 2'h million Hancock, and Scrimshaw editor serve as the supreme executive, felt were misconceptions on the already, ineffect be there dollars, and emphasized that the Kim Shew bridge. Before the legislative, and judicial instrument part of Scrimshaw, the 6. Contrary to popular tenet, money comes from gifts and meeting broke up however, Watson for directing student life and aforementioned Baltimore Sun, Dean Mowbray stated that the contributions--and not from tuition related a small anecdote in providing democratic student and various students. Among th-e location would not adversely and student costs, which pay a reference to the Founder's Day government in 311 phases of subjects that be touched upon here disrupt the growth of trees and small part of the upkeep of the incident involving John Springer's student activities" (all boldface were the following: grass, as the building does not go school but do not go toward the inability to put up posters in Baker ours) and cited these definitions of down particularly deep or stretch building of new structures. He expressing his point of view. To all SGA as lies because, according to 1. Although the present space in particularly far back. (Originally, cited as an example the fact that of those, who, like Springer, felt watson, the general apathy of the Elderdice used by the ad the proposed college center was the relatively recent Rouzer Hall that the WMC administration students makes the SGA largely ministration is not sufficient fO! suggested togo further back than it was built on a federal loan. always squelches minority views, ineffective. Or, as put more their purposes, Dean Mowbray will now, but many, including the When asked whether other Watson told of his original idea for humorously by Watson, "The total emphatically stated that the ad. architect, disliked breaking up the locations had been considered, the SGA meeting, which involved student body ought to be sued by ministration was not planning to spatial beauty of the Whiteford- Dean Mowbray informed the having it in the cafeteria, thus the SGA for lack of support." move out of Elderdice full-scale Rouzer Blanche - McDaniel students that one other primary allowing a greater munber of Emphasizing that theSGA does not when the center is completed, but quadrangta.r Incidentally, the suggestion-placing the new students to be present. Dean seek "to dominate or control but to that additional space was needed building would not be connected to building at the very center of the Mowbray, however, had disagreed unite and serve," Watson asked the for such functions as the ad- Memorial Hall, although a walk- campus, from the library to with the plan because of the student body to give the SGA, and missions office to work effectively. way will probably be built between Elderdice to Englar--had been complaints of a small number of themselves, a chance "to be loving the two structures. It will, seriously opposed to by many students who felt that the students and caring individuals ... to be 2. Although the library is now "in however, be connected to Elder- students, although this particular eating in the cafeteria should not honest and mature in our dealings desperate need" of more space, dice, although as much of Elder- location had been the one per- disturbed, although he was sure with one another ... land to build) Dean Mowbray admitted that dice's original structure as son ally supported by Dean that a much large number wouldn't an interacting community among Hoover had needed more for years possible will be preserved Mowbray.He reemphasized the have minded. "You might want to our peers which means being Now, however, the need is further The floor was now open for fact that the present location was digest that along with some of the responsbile to ourselves as well as necessitated by the fact that the student questions-Ihe first of "the best compromise, considering other things you've heard this to each other." There was some Long Range Planning Committee which was '[were students in- our financial resources, and what evening," Watson remarked, and silence at the end of the speech wants a considerable increase in volved in the planning oC the we want to accomplish," going on on that note the first SGA meeting At this time the main event of the books for the library and that an location of the center?" The an- to explain that "you don't start out of Ihe second semester was closed. evening. so to speak, was in- audio-visual center and a swer Dean Mowbray said, was no-- by saying where you'd like to put The next one will be held on the troduced, as Dean Mowbray came cirriculum center (for the at least not in the final decision the building. You have to look at Monday night of March 1, so watch to the front to discuss the proposed Education Department) are also which was made by the Grounds what you want to accomplish," and this publication for exact time and college center. His purpose in needed. A present plan is to move Committee and the Board of describing what he hoped to be the place appearing was "to clarify what I the Psych Department out of the M DOl Onh°bOf d b m ° think is a misunderstanding." library into Winslow. an.e I I ley .Ice t:it:~oftseri~g~~:ue;d~o~G~e~i~~~'~ 3.Therecentadditionofa Deaf susancole~n :g:; Of~~~~:i~~~en ~?!q~e~f~~~~ Education program puts a space Stately McDaniel Hall, one of the They apparently travel from room room reasonably clean, this is Dh;',"~a,~.oHw:r,ataYrt~g~yne:::Ph~~i~~ ~~~it ;~et~n~d~~~~n p?a~~~ ~~~~: z: ca~~~, C~~fO;!:~~~ ~~l;~: th~h~~~~;~~s.~~!Sr~~ k~;bl~o~o~h~e s~::t~~n a~~ Ct~~ , .... '- .... Committee saw Winslow as a good WMC 11 fit on the hall was found to have Ilh problem. McDaniel's Head ing the extent to which WMC dstu- place to put some of the facilities of This massive four-story ;~r~:u~~ inch gaps between its closet walls, eestderu offered to pass out ~~~t~h~.:~~e~~;ZI~iCi~ \ih~~Cp~:~: ~~v~d:~~:~o;li~i:~~~~~t~:e~c~o; currently houses 125 female :~i~te~n~~~ a~~O~;ayfl~~m hi~ ~~~~~a~~:~~pa~~en:~:~ fr~~~ ning of the college center. As early more academic buildings to serve st~dents and a large family of foundation over an inch in each out of rat traps; so third floor as 1969, a Long Range Planning that purpose. mice. direction. A mouse only needs a residents will have to continue to Committee, established by the th:~~~~ not a new. pr~l~m?~ very small hole to squeeze through supply their own traps or get ac- ;~~~~, t;~~iitS~~~:~i~:~t;~ ~~~e~r~~i~:r:el~E~~ ~8~s~~~~~~e~:o~~:~e~~~ ~L~h~:~~ ~~rth:: s~~~i~~ f:~ts ~7c~h~~ ~~~~;~rr:ovi:f~~~ with their of Student Affairs Now and Ahead, 1 do not care about the present the hallowed halls of McDaniel. A ~~~~!g ~~c~ff~~~t :~r:pa~e:~l, w~e~ ~:~f~l:~ti~~ ~~v~~~:~~ ;o~~ ~'~~~i~~£~~~ii:l~J!~i~;:'~:':~~;~::t'~~\~~1~:::~:~~?!,; ;;~:~;~~F';~~;~7~~:!~2onI~h~o~~~; ~::~~:m~o:;:~:~:~ ~~;~~t~:;d~~~a~~~~f~o~th~ the prospect of a new Student for present students do not, ac- January 19 to February 9 over 11 ~;~~~~t ~e ri;Z~le~i~a~~e ~~ ~~r~~~:~~t~ea~a~~~l~a~~~~ ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;n~~!~~~~:~~~~~~~:~l~ th~one:~~ a ~t~~:r::d ~iC~n~av:s ~~~;ra:~:! OfT~:S~ Housing Council, and McDaniel pack" residing in their closets! Current Physical Plant, recom- those who oppose the building of a brown field mice have ranged from ~e:~:~::~~~;\~~~;ghMt~:~yS~~ ~!~~n;:,ewth:; ~~:~;S~~alf;::-; ~o~~ed:: a~e~t:~~l,t ~~~etal~e~u~ci ~;: t~~~~~,~~~~hxat~:~~~~ns::~~~ !~~~i~~:: ~~~;n~;e b~t n:u~:~:; have been less then was hoped for. diseases, and can cause terrible were considered by the Long attitude." and a health hazard. This con- ~re:b~e~i~a; ~!te~:~a~tr~~~~ ~~~cek:new~~~e~~~rniU~~s::~~ ;~~t;ge ;)l~~~i;!~~;emi~~:~ an\~~~ 5. As far as the location of the ~~~~~~:n~a~~j::~~;~~;~o ~~: inferring that the problem was one when cornered--ifs happened released involving a new center ~~~~~ay iSrec~~~i~:~n~~~ di~:ean~ students livin~ in McDaniel. ~!c~i~~~e n~I~~i~::~~sD::e!Of: al~~~:~r~~1e~0~~s~:P~~al~g;:~ Also recommened was that no new from many students, but noted that The mice have been seen in the lying about in their rooms and soon before it escalates (mice Winslow r:::::_=:::::_=::::'-==-=:_-~--_:_=':"::::::_':;::'''';=::::::_:=::__::_:::::_:=--==='::::_:::'':=::_:_''-I academic buildings be constructed some honest dissent would have closets, rooms, and inthe hallways. everyone strives to keep their continued on pg, B col. 4 but that the existing Student Center be renovated STAPH Who to Blame In 1973 student and facu!ty K,mbre Shewb"dge M~rk C Saye, Matt Bowe.. Muk Katz Jeff RobInson ]padE"rs. who had talked to a Staph Herman Auya"g Cath,e Clt,e Sus." Coleman VIC E,e'r)lia Bern,e Gallagher M.. .,. Gately CHiton Harrl. numher of \VMC students reported PaulHeWItt RogerL".,n B,II L'n~ Lonn, Myer. R,chard ""aylor J,m Teraman, BObTone, ::~~~),:ar~e:nds~~~7~0~:n~~~n~~~ ~!~~~tL£~:~\'e"/ Hwl ~:;e~Boyer·~~~er Jeff Kim Shewbrldge needed to be given to the social life The Man Who FIXe. The Books Tile Hombre Who Sell' Ads The GUYWhOGels RId Of ThIS Rag Allorney' of the campus. In the spring of RIchard N~ylor DaVIdRang" Jeff RobInson Samuel Goldenshen h~~m~~I:e~o~'~iC~~re t:al:n~~~ The opInIons """,e.sed to til" paDe, dO not nece,urlty reflect tho.e:7~h,,::~,~~,ft::t~~~·nd~c..m'h.W' BO" 3A W..,lern Maryland Conege WestmInster ""d 21157 inclurl.ed six student represen-
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