Page 97 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 97
Thursday, February 19, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 5 Letters to the Editor Dear Editors, This is a biased estimate of stu- panded. The new college center, at OPPOSition to the center and, I'm sometimes the reason is quite The recent trip to the campus by dent opinion and therefore ir- the proposed location, will solve sure, left with different attitudes. clear>. correspondent Irving R. Levine relevent to any factually based was an indication of what a superb opinion. Also, you concluded, ~ho:~mo;:,et~~ 1:h~~~::nh~S s~~:-d This is not to say I like the In the case of a college job the new office of student ac- " ... and from what I can see, the that construction will be such as to location any better, but at least newspaper like Scrimshaw. I tivities is doing. However, the majority of the campus agrees." preserve the aesthetic beauty of . now 1 can appreciate the fact that hoped that its readers realized that office and the student body should Unless you are unlike most people, the view from the dining hall tv the all aspects and possibilities were the articles are generally learn a good lesson from the turn- your eyes are a limited source of back of McDaniel. explored and that all efforts are representational of majority out for that renowned speaker. information and therefore your being made to use our present sentiment on campus. At least they The fifty students who did attend conclusion is irresponsible. I only nope that when the facilities to their fullest extent have been more so since the enjoyed the talk, even though off- SCRIMSHAW again finds a time (Such as the kitchen in Englar). editorship changed. It is im- campus people out numbered Unbased opinion in the press is when it can no longer remain The location is also easier to accept possible for anyone who voices them. When questioned the next understandable but your totally neutral, it will choose to stand on knowing that the interest of the their opinions to foresee the effects day many students and faculty false statement as to Dean fact. students is at heart. of those opinions. But it is their were not aware the event had Mowbray's position on the college Sincerely, right and responsibility to express taken place. Granted that many center is inexcusable. In fact, what Stephen Spinelli My only regret is that the those views {as it is the right and people don't care or don't listen Dean Mowbray said was that he students involved in the planning of responsibility of those who dis- when they do care, the office didn't feel that the inconvenience It should be noted that up until the new center did not inform the agree to express their views). It should make every attempt to lelt by students during the con- the SGA meeting of Monday night, student body of the decisions is possible that Ms. Shew- publicize events such as this. There struction of a building can be all of the letters which Scrimshaw made. Then, perhaps many bridge's editorial had some loop-- are many people in Westminster considered more important then did receive concerning the new misconeceptions could have been holes. As a matter of fact, I am who would be interested in our the 'benefits future students will student center were, indeed, avoided. one student who has enthustcsfical- programs if the students can't gain from the building. Along with negative. Since those who were Sincerely, ly supported the location and support them. On the other hand, if freedom of the press goes your satisfied with the location did not Pat Crouse plans for the new student center the students won't support the responsibility to present factual speak up in the form of letters to But what I never can and never program, then perhaps the statements. the editor until now, the impression Dear Editors, will do is support anyone or any pr.~am is. at fault. To try. to I would now like to take issue was gotten not only by Scrimshaw Recently I saw a petition posted cause that infringes upon the eliminate Ihls problem the office with your opinion that a new but by the surrounding community on campus to alleviate cruelty to rights of an individual to ex- ~as requ~sted the help of fstuden~ college center is not needed. My and by many students that the animals. My purpose in stating press their opinion without fear of m planning programs or ~ex opinion is based on comparisons negative view was the prevailing that is to ask a simple question. persecution or undue humil- year. Since t~ere has been httle with other small colleges rt.e. one. Since the majority remained Can we be so foolish as to desire to iation. silent for so long, the opinions of the vocal minority were assumed indirectly prevent cruelty to ~~~~S:ot~~~:i~~f~~~ ~~~i~~~~e~h~ ~f~~:~i~~, ~~~~b~g~i~~~?:~~: animals while we outwardly ac- I thought most of the students at cho~c~~ made. T~eofflceof ~tUd~~t Amherst. and Tufts), all of which I to be the strongest and were thus ttv....ate our Inhumanity to man? I WMC were familiar with the Bill of Activities ~as tried to. pr.oylde an~ have seen. Facilities in the grille covered as such. Where were am referring to an unpleasant Rights-or maybe I should check c~mpus WIth good ac.ivities, . are lacking in the areas of lounges, letters like this when they were incident that occurred after the and make sure that it applies to Will, I hope, try even ha~der. I~ i~s hot food service, stereo listening really needed? SGA meeting of Feb. 16. There college newspaper editors as well now up to the stu?ent!> to supper . rooms, game rooms, and book Staph was a group of students that as to animals (Name Withheld by request) store size. I salute the ad- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• more or less verbally attacked As all editorials are opinion, I ••••••••••••••••••• ,....... ministration for attempting to To whom it may concern: the Scrimshaw editor for the hope that any outside affiliation or Dear Editor: provide the college community I would like to thank Dean contents and 'opinions expressed private citizen that denies a grant I would like to take issue with the with a more comfortable standard Mowbray for his informative in her editorial concerning to the Student Center Fund realizes SCRIMSHAW and it's college of living. Also, space in the library presentation at the SGA meeting the new student center that they are demonstrating their center editorial of Feb. 5, 1976. now being used by the psychology Monday night. I, along with many ignorance in jumping to con department is needed for library others, was against the student Talk about scapegcaung: It elusions without checking the I respect your right to an opm- expansion. The present grille, with center because of its location. I seems that on this campus, as soon facts. ion but I believe a responsible minor modifications, can be turned have now learned the background as one signs their name for pur- press must back opinion with into an academic building once a planning of the eenter. the real poses ot representation or (Name withheld due to lear substantiated fact. You stated, new college center is built. concern and interest .or ad- organization, they are im- of persecution for opinion.) "All letters published in the ministrators, architect and in- mediately held responsible for the _ SCRIMSHAW concerning the As to location, the ad- terior decorator. All are concerned effects, opinions and actions of the center were clearly opposed to ministration feels that Elderdice is for the beauty of the campus as entire group. (Then we. hear Sign in front of .:1 local used-car erecting of the building in the not sufficient and also that dining well as convenience of the center. complaints about the lack of :~k::complete selection ')f what's presently proposed location." room facilities need to be ex- Many at the meeting were there in student involvement on campus-- World News Perspective"31 Koger Levin The Adventures of Mister Ozone Long ago the people of the Earth that threaten the world's erudites of the world realized that will result in a cessation of life. I While they help the ultra-violet were being assailed by an awe- existence. Reacting with the usual the super hero has one weakness- have been investigating this people by producing aerosols-they some and formidable foe. This expediency, the American leaders halomethanes. The chemicals are situation, and would like to are seeking alternatives to the monstrous enemy was the have procrastinated and faltered. the propellants in spray cans, and present my finds. First of all: spray can in case it becomes more ultra-violet people. Just at the In explanation of this slanderous three billion spray cans are used in "big business" has been bribed profitable. climax of the fighting, at the attack concerning the quality of the United States alone in one year. by our enemies in space. moment of human destruc- our Invertebrate politicians, the By inadvertently releasing these Slowly, our key to survival is Since the business powers are more interested in immediate slipping out of our grasp. He does ~I~~li~er~~~r y:~eitO~a;f:re ~:o:!f~nfr~~~nthi~t-:~ ~:~!~~~On~~!~~~~y:~gt~iV:~~W~: not want to leave, and his depar- over gain than concern Ozone, a new super hero invest- layer must be understood. Doctor Frank Roland and Mario monetary annihilation, the untra- ture is completely forced. It has urture ed with the power to stop Mr. Ozone is now a layer of gas Moline from the University of violet people are paying them to consistently been humanities the evil ultra-violet people. Fol- that is part of the stratosphere-the California explain that a promote the Use of Mr. Ozone's enigmatic quality to ignore the lowing the rules imposed on all second layer of the inner at- destructive chain reaction is achilles heel. Gradually, as our future. In this past, this type of super heroes, he checks to see n'losphere that begins seven miles caused by O-Y light. Chlorine casualty list increased for the first behavior was costly. In the if the people of Earth want his above the earth's surface Mr. atoms liberaled from the time since our protectors arrival, present, this type of behavior is interference. The peoples reaction Ozone is composed of three oxygen halomethanes then attack Mr. the people asked the businesses to fatal. It is beyond comprehen- should be obvious. Naturally, atoms bound together, where the Ozone's molecules, and break him justify the use of aerosols. At first sion that we will deface our mankind was overjoyed because oxygen we breathe consists of apart. At the present rate of the producers denied that their savior and protection in order to the most powerful instinct of the only two atoms bonded togehter. spraying. Mr. Ozone WIll probably product affected Mr. Ozone, but profit monetarily. As he departs Homo Sapien is survival. As- The (act that Mr. Ozone does abandon his post completely by being readily astute the public from his position, more and suming that this premise is still contain triatomic oxygen 1GG3. Two percent of his body is confuted this theory. To the more humans' lives will cease accurate, it is becoming in- molecules makes him a very already gone, ~nd our foe has sent producers tried another strategy- to exist in the war against the creasingly paradoxical that man special friend of the inhabitants of enough ultra-VIOlet rays to cause they pressured the federal ultra-violet people. In an interview refuses to alter his habits, leading the planet; in fact, Mr. 07.0ne is 1O,~. new cases of skin ca~cer. government's task force into ad- with Mr. Ozone he expressed to his decimation, if not his com- more powerful than any non- This IS because only Mr. Drones mitting that there might be a sorrow for the apparent destiny of plete demise. In a recent poll nuclear force on earth, because tratomic oxygen body can shi~ld connection, but not enough earth's inhabitants. Through tear conducted by an anonymous in- should he ever decide to leave his the feeble beings of earth from Its evidence, to puta halt to all aerosol filled eyes he explained that the dividual, it was found that 1.3 present position, all human life can agresaers-u-u rays. Skin cancer uses. The position of the in- ultra-violet people would easily percent of the people interviewed be assured of faitality. Un- will increase 2 per cent for every vestigators is to be expected, since destroy mankind. Mr. Ozone would like to die of cancer. Con- fortunately for humanity, Mr. one percent abscense of our they are more interested in their continued to verbalize his sadness sidering the extremities of the Ozone has picked up his bags and is protector. A continued use of 2 political futures than in the good of due to the weak and incorrigible results it is becoming increasingly making a slow cut from the billion spray cans a year will cause the people. Status quo. Meanwhile personalities of Americas incomprehensible to why man is stratosphere. This incipiency does 13percent of Mr. Ozone to leave or Mr. Ozone has continued his (!xlt politicians. I explained to him that attempting to promote his own not reveal the true feelings of Mr. approximately 80,000 new cases of Fortunately, some people are changes take time, especially holocaust. The method by which Ozone,sinceheisveryhappyinhis skm cancer.. . . paying tribute to our super hero. when the leaders are slaves to the man is striving to terminate his present home, but through Perhaps It IS time that we Gov. Robert Straub of Oregon has whims of big business. And he existence is by willingly depleting carelessness the people of the recalled the reasons our signed the first bill into law ban- replied that by the time this change the ozone layer of the stratosphere. earth are spraying him away forefathers asked Mr. Ozone to ning the sale of all aerosols as of takes place, the interviewer and all The American public is now being After pondering the subtle stay. ~f we sh~n our hero and feel March 1, 1977. Some manufac- humanity will be irrevocably confronted with facts and figures departure of Mr. Ozone, the supenor to hIm, our deportment turers are acting as double-a~ents. doomed.
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