Page 91 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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Thursday, February 12, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~_.:::.c.:_ __:::._ : This is the beginning chapter of a : I • series wh;,h w;1I "'.'Oo<;O",d 00 : I *****~ .... ews briefs 1<**** : I future Issues of SCrimshaw. It I"IIIIIIIIIIII shoul.d be ,noted th~t ~~aracters : I :~~ ;~:~~I:~~:~et!I~:J:II~i~: ~;d : I Sl~~:!~g J~~:O~~~~~J~~~:id:;~~events on television and radio IorIselected for the University of • 8y "I'C ER€/tt ITA- coincidental. : I the case of a student who was ~~~r~~~~~:n~~r~i:s c~':n:~t~~::~~~~~~~~~itkr~~~ii~~tH::ita~e~ :.A.~J,.~~••• ' ;Iaccused Of. illegally entering a and reports have ,been regular Roy Fender, assistant professor, "G~t up you lazy mother." ~~naoncO~~:t::c:q~f;:.~i~'c~~c~~~ ~~~~~~ati~~fi~~e ~~rdS:::~d t~~ features of "NBC NIghtly News," is the faculty advisor of the WMC RZZZZZZZZZZ. . . nuts in front of Memorial. Then student guilty. The penalty was ~:o~~i~'~. and other NBC news ~~rn~~~b a~h~cl~S~~~ ~~tu~~:. He was dreal!lm~ about VICki. he thought about the crosses and he , suspension from the college for the He has written four books in- munity's young people. Mr. Fender ~~:;I!~~p~ns ~;~n~l:t under the waSi~:t was still awake She I remainder of the 1975-76 academic eluding "Main Street. U.S.S.R.," studied at Ohio State University th:'~~~:S°~frget up!" John pulled ~~~~~~'~hs~e:~e~~~~~~e~~ewi:~t~l~ I y;~************* ~.~i~t~o~~1;~~~:~!~r d:;cdr:~~~a~~ ;~er:~~~:~~~u~~g_:it~:~/.:~ She was smiling at him. She was awake. Charlene never did I A senior vocal recital featuring LIfe magazine as the one essent~al ceramics. naked because she liked him. anything including sleep. Not that I Miss Ann Moore, soprano, will be ~k for any traveler to the Soviet *************** u~.'I~~~e~~~u~~I~p~~ 4t~ogt~~i~~ e,di~~~~;~:td ~~erEa~~r~~~ ~~~~n:~~ ~i~n PL~~ino; ~::~a;t *********~***~* st~~:~~ h~:~~~'a :a~~r :~~l~~~:~ to drag your ass outta bed at 7. It's out. And she kept talking about a Western Maryland College, A ?rama prese~tat~~n featurmg in the near American, February seven SO GET UP! boy back home. Said she was Westminster Torfl~ A:-mour In One-Woman issue. ol_lthe problems that deaf RZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ saving herself for him. So she told Miss Moore's vocal program will Show will be held at Western persons encounter as patients in ZZihZeZ~~arm was going. It was ~~~r.lene that she slowdanced with ~ac~~~:gne~o~~:ber~yanf~~~~;:i ~~a~;~:~~ I~o~~e:ep.:. ~~a~~~d~~: r*~~*********** time "You mean Paul B.M.O.C.?" works by Johannes Brahms. She derstaae area of Alumni Hall. A dixiela ..... jazz band is being Was she smiling? He had his "Mmm Hmmm." will be accompanied on the piano . Ms. Armour., a senior .majoring formed on campus. A clarinet ~~a~~~d~.rt ~:e\:r~ey danced but Their door was half open and Sue ~~~:de~;l~ny~e~;e~~~~ea~~~ ~~rd;hae~~:F~i~lte;ee:f~e:~na t~i~~;~ ~~~e;a~s i~;~:~S~e;::a~~~. i!~ Bam Bam Bam... ~~::oo!t~!~a~~:ak~~: i~~~u~: mann, Robert Sapora, and-Eleanor ope~ to bot~ the heanng terested in auditioning for this "O~~h!! Hey what the hell dorm. ~gah~i;~e~n q~a~~,',l1ber entitled, a~~e~on~~~:~~~ p~~::c include a ~o~~e~l~~~ ~:~~;c~a~~~y R~~l~:~ y~'~G~!up." John finally connected us~!~ %;ni~~a~i:e noise? was her Miss Moore, a graduate of Bel .sig~ed lecture on the different 422, Steve Juskulsky Apt. 2F, or WIth hIS new ~io book. He threw a "Did you hear ~ noise?" asked Air High School, is majoring in pe.f1ods of drama followed by a Rick CtlSS 169 Penn_ Ave. d calc an Am LIt 1890-.Pre,<;en~,~nd Sue music eaucation and applied voice. mIme performance, of, The Giving F oun ers D an intro to Psych. He was almmg. "No Sue go to bed ,,' She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Trf'I', a cntldren's book written by ay his A.nthro at a strategic place on "Maybe'l should ~all security. Robert S. Moore of Fallston. Md. Shel Silverstein. TOITie will con- marked by Paul s anatomy when Paul got up. I'm afraid." *************** elu~e with ~ m~sical comedy in He had a headache. "God my "You shouldn't watch those Perry Bowers, Youth Minister at which she WIll sIgn the songs. conflict head feels l.ike .some?OOy poured.a things on TV Sue. Every time you Fourth Presbyterian Church in Ms. Armour is the daughter of Mark C. Bayer Napa!~-Vltahs mixture on It 'watch those things you think Bethesda, Maryland, will be ~~~~~~~~~'D~~~mas D. Armour, Despite the many implications a~~D'on't ,t,ell me. a,bou~ your sO~~~;1~~uOU~n~wge~:.~~.'~itting ~rR~~nrna~~~~~~;.e~~~~i~n~g:~ This presentation, sponsored by ~:~~~~~!~~~~;~i!~~~~t~ ~~; hangovers. John dldn t dnnk. He ducks. Anybody could break in I the topic of "Building the Body," ~:r~:~da g~fI:~e~~~t ;!r~e:r~~ many missed or were unaware of. loved Jesus. and ... and ... " I Mr. Bowers has had much ex- H P' This involved the placement, of, or Paul staggered out the door. It was rumored that Sue was I perience working with large onors_ rQ]ect program. rather the attempt to place, two ~:~j.J~:1"':,Y.~R~~::p::~'Y~l=~'~:~v::~~I~~g~"moe:f:o~~,~f;~~~;~'::"~e~~leo;~~::E;~~$,~'t~~~~~;~~:;~~:e:'w~;~~e~~'he~:e,eIhe w'::'at? J~c~ co~ldn't hea~ him sa;~Mt~~C~;rie~~gb~:k~~~~OV;~~~ I welcomed Roy Fender will be open weekdays ha~o~na~~~~gt~~ t~::t:::,d~~~ because Jlml HendriX was m the Iiltmg gIggle of hers that sounded I *************** from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through of them asked, "We all like the mIddle of some electric cocame I k a cross between a brook Irvmg R Levme, NBC EconomIc February 'n. . . individuals, thinker-types, and bebop 'What? Hey man what?" ~a~bhngandahOrsesneezmg See, I AffaIrs correspondent, Will dehver The show whIch mcludes both radicals of 1776' how about the 'Nothmg NothIng' He Peggy was the loose lady of the I a lecture at Western Maryland t.wo and. thr~-dimensional works ones of today,?'" The companion ~~t~~;~ t~!~~~ef~l~eS~Cek was ~~r a~:rYbodY knew what Peggy I ~~~;g;~o~~~~mln~~~tlc:~:~~~e~ ~~~eb!rS:~~~d?n~~ery One of the ~~:~n~is~~~th1d~~~e~n~ ~~~ Paut staggered mto the I ThIs lecture IS free and open to .. . Revere followed by -those of bathroom. That Vicki looked Sue wasn't reassured She I the public and will be held at 8 Wasyl PahJc_~uk, associate Martin Luther King CesarCharez familiar. He'd seen her at lunch flopped her hulking form 'in the Ip.m., !hursday, February 12 in ~~o~~<;t~~:tdh~~a~~~~ ~ t~::k~ , the Berrigan broth~rs and Jesus: before. She got real close when beanbag chair and stared at Vicki I Alumm Hall. th~ughout the cou~tr:. His oil Although not all of the details are :~:y HS~~;a~a~cs~~~c~ei~O~I:r s~~;~ thro~gh the darkness. She was I Irving Levine, gu~t lecturer, painting, "The Encounter" was ~nown,. the general situ~ti~n ran They were dancing real clooe and l00~~i~~e::r::::. ~~ :::~ 5 ~:: ,,~:P;;;:~e ~:!~:tt~~~~:~:~ o~r ~f the 50 U'~~ks r~:entl~'. :~: ~h;~~:oe~;, th:h~gl~~lmghaO~ ~~t:::~~'!~~t!~a;~r o;:~:~~ education and, among other forms, :tac::g:~th a;h~ ~~~V~~!:e~; a~~ bee~h seat~ inSi~t SPring~r put And when ~he stood on tiptoe to tell :e~:teth°en i~s~:r;~~nOf"~:t l~~te~~ particularly for his- interest in pleasure of Western Maryland up J ra s ;.rsci th er on e:; him he got to run his hands down past, honoring the present, looking private higher education." College," Speaker Brisc~ ac- ~~~e su~se~nuentl;m p~tmo~w~ her back Wow. tothe future." The readings, which Governor Mandel then introduced cepted the degree graciously,. similar posters up in their place Paul l~aned over the bowl and had been directed by Dr. William Speaker Briscoe to Dr. stating that !t was "fit.ting that the (all this OCCUITed outside while puked. When he looked up he gazed Tribby of the Dramatic Art Ralph John, who addressed great Ameflcan. patriot w~ has the ceremony was gOing on). Ac- ~~:~~~el~i; t~:~i~~:d~:; e~ha;:~:7 ~:r~h~~;e;i!~:r~:~ :~:~:, a~i!~i~~:~S;h:::o:~C~~~~~~ ~~r!~~g~~~n t~~tth~e p~~~ ,;~~ ~~~d~ne~etfef~p~!n~~~;l ~~~~eb:r:~ ;l~~~:~ ~O;;.':;i~lsl~:;;~:ht~~h :~~ Testament of Freedom which had ~~p~e:~~~~ntf~!s~~y!:~e~~~~:~: ;ll!:;:g,: toh~O~~~ t:~~pr:s~'J lhe end of the ceremony and ok--especialJy when he had his frat ~~':n=~~~~:':~~~n~s~t:~usf! in Western Maryland College's Hanson. The Brass Ensemble then then take.n down. He was told by jacket on and his funny hat desire to honor him as a part of its played the recessional music Two ?ean Laidlaw that he could put John was ready. He walked in by Randall Thompson, and sung by Bicentenniat celebration, we are ,,"yres by John Adison, and all filed hem up someplac.e else, and so put ~~\~~t::t:O:f~~: ~:\!}~e to look ~~~ir :~~r~~e ft~a::~t~~~OfC~~~!~ ~~o:s!n~O ~~~:en~ithof y~~e JOo~ ~~~at~onenij~y E~::::e ~~et~~~ ~~~et:,,!e~~e~~ t~~ r:~ttioO~ t~~ Paul began to hUm a sarcastic ;~r~~;~e~~ O~~~~i~.v~~e:~:no~ ::!:~:~:~~sr~~~e~~:~~i;:::~~ ~~~~e a reception was taking OI~~~i~~t:;:~:ilY stated to this Jesus loves meashf ~aton ~h~ can. the choir told me that the group fellow Charles and Frederick Among the many good things reporter "What a statement about ;~~~ea:da~O~~ rea ove e ween didn't pra~tice all t~at '!luch, but countians in the legislative aoout the convocation program our sch~J when one of our .people, "Gu~s I'll ~ee you at lunch ,. ::~~~~ru;~~lg~~:~:~~g'~:~~~: ~~~n~:~rOjfn:::~I:::c:.O~g~:!~:~ :~t:~~~;~~S!~~~ ~:astow~~ ~v:;a~c~~:pof~:~~:~~~~In~:;~ JO,~~ s~~; much too modest. 'of personnel and resources for the clarity and force. There were no student initiative" noting that the ea . The readings and music were successful execution of a war that children-·or adults, for that I)lacement of the posters in the John walked away muttering a followed by the official conferring made the formation of the nation matter-wiggling in their seats; the ('af!!teria wasn't nearly as ef- prayer for Paul. of the Doctor of Laws degree, possible; diligent public servant, ceremony commanded rapt at- fective as at Baker. When asked He skipped down the steps posthumous~y upon John Hanson vigilant guardian of the frontier, a tention from the audience and got about the statement that thinking about Paul's drunken through hIS descendant and member of the Continental it. Western Maryland College C;pril)ger's posters were at- ness. Then he thought about Jesus namesake, the Honorable John Congress of Philadelphia, and its should be especially praised for tempting to make, Springer and forgave Paul. Today was Hanson Briscoe, who is the first regularly elected presiding recognizing the dignity of the eplied, "It's a dynamite Sunday and it was almost time. He Speaker for the House of Delegates officer with tile title, "President of occasion and for refusing com- issue ... really hard to put into was dressed in his very best for the General Assembly of the the Unitt:d States in Congress mercialize it as so many Bicen- words:" but summed it up by bluejeans and sneakers. It was State of Maryland. Wilbur D. Assembled." by authority of the tennial events have been stating that "the Establishment of cold outside and the wind stung Preston, Jr., chairman of Western Board of Trustees of Western cheapened. The ceremony as a today looks up to the radicals of his face but he was going to Maryland, started the conferring Maryland College, it is my whole stood as a bright example yesterday but is afraid of the worship and everything was ok ~eremony by welcoming all those privilege to confer on John Hanson, of what a committed group of radicals of today." He went on to He was going to sit in the wet In attendance, praising John post-humously and through you, a administrators, faculty, students note that many activities condoned grass and play his gUitar while Hanson not only as "great in his member of the family these andotherforceshavethepotential by society, such as war and ex. the girls in their granny dresses own right" but also as "a symool of generations removed, the to bring together. In short, the ploitation, would be soundly would huddle together against the a large company of those who honorary degree of Dnctor- of Founders' Day Convocation was, condemned by such "radicals" as wind and Sing about Jesus. Jesus established this free and soverign Laws; with full privileges to you, indeed, a very special event--and Christ, and concluded by describ- Jesus. land," and intoducing Governor John Hanson Briscoe, to wear the indeed one worth eating supper out mg "the kind of change I'm in- "Why can't we ~et more relig Marvin Mandel whom he thanked hood of this de2l'ee and to exercise of a brown nafler ba'" for. continued on pg. 4, col. 2
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