Page 76 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 76
Page4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, January 14, 1976 Sports ThundiY,Januiry Career SemInar, introductIon to Career Resources.Decker Saturday FUm·Decker 18 (COntinued) 6:30 Mas .. LIllIe Baker 9:00 IS·Jinet·sbirthdiY Sunday. 3:30 UndercJus January Jim ,T•• n'tMi ServIce· Little Biker MeetIng· MedlUilon 2:30 SQuare Dancing. Wm Brown· 8:00 Speake" Mem 104 & 111 Men's Buketball ':15 ¥s. WashIngton 3:30 FrIends Bob Fatora. 7:00 Transcendental .ponsored MCDaniel Lounge Englar 103 . 11 :00 Chipei Muting, Biker 100 Lounge McDanIel 9:30 Grille Party by EET. Grille 5,00 Katl>akil1 Dane,,· Friday, January 16 Holida~ Hike 7:00 Women's House· Grille Mond~y, January 19 Decker v Basketb.all vs. UMBC JV" 7:00 .. 8:00 Film· ':00 Coffee It all started out with four vigorousmen and an advisor. Tedd :e~r:~:::~o~o ::::~:~~it~~' ~~~~r~::;~~.u.a;~s~ ~Id.n.. I:uiri~~~~~:::E~~~r~e~~~~lel Lounge Twigg, Kip Waiton, Bob Fatnra, They were getting well situated Jim Anderson,and Captain Ingalls ~;~g~:~~!Ii~g",,~~u':~::t~7: at Susquehanna ~;~g~1~:.e'~~h!a;~:t.~~16~~k~~V' were taken to Pen Mar and started ;~~ns~~r~ao~~~ ~~%c~~ ;~~ is"h:-o:::o::t"i:n:-:..~---F=============:::::''''====! out just across the Maryland out the fire and leave. The man Ii border in Pennsylvania to their destination, Harper's Ferry, West ~t.f~~~~y~:dN~t~~::;~~r:d Stars Virginia. Their aim was to walk to explain what they were doing across the state of Maryland, but the man wouldn't change his The Western Maryland women-a covering a distance of about 4G mind. After a few.words that you basketball team has carried a 2-0 miles, in less than two days. can't say on TV, they moved out record. Up until December, that is. Starting at Pen Mar, they went to and camped at the first bit of flat Beforefinals week;the 'rerrorettee ROUTE 140, wESTMINSTER pfKf. High Rock and, got lost. tJter land they could find. Awaking scored victories over two tough FINKSBURG, MD. finally getting their bearings early, they realized that the best opponents, Franklin and Marshall (5'minut~s rrom Reistel'Jlown) straight, they found ute setting part of the trek was behind them, and York Colleges. ---ENTEiTAINMENT-FRIDAY-&-SATUiiailv--- darkness bringing the nigbt's and they felt better mentally if not coldness with it. They arrived at physically. (Blisters, blisters, York, whom the Terrorettes FeatuHn,g KEN BATESAT THE KEYBOARD their camp around 8:30and had a: blistersl): After lunch on Sunday played on December 5, lost to our Singing All Your Favorite Re'quests comfortable night. they arrived at their destination, 'shooters with a score of 54-32..In GIITcE~rriAns~--~---n~~TI-~;TI~- but there was 8: cere~oriy_going,on the game against F and M on FOR RESERVATIO.sS-833·60GO or 861-8200 in the town. Realizing tbar the. December 11, the 'rerrorettes With the sunrise, the group celebration wasn't for them, they' utilized a tight defense ~=::====:::::::P~~~~;;~;;~!t and started again. After covering nine inquired in the information'center - balanced scoring to give WMC'a •••••••••••••••••••••••• miles on, the previous night, end were told that -if was a mock winningscore of63-49.CoachFritz . _. FridaY,-they would have to cover ,Cmistinas ofOld.This-presented a ;af~n:!:~~:~h ~~~s1 :~ ~~:: Expert ~atch : DAVtSSHOE_ REPAtR 2Q miles on Saturday to keep on schedule. The group realized that ~~~lt~-u~;:;::e.~it~sfi:%~i~ Lorry Baker, who averages 30: Repairs the 20miles were goingto be tough was like finding.a needle in a hay. points a game, down to 16. : on premises 61 E. Main st. after the first part of their walk' stack; how~ver,.theydid find him. The next women's basketballe went up and downa coupleof hills. They were tired, hungry, worn out game, having played TowsonState: Phpne 848-4232 For a change ofpace, the group did and sore Rangers eager to get last night, is on January 16against.. Accutron to Timex a little rapelllng. Thoughtired, the ! group did note the great scenery ~a7:~~iV~~::s w~:n J:ie th~~ UMBC. Westminster Md. along the hike. As the night ap- Maryland, end have-the blisters to ENTERTAINMENT ,. Keepsake Diamond proached, the rains came. After prove it! :rbeblisters willgo away, CAPITALCENTRE : Rings finding that the camp where they but the sense-or accomplishment Deep Purple, and Nazareth 1·15 • Plain & Fancy were supposed to stay was filled, will never be lost. 'B chm an . Tu rner 0 ver rve ': 219·' Accept. BAC . NAC dri a Grapplers Pinned COLEFIELD HOUSE,U. OF MD.• Master Charge Per. Checks. Donuts Western Maryland's Wrestling' on1y bright spots were a pin by Joni Mitchell 2. 22 : : team met defeat twice last week, SteveKoster and an 8·3decisionby : : 140 Village first to Yale on Tuesday, then to ~~:nt~a~~~:~~em~~~~ :~~~do~ g~!t~~%'i~~eT!~~ HALL : DAVIDS JEWELLERS : :;;~a7:r:a~a~~tS~~:te~~ t~:;be" the ,..mostexciting of the af. Ethel Ennis 1-26 : 41 East Main St. : only 5 minutes away ~~~~li;;~ea~s ~h~e t~:;:r~~~~ ~~~~hZ~:n:~~~a!~;"~~f~~; ~:;~~n!:~~~~L. 16 : Westminster, Md. : Open 24 Hours a Day :~t~a~~~u~st~~ ~~mr:::~s3~~: . :~ ~~: ~~a~n~fA~~~e~~~:~ The Fifth Dimension 6-28 7-4 : •••••••••• _._ ••••••••• :L--------.-J couraging. Only one pin was. Greg rode his man constantly the, Buddy Hackett 7.19.25: :\·••••• ~ SHOP t e : :SPORTSMEN BARBER: registered against WMC,and Mike last two periods but lost 6-4 by Bobby Vinton 9--28• 10-3: PI1111eU-- :.: Marcheesewonhis match standing virt~e .of mistakes made at the/PLAYBOY CLUB, BALTIMORE: ap. ~~~rHe~~ni~!~~e~a~:~~~~~' ~!:msg~~~~eG~:t~h~velnupth: Ethel Ennis 1·16·17 : ~~' :: :1~ 6'=:R8~;~~:LAZA . :~;:i~I~~ ~~~~~t~:~~n~u~~:r~ r::::t t~~i~pO~::~t~ ~~:~ ;s~i~ Towson after starting the season:: weight. t~kedownwhi.chwouldhave given. with two victories over Bowieand: CARROLL COUNTY'S : :WESTMINSTER. MARYLAND 2115~ The defeat at the hands of him the wI.n. The play un· Baltimore. Yesterday the team:. : ; Male and Female : Lycoming, 26·9, was something fortunately faded. had a trimatch vs. George Mason _ FASHION CENTER •. : : less than encouraging. Western These two losses brought -the and William& Mary, at William& : Westminster :: Styling : ~:7~a;~:g=r:sl£;::~ ~~~h~~l:~ ~~~~n~tt~~~r~~~t~r!i3~ ~~~ :~Jj~;;~~~~i~S~~~rs~:; : Shopping Center : ~ RU!z:rJ=~~t~r;;HN50N ~ all but two of their matches. The over Washington and a loss to IState. i ~ i~u..~:.A::~~N:~:::aNaE~::..a va.: SPEAKERS. 8-TRACK TAPES' STEREOS we serve ... ~~ BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Our people make ~tbetter Subs Pizza Monday nights 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Soft:ice cream College Night WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE 0.0. required) Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 8 a.m, 13" pizza-with one topping - only $2.09!! NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 Bud, Mic & Schlitz Westminster on Tap ALBUMS. CAR PLAYERS. CASSETTES EXP_ANDED SEATING s48-9[)0 140 Village We also sell papers, screens, etc .....
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