Page 75 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 75
· Wednesday, January 14, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Final Exams: The Branding Iron? Richard Naylor I have learned that success is to these very difficulties and who tries most fervently to push with persistence, and that is really be measured not so much by the frustrations so much of value may out these boundaries to encompass Washington and Einstein, has ever the test of a man of value -- that he plowed through the rocky fields of position that one has reached in life be learned. No man ever learns the more knowledge can ever be life with encountering some ob- persever in the face of repeated as by the obstacles which he has limits of his physical endurance labeled a "failure", even though he stactes so formidable that they did difficulties and frustrations. Elbert overcome while trying to succeed. until he is tested to the very limits does not succeed in his endeavor. A not have to yield to them. Hubbard, the American writer and --BookerT. Washington of that endurance. So too it is with railure is the person who never To know the limits of our ability lecturer, once remarked: "God Try not to become a man of the limits of the mind. No person tries anything. His false security is is instructive, but this knowledge will not look you over for medals, success but rather try to become a who tests the boundaries of his 'in doing nothing, in failing nothing. 'need not drive us to despair. For 'degrees or diplomas, but for man of value. knowledge and understanding, and No one, not even of the caliber of many obstacles may be overcome scars." -- Albert Einstein The dreaded period of finals has WMC-Gallaudet Exchange Program come and gone. The quiet fears of "doing poorly" that had spanned a Mary Gately semester are now dissipated--the Three WMC students (Terrie The more you are exposed to sign hearing students were called -think and speak in sign language. nervous flutter of the stomach Armour, AdE!le Moorman, and language, the more at ease you'll "special students." The deaf "Our education continued both in forgotten. Now the short tempers Cindy Palmer) participated in the feel about it. One class, "Sign students at Gallaudet were open and out of the classroom as we of exam week have been mollified, Callaudet College exchange Language Translation for the and free. These students are learned to function as one of the and happy dispositions restored program during the fall semester. Theatre" enabled students to use "average everyday people." crowd. Some times were after a restful vacation and a week The purpose of this exchange was their imagination to communicate. frustrating, some were of Jan term classes. The nights of to give students a chance to work In this class, the students 'exhilarating, but all were worth restless sleep have been given over directly with the deaf. Working described things through body use. The holiday spirit was present at it!" to parties and sledding and with deaf people is the best way to Since the students weren't Gallaudet. One group called "Joy tranquil sleep. learn their language, thoughts, and talk, or use official sign language; . for Sign" signed a varlety of songs. hopes. it encouraged them to use every "The Hands of Christmas" was Students interested in this ex- Still, a certain muddle persists method they could to com- another sign-song program for the change program should contact for those students who did not municate. students. Dr. Vernon of the Psychology De- perform up to their own ex- This was a full semester The girls who participated in this partment, or Mrs. Elwell in the pectations or to the expectations of program. Students are allowed to Torrie, Adele, and Cindy were program strongly encourage Socioiogy Department. Terr-ie, their parents. Indeed, some take sixteen hours of classes, Th~ the minority at Gallaudet. There anyone interested in deaf Adele, and Cinay would be happy students may be forced to admit program is set up so that the were only eleven hearing un- education. Being with the deaf to share their experiences with that they do not have the natural credits are transferable. dergraduates in the college. The everyday gave them a chance to interested students. gifts to pursue particular careers - some *****~News briefsIC**** careers that have for many years fascinated and motivated them. The D's and F's that spot reports leave their respective ACROSS recipients dismayed and The history department at An exhibit of documentary ll .. p depressed. Even B's and C's may Western. Maryland College is photographs on· the Stuttgart Ballet make dim the hopes for the pursuit sponsoring a Wednesday night film has opened this month at Western ~HT=: of some fields of graduate study. series during the month of Maryland College. 14 Adaugh .... ol January. This pictorial story of 76 photo CIYrlieClYplin Surely the direction of one's life The films are being shown in panels highlights the ballet :~~':;:;-on.o 4~~~=:~:ur. can be quickly altered by the conjunction with the January term company's most notable .I",.or STul ....ied 18 Bullliyhtcry results of his finals. For a student course titled, "The Path to Hitler: productions. 19:=~y~_ ~';;f.udll has no choice but to acknowledge a Culture and Society in Germany The show, sponsored by the 6M11mrna'y 20 Mon .... ulTUl certain laziness or incompetence to 1918-1945." WMC history department, can be 211'ronoun 7~:~ 22 Bound.,y betw_two explain his poor academic per- On January 14 The Love of seen in Gallery One of the Fine 22K""ck 8 Pro""un formance. Either admission is the Jeanne Ney is scheduled. The film, Arts Building and will be open 10 2lAu.<>cr.' 9 Old., modi 23~h°!.:ir 36 Sorconic ol.ronlPOf result of painful introspection. based on the novel by lIya a.m.-4 p.m., weekdays throughout 24 Kind 01 .,~ --Kelly l8Allowor 26~~,=~~.~:o~:ppo Ehrenberg, is a melodramatic love January 26. Admission is free. 26~'~:rb'" 2SCi'yon . 39 Actuali.y But such introspection only story which reflects the decadent lG~:.~:';.~~ed ~r.m~.::,~in; .~. 11 MaIr.... loud. results from a concerned con- atmosphere of postwar European 21~~2~0< buzzingoound 28~~~. fto. 44=:.C':"~.- 13 Ae..... ln sideration of the meaning and life. . '. Dr. Ira G. Zepp, dean of the 28Combinino;l 16-'II'ill> ._ mDundol ... rth lab.1 direction of one's life. Only the OnJan~ry ~1, EmIl ~arungs and chapel and associate professor of 29;::in "6 Road !\Ib.1 student who is not too terribly Marlene Dietrich star I~ The Blue religion at Western Maryland 29 No""I,AS.11 3O:~~:'~:::t:" concerned about his future, or who Angel, the story of a high .sch~1 College, has been honored with for-- 19No"ob. is assured of his place in the teach~r d~stro~~d by hl~ 10- listing in the first edition of Who's II W••orblrd I_tt.n II Papalnoml l4Trodino;l workaday world, will not be fatuah.on With a mght club singer. Who in Religion. troubled by the pressure for . All films ar~ sh?wn at 7:30 p.m. This biographical directory :J5Cir".fo< grades. But for the student who m Decker ~uditontun and are free includes more than 16,000 men and . lacks the ability for high academic to the public. women, representing more than 36 ~::~~~ 31ln'or"",,ional achievement, what may be said to ****** 230 demoninations, who were ~~::,~r:::cal lessen the feelings of mediocrity or The public is invited to learn selected based on their outstanding •• inferiority that disturb the about man's "states of awareness" achievements in the field of 39 Cr••• tranquility of his mind? What can at the Monday night film series at religion. 40 GrHlclett. be said to ease the stark reality of a Western Maryland College, Dr. Zepp holds membership in 41 Honein Madrid CPA average that will in all The films being shown include: many professional organizations 42 Modi ... 1 w.. pon likelihood prevent him from being Mind Over Body, on January 19; and has been a member of WMC oil Allow .. admitted to the study of the and LSD: Lettvin vs. Leary on faculty since 1963. He co-authored 45 Allow .... profession of his choice? January 26. a book entitled, Search for the 47 Seod used forfllY
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