Page 74 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 74
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, January 14,1976 Editorial ******************************* It seems that a small ad- pressing issue. More importantly, be inadequate reasons not to session? This would insure that the In general, concerning the ad- vertisement Scrimshaw has been the issue is, as the faculty seems to publish the resea~ch papers ad- students have had no opportunity, vertisements Scrimshaw running for the past few months have realized, the ethical, or moral vertisement, or any advertisement to plagarize at all. publishes, Scrimshaw will publish has created quite a furror among connotations of the official campus similar to it in the future. The any advertisement which offers both students and" faculty, more newspaper printing this ad- reasoning is really quite simple. As The letter from Dr. Price also students a legal service or product notably among the latter. The vertisement. Printed below, in the Dr. Lawler stated, these papers has a few loopholes. True, "Any which they can put to good use, and advertisement is the one titled "Letters to the Editor" column, are, " a clear avenue to ethical press ... will not carry ad- help them in some aspect of their "Research Papers" and is spon- are two letters received from plagarism ", but, for that matter, vertising which is damaging to the campus life, be it academic, or sored by a California-based faculty members concerning this, so are all of the books, pamphlets, community ... " but because dope social. Whether or not a student research company. advertisement. The letter from Dr. offprints, magazines, and all other pushers use scales to measure uses these services for a legal or Among the students, most of the Lawler says, in essence.' printed materials in the library. It drugs, surgical tubing to make illegal purpose is up to them. We comments concerning the ad- " ...although I can imagine it being would be much easier to walk into veins "stand out," plastic vials to cannot control that. If Scrimshaw vertisement indicate that they (the used legitimately ... (it) is a clear the library, pick a book on the package the drugs, and measuring banned all advertisements in students) think that the very act of avenue to plagarism ... an in- subject about which you are cups to measure the drugs when which the services or products ordering one of these papers is a tellectual larceny that we as an writing a paper, copy the relevant they "cut" them down to "street could possibly be put to illegal use, violation of the honor code. institution must oppose. (Printing parts word for word, and hand it in strength", does this mean that the then we would have to ban all However, as soon as the students it) .. .is in bad taste ... (and shows) as your own, than to write away to press should ban all advertising of advertisements for cars, walkie- concerned are informed that this is an apparent knuckling under to a company which writes research scales, surgical tubing, plastic talkies, tool sets, cameras, tape not the case, the subject is usually "real world" cynicism." (All papers and pay them a few dollars vials, and measuring cups, recorders, knives, rope, etc ... laid to rest. words in parentheses are inserted per page for the paper. Yet we because the people buying then In actuality, this issue of per- To spell it out in print, for one by this article's author to provide tolerate a library on campus, and might use them to push drugs? To sonal responsibility in this par- and all to see, It Is.not a violation of continuity). . even urge our student body to continue, just one more step, of if ticular case is just a reflection of the honor code to order and use Dr. Price, in his letter, states, make the most use of it. Isn't this a all tools advertised that could what a persons whole life is; a these research papers, as long as "Any ethical press ... will not' little odd, considering that the possibly be used by burgJers as choice of right and wrong. the paper is referenced correctly, knowingly carry advertising which library is actually " ...a clear "burglar tools" were no longer just as any other source of in- is damaging to the community, e.g. avenue to plagarism ... "? advertised in the press, just about. Whether a person uses an op- formation should be, such as a ... for dope pushers, burglar tools, all carpentry and workshop tools portunity, service, or product book, magazine, pamphlet, off- ... etc .... Why does Scrimshaw If, as Dr. Lawler went on to would no longer be advertised . available to then correctly or in- print, ... It is a violation to simply carry advertising for a firm which state, these research papers are correctly is precisely what governs turn one in and claim it as your invites students to cheaL. " intellectual larceny that we There is no easy answer to the our co-existence with each other in own work. These are not term (Scrimshaw should) refuse such as an institution must oppose", moral issue involved here, but SOCiety, and it is Scrimshaw'S hope papers, they are research papers, advertising." should we also, by following the what it boils down to is this: We are that everyone learns to decide and are meant to be used, quite preceding logic, oppose on campus on a campus that has an honor these matters correctly, for legitimately, as sources of in- The statements made by these libraries, and institute a ban on all code, and whether or not a person themselves, and not have someone formation, and to be referenced as lwo faculty members in their books not assigned by the faculty of breaks that honor code by in- else decide for them which tools such. letters, and others in various each course to the students, and correctly using one of these and opportunities to be The legal aspect of this ad- conversations, have been weighed forbid them to read all others research papers it is solely up to available. vertisement is not the truly. very carefully, and were found to during the months that college is in each individual. B.L.T. ••••• Letters to the Editor •••••••••••••••••••••••• Dear Tyrant: system! Most of your staff would 250 people wouJd eat early. At both future of the school, not for the demogrant or other basic income The advertisement offering decry such "cross, unethical, dinner Friday night and lunch present. The students of today provision for all citizens. After research papers for sale which you. commercialism" in any business Saturday less than 600 people came have no say in the welfare of WMC. much debate, most social workers have printed recently has caused firm which had such low ethics as through the cafeteria. Since the Our opinions and beliefs are did oppose FAP primarily because some discussion among faculty to make it easy for individuals to IFC had sold over 350 tickets to the irrelevant or, for all practical they felt that the income floor it being -. members and administrators, as I cheat, as would any self respecting Dinner Dance, we estimated that purposes, non-existent. The Dean (proposed as $2400 per year for a believe you know, and probably newspaper. You should refuse such 250 people would eat early. implied that we as students have family of four) was inadequate and among students as well. I have advertising. There are two reasons why an no rights in the development of our because they were afraid that the heard no one advocate censorship- Dr. Price unexpected 180 people came to the school. We cannot help but feel "workfare" aspects of the bill and I certainly am not doing that early dinner. First, some people there is more aJ stake here than the would be punitive. The "workfare": now-but the advertisement, who bought tickets to the Dinner location of one college center ... regulations included manditory although I can imagine Dance decided to eat early. Clare Kibler employment of mothers of 'young used legitimately, is a clear Dear Editor, Secondly, there were some people Virginia Diehl children (with federally funded avenue to plagarism, an in- As cine of the organizers of the who bought tickets to the Dinner day care centers estimated to cost tellectual larceny that we as an Xmas Dinner Dance I would like to Dance who were unable to attend ****** $2,000 per year per child) and institution must oppose. It seems respond to the letters that ap- the Dinner, so they ate early also. Dear Editor: manditory geographic relocation fair to say that the advertisement, peared in Scrimshaw. The IFC and We are sorry for the inconvenience I was interested to see the ar- of families from one area of the appearing as it does in an official' the cafeteria staff worked ex-' that was caused, but it must be ticles on welfare refonn by Roger country to another also at very student paper, is in bad taste- tremely hard to offer the students remembered that this was the first Levin and Richard Tucker in the high estimated costs. The com- maybe, to confuse categories, in of WMC a new and innovative time an event of this magnitude December 3rd issue of,Scrimshaw. plexities of the legislation would "moral" bad taste, since it seems social event. I believe that the has been tried on this campus and Although Iwould not agree with all have required most states, in- indirectly to undermine a principle Dinner Dance was extremely there were unforeseen problems. they said, Ido believe that welfare cluding Maryland, to continue in which we claim to believe, a successful, but I will be the first to However, I feel that the manner reform is a major social policy public assistance programs for principle which, I might add, is a admit that there were some the criticisms were made and the issue which should be studied by their citizens so that recipients major part of whatever "learning" problems with the early dinner- implications they held were every educated person. would not be worse off under F AP the IFC and the cafeteria - happens here. that will have to be corrected for completely unwarranted. The issues are complex and my than they had been under welfare. This isnot a legal issue at all. I'm future Dinner Dances. Sincerely, major quarrel with the Personal This would have meant two simply pained to see the ad- Iwelcome constructive criticism Greg Sherry Viewpoint articles is that they have bureaucratic systems providing vertisement there, pained to be but I object strongly to letters oversimplified the problems of income to the welfare poor rather forced to recognize an apparent which were written without any poverty and welfare reform. than one. knuckling under to "real world" knowledge of the situation and Perhaps that's inevitable given Social Workers know only too cynicism. I hope we all want a free, attacked Dear Editor your space requirements. well that .the present welfare daring, open, irreverant gad fly of staff unjustly. The IFC and the On Friday, December 5, a group There is one inaccuracy in Mr. system is inefficient, punitive, a newspaper, and I hope we're cafeteria planned the dance for all of concerned students had a Tucker's article which I do feel I degrading and is not designed to willing to pay the price of cc- students of the college who wished meeting with Dean Mowbray about should correct. He states that one move people out of poverty into the casional shock, embarrassment, to attend and we did not "cater to a the location of the proposed college major reason for the failure of the mainstream of American life. We and aesthetic discomfort for it. small minority of students." The center. While we were aware that a Nixon Family Assistance Plan to would like to see adequate, non- Still, honest journalism and honest problem with the early dinner great deal of work had been be enacted was that "social stigmatizing welfare reform and scholarship are not far apart; I didn't arise because of "an in- completed, we had hoped an workers were against it forming a we are also politically aware hope you wonder whether the credible lack of consideration" on agreement could have been highly effective veto group." Alas, enough to know that what really printing of this advertisement does the IFC's part but rather an un- reached whereby a new site would I only wish my professional "zapped FAP" was not our - Cordially, early, not 600. The cafeteria who ate similar wishes. Upon hearing our legislative income workers do favor a push for it. Mary Ellen Elwell, as much damage to journalism as derestimation of the number of have been selected. We took with colleagues had such political clout! disapproval, but Mr. Nixon's it might do to the atmosphere of people who would eat early. The us several hundred signatures of We do not, as can be clearly seen in disengagement from the learning. facts are as follows. students who had expressed our record on many other legislation and his failure to really were 430 people There issues. and I point of view, the Dean informed us Most social Rubert Lawler that approximately had estimated that the center is being built for the negative tax or universal Dear Editor: ACSW Any ethical press - and this in KlmbreShewbridge Dishug., cludes practically all the press Head Bottle-w;uher: Mark Katz. Malt Bowers, Bill Link Mark C. Bayer will not knowingly carry ad vertising which is damaging to the Soap Bubbles: Kathy Citro, Susan Coleman, Mary Gately. Carlton Harris, Lonni Mye", Ri.ehard NaYIOr,Davld Range, Jeff RObinson: Jim Teramani, BoD Toner community; e.g., it will not carry Tyrant Emeritus: TOp Notch Typist: Head Drawe" aa. for dopepushers, burglar tools, Biron L. Tayler SUAn COleman Mark C. Bayer Murder, Inc., the Mafia, etc. Th. MI~I::'~~l::"~~!he BOpks: Th. HO~:;: :~:g:elll AIls: The G~~f'f~~~:~~:ld Of This Rat: Attorn;~:':'U'1 GOldenstien and Sons Why does Scrimshaw carry advertising for a firm which in- AND: A ent of thoUlind .. vites students to cheat - on a Th. opinions exprened In this pubileation do not necessarilY reflect thOM of tneadminlstration. 3-A, Western Millryland COllege, Westmlnstlr, Md. campus where there is an honor
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