Page 57 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 57
c~t Pithy Saying: A mind istike a parachute; Wednesday, December 3, 1975 both are only useful when open. Volume 2, Issue II -Anouymous Student M"kB.y" Sandblasters Speak Out! Whether most of WMC's student everyone owed on the bill, a few cleaning the brick with an acid originally built, they were held want to be noticed." I asked them population knows it or not, there men commented on how bad they solution, and waterproofing the together with mud and hair, but the what it was that they did with are other people on campus had heard the cafeteria food was. t building with silicone. At the time blasters were not allowed to Western Maryland chicks, and an besides themselves, the profs, the asked if anyofthem had ever eaten of the interview, three sides of the change anything because the employee who was known to his administrators, the cafeteria and in the cafeteria and again got a building were finished and the owner of the building did not want friends as "Superstud" answered, custodial staffs, and a seasonal unanimous series of "No's." At fourth was being siliconed. to alter the "originality" of the "Not much." The sandblasters outpour of curious parents. These first it was hard for us to hear each structure. The sandblasters also mentioned, however, that one particular individuals don't live in other because of a rehearsal that One of the more thoughtful explained that ivy, while looking female student did invite them campus dormitories or apart- the stage band was holding up- employees admitted that he felt attractive, also holds dampness down to the Branding Iron within ments. They don't' have their stairs. One suggested asking the "pretty good" about getting to into the bricks and blocks off the the next couple of weeks. They plan names on file as part of the college band to leave, which, as I ex- restore old buildings, and com- sun, which in turn helps cause the to accept the invitation. population, or mailboxes in the plained, wasn't all that possible to mended the administration on its brick to turn moldy and grille. They don't even go to do, since the band members had good judgment in having the deteriorate. "Ninety per cent of At this time both the lunch break classes. Yet they've been around gotten there first. "Well, we're sandblasting process done. Most (sandblasting outfits) don't know and the conversation had drawn to since the beginning of the school been here since 7:00," he an- restoration fans, he explained, how to do the job," said one em- a close, although the Twin Kiss bill year, and have done a pretty good swered. don't feel that the procedure is ployee. "We're one of the largest had apparently not been worked job of making their presence necessary, and feel that soap and outfits around here," he affirmed, out yet. I asked the employees if known to many on the campus. So, what's your impression of water is enough-an idea which is then added, "the only largest there was anything I could do for However, by the time that this Western Maryland College? I got in his words "ridiculous". Sand- outfit." them, and one suggested that I article reaches print, the chances the stock answer .. "it's a nice place blasting, he informed me, heJps "send a few chicks down-a few are likely that they'll have finished to visit, but t wouldn't want to go restore old buildings and keeps The discussion soon returned to roxy ones." When I walked out the what they've had to do and will here." One employee, who wasn't them in shape. He cited the what is apparently the' favorite door the last remark I heard was have left. (Give up?) quite so sure, asked, "Is this a example of a historic building in subject of the workmen. "I think a something on the order of "You high-class college or something?" Gettysburg whose chimney was lot of the chicks think we harass wouldn't know what to do with one The employees of Gebnart Others, however, were more falling apart. When the bricks were 'em. We don't harass 'em. We just if you had one." Sandblasting Company were just emphatic. "We been harassin' the Students fast for 7 davsl! about finished by the day before Thanksgiving break, and I was ~i.,;'~;:::fii~f.~?~Sue Coleman No Food, No Sex lucky enough to get an interview withsomeoflllem. Up to this point, my experience with any of them cidentally, that not all of the in- Looking for a way to clear your staining from all food, a person One of the most interesting had been limited to a reprimand formation received by the workers mind, purify your body, or simply with the right biochemistry and a facets of the project involves that I had gotten once for sneaking about WMC is entirely accurate. lose weight? Students in Dean certain spirituality which makes refraining from all contact with the under the rope with which the main One said that a girl had told him Zepp's Gandhi and Tagore class this project agreeable to only a few opposite sex. This is no easy task entrance to Alumni had been that there was nothing to do around have been given the opportunity to students. Fasting is a good way to on a coed campus the size of blocked off. A friend who was here but play ping-peng.) experience Gandhi through a z-day sharpen the creative, and make the Western Maryland! This caused taking a class in intermediate I then asked them how they got fast that is designed to achieve spirit more sensitive. Dean Zepp problems for some of the students acting was seen by one of them in along with the students as a whole. these goals and also personal described his experience with and especially those with steady full costume and makeup, and was Some noted that several students purification. The fast is an ex- fastingasa way "to slow down in a dates. They soon decided it was a asked if he was a Klingon. had stopped and talked with them perimental concept conceived by positive way", pick up emotions far better experience of renun- on the job, and all agreed that the ~? Zepp as an alternative to and vibrations of others, and allow ciation to see those of the opposite When arranging the interview, 1 students have generally been much writing a paper about Gandhi. your thoughts to flow more freely. sex than to closet themselves away asked the sandblasters if they friendlier recently--"especially Approximately 10-12 students plan The cleaner the body, the cleaner for a week. to attempt the fast cant. on pg. 2, col. 2 the thinking for wished to have their names used, when we leave," someone added. ::!~~a~I~~~j~:~~1e;0~~~2~~~~~ * * * * * * * * **.** ** * ** that calls is his theory. and I got a chorus of enthusiastic "No's". One of them had a They had nothing but good words to in- I °d th ° I ,.. Dramatic Art about the say question, though. "How much do structors who inhabit the building, food and then drinking only water. IS 55 Ue: ""- we get paid for this?" You've got to and apologized for any in- and fruit juices for 5 days. ~ n5 I ~ hand it to these guys: for a group convenience caused by getting Th rast t tt ed f th ~ *' ..,.- that spends most of its time in the sand into Alumni's interior. All in Indi:n a:el:~i~~S e~nd ~~fi~ica~ • air, you can bet that most of the *' men have their feet on the ground. ~~ ~::o~e~st~a~~:l!~u:;;~~~~~ ~::t~~rfO:;a!=~n:.:as~~~da~ a :~;. Tips for Winter I was invited to talk with them *' during their lunch break, which, the work being done. ~ :~;:!,P~~~iC:~iO:, ~se:::sa~: ~ Review of 1975 TV Season though usually held at noon, had The conversation began to get ""- been moved up to 12:45 in the past more serious as the men explained ~:!:a~s ~~~~~e~:~:. i~~~r ~~ ~ Deaf Awareriess Week ..,.- few days, in order to "make the effect a change in the policy he was it *' afternoon shorter". A couple of !:-ilj~,b. iSsa~db;i~~~i~; ;:oc:~ men returned from Twin Kiss with it Four Personal ViewPoints *' bagfuls of subs and burgers, and :~r~r in:~{v~~ ~~t j~f:~g t~~ f:~:~~~~g~i:t~~li~~a~~e:: *' everyone moved inside Alumni to chiseling out the remainder, then days! ic: eat While some of the workers Oft~'!~ ********* ***** * * * started calculating how much ~:~d~:~~i(~!PI!~~g~~~~k~~~~r~ to ItC~~~i~ s~:~~rJ:
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