Page 60 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 60
....4 Scrimshaw Wednesdav, December 3, 1975 Editorial ******************************** As most of SCRIMSHAW's average publishing cost of $300 a afloat. Clearly, something more cockroaches in the middle of with SCRIMSHAW's functions as a readers may have noticed, there week. As you can see, this gives had to be dcne.; April? has been a distinct change in the SCRIMSHAW a total publishing The final suggestion that was student newspaper; therefore, at when you are incline to grumble paper over the past few weeks. cost of $8,400 a year; however, it is Several suggestions, in fact, had )ffered was that SCRIMSHAW the sight of a full page of ads every More specifically, there has been a likely that inflation will cause an been brought up at that SGA continue to publish as usual but week, please remember that this is change in the content of SCRIM- increase in our publishing costs meeting as to how SCRIMSHAW charge a nickel a copy. The editors a vast improvement over seeing no SHAW's back page-most of the over the next few years. We found this to be the most abhorrent space which had previously been estimate that in the future the could meet its costs. solution of all. In addition to the pages at all. devoted to sports news and publishing costs of SCRIMHA W noticable inconveniences that such miscellaneous stories is filled may rise to $9,000 for the same One of the ideas was to reduce a move would cause both It is also important not to look at with local advertising. The fact amount of print. the frequency of the paper to a bi- SCRIMSHAW and its readers, this the advertising in SCRIMSHAW as that a relatively large amount of weekly status, thus effectively idea was objected to on principle. a necessary evil, simply because the paper is now filled with ad- How much of these costs is cutting its publishing costs in haH. It would reduce SCRIMSHAW's advertising that is put in this paper vertisements has werrented a SCRIMSHAW currently able to This suggestion was rejected by function as a service to the student is for your benefit. Advertising lets somewhat negative response from pay? At the beginning of this school SCRIMSHAW's editors because body to that of a money-making .you as students and faculty keep in SCRIMSHAW's reader-ship. We year, the SGA had allocated to such a reduction would drastically organization. Besides it would be touch with the surrounding com- realize that such advertising is not SCRIMSHAW a total of $4,400 for undercut SCRIMSHAW's grossly unfair to ask readers to pay munity, and that can be a big help always attractive to look at; that the coming year. At one of the first usefulness as a relavent and up-to- a price, however small, for a to college students who quite often much of the space so taken up meetings of the SGA, the the-minute journal of campus service that they had previously feel isolate from the outside world. could easily be used for more copy SCRIMSHAW'S editor-and-chief, events. One of the major depar- enjoyed for free. Advertising lets you know where a and features; and that the average Baron Taylor,indicated to the SGA tures that SCRIMSHAW had made certain item that you might like to student is exposed to advertising that the SCRIMSHAW would ob- irom its predecessor, the, GOLD Thus, finding these three buy may be located, or where a material from almost every other viously be unable to operate for a BUG, was the fact that a campus suggestions completely unac- good place to eat may be found. direction; however, SCRIM- full year a paper that has at least newspaper should be as up-to-date ceptable, SCRIMSHAW's editors Advertising is beneficial to SHAW hopes its readers will un- an $8,400 yearly budget on a total as the events it covers. came up with a fourth: In com- students because it keeps you in derstand. allocation of $4,400. The SGA then parison to the other thr-ee, touch and informed. So, don't just presented the SCRIMSHAW with SCRIMSHAW's use of advertising pass over the page of ads in an extra $600, thus raising - Another point brought up at the as a means for solving its financial SCRIMSHAW-ยท read them! Put SCRIMSHAW publishes roughly SCRIMSHAW's SGA funding to meeting was that SCRIMSHAW 28 issues a school year, 13 during $5,000. We are aware that the SGA should publish weekly until its plight is clearly the most viable them to use, because while ad- each semester and 2 over the is responsible for funding many funds run out, and then simply and the most painless answer for out vertising the is keeping it SCRIMSHAW of advertising red, also helps all concerned. The January term. A four page issue other activities, events, and discontinue, This would mean that space offered to the community students become better CQSts$250 to be published, while the orgaruzations on this campus, and SCRIMSHAW would run until mid- eight page issues run to $350 each. that this addition was a most January and then quit for the year. S~;'s u~Ub~:hi~~stc~~ Sf~~\~; :~~u~~~e:m:~i~;.:al merchants Since SCRIMSHAW generally generous one. Yet we also knew Obviously, this is an unacceptable year. alternates between fO\1r and eight that additional funds were solution. What if, for example, the school do not We as editors this and K,L.S. staph and ad- that feel page issues, this indicates an still needed to keep SCRIMSHAW campus was taken over by giant vertising in any way interferes M.e,B. Personal ViewPoint: Welfare Reform by Roger Levin It has become recently apparent physically capable of working. If suggested alternatives from New that the food stamp and welfare the government would require the ed of the government supported to the amount of aid they receiving. York City. They are contemplating programs in the United States are working services of the people that Americans. They would be involv- People that do not need aid, would the removal and relocation of faltering. In the case of the former, they essentially keep living, a ed in ecology and pollution related drop out, and at the same time the welfare services from the city to the situation is disastorous, and if more symbiotic relationship would areas, and other social service hospital could be helped, Trans- rural areas. They feel this would certain corrections are not in- develop. The people that were organizations. For example, The portation would be supplied by the is evenly dispose the burden of government. reader The stituted immediately the future of receiving aid that do not need it, Johns Hopkins Hospital just fired a probably wondering if mothers of supporting the recipients. I feel number of employees. devastating the program ts bleak. would probably stop living, off the If the government could come young children would be required that by giving the poverty groups The main problem stems from government if they realized that along and assign, two thousand to take part in this program. Ob- aid, that the government should the financial area. The United they were going to have to work to welfare recipients to perform viously, they would have to be receive something in return. This States government is lOSing its receive aid. Immediately, this janitorial services in the hospital, exempt. way the poor benefit, society ability to subsidize all of the would cut down on the violators, then the hospital could use more benefits, and after the inital in- citizens that claim poverty. One and more money would be money to fulfill it's manifest This type of program, at first vestment, the costs would be possible solution would be the available. function of helping the patients speculation seems to be a large lowered. Some steps must be reallocation of government The first question deals with the These welfare workers would work undertaking. Yet, it appears to be taken, or else the present problem spending. At one point, several type of work that would be requir- a given amount of time in relation more practical than the newly will develop into a future disaster. years ago, the agricultural department returned one hundred' Palestine million to the and fifty that could have been used Personal ViewPoint: dollars treasury by Herman Auyang to feed the poor and starving in the Stern Gang brought terror to not justify, the indiscriminate discrimination is wide-spread (not America. This indicates that the An interesting article appeared the British but viewed and Arabs- throughout the affairs money is available, and nobody recently concerning Besides speaking in Palestine as they were called. Lest maiming the and killings; perspectve, just against have Arabs, either), during and tensions up flared proper the Middle East. in seems quite sure why it is going from a partisan point of view, the we should forget, the same chaps terrorism is merely a means to an respites from war. Its sagging unused, Perhaps government writer, Roger Levin, got emeshed also labored successfully for the end, and nothing mroe. economy will be hard pressed officials feel that only a certain in the nonsense of humanity and state of Israel, and many today are Though the validity of Israel is again should alternative to war be amount of money should be human nature and failed to discern Within the foreseeable and designated to the survival the true motivation of individuals still in control of its destinj" Yes, dictated without sanctified by might the exhausted. Arabs within Israel proper Bible, its military future, programs, regardless of the and nations. To begin with, any they are the Jewish supermen (hi the claim would be void. No matter and occupied territories could amount of money available. This government that fails to take into Paulf) that were praised and what sort of doctrine individuals or account for close to half of the seems to be the logical basis for the consideration the welfare of its glorified in the novels of Leon Uris, government expound after all is population as the result of their actions of returning unused money, people shall not remain in power and they weren't written that long said, it is force that reigns higher birth rate. If the trend does and the positive feature, of this for long. DeGaulle said, "Anauon ago, either! Terrorists and mur- supreme. Might may not be right, become reality, Israelies will find decision have evaded me. The has no friends, on1y interests," and derers, or founding fathers and mind you, but it sure helped to themselves the minority within reasoning that causes the there should be no shock or in- statesmen? With a cause vital to make the down payment, with the their own country'. And how long bureaucratic wheels to turn is dignation that Israel's allies their survival the and so little time to option to buy. Looking toward the can those Arabs be pacified if they realize has used P.L.O. it, frequently difficult to change. The knucltIeCi under. They have found terrorism as a means to plead to future, however, another com- are not smoothly and successfully welfare and food stamp programs accommodation with the Arabs the world not to forget them and pletely satisfactory victory for assimilated into the main stream? in this country need immediate expedient because it is vital to attention, and therefore, I feel their well being. The emergence of their plight. Have their aspirations Israel is rather slim, for Russia If Israeli leaders should arrive at {lie basic another solution that circumvents the P.L.O. and other similar deviated from humanness? If so, simply will not allow it to happen. further conclusion that will endanger or concessions hand, government might be more ac- organizations, on the other hand, they have done no worse than the On the other yearning it is unlikely the its interest and security, or if the that the of of Jews ceptable. testifies to their awareness and generation envisioned who, in their Palestinians can and will be stifled P.L.O. maintains its present un- Diaspora, a land of milk The Nand Institute in New York realization that they, like any other and honey for their future by military victories and-or clever flinching and unrealistic stand, City completed a study demon- groups, should have a place in the generattcns, if not for themselves. politcal maneuvers; they only then the situation is indeed grim. strating that 700,000 people in the sun. Arafat and his people, like Dr. delay the problem, not solve it. But Yet, if there is a workable solution state of Massachusetts are Theodore Heral before them, feel what price victory? Have we at all, the time to work it out is receiving welfare aid that do not The stake in the Middle East is they too have an obligation toward examined the effects upon Israel's now. Any hope that the oncoming need it. Further, they have land, which means farms, pastures their history and forefathers as populace in a constant state of generations growing up in bomb postulated that this faUacy is and natural resources. Regretably, warfare: the brittle and unstable shelters, refugee camps, and country wide. Naturally, there are two elaimants ; and one well as to their future and their human relatinships, a cynical and shanty towns will be able to sit elimination of all non-deserving of them, at the Palestinians, have descendants. We should not ever fatalistic outlook toward life, and down and reason with each other is the men forget women and welfare recipients would cut down fallen into recklessness. But is ofP.L.O., that while they are terrorists the national bereavement at the proposterous. "He who guards the cost of the program. In order to terrorism a new machination in- (or freedom fighters), are also loss of each and every one of its Israel shall neither slumber nor aid the welfare and food stamp vented and carried out by them? fathers, mothers, husbands, and sons. Nor is Israel an iron fortress sleep," so say the Bible. true, systems of all deliberate violators, No, the Jews of Palestine in their wives. Can anyone truthfully say with people of one heart and mind. history Will attest ot that, but for a change must be made that will years of strugg1e for a homeland that the refugee camps are any There are deep-rooted social and how much longer, I wonder! make the offenders want to resign were already deft practitioners of better places to live and raise economic ills that need treatment, from the program. In many cases, the game. The underground children than the Jewish ghetto of but so far have been kicked under A sign which belongs in our the people receiving aid are organizations such as Irgun and yesteryears? No one can condone, the rug because of war. Racial library: "Quiet. You'll Like It."
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