Page 58 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 58
page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, December 3,1975 Results of Registration Olympics Lonni Myers It's Howard Cosell here, in senior on the track team was go tc the Education lines. They beautiful Carroll County, known to do it in 54 seconds,) and have learned long ago to never go in a matter of 20 to 30 minutes, not naive about certain teachers, and (Maryland that is .. .) at Western exit the exits with such remarks to your major or your upper level overly traumatized. ilUlocently sign up for those classes Maryland College, in Blanche as, "Cake," and "No Sweat." courses first; _always go to the 100- which no self-respecting junior or Ward Gym, for the semi-annual spectacle known as ... {drum rollJ levels and the hard-to-come-by Last, and definitely least in the senior would be caught dead taking. phys. ed. 'so Even if you get closed REGISTRATION!!! As the fresh- Next come the juniors who have out of a major, you can pick it up eyes of the Registrar, come the men enter the double (Ioors after finally settled down to a final easily by permission of the teacher poor, discriminated_ upon fresh- Freshmen: 00 not despair. The hours of desperate waiting, the' choice of major, (or at least one on the first day of classes. There's men. When they fi~aUy do get upperclassmen have all been current score here is: Christians-O, field of interest,) and they even are always the old drop-and-add game admitted to the arena around 8 through it. and your time will come Lions-12. And the arena is abun-' able to pick up 3 or 4 IBM cards at left, if aU else fails. p.m. (as opposed to the opening in another two years. As the years dent with excitement! one table. Why not? Who would time of 3 p.m.), the only courses progress, the word "registration" want to take Brit Lit 236, open are Basketweaving 105, evokes less and less terror in the the Don't heart. worry about Shakespeare, Statistics, and the Scuba diving (with extra fee), who TIle danger of the arena is HistOry of Civil War and Recon- erect Next come the sophomores in the Chemistry 108, Algebra 108, courses you pulled this semester quite ecccmpuehed definitely based on a seniority struction as electives? Also, the Woodcarving .. 200, and Chaucer. anyway- you'll probably change of registration system, as the chances of survival juniors . are old hands at methods usually. get closed yet, and of Freshmen often have to revise your major two more times before they the year is over. out decrease with class rank .. The registration by now, and know to Physch, Anthro, P.E., and History their schedules completely, even 3 seniors whiz throUgh the arena in ·head directly for the 072 (that's 106. Otherwise, they fare pretty or 4 times, end as a rule, never get This is ·Howard Cosell saying about 3 minutes (although one. right, P.E.!) table first, and then a subject or time slot thai they well and are in and out of the arena want. Also, the poor freshmen are Goodbye and Good night- and I'll see ya'll again in september! Bookstore Adopts New Policies WiSh to advise the student body GENERAL MERCHANDISE that the following policies. have These Items may be returned' for Defective merchanise may be suggested and approved by the been adopted by the College Store. full credit or exchange up to one returned at any time. Administrative Council. Also, Cap & Gown- $7.95 They will become effective, week from d~t~ of purchase Next, we want to advise the Dean Mowbray indicated that no Hood- $2.25 January 1, 19'Ui. students that-we will be handling negative feelings were apparent Retain-Tussle -. .75 COURSE BOOK RETURNS LP - 8 TRK -' CASSETTES the Baccalaureate Regalia dif- when this was discussed with some $10.95 Course books may be returned for Defective merchanise Will be ferently ... starting with the com- of the seniors. These hoods will not Tax- .44 full credit or exbange during the accepted, . but only for exact mencement on' May 23, 1976. Up be purchased by the students but YouPay- $11.39 first two weeks of the Fall and replacement coPY. If the exact title until this time, we have been rented to them and of course, they Spring Semester." After the second is not in stock, we will issue the renting the regalia and, it has been will have to be returned im- NEW PROCEDURE 1916 week has "passed, we will accept customer a credit slip and order coming to us in many different mediately after commencement. (PUrchase and Rental) course books or make an exchange the out of stock item. The customer styles and shades of material. Most Anyone wishing to retain their Cap, Gown and Tassle- $7.75 but, at a 10 per cent loss to the will be notified upon receipt of of the time, the regalia has been hood can do so, but at an additional Hood- $2.25 customer. No course books will be their order and their credit slip will old and of a heavy-weight cost. You can indicate your in- $10.00 accepted by the College Store after be redeemed when the material, therefore hot to wear. tentions when you come to the Tax· .40 one month from the semester replacement is picked up. Now, we will be selling the regalia College Store to be measured. We You Pay $10.40 opening. Books must be clean and to the graduating classes and it will have a sample for your in- If you want to retain your hood, in good condition upon their return. IMPORTANT NOTICE will be made of Dacron-Cotton, spection. the additional cost will beSS.SO plus .22 cents tax. Also, if your hood is therefore, lightweight. Under no circumstance will a cash ow not returned immediately after refund or exchange be allowed, !'1 , let us take a look at the costs commencement, for one reason or TRADE HOOKS _ OTHER except that it be supported by a Also, starting with this years we will automatically another, commencement, the COURSE MERCHANDISE College Store Sales Receipt. class will wear hoods. graduating Involved. PROCEDURE - 1916 (Ren- your parents for this item. bill ~~~ This was Tips for Winter Survival Sue Coleman With winter soon upon us, its a Iorters. Try to keep all your -Pack your stairways with snow good idea to look ahead and comforters on the bed! and ice them overnight. Terrific plants will use less water and stay complete, and your blood type prepare for the inevitable cold -Beware the driveway near for bob sledding and tobogganing. green and healthy while you're tatooed on your forehead! winds and occasional snow that lay Whiteford when and if it snows. -A good way to keep plants away. -The best tip for surviving the seige to The Hill. Here are a few -The best icc skating in the area healthy over breaks without -Beware the slopes of the golf cold winter months at Western helpful hints to insure you survive can be had by flooding your floors lugging them home is to water course if you're planning to go Maryland is the last one of course. against the winter months. Bundle up tight, remember your bathroom. Block the doors and moderately, enclose in plastic, and sledding when it snows-make sure don't forget your ice skates. place out of direct sunlight. The' your insurance is paid up, your will glove, serer, and nose mitten, and fr~!er::;~~~llaf~~ena~~nO~~o~i~n ----=--'----00-'-'-,. 'C-
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