Page 43 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 43
**~**********~News briefs"'************ S ' Page 3 Scrimshaw November 5, 1975 ports Open tryouts for H.M.S. by Bill Tribby, of the Dramatic Art iso~ntothepublic.It.issJX)nsored Mary Gately Pinafore, one of Gilbert and department, with musical diree- bYPIGammaM~~~d~saprogram Sullivan's most 'popular operettas, tion by Carl Dietrich of the Music following the initiation of new Sue Snyder will be held at WMC, Tuesday and department.' members and will take p1~ce at ~~es~y, November 11 and 12, Tb~tna::~~ s:~!~~:r, ~:s ~;~~ ::.::: .•i:.~e.:a::e.:~:.n:~. ,_ ~-_ The production, sponsored by the p-cduced in England in 1878, and At 703. on Thursday, November Three cheers for the cheerleaders College !is part of the bicentennial has been continually performed 6th a film will be shown in Davis In terms of Women's Liberation, together the half-time sbows: and to does mean it what :~i;~~£~:ff=~~~:~m{~t~h~~~in~~~;~~=~i:":.!~i~~[r;~~~:Ebe a many meetings a week constitute cheerleader, majorette, or JX)m the final product which Is viewed at th:!:~~~; :~~~t~~~~:' r:;~~,~:r:::~~~:.~~~:Carlo this year, and his film and JX)m girl at WMC? the game, and on that day there is Tryouts will be held in Levine laughing at the British Navy. ~~:~!~e~t~~r:r~en~~a~~ After interviewing various an all-around feeling 'of ac- Hall (the Music Building), from Characters, in addition to various persons that come from each complishment and school 6:30 until 8:30 p.m., on the dates sailors, sisters, cousins, and aunts, College. group, the general concensus o! togetherness. indicated. are: Boatswain, Carpenter, Dick At first Dave thought he was opinion is that the "Whole scene' Persons interested in trying out Deadeye, Little Buttercup, Ralph ~~gi:O w~C:~=~~~way doesn't seem to degrade them as It is of the opinion that some girls women one single bit, and also, seek these postuons on the various' ~~~~: __~:c~h~e~i;:::~s-~e~t ~o::~:~Co~~t~~be~o~~r~~ between Rome and Florence. they are damn proud to be squads as a means of gaining located on the bulletin board on the Rt. Hon. Sir JoseIiJ, Porter, K.C.B. ~~~e;~~:~e:~~os~~~~:u~~~ members. status, or at least some kind of "exposure," but who would admit ~:fn~~~e !all~~~gn:: ~~: _ pl:C:~ ~!~!~ptth~a~~~ Art from a textbook instead of beauty to that intention anyway? evenings. Library (under Tribby's name). ~::~~ fi~~r~:nd~fh!h~o;!~l~~~ caeeant. they obviously must forgo EVeryone seeks a little status in JX'!~e '::~o~~c:~~~~ and spent his time exploring in terms of one way or the other, and if it themselves for makes you feel happy, do it. will be provided) and one two- On November 23, 1975 Dr. N~~~~!~lr~nces during this goo-goo eyed men, There is nothing degrading about minute comic reading. Neither ~ Whitfield will give a talk Q.nFlags summer are recorded in his flim. no means do the girls at school support, regardless of pow :~~!e reading needs to of the Revolution in McDaniel The narrative discloses groovy find themselves placed in short the skirt is - and, as a matter as of fact, the porn porn unifonns, The production is being directed lounge at 8:00 P.M. This program details. conditions. well as the cheerleaders' and color support out "We ****** To the Tusk ****** t am new went people, to become spirit the guards' are quite T~e conserv~tive as a little at different show school compared to others ;eet' majorettes' mo~ u~versities. Dear Tusk, fast to peg a woman as too forward refer you to this weeks editorial. If involved, and to have fun." This wnforms? Well" If lthey want to So this is Women's Week for or "loose", because she asserts every woman on this campus just appears to be the conglomerate wear them, let ~. !he guys at Scrimshaw? Well it's about time; herself as an individual and breaks acted the way that they wanted to, op.nion·of the girls, and don't try to ~C sur~ aren t. gomg to corn- as you tell them otherwise. A lot of time pl~m. You re as liberated maybe you should call this the the mold. and didn't buckle under to the for practice is spent putting think, not look. bitch column, but it's time to let off I'm finished with the hot air, but pressures of conformity, this steam. I realize it will only rise into the campus would definitely be a atmosphere. I should have gone to better place to live. (The same is Calling all women! Being a woman at WMC has the anonymity of a big university. true for the men!) Just keep in many disadvantages. What is more Pee-ode mind that those who are quick to degrading than to have to "stag" it put these labels on others are In the past at Western Maryland At least twelve girls are needed, to a section party, grille party, Dear Pee-Ode, usually not worth paying attention College, women on the swim team before any plans can even be GIGIF, .etc., in order to "get Couldn't agree with you morel I to anyway!! competed with the men. All the started. Practice for the team is around" enough to meet any guys? events were mixed. Men and held Monday through Friday, from What is more inconsiderate than World news women were' swimming the same 4to approximately 5:45. If you are being called on Friday, or worse events, and competing for places. a women interested in swimming, make an effort to come to practice ~~t~7~~~~~~~~~!r::;:t;~~The University of Texas student six feet tall, must know judo and lack The reason for this has been a and see 'what the team is like. of women But, swimmers. What is more stupid and em- senate passed a resolution karate, to work in collection barrassing than being a "pickup"? requiring women to wear bras if department. Apply at Arnold's mor~ wo~en are c.oming to Even if the women continue to What is more ridiculous than being they flunk the pencil test. (The test Friendly Lean Service." practice this year: Smce there compete with the men, it's a tagged "hot to trot" by merely stipulates that a woman who can ~eems ~ .~ more ~terest, there challenge. Though, this year there carrying on a friendly con- support a pencil under her breast The State Senate in Columbus, Isa pos~lblhty of h~Ving a separate is the possibility that the women This wou1d ena~le could have their own team. versation with a guy? How is it should wear a bra.) One cute fresh- Ohio, is pondering legislation that women s team. to compete solely Wlth you think it's worth a try? Don't the women The bill also T JX)ssible to be friends with a guy man, applying for the job of ad- would authorize parimutuel bet- T' without causing a major scandal ministering the test, offered to pay ting on frog races. errorettes VS. 1gerettes on campus? How would you feel to ~~ .~~~l.!~: _l~~~?~.~_~.~?:..provides for appointment of a frog ~n~~s~~~J~ct a~f ;~:ry w~r:~ The following ad was found in r~~e ~O~:;;;i~~~~n~~ :~;o~o~n~ Western Maryland's field hockey Western Maryland. This win was ~~:t~~~? t~d t~;~::o!~ ~:=~Th""·~°2."'"F~~:n~~~~":_,O_:fc::N::'~W::mSm::an:_;,rn:_ve=~_t'_'_in:::.g_"_I08_d_" -1 ::/~~r~~J~~~e O~~be~:~~~ :::y thae:i~:;~ ~r 4~~3 would you like to have your every cont. from pg. 1, col. 5 State Tigerettes, one of the losses, and 1 tie. move monitored by every nosey every thing- even our table of girls toughest opponents on their The J.Y. field hockey team gave girl in the dorm? a fight with that guy- she'.s awfully are relatively calm tonight. Notice schedule. They deCided, however, the home team another victory for It's Tuesday night... things have that I said relatively. Tonight, to go all out in a great show of the day, beating Towson 3-1. I came to this sch.oolln the fU'St calmed down a bit. The cafeteria is diMer talk is mostly about classes, skilled stickwork and team play, Western Maryland scored goals on place because I liked the idea of its literally desserted. A few brave sports, and trivia. There are a whipping the Tigerettes 2..(1. The last breaks, and finished the "closeness." Everybody knows souls are scattered throughout select few outburst of tears, smiles Terrorettes worked well together, scoring with a C1lmer goal. everybody else, and you are an Englar. The small lines are and faraway exJX'essions. capitalizingonwingtowingpasses The Terrorettes finish their individual,notjustanI.D.number. moving rapidly. The people are All sit patiently waiting, for it and wide open shots at goal. The season this week with home games But at WMC, women are forced once again flocking together. The will soon be Wednesday. It is more defensive efforts of the entire against Wilson and Mt. S1. Mary's into a little code of acceptable zaniness has worn off- but only JX'acticai to begin getting excited backfield held Towson scoreless as and an away game at Dickinson. behavior rules, by the hypocritical temporarily. Day dreams seem to. about the weekend by Wednesday. forwards Toby Meldrun and Rhoda Comecheer the team on and watch men. They may JX'oJX)rt to JX'omote drift away on Tuesday, after such The next two days fly by at last Williams scored one goal each for some exciting hockey action. Women's Lib in belief, but they are intensity on Monday night. Yes,
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