Page 42 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 42
~ Page 2 Scrimshaw November 5, 1975 Editorial ********************************** It being International Women's the state of a sizeable percentage will be discussed from the sophomore year to ask a girl out, time, should assert themselves. Year, Scrimshaw has decided to do of male-female (or female-male) womens point of view. what you end up with is a large Why should women have to wait it's part to honor, and help women, interaction. The end result of this Back to the question, "Why are number of girls that sit in their for guys to ask them out on by devoting this entire issue to problem is that a large number of all these women, who would like to rooms and lament every Saturday Saturday night, the evenings of the women. A major problem arose, men who would like to take a girl go out with a guy, sitting around night." That, in a nutshell, is the "big" dance, or any other day or however, when it came time to out end up sitting in their rooms with crushed feelings?" Basically, basic cause of the problem. evening, for that matter? Aren't write the editorial for an all women watching basketball on most most of these women would an- But in this age of liberated women supposed to be mens issue. What interesting, relevant Saturday evenings of the year, and swer, its because no men asked women, isn't there something that equals? Isn't that what this is all issue should the editorial cover? on the evenings of WMC's major them to go out. "And why weren't they can do to alleviate the about? The Equal Rights Amendmerit? dances, and also that a large they asked out?", is the next problem, without having to wait for When you women see a guy you Job discrimination? Equal pay number of women who would also question. "Oh, you know how guys the males to make the first move? want to go out with, and he doesn't for equal work? Abortion? Its a like to go out with a guy end up are. If you don't have a spectacu1ar The answer is yes. All women ask you out, then you ask him out! tough decision. watching T.V., or lamenting on the body, or they think that there isn't who recognize the fact that Assert Yourselves! Luckily the homecoming dance same nights. The obvious question a chance they can score that night, females are being caught up in this There probably isn't any woman was held last Saturday evening, which arises here, since we have they just won't take a girl out. Oh web of Saturday night doldrums, on this campus that couldn't get a and it re-exposed a campus both males and females, who sure, there are a good number of should vow themselves that they date with the guy she wants to go pr-oblem which deals very much woul guys who want to just go out and no longer will allow the female of out with, iI she just tries. Its up to with ~t;llri~n:., as well as men, and end have a good time, talk, and dance, the species to fall victim to this you, women. Learn to help your- although -·41e problem has its their but there just aren't enough of scourge upon their emotions, and selves, and then don't be too sur- greatest Visibility around the time them to go around, and when the social life. From now on, and what pr ised when others start to help of our major dances, it is actually a this weeks newspaper, the answer timid guys are counted out, you better time than in International you. But the first step is yours to year round problem. to this question, and what can be know, the ones who take until Womens Year, women who want to take. The problem is, to put it bluntly, done to alleviate the problem, second semester of their go out with a male and have a good B.L~T. Lette rs to th e Edito r************************************************* Dear Editor, futunt we request that these and representative body of all Liberation Organization found in psychology? Modern man is I would like to take this op- matters be referred to us directly, students, the Housing and Conduct the Oct. 29th issue. marked by cupidity and hostility portunity to thank all of those rather than through obscure Council, would be considered by It seems to me that in that article because of the modern en- people who helped the WMC Circle allegations or not at all. the administration. In this light, I Mr. Levin made several vironment of capitalist com- K Club to raise a total of $1,719 for Sincerely, suggest that "if too many problems questionable and philosophically petition, not because he is the Maryland Association for Bill Mallonee, President HCC develop, we (the Housing and unsound points in his enalrsts of inherently evil. H you were correct Retarded' Citizens. Special thanks Keith Dill, V. Pres. HCC Conduct Council) will reopen the the motive force behind the P.L.O. in your assumptions Mr. Levin.dt go to the eight couples who made it question of this type of visitation" The points I am alluding to are would indeed be a sorry epitaph for through the entire 24 hrs. of the and make any necessary changes. those that assert (in his own mankind. Dance Marathon. ***** RickCoss words) a "basic hwnan nature." Respectfully, First-place couple Sue Barham According to Mr. Levin, human Thomas Beck and Larry Glenn, second place ***** beings possess a relatively fixed couple Cleo Braver and Louis Dear Editor, Dear Editor, human nature that manifests itself Chambers, and third place couple As a member of the Housing and I would just like to criticize the in avarice and acts of terriorism, ***** Lisa MalUl and Casey Dunn will be Conduct Council I found the letter Hinge program. Thinking of get- i.e., that mankind is fundamentally Dear Editor, competing in the Marathon finals from Dr. John, in last week's issue, • ting involved. I bought candy for malevolent. Find myself nodding out at the to be held at Hopkins, starting to be somewhat disturbing. Has the Hinge kids - in fact 3 out of 4 Philosophically, I am forced to great enthusiasm. displayed by Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. and ending there Friday really been a run on the rooms on my floor did also - too bad contest that assertion. First of all, students at the speaker events held Sunday, Nov. 16 at 1 p.m. I would President's Office concerning 24 no one came around. We still have the asswnption that man has a so far - first at the Kate Millett urge as many students as possible hour visitation? If so why hasn't enough candy to provide many fixed malevolent nature was lecture and again tonight at the to go down to the finals and cheer Dr. John informed the Housing people with a case of Terminal formulated by Thomas Hobbes in Harrison-Tyler comedy. In fact - on WMC's couples as they compete Conduct Council of his plight? In Zits. Also after visiting the the mid 1600's and later revised by I'm not alone in feeling drowsy, but for the $1,000 grand prize. With fact no cases, involving 24 hour Haunted House Inoticed a lot of the John Locke. Such hwnan nature sense the entire campus being in a little darlings up _ dressed weren't student support (both financial and visitation, have been referred to Why? That's ridiculous. theorists are largely discounted deep sleep. moran. one of Western Maryland's the Council by the residence hall today. It is modern contention that Ah well - I suppose its not for couples can bring back the Grand staff, the Office of Student Mfairs, Maclea man has no fixed human nature; everyone to be awake and con- Prize. or the "dear displaced persons." ***** rather, that his "nature" is scious. I do wonder, however, why RobPlatky The proper approach to this Dear Editor, determined by his environment. anyone would pay $3800 for the Dance Marathon Coordinator pr-oblem is outlined in the Student The foregoing is in reference to Does Mr. Levin care to discount dubious priviledge of sleeping ... for the WMC Circle K Club Handbook on page 38-39. the viewpoint on the Palestinian the whole of modern behavorial John Springer hours ***** to be construed as permission are not for Susan "Theatre By and About Women": a celebration 1. Open visitation of the opposite sex play Dear Editor, members overnight in a student's to Coleman (pia) v, - 1. to occupy from the struggle of raising opportunity to reflect and learn sleep In regard to the recent letter room. The college can not and will oneself in amusement 2. to take children will never attempt the about the joys and the struggles of published in the Scrimshaw from not condone a student's part in a game 3. to act or perform creative, the arts and sciences being a woman. Dr. Ralph C. John concerning the cohabitation with a member of the Interested in learning about where men have always reigned. alleged infractions of the WMC opposite sex in college residence play? It's as simple as coming to These questions and many more Visitation Policy, we in behalf of halls. Should such behavior come see "An Evening of Theatre By and are raised during "An Evening of Tickets are currently being sold the Housing and Conduct Council, to the attention of residence hall About Women" scheduled for Theatre By and About Women". at the Student Activities Center for would take this opportunity to staff, the Housing Council, or the performance this weekend, Come out this weekend and expand $2 and will also be available at the clarify the Council's role in Office of Student Affairs, November 7, 8, 9 Understage in your horizons, learn about "play", door on evenings of the per- maintaining the integrity of the dicipUnary actions will be taken. !!=~:!a!t!:r' :s!~~ar:n::_d~c~e1~eb::_'"::_te~!_F!Co::_'~'~ll,--,C'it~'s~.~n_::fo:::nna=n:::ces::_ --1 Visitation Policy as established for 2. Visitation arrangements may 1975-1976. lead to complications with respect defulitions of play, asitisa thought Staph: Who To Blame to use of a shared room by provoking "and amusing per- Chief Turkey: In view of the fact that no abuses roommates. Students who feel that formance of poems, one-act plays, EI Supremo Picture o(ffie policy have been reported to this has occurred should discuss songs, and dance designed to in- Baron L Tayler Snapper: the Council to date, any discussion the situation with their room- volve the audience in a con- Assistant Turkey: Baron L Tayler of the failure of Open House, with matete). Should such disucssion sciousness raising celebration. Mark C. Bayer The Man Who Fixes The the intent to "reopen the question not iead to a. resolution of the "An Evening- of Theatre By and Drumsticks: Books: of this type of visitation and change problem, the student involved About Women" is being produced Matt Bowers Richard Naylor the policy", is premature in our should feel free to enlist the in honor of International Women's Mark Katz Head Orawer: cpnton. To the "Displaced Per- assistance of the residence hall. Year as a way to deepen Giblets: Mark C. Bayer sons", we direct their attention to staff, the Housing Council, or the awareness of women and to offer Kathy Citro The Guy Who Gets Rid the statement of Visitation Policy Office of Student Affairs. These coments on women's lifestyles and Of This Rag: found on pages 37-39 in the Student persons will be expected to par- their alternatives. ShOuld a mother Susan Coleman Jeff Robinson Handbook, specifically paragraphs ticipate in the resolution of the leave her young child to work Mary Gately 2 & 4 under general policies. p-oblem, including recommending outside the home? Does a woman Denise Giangola The Hombre Who Sells(?) Further, to insure that these and arranging a change in housing really have a voice in chooslng her Carlton Harris Ads: matters are dealt with properly, assignments, where feasible. career or are women's jobs just Lonni Myers Oavid Range we quote para. 4, "Any com- "something to while away the time Richard Naylor plaints ... should be reported to the until the time to breed?" How do Jeff Robinson Attorneys: Residence Hall Staff or Housing This makes it clear that the women feel about their men, their David Range Samuel Goldenstein Council Representative ... " "poor displaced persons" do have lovers, their unborn children, their Kim Shewbridge The Housing & Conduct Council a means of solving their problem. uninterestiog jobs, their position in Sue Snyder and Sons is composed of "representatives If they refuse to use it let them sit a male dominated society? And AND: Acast of thousands. from the living units and ... is outside their rooms twiddling their then, how do men relate to women? Jennifer Watts The opinions expressed in specifically concerned with thumbs. Do they picture women only as Jim Teramani this publication do not maintaining discipline and beautiful plastic Barbie dolls, or Bob Toner necessarily reflect those 01 generally well-organized living I would also like to remind Dr. expect them to change, "to Susan Tuley the administration. Box conditions in student residence John that, during last year's quest reupholster their minds"? Are Top Notch Typists: 3-A,. Western Maryland areas." To insure the viability of for a 24 hour visitation policy, Dean women only underpaid labor, Susan Coleman College, Westminster, Md., this system and the quick solution Mowbray made it quite clear that mechanical office workers and Nancy Eichelman 21157 to problems of this nature in the onJy proposals from a responsibile baby machines who, exhausted
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