Page 41 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 41
C fl.! Spee'.' Wednesday, November 5, 1975 Volume 2, Issue 8 Women's Issue Brian Trumpower 1975 is International Women's Year Kim Shewbridge 1975 is International' Women's complishments, and her rights to be women struggling with their duetrialized , countries and the derstand women as people. It is Year. Your reaction to that equality are financed by the rights or with their countries, but women of the Third World. timetostopthinkingofwomenasa statement might well be an member countries' governments, the women struggling with each Deverging interests led to a grand single unit, Woman, fighting for a apathetic "so what'? or "Who corporations, and foundations. other. Wives of Presidents who total of 894 amendments to the single cause, Equal Rights, and cares'?" and if it is so, you are An example of how IWY WOI1t~ come to speak to the Conference Plan of Action adopted at the time to start thinking of women as 00 different from most other on the local front can be found in were termed "wifey-poos" by ac- conference. just that- women, people with people. "Big deal," you say, "so Maryland's Prince George's tivitest feminists. Countries differences of opinions and needs. women have named a year after County, the first locality in the criticized their own members. The The IWY World Conference did We, the staff of SCRIMSHAW, are themselves to try to tell us that nation to proclaim 1975 as In- worst comments were reserved for ret accomplish all of the goals that, doing our part for International they're important. They have ternational Women's Year. It Philippine First Lady Imedla theoretically, it could have. Women's Year through this issue. symposiums, lectures, try to formedataskforceofwomenfrom Marcos,whoaccusedtheWestern Neither is the IWY, with little We are giving people the op- educate us a little. They hold 15 local organizations "to plan and feminist movement as having enthusiasm to support its cause. portunity to say different things festivals to show their talents. And implement a program to bring us a "overtones of revenge" and ex- Because we may be quick to about different topics involving then that conference in, where was long stride closer to full women's tolled the "feminine mystique of criticize the IWY with its lack of women. We are not trying to it, Mexico? Who cares, huh'? I rights in life and in the lawbooks." the Oriental woman." Because of accomplishments, we may also be downgrade men, burn our bras, or mean, Uh, women are, well, you to quote their proclamation. To this, she and her commission were quick to criticize women, and we label anyone. We just want you, as know, women. This liberation help finance its activities, the IWY tagged the "Iron Butterfly Squad." are wrong in doing this. If the IWY the IWY does, to gain an un- business is baloney." Well, who Task Force sold IWY sweat shirts, Also, the amount and kinds of is floundering it is not because we derstanding of women as people ever you are, you're looking at it T·shirts, pins, tie tacks, bracelets, legislation needed differed bet- don't understand women as with differences of opinions, from the wrong angle, for, you see, earrings, and stickers. Some of its ween the women of Western in- women, but that we don't un- viewpoints, and needs. to you women are just women, but Year is all ~~~~~~i'1::~:~~,:::~i:~The girls at the table next door they're people, too, and that's what International Women's about; it is trying not to just moor women in various fields STAPH liberate women, but to liberate (including homemaking), The scene is Englar Dining Hall, people. The shy one who sat in her She never spends her dinner everyone. culminating in a county "Woman It's dinner time and the tables are room all weekend reading Robert brooding over lost loves. There is of the Year." rap.lD.y being filled. Thefood line is Redford's latest film reviews. She one very serious danger though. 1975 as International Women's Highlighting International winding around the cafeteria- it's bides her time dreaming of the big When this girl flunks a test, she is Year was established in 1972 by a Women's year was the IWY World roast beef night. Threads of gossip mixer, when she can put all of her in fantasy world for a solid week'. resolution of the United Nations Conference held in Mexico City are suspended throughout the intelligence to work. Until then, it's Every table needs a girl who is General Assembly. IWY's purpose from June 23- Ju1y 4. This was cafeteria. Finally, the line has a veil of tears and a book with just plain nice. Over the weekend is to launch and to encourage new truely an historic event, hopefully diminished. Tiny flocks of people soggy pages. she got to visit all the donns and p-ograms, involving men as well beginning a shift in social vision clump together at the little tables. The cheerfu1, more vibrant girl socialize. She has no specific as women, in "business, industry, and in political activity. It was the At last it's Monday night dinner- a adds spice to dinner time. She is dream in mind, but is friends with labor, minority groups, govern- first conference of its kind of the moment to sit down, relax, and usually laughing, and bringing out everybody. But whenver she hears ment at all levels, the professions, subject of women's rights, with discuss the weekend. the craziness in the other girls. Her that one song she begins to think of the borne, schools and colleges, 1,044 United Nations Delegates weekend usually consists of frat her friends back home. religous groups, the arts, and from 133 goverrunents adopting a parties. She vows that she had a The girl who is the most com. sports; to create exchanges bet- IG-yearplanforbetterhealthcare Girls should be extremely dynamite time at the last party. posedatdinner,istheonewhohas ween the United States and and education for women and for careful in choosing their seats. However, tonight she is very calm. a steady boyfriend. She is essential abroad." So IWY was not created Improvement in their participation They will want to sit with the girls A crinkled smile cracks her face. to the table, since she acts as a for the sole benefit of women; it in governments. This plan of they are usually seen with. It is of Most likely she is still dreaming of mother hen to all the other girls. involves all peoples of all nations in action and principles is called the the utmost importance to sit in the how she met Charlie Charm. She is Weekends are always a thrill for understanding the rights and the Declaration of Mexico City. strategic seat. That is the seat still amazed that Charlie found her. Sometimes she gets needs of women. President Ford Although there were many high facing the door so you can catch her, amidst all the other sardines disillusioned that she is with her signed an Executive Ord!;r to hopes for the Conference, it didn't everybody gliding. in, the seat in the small room. h()ney so much. Seems like she create the IWY National Cern- quite measure up to all that was directly across from the guy your never gets to run around with her mission consisting of 35 members expected of it. It was incongruous; dying to meet, or under the table so dinner companions. The other girls rot from the government ap- the Conference president was a that you can hide from the guy you The expressionless, motion1ess are sweltering with envy- the pointed by the President, plus four mete- Pedro Ojeda, Mexico's met Friday night. girl presents a sharp contrast to complete weekend. Congressmen selected by Attorney General. Delegates had the vibrant girl. Her eyes are as Congress. Other nations with quite a habit of dragging politics big as quarters, and her heart is We've just taken a quick trip into committees are Canada, Australia, into the matter. A Russian Looking closer at one table of broken. How cou1d Harry Hand- the minds of one table of girls. But New Zealand, Jordan, Iran, Sudan, delegate said that her country was _girls, we see a glimpse of the some forget that he slow danced don't base your opinions on one Italy, Switzerland, Norway, "the great exception as far as overall weekend. Seems that the with her at the last G.1G:1F.? It table. Next time you go to dinner, Belgium, France, and others. oWOrtunity for women is COD- weekends fly by, leaving the girls may have been a month ago, but look around. See that girl eating (Inspired by IWY, French cerned," and Mrs. Sadat said that with a full week of memories. With the memory is still there. Maybe, like a horse? Or the meek girl President Valery Giscard IWY cou1d oot make good on its the ever increasing pressure of the just maybe this will be the night smiling? Have you noticed the d'Estaing created the government promise of peace "while Arab work week, it's encouraging to that he stops over to visit. exp-eeetons on the faces of the girls post of Secretary of State for the lands remain occupied, while that have something to fantacise about. It's always good to eat dinner who had a big date last weekend? Condl tion of Women.) Activities in Palestinians remain homeless." We have the usual bunch of girls with a girl who is in love with her Maybe you noticed the girl who had fields relating to women, her ac- The worst problem didn't seem to representing a micro-cosm of studies. This girl is very practical. cont. on pg. 3, col. 2
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