Page 40 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 40
Page 8 Scrimshaw Wednesday, October 29, 1975 ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ews briefs ••••••••••••••••••••• One thing you're not going to be Board chairman, Wilbur D. Their performance will feature The picnic looked -like an in- such as condoms or foam, at the able to pass up this coming Preston, Jr., made the an- an hour show plus an hour of "rap" Saturday night is sure to be the nouncement following the fall about relevant issues, says Joan ternational food-consuming same time. In the meantime, call Homecoming Dance! With free session of the board on Oct. 10. Avey, the college's activities marathon and sounded like a U.~. your doctor or go to the birth for most memorable The BEER, Coke, and pretzels' who Myers, 34, has been nominated for director. meeting. of the picnic, however, was control clinic for a prescription pill. If a new type of birth control aspect could say "no"? official election at the April session The lecture-performance is free the taste of that mouth-watering you have unopened packages of Things will start hoppin' at 9 of the board with the un- and open to the public. Iood! Throughout the crowd, one Modicon that were purchased at a o'clock in the Westminster Armory derstanding that he may im- More information may be ob- and will continue for anyone who mediately join the board with full ta~ed by contacting Miss Avey in could hear comments like: "Que pharmacy, these can be returned can keep up with the fast pace until parliamentary privilege. Wmslow Student Center or by estupendo!", "Wie heisst est", for a refund. If you have unopened 1. The Freshmen and Sophomore Myers has been active in calling 848-7000, ext. 385. "Je L'aime la pique-Rique in- sample packages of Modicon, classes, who are sponsoring the ~~l~~ ~vi~=,~fer;!~:~~ ... ternational!", "What's a crepe?", return them to the place you ob- dance, have provided us with the etc. tained them. Since there is no melodious melodies of Shack. Inc., Synagogue and as a director of the The Western Maryland College When it came time to pack up charge for sa~ples in the first a band reportedly able to play a Baltimore Council for Equal Art Club invites the community- variety of music to suit anyone's Business Opportunity. He was also young and old-to its Halloween ~~~fv~assl:!~:t ~~:~st~~e,~: ~:c:~:p1~ep=~a~es~ ""." tastes. (Yes, even yours!) a director of the Guidance and Night Haunted House on Thursday, hospitable home of Herr and Frau If you have obtained .your pills Tickets for the dance go on sale Placement Bureau of Associate Oct. 30. Share a scare with your Buttner. There, the fun and food from Dr. ~rd at her offl~e, please Monday, October 27th, probably continued into the night. ~~r ~=llo~~~ :~~~iC:lo~e~~ outside the cafeteria for the mere Jewish Charities (Baltimore) for ~~~~n ~~ c:~ a~~:'oc~ cost of $6.00 a couple. Don't let the several years. go to the sponsoring club. The International Picnic is you can pickup a prescription for a price of the tickets scare you-the. ••• Guest celebrities traditionally definitely one of the most exciting different wee of birth control pill. quality of the music you will enjoy There will be an Intervarsity include Frankenstein, Dracula, activities of the combined efforts of If you obtained your Modicon is worth it! meeting in Baker 100 tonight at Pumpkin Princess, Haunch Juck the language clubs. Well-worth the pills from the Western Maryland the results time and the planning, The theme of this year's dance is 8:00. Mr. Paul Kokulas, a lawyer and many others. 'were satisfying to the people and College infirmary, you can come Wednesday by. a~y a for pre- the "Birthday Party", to com- from Potomac, Maryland will be The annual Haunted House memerate our Bicentennial Year. speaking on the topic of integrity. begins at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts their palates. HopefuUy, the In- ~Cl'lptlOl] for a new type of birth So, come as you are (provided Mr. Kokulas is an active member Building on campus. ternational Picnic at Harveystone control pill. There will be no you're dressed ij_emi·forma_lly and. of the Fourth Presbyterian Church can be repeated in the spring, or at charge for this exchange if you do join in the celebration of fun. Hope in Bethesda and has had much International •••was hela at least again next fall. not have any problems and simply Picnic ••• want to start a new pi~. to ~~ you there! :t~~ience with the youth groups Harveystone on Monday, October 6, from 4 pm to 8 pm. For anyone The Alumni Art Show, an annual Mter having robbed one bank of who attended the event, the onec campus event, will open at 4 p.m. $7,989, a Chicago holdup man was o/n~f::n~:p~ngc~n~~%t de~~r:c~ ••• word evaluation was "delicious! !" on Saturday, November 1 in found by police with a bag of Lamonica, our Sophomore Class The contemporary female Some of the more important guests Gallery One of the Fine Arts money, opening a savings account President, at Apt. 2-C_ comedy team of Harrison and included tacos, Spanish tortillas Building at Western Maryland at a bank half a block away. ••• ~~~;'y~I~~.T,~~~~ t~i~~i and Sangria from the Spanish College .. It will feature wo~ks of During a recent discussion of sex (potato kartoffelsalat Club; Jonathan P. Myers, president Western Maryland College. salad), cheese and beer courtesy of outstanding college _alum~ .who as communication at a Masters and chief executive officer of Patti Harrison and Robin Tyler the German Club; various types of have contrIbu~d thel.r paintings, and Johnson lecture series, a Londontown Corporation in are "humanists, jesters and crepes, and Quiche Lorraine cra~1s:, and a ~lde variety of member of the audience asked, "If Baltimore has been added to the remtmsts-In that order," ac- provided by the French Club; and ~~blts for display. The pubh: I.S we agree that sex is a form of Western Maryland College Board -cording to a review by Ms. good ole hamburbers, hot dogs invited to attend the art exhibit communication, then can we also from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., of Trustees. magazine. and lemonade from Englar's. weekdays, NOV= e' agree that masterbation is sort of through like talking to yourself?" Patients who are presently taking the birth control pill called jfvou need help witha legal Modicon are now advised that this problem, bUI can'laffordan "Integrity and Service" p.ll will no longer be available. attorneY,calilhe Bureau. Inc., Legal Aid Carpel· rne- Linoleum • ~~a!~pi~~:~t!=~est~~~~ 55 East Main Street al84B·7300,orlruckon round not to be fully potent which down 10: 848·5980 • may reduce their effectiveness in Sui te 12,Carroli Plaza, Paul Wheeler· Owner • preventing pregnancy. If you are Westminsler, Md. Irvin Goodman· Owner · -~!~t~::~~~o~yaC~,a~~~:~ Speciallhanks 10 SAMPLES 25e • D Downtown, andup additionC'al'-!ffi""",tho",d",o",r",bir".!th""oo",nt",,",,,,l.c_1._:c-_ ,,,'=c,=aig:cN;::;.::;:S'C;;h~:-7."II!;-!_-j crossword puzzle The only place in the I Treat Shop MILL ENDS: · ,Choo:ol., • ~ ~~~;:,o'.;n WlI$tminster,Md. COKES ARE STIL[ONLY 5 CENTS DOWN ACROSS $20 HEREI!!!!!!! •ubn;.",. 92 West Main St. 6Challengoer; -.. lcoll.) 3T" ... 12Sh.n9,;·lo whole United States!! across from movie theater and uP: 1151<;lIlul :~:~:V'I_ Q Stop in for ~: ~~;;I:;~:tion 6~':=~V We give S+H Green Stamps! , a snack!!! .. rj1one: 848 ·;!7181 17 Carl~;n ma;l(twowon!.) ~ 26 West Main Street 18 Minuscul. Support your Circle K Club ·------------., ........~ ~~~ . 20l ....,eno:e'. 1 Atto,nev 26G.nufloe( 51~~h";'ab_) 29PI ... u,. ,-, r 22 III·mann.. eeI 'Gf,:!' .. n 31 G,ow'" 56 Nogati.e coho... 53 Con.umo !>B~·:t. 9 Th.lliad. lollow for.""mpl. 33 Anmnomy. 23 K,ndoIwa ... 1011.) 20% off on American • :~~'.- :::,,::'110' 39-'o'n. I UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS Indian Jewelry and ~,- 13 StoleelfU'rM' :~:~o;....v 32 Pet;od. Imported Clothes 35~:::f ~:=:::I": 46Confuoed and I Over $33.500,000 ranging unclaimed scholarships, Current list of these 38 No>:tu,nll lc. 21F."""h 4Blnit.pr_n, grants, aids, dol;coc:y su,.(two from $SO to $10,000. fellowships In;m.' 24 MispIlv wardl) 41Wi ...... I sources researched and compiled as of September S. 1975. Posters - Buy two, and • 42!~;.chon SCHOLARSHIPS "- UNCLAIMED get one free!!!!!!! 11>0_" Maine 04103 I 369 Allen Avenue, Portland, plus $1.00 for postage and handling. 44ACI>rtlI,n $12.95 o I am enclosing 45 Slation(ob.) no cash, please.) (Check 01 money order - I~I::I~ ;:11:utt:~~:p~.~~~::~~·b=; Hours- Tues., Wed .• 47 Comb;n;"" 'o'-' fo.IElo PLEASE RUSH YOUR 12105 5OF,"""h" ..... 52Sna,. 54~:,~::."! CURRENT LIST OF . I .~~~::}~.?".c:::::::::J UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS Watch For our Shuttle 55Int ..... I:t;.ity 59 Mo,I>o,-o1 _" Westminster Loafing J:;:eH~.... Barn, 6OColoredo Li:...=._-:.~=.~~.:.p~=:.=.::-.~P.:"':..1 . Main Street, 100 yds. ,.. . IAddress .............. acrog; 97
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