Page 38 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 38
Page 6 Scrimshaw Wednesday, October 29, 1975 Music and Movie Reviews at ts Springsteen's "Born To Run" worth running for J.nn;f"W Bruce Springsteen has suddenly side." He wonders if the risk is of tempo and loudness of the music stand back and let it all be-and in a very earthy expressive voice and broken through the underground worth the profit. In a half-pleading reflects the diversity of moods. the quick of the night-they reach displays some of the sensitivity "cocoon" and is new a top fourty voice he urges his frien_d to .come With the growing tension of the for their moment-and try to make that made Dylan famous, but butterfly. His metamurphists along, but reminds him (We fight about to break music reaches an honest stand-but they wind up Springsteen is not a folk-hero. seems ·so rapid, but it was a pro- gotta stay cool tonight, Eddie- loud crescendos and branches off wounded-not even dead-tonight in Unlike Dylan, Springsteen is not a cess encompassing many years. Cause man we got ourselves out on into some nice saxaphone solos by JungIeland-) protester. His memories are good Springsteen's talent matured the line- And if we blow this one- Clarence Clemmons. (the midnight and unpleasant, but he displays an through years of osbscure work They ain't going to be looking for gangs assembled- And picked a affection for them. He describes with lecal New Jersey bands and me this time-t ( Bruce sing-acts rendezvous for the night. They'll I have only described three of the the suburban life he loves and solo performances in Manhatten this role beauitfully. Adding to the meet 'neath that giant Exxon sign- songs on this album, but all of the hates; the "Jungleland" mingled night clubs. It was not until three theme, is a soft piano and the that brings this fair city Hght-) As songs express in their unique way with feelings of fear and years ago that this potential haunting echoes of a trumpet in the the tension reaches a climax, the the reoccuring images of love, fascination. Springsteen is not "butterfly" was discovered by background, played skillfully by music suddenly softens: as Bruce alienation, fear, and fascination, in protesting, but reflecting. Because Columbia Records. His first two Randy Brecker. describes a scene between lovers. the legendary city streets. The only of this, his poetry does not contain albums were nutured by a small' (Beneath the city two hearts beat- complaint I have about this album, the same bite that Dylan's did. cult of fans and progressive radio soul engines running through a is that Springsteen has a tendency stations, but because of some 'me city is not just a mixture of night so tender) During this in- to be repititious as an example, the Born to Run is a good example of mysterious force, his third album clear-cut wild and soft moments. timate moment, a gang member is beginning of the song," "Night" Bruce Springsteen's unique ability hit the mass media, and it is no Springsteen captures the great killed, but the music remains LIlt: reminded me very much of the to express himself. His sincerity wonder that it clicked. variety of interactions and same. His death is unnoticed. As beginning to "Born to Run" and and sense of drama make his songs passions in the song 'JungleJand' spetegsteen's imagination moves there are a few cases where a overwhelmingly real. I look for- This I feel is the highlight of Born out of the lover's bedroom the melody is repeated too often within ward to hearing his next album. I Born to Run is the name of the just hope" though, that when his album that recent Springsteen to Run. This song dramatizes the music reaches a quick.crescendo, a song. converts are listening to and I trauma of a gangfight and a death, until he internalizes the whole In some reviews I've read, new mass of fans, cry out for a new think that it's best that they start and the unaffected city world situation and ends his peoom in a Springsteen was called the new album in six months, he doesn't from there. On his first two surrounding this crisis. Along with whisper. {And the poets down here: Dylan. I don't think that this succumb to the sudden pressures, albums, Greetings from Asbury the series of images, the changing don't write nothing at all-they just comparison is adequate. Bruce has and forsake some of his creativity. Park and The Wild, the Innocent, and the 'East Street Shuffle. "Dog Day Afternoon" is no dog Springsteen seems too self- con- Mark C. Bayer scious. Even though his lyrics are typically alive with images, he Picture this, if possible: There John Casale) what country he'd Sargent calls it, has such of smug references are made to the flirts with a vague conception of are these three guys who walk into like to go to. Cazale answers, potential that one hopes it is used fact that Truman disliked a certain how to dramatize them. Born to a New York City bank, hoping to "Wyoming." It's a funny line, but for much better things in the official named Nixon, and the Run majestically exhibits his stage a quick robbery. They are also quite pathetic. future. audience thus gets another chance growth since then. Bolder, and not well-prepared. Mter one of the One would have thought that Give 'Em Hell, Harry features to sneer at Dick, which at this late more assured of his style, trio gets cold feet and takes the after last year's disastrously dull Whitmore as President Harry date is abit like pumping bullets Springsteen adds a background subway home, the leader of the Murder on the Orient Express, Truman and is a stitched-together into a corpse. The production is band to his confidence. group orders the tellers into the director Sidney Lumet should series of speeches quotes, and also rather simple-minded in its vault. One of them, however, has to never be allowed to work within anedotes gathered from various belief that a large helping of op- use the bathroom, and so while the enclosed spaces again. The script points in his professional and timistic homilies can save a Born in Freehold, New Jersey, robbers hustle around looking for Tr-uman potboiler Springsteen experienced life in something that can be used for a for that Agatha Christie and badly personal life. is seen country, somehow overlooking the was so one dimensional small New Jersey towns and also toilet, the police have gotten ample preparing to eeueve General fact that President Ford employs the more alluring scene in New time to arrive and circle the bank. developed that no amount of flash- Douglas MacArthur from his some of the same techniques. York City. With great insight and The game would ordinarily backing, cross-cutting, or ec- military command in Korea Worst of all is the way that the on Lumet's lyrical sensativity, he vividly be up, but the robbers have the centric save angles it (and it fact part denouncing Joe McCarthy and the show explits Trumania to its fullest by presenting only speeches only could and portrays growing up in stagnant, hostages and are thus well- Ku Klux Klan, casually conversing the of futility the but captivating suburbian towns. equipped to negotiate with the 200- underlined The script for Dog Day is with an imaginary Herbert Hoover decisions that make than Truman look less like nothing a savior. project). Backed up by drums, strings bass plus cops on the scene. Add to this a and Franklin D. Roosevelt, with reactions guitar, keyboards, and a brass large crowd gathering to watch the concerend more and Lumet can snapping back at a bad critical Controversial decisions are neatly than with actions, section, most notably Clarence event. The day becomes hard and take advantage of it without review of daughter Margaret's avoided; Hiroshima is quickly Clemmons on saxaphone, long. . heaving and tugging for effects. By singing, and even scheming to get swept under the rug in three with Springsteen assuredly rocks from If this .sounds unbelievable, it is the end of the two-and-a-half-hour out of mowing his lawn on a Sunday sentences. the Despite and the skill were film play which a loud throaty voice to hoarse based upon a real incident that running time, you will know that morning. Give 'Em Hell, Harry constructed, I came away rather Since whispers. Although the lyrics on took place on a fall afternoon in in it. In fact, the his eight songs are very hard to 1972, and is the subject of Dog Day bank and everyone Dog Day fails is came in on a wave of nostalgia for resenting the fact that I was not that only time hear, his voice resounds with Afternoon, a beautifully measured when it leaves the bank to explore the late President, it carries with it allowed to make my own judgment. a great deal of opportunism. A lot passion. comedy that allows.Al Pacino a Pacino's relationships with his chance to display a comic ability hysterical wife and mother - a pair Sore Noses IN fact, it is Springsteen's which has not surfaced in Pacino's of broad caricatures that are Tim Lewis The noted nostrillologist and passion that drew me to his music. previous films. Since Pacino is completely out of touch with the It came almost without warning, parttime pitchfork, G.D. Even though he deals with a pressured from the police, from robbers, police chief, FBI agent, except for the few squirrels that Smellfunne, has this to say about somewhat familiar subject, it is his the hostages, from his family and bank president and employees -- all chattered at the oncoming wind the disease, "So long as people ability to pump life into his sen- from his homosexual "wife," for of which are so carefully presented shift. WMC is now in the midst of a keep breathing and partaking of sative lyrics that makes him so whose sake he has engineered the and developed. That family sticks great Plague-the Plague of the stimulating dilectisons, the human novel. He matches mood and music holdup, a keen sense of frustration out like purple paint. It should be Sore Nose. animal will be in dire straits when beautifully to dramatize his vivid and pain is added to the energy emphasized that this is the only it comes time to get down to the images. His stories bleed with that Pacino usually brings to his serious flaw in a nearly perfect Across the campus can be heard basis of the real measure of what is sincerity in a way that anyone can portrayals. He handles it perfectly. film. If the Motion Picture sniffles and snorts of noses clogged not necessarily the truth about identify with his background. As the negotiations with the Academy can see beyond the teeth by colds, flu, cafeteria split-pea For instance, in the power- police go on, a Gay Liberation of the fifty-foot shark, Dog Day soup, and other related ailments, spring." Many doctors and leading agree. cab drivers packed title-track, "Born to Run," squadron demonstrates in support Mternoon is a film to be reckoned . all of which lead to the proverbial of Pacino, Springsteen so aptly describes the the seige is ftImed on with. blowing of the nose. This What can the average WMC are helplessness and desparation of a television, and the police ..""' phenomenon, coupled with the student do to prevent his body from youth trapped in a stagnant town. forced to order pizza for everyone. When referring to a movie constant contact of handerchiefs becoming a breeding ground for Lruisin' in his hot-rod machine is Some have accused the events of adaptation to a work of theatre, the and tissues against the nose, is the such a detestable disease? Not ras only means of escape, although DOG DAY AFTERNOON of being' term "filmed stage play" is major cause of the disease known "much, so we are told by the ex- temporary. (In the day we sweat it closer to TV situation comedy than usually quite derogatory, implying as the sore nose disease (nostrillus perts; but there are a few things oot in the streets - of a runaway to reality-and they miss the that the movie looked stagy and hurtae). It is characterized by:U that can be done to help in the American dream- At night we ride point. Anyone who has ever slept limited in movment. The film A dull red glow all over the nose, prevention of the disease. First of through mansions of - glory in through a class or dropped a version of Give 'Em Hell, Harry 2.) a disjointed, annoying soreness all, avoid breathing in public areas suicide machines- Sprung from cafeteria tray should be in full may very well change that use of of the nostril when in the process of like out-of-doors, in restrooms, in cages on Highway 9 - chrome- epprectatton of the unexpected the term, primarily because it is a nostril expansion or other motion restaurants, in classrooms, etc.; wheeled, fuel injected- And sources of humor in the situation. filmed stage play. The producers of the nose area, whether volun- ask that your friends wear gas steppin' out over the line-) It is the Moreover, Frank Pierson's and ~rector actually took their tary or involuntary, 3). a desire to masks when within 25 feet of you; strength of Springsteen's voice and screenplay respects the characters cameras to a perfonnance of the do an imitation of W. avoid excessive singing in the the entire band that captures the to the sharpest detail, and never one-man show starring James C. Fields, 4). strange cravings to snower; wear at least 6 pairs 01 power and great lure of the road. sacrifices anybody for the sake of a Whitmore, and filmed the whole eat carrots, fly through the sky, socks, 2 hats, 3 scarves, and I cheap joke. It shQuldn't be sur- show, complete with audience prising that the picture becomes laughter and applause. The effect and lead sleighs on world-wide earplug when venturing outside of Along with his "fuel injected" more serious about halfway is stunning. Under the discerning tours, 5). ocassional urges to stand your room; breath only on odd fury, Springsteen also portrays the through; most of the laughs have eye of the camera. Give 'Em Hell, on tall buildings, towers and numbered days and during even quieter moments in the city. been braced with a bit of sadness Harry mores with great nudity, mountains and blink at airplanes. numbered hours; see your BY taxidermist bi-monthly. "Meeting Across the River" is that hits the viewer after he leaves faltering only when the camera Although this strange disease follOWing these simple health tips, about a guy who is hesitant to the theater. When Pacino plans to frequently pans back to show the has been plaguing man since the you can be sure that life will be make a deal of some kind in a leave the country by jet, be asks. appreciative audience. beginning of time, medical experts much . more interesting--and "meeting.with a guy on the other his partner (carefully played by Theatrovision, as producer Bill are puuJed as to a "perfect" cure. conifort8.ofe.
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