Page 33 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 33
C ?t Pithy Saying: Wednesday. October 29, 1975 If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them Volume 2. Issue 7 with bul1shit! -An Administrator ookstore coming M"kCBay" Here's a nostalgia quiz for up- chooses to sell. So far Jarkowiec books ,dealing with self-help or not go well. At this point, the them elsewhere. The trend perclassmen: Remember a few has been fortunate in this area, anal~1S. Hardbacks do not more bookstore carries Time, departed radically from this about years past, when the college because the only items in the a~ quickly largely because of their Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, twenty years ago, when it became bookstore was- mostly just that'? bookstore that don't sell are high cost. ~n the summer, hard- Seventeen, Mademoiselle, evident that bookstores had to sell You bought your books at the wristwatch bands, corduroy back sales Improve greatly as the Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, other merchandise to ensure their beginning of the semester, and trousers, and jeans. Everything cloth covers are bought mostly by National Lampoon, and Mad. survival. Nowadays, big schools from then on, unless you needed to else is doing fine. people other than. studen!s. As ~ Playboy is also sold, but because ot such as Harvard and Notre Dame buy a can of shaving cream or cash Currently, the bookstore's rule, nov~ls and blOgraph!eS don t several complaints from students have large complexes devoted to a check, the UMC bookstore was as fastest moving items are the sell well m h.ardback, w~e books about a recent cover, it is sold 011 this purpose. alien to you as last year's Biology records, which are delivered to the on art, history, philosophy, request rather than displayed with cotes. Anyone who thinks that the store-twice a week. Again, the sociology, and childrens' the others John Jarkowiec is satisfied with bookstore is still only a one-shot-a- potential for profit is the primary literature, as well as anything . what he's got. Although the size of semester deal hasn't dropped by consideration, so the bookstore dealing with the Bicentennial sell lately. Today you can check out the stocks mostly those records of best. Jarkowiec states that the the WMC bookstore prevents him new Elton John album, pick up popular student appeal. However, national trend in college from making any large future almost any popular paperback limited amounts of classical Magazines, new entries to the bookstores About has changed years over ago, the plans, he is always responsive to When asked ideas and suggestions. forty years. from Jaws to I'm OK, You're OK music, jazz, and other specialties bookstore, sell quickly. At first, the bookstores catered almost ex- as to what factor really makes the (and look over an even more are offered as welL bookstore bought about six to eight elusively to the "intellectual bookstore succeed, Jarkowiec varied selection of hardbacks). copies of each magazine in stock, need," selling little more than answered immediately, "the buy a birthday card for a friend; since it did not want to undergo the schoolbooks because students did 'crew"-stating that they do "85 choose from a number of WMC Paperbacks are also doing risk of ending up having to return shirts, jackets, and blazers, pur- nicely, particularly novels and half of a larger number if sales did oot have the transportation to buy percent of the job." chase a Bicentennial plate, and grab a three Musketeers bar and a To grad or not to grad? Newsweek on the way to the cash register-all in one trip. For the small space it occupies, the WMC Lenni Myers bookstore may very well be the Should I attend Grad School? job become rather sum. (But acquisition of the master's while tion 'of attaining a higher edu- most compact and convenient What good is a mere B.A,? Should I prospective teachers, do not you are firmly "settled" in a cation. With the vast amount of shopping area around West- attend Grad school right after I get despair; WMC graduates seem particular school, is a valuable graduates turned out in this coun- minster. my diploma, or should I get a job luckier than most in acquiring asset. try each year, and the super- Much of the credit for the new . first and establish tenure teaching jobs fresh out of college, surplus of B.A. 's and B.S. 's items in the bookstore goes to John somewhere to be safe? more or less in this general area.) It seems that in our competi- seeking employment, the prob- M. Jarkowiec, who has run the Most teachers take grad courses tive and technocratic society, ability of needing a Ph.D. to store since February of this year. These are the most commonly while they teach in their respective Ute question of whether to at- find employment as a garbage this manner, in counties, and in the year 2000 does not collector Jarkowiec came in after the store's asked questions concerning the old Of course, those teachers who have ********* ........*****! first place, tend college in the 'previous manager, Bill Rudrow, p-cblem ofwbetber to attend or not guarantee themselves tenure as has been replaced with the ques- seem as funny as it used to be'. had died this past December. attend Grad school. Many pro- well as continuing their education, Having had, experience in fessions require a master's de- operating college stores over the gree for employment, and these acquired their master's degree can ' •d h. M past fifteen years, Jarkowtee "lucky" people in these fields collect a higher salary than those "Y' lnsl e t IS Issue· obviously knows his work. don't have to worry aHout mak- wID have not. Some of th es e people Although Western Maryland ing the choice. Other students legally owns tbe bookstore, will be quite satisfied (and even Jarkowiec emphasized that he relieved) when tbey re- due to tbelr E ..- runsit "as II I own it." ceive their bachelor degrees, ~~fj~~:§~~t Euthanasia RIght or Wrong' • ~ and will not seek any further demed JObs lack of education in Grad school. expenence DESPITE their Mas- Women's Theatre ~ Why all the additions? Clearly. ter's degree that magical the first priority of a college work, tenure, makes all the dif- Paul Winter Consort reviewed "'"- bookstore--as in any other The dilemma comes into play in ference m the world when you Llberatlon Orqanizatlon I administrators, t business--is to turn a profit. the field of Education itself. The are on a waiting list ..,.- Jarkowiec states that a business problem of acquiring a teaching The best advice that I've heara .... MUSICand MOVIereviews ,.. must keep up with current job is phenomenal enough in many demands in order to survive, To areas, and most applicants with from current teachers and« Vlewj'oint on the Palestlnlan know what is wanted and needed, their B.A. 's must be ready to either Education is to Jarkowiec attends conventions move or travel some distance, and attempt to gam a position as soon Letter on Open HOUSIngfrom Dr John regularly in addition to welcoming also be ready to accept relatively as possible, but try to mamtain a individual suggestions. Since no low pay, in order to gain any steady course of Graduate .-' merchandise other than books can teaching p:>sition at all. Principals educetton, either during the AND MUCH MUCH MOREll II be returned to the original dealer, like to hire on the basis of job ex- .Jarkowiec must remain relatively perience if there are any openings ~~m~~ l:r:I~.!s=:,:n~ • • ¥ ¥ ¥ ....... " ~ .... )(...¥ .... careful about which items he at all, and the chances of getting a better pay me re a",". and the
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