Page 34 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 34
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, October 29, 1975 Paul Winter Consort packs them in Jeff Robinson The Paul Winter Consort banged" obstacles to overcome and as and travelled to 25 foreign coun- The band's music has been clanged, chimed, and strummed Winter described in his interview, tries including Israel and all of described as "non-commercial," to set standards. The human soul its 'way into Alumni Hall the "We went out and had to find an Latin America. (During the Latin and "expressive," and has times has a "biological wanting" for evening of Monday, October 13. audience." American tour the band played 180 especially planned to get Jhe freedom and the Consort's goal is With a crowd of over 300 packing. The Consort idea (Consort concerts over a six-month period.) audience actively involved in the to try to fulfill that wanting. This the house (relatively), the mood of meaning "communication") came In all their travels they have ac- performance. Winter elaborated, reporter feels that they have the audience was a combination of into being 5 years ago. The present- cumulated quite a collection of "We hope that it can evoke a sense succeeded. eagerness towards the per- day Consort came together in 1973, little-noticed instruments. It is of wanting to participate." Anyone wishing to contact the formance and a bit of WMC's own at which time their unique style through this collection that their But the main theme of the music Consort for any information about patented rowdyism. also .developed. Since that time music has become universally is a freeness of style unusual with the group should write in care of: General they have been across America accepted. today's requirement of conformi~~ Conn. 06759. Delivery, Litchfield, The Consort's music turned out ~ to be a variety of different types of music. According to group leader Paul Winter, the Consort "is a Mark C. Bayer. collection of favorite things." Ever had to deal with the varied soul ... weeks of "The Courtship of Eddie's Ranging from jazz to rock. to assortment of pleas, threats, 1: Look, mister, if you're hinting Father" and "The Brady Bunch" I I: Wait a minute. classical, from the Far East to a cajolings and whimpers of at what I think you're hinting at, had to quit. I thought I had con- C.C.: Consider all the teenage wolf-infested forest, even to the charities on campus? At home it you're a little too late. I already tracted advanced diabetes. Let me boys and girls who will never bottom of the ocean floor, the was easy. The whole problem was have four subscriptions to the tell you, pal, when I participate in experience that night in the back music took the listener on a three- solved with three little words - Watchtower. the "Sit-Back-and-Watch-TV- seat of a car, all because you hour world-wide tour. The perfect "Get 'im Fang!" and every C.C.: I'll put it to you straight, athon", to put it frankly, I really couldn't spare a contribution. I: But, but... description came in one line from hawker that came into my abode then. We need your help. work my tail off! _ the Consorts own literture-"and. was immediately and in- I: What? 1: Yeah? Well, work up to your C.C.: Just think of the many the earth'makes music." stantaneously vanquished. The C.C.: We need your guidance. We mouth and I might reconsider. unfortunate youngsters who will ticket, only charities that this tried-and- need your support. Everything C.C.: Look at it this way. Just never get their first traffic first... their their first J.D. card, true technique did not work for depends upon you. think about the starving masses in The.$l'oup consists of five men were the Democratic National I: Why necessarily me? There Asia. I: ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT! each with their own instrumental Telethon and Jerry Lewis" annual are 1300 other students on this I: Look, buddy, you're not STOP! I'LL GIVE! specialty. Leader Paul Winter, extravaganza, but then again I campus. Go see any of them! On collecting for the starving masses C.C.: Works every time. sided by Ben Carriel, David didn't feel like springing for a new second thought, don't see of Asia ... I: Wait a second, all I have here Darling, Rober Chappell and picture tube every Labor Day Eloise ... She has a very jealous C.C.: All right then, think about is a ten dollar bill. -Trigger Denfored, combined their either. fiancee. the starving masses in Africa if C.C.: That's okay, 1 don't mind talents, with help of hundreds of C.C.: Because we know you. small change. diverse instruments, to put out You're the biggest suck - uh, er, you wish. We aren't collecting for I: II I may ask, what will my their own special type of music. Come back-to-school time kindest person on campus, and we them either, but if it'll make you money go for? feel better ... Highlights of the evening were though, and things became quite, need your help. We need your C.C.: Good you asked. Beer and plentiful. The opening selection, different. My Cairn terrier did not guidance. We need your support... I: Forget it. I'm not interested. pretzels for the TV-athon. 'Bye! "Ballad in 7-E," began vibrantly, accompany me here, for he refuses I: On the other hand, maybe you C.C.: I suppose you leave me no then slowed down to almost lull you to eat any place but home (and if should see Eloise's fiancee. It'll do choice but to bring out the ultimate (Five minutes later, returns in a to sleep. The variation in musical you've sampled the local Twin- us both good weapon. I'm going to have to start different hairstyle, coat, pants, style was a normal occurrence burger, you'd gain an insight into C.C.: Perhaps you're heard the working on your guilt feelings. and sboes.) throughout the evening. why dogs are reated high in in- old adage: "Blessed are these C.C.: Think of the poor C.C.: Excuse me, kind sir. Would telligence). The campus canines three - faith, hope and charity - but adolescents who will never see a you like to buy a set of Bicentennial have little ambition for anything the greatest of these is charity. Do festive Senior Prom, because you glassware? The audience was taken under more challenging than in- you not see how that relates to me? were too busy to five. the sea from a whale's perspective vestigating the domiciles of I: As a matter of fact, yes. Break M. Mary Gately in "Ocean Dream," with a various McDaniel professors, You're the greatest pain in the ... A semester half over, mysterious and almost erie soft- playing all-for-nothing tree tag C.c.: Please. Time is so short. a new life begun. ness. Gongs, chimes, and bells with the squirrels, and paying For, you see, our organization has taken from building alarms, periodic visits to the little boy's so much to do and so little time to Two or three days, kitchen, and junk yards around hydrant. Thus, when confronted do it in. The future of America's then time for fun. the world, helped enliven with one of sundry denizens of youth ...That is to say, the future of Close up the books, another number. suntanned palms, I have little left the backbone of our great and • run down the hill. • Following intermission audience to fall back on but my wits, which, industrious nation ... depends upon • At last semester break, • involvement accellerated. Some if you've gotten down this far, you you and your support in our fight • carefree daysto fill. rhythmic chanting, some hand will agree leave me totally against this great crippler of Nine days of nostalgia, • clapping, and maybe even a little defenseless. youth, this great killer of our • what's happeninqbaek home? • foot stomping pulled everybody young. • Treasuring the crazy times, • into the act. A sample conversation with a I: What are you collecting for? • every place we roam. • self-proclaimed "expert"; which I C.C.: Terminal Zits. • Trees are changing color, • recently suffered is reprinted here. I: Terminal WHAT? The best: however was hidden in we are changing too. was a wolf-howling celebration put So quick and agile of tongue my that ad- I C.C.: I'm glad you asked. Ter- Being away at college, sleight versary's is T.Z., together by the band. In this piece, was prompted immediately af- minal Zits, or disease which a rare no challenging all that's new. adolescent everyone, including some of the terward to check and see if he amount of medication, vac- The days fly by, administration, I'm sure, started hadn't written our esteemed Ex- cination, or picking can cure. It suddenly break is gone. to howl at Winter's request. The We live life smiling, for T.Z. purpose was to celebrate being President's resignation speech. always ends in tragedy, doomed to while capturing each dawn. are invariably patients alive through the use of the wolf's spend their days sitting alone in howl. The show finally went to the Charity Collector: Hello. dogs, when an actual canine in the I: Uh, hi. malt shoppes are and high school hops, to Staph: Who To Blame lUltil they ignored finally balcony (how did that get in Charity Collector: Do you love death. And the worst thing ahout Chief Turkey: EI Supremo Picture there?) decided to answer the mankind? T.Z. is that it is impossible to Baron L. Tayler Snapper: audience's fabricated yelping I: Do 1... Assistant Turkey: Baron L. Tayler with its own impromptu version Charity Collector: Either you do detect. Your neighbor may have it. The Man Who Fixes The of its ancestral mating call. or you don't. Answer my questiion. Your friend may have it. Even You Mark C. Bayer DO YOU LOVE MANKIND? . may have Terminal Zits. Drumsticks: Books: L: That's a beck of a question to I: Strange. That's what most Matt Bowers Richard Naylor The Consort was over much too ask someone you've just met. I girls have been telling me all Mark Katz Head Drawer: soon, as the audience exemplified mean, if you want to get to know along. But look, I'm nearly broke. I Giblets: Mark C. Bayer with its. two standing ovations me, I'm a Theatre-Engliab major, contributed to the Walkathon, the Kathy Citro The Guy Who Gets Rid before and after the group's en- IliveinsecondsectionANW,l'ma Danceathon, the Swimathon ... Susan Coleman Of This Rag: core. But the fascinating things soph ... C.C.: But ours is different. Ours Mary Gately Jeff Robinson is a totally new concept in fun- about the Winter Corsort come C.C.: Stop stalling. There can draising drives ... Denise Giangola .The Hombre Who Sells(?) not only from their music, only be one answer. Do you love Carlton Harris Ads: rather Paul Winter and gang's mankind or don't you? I: Oh? What is it? musical history would also cockle· I: Well ... C.C.: It's called a "Sit-Back-and- Lonni Myers David Range the hearts of any fan. C.C.; Speak up(! Watch-TV-athon." Richard Naylor I: THAT'S RIDICULOUS! Jeff Robinson 1: Well ... no. Watching TV required absolutely Attorneys: Winter began his career at the C.C.: All right, we'll try it one no physical effort whatsoever! David Range Samuel Goldenstein age of 12 with his own ensemble more time. Do you love mankind? C.C.: Obviously you haven't had Kim Shewbridge and·Sons from his hometown of Altoona,· I: To tell you the truth, I just a look at the new fall schedule. Sue Snyder AND: A:cast of thout.Jnds. Pennsylvania. Graduating_ s~n to flunked my Brit. Lit. quiz, and I 1: Oh, come out Jennifer Watts The opinions expressed in playing classical piano in local had my mattress thrown out the C.C.: Take it from me. As a Jim Teramani this publication do not bars, eventually the _emphas- window after last night's section dedicated. "", I know Bob Toner necessarily reflect those 01 is changed to jazz. In the party. I'm in no mood to be sending how grueling the annual "Sit-Back- SUsan Tuley the administration. Box early 60'S, Paul Winter brought Valentines to it, no indeed. and-Watch-TV-athon" can be. Top Notch Typists: 3-A,. Western Maryland the first jazz concert into the White C.C.: But surely yOL -eve some After three weeks of "Hogan's Susan Coleman College, Westminster. Md., House during the Kennedy era. spark of humanity in your heart, Heroes" I felt like 1 was in the Nancy Eichelman But even at that time there were some flicker of kindness in your P.O.W. camp myself. After four 21157
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