Page 36 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 36
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, October 29, 1975 Editorial •••••** ••••••• ********** ••••••••••• *•• force also told him that he is the Post, New York Times, and L.A. ari~e~e~a;i~~:~~ti~~c:~~~~e c~~~ world's savior. Times would cover it, the first stories is wrong. Unless a spoof is manner of factual reporting should eeming the amount of coverage. thing Scrimshaw would do is run a being made out of a story, there is be quite clear. The newspaper has given to criminals committing After being convicted and big front page story, with a pic- no reason to take an accused the responsibility to inform its serious or sensationalistic crimes. suspended from WMC, the same ture of the accused, and descrip- person and, in essence, make a readership of the facts of a story In particular, the debate centers student is caught by the police lion of what had happened. Then, hero out of him by showing how such as this, and to start con- around the coverage accorded the trying to set fire to Dr. John's in the days (or weeks) following, society is responsible for his jecturing and building the accused two would-be assassins of house, and when brought to trial, Scrimshaw would run a full-length behavior, and the law is wrong. into a national martyr does nothing President Ford, but in essencr claims that he was doing it to "get, biography of the accused, long What possible benefit can come but stir up the adrenalin of those includes not only newspapers of even" not with Dr. John, but with interviews. with his parents and from making the accused into a others or the general populace who national importance, such as the "the establishment" as a whole, of attorneys, and try to delve into the celebrity by quoting him on any need nothing more to set them off Washington Post, but also college which Dr. John is representative. accused's background to find why issue? Does committing a crime than the knowledge that if they try this they too newspapers, such as our own society had wronged him suddenly on make subjects person of his an something be just as idiotic, analyzed, the will built expert up, Scrimshaw. To bring it more into Now that we've set the stage, the somewhere, and "made" him into focus, a hypothetical example question that concerns us is, "What a bad person. And last, but not choosing? It is not the newspaper's scrutinized, quoted and martyred. proven been would serve best. is the responsibility of Scrimshaw least, every time the accused job to make a martyr out of It has never but most behavioral that that has broken the law. A this happens, someone concerning news coverage of these issued a statement about events?" The popular stand taken something or someone, no matter few short. precise. _factual stories psychologists agree that the Imagine, for a moment, that a by most media reporters is that the how insane, to be sure that it covering the events leading to the possibility exists. So it might be student, John Smith. is caught people have the right to the full received front page publicity. arrest and trial are all that is high time that the larger cheating on two semester finals. story. This, in spirit, is fine,but needed. As a matter of fact, the newspapers step back and take a During' his trial, he claims that unfortunately is not working out so name of the individual should look at the possible impact that he cheated because some well in practice. But Scrimshaw does not cover probably not even be mentioned their reporting is having on mysterious .force made him do it, If Scrimshaw were to cover this news events in this manner. To society, and not just worry about and then goes on to claim that the story in the same manner that the Scrimshaw this way of covering The reasoning behind this selling papers. B.LT. Personal ViewPoint: The P.L.O. bv Roqer Levin We are the conglomerate of past and all energies were being and the Western world began to see document called the Palestinian impossible to contest religious cultures. We believe ourselves to directed toward the eradication of the way. This was mainly due to National Covenant. The covenant beliefs. Regardless of the duration be more advanced than any society Jews in Israel. When a P.L.O. their fear of reprisals. Commercial was altered in 1967 to create heroes of Israel's survival, it will always Ireceding us, and consequently the member commits a violent act he firms started avoiding deals with of those who killed the Jews. These be an illegal invader infesting the most sophisticated group of automatically begins rationalizing. Israel and rettonenzed these modifications took place after the land. In support of Israel are the humans ever assembled on earth. Even the most retarded criminal maneuvers by claiming it was bad embarassing defeat by the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate Even the primitive Indians who mind feels a justifiable purpose in for business. The P .L.O. purported Israelis, and they were mainly to of 1920, and the U.N. Partition reside in the mountains of the actions taken against society. That logical motivation was behind justify revenge in its most horrid Plan. Still, the Covenant insists Guatemala have an aura of Although the average individual the atrocities they committed, and fonn. It refuted all of the con- that natural law is superior to all modernity. They live as their abhors the violent acts committed as each adversary buckled the ceptual and cultural rights of the human transactions, and on1y the ancestors of the 12th century lived, by a group like the Palestinian terrorists pushed harder. So, we Jews and encouraged slaughter. removal of all ethnic problems will yet they reflect the pinnacle of Liberation Organization, the can see here that the P.L.O. could learning that was handed down members of that anomaly believe justify its attempts to destroy The C~venant begins by. sta~ing ~~fc ~h~a~:~ ~~fs~:ri~·. By through the generations. Still, the fully that they are a just course of Israel, the Western nations used the_ ~thJllc, cultural and historical Another concept covered in the existence of one stable reality actions. Behind the brutal crimes strong reasoning to convince affmlty of the P~les~inian a~d his Covenant engrosses violence. It lurks in our midst. It has no apex of the P.L.O. is the predication of themselves to leave Israel ThIS immediately states that armed confrontation is or through, no epitomy of extreme survival. In reality, their stranded, and businesses said that ~ams ,:"hy t~e Jews have ~o an almost necessary way to rid the horridness. This concept is more p-ccedures are based on greed; a it was bad for policy. What it all right to Hve there, and make It land of the Israelis and that powerful than Ceasar, Napoleon large part of human nature. To boils down to is a lot 9f greed and a legal to remove them. Artocles 2 murder is the correct procedure and HiUer all put together, and all them Israel is a saprophitic lot of fear. The only faction tn- ~u. 4 of the Cov~nant contains the This type of thinking is the reason the world is a mere slave at its pesWence, and they claim, that if volved that could not pretend to see mahe?~ble rights of t~e why the Palestinians feel that it is command. The abstract reality to left alone, the invader will even- the basis of P.L.O. theory was Pale_stuuans. This central theme IS acceptable to commit acts that are which I refer is basic human tually destroy the host. Every Israel, because that would mean contmg~nt upon the liber~tion of generally thought of as horrible. nature. It guides the action of all dimension of the P.L.O. is a submission. Not only was this all Icreignera fro~.the designated It is explained as a religious human beings. Some understand it, reflection of the rationalization worldwide blackmail successful in homeland S? th~t It can .exerc~e conviction, and it makes heroes out and most ignore it, yet it is an done in order to justify any steps enhancing the problems of Israel, self determination according to Its of killers unpredictable force that smiles taken against the Jews. The P.L.O. it increased the status of the own wil.l and c?oice." This article Someh~w Israel and some her anthropomoricaly as we abuse deals in extreme forms of murder terrorists in the Arab world. Not was written WIth the demand for neighbors have worked out a morality. Some men like Mahatma that surpasses all acceptable only were the daily transactions of Israel's destructi~n, and settlement. The P.L.O. refuses to Ghandi confronts this congenital warfare. They are a stocial and Israel and the Western world s~~hattheJeWIsh~r~sencelsm accept this and has called for an foe, but they are on1y successful dogmatic group of individuals who inhibited, but all attempts at ~olatton of.the Palestinian natural increase in the terrorism in order until it inevitably oversbelms are willing to lay down their lives political compromise between rights ... This also r.educes any to wreck any possible agreements them. With all of our spectacular for the cause of liberating their Israel and her neighbors were possibility of a co!"prlse. (It is the between Israel and the Arab innovations of the 20th century, homeland. Mass massacres, being destroyed. Without any blatant explanation why Israel nations We are witnessing men still take the panaceas and use assasinations, bombings and in- diplomatic relations, Israel would must be. destroyed) Israel's l~~al human ~ature in its most natural them in destructive manners. discriminate killings are part of be left stranded and helpless. In boundaries w~re set by the British form. The P.L.O. wsill not settle Behind every diabolic action, there routine planning designed to in:' this state the P.L.O. hoped it would mandate which would seem to for less than the destruction of exists a rationale. Usually these crease awareness and instill fear. be able to crush its opposition. dispute t~e P.L.O. claim., ~o, Israel, and they are brainwashed justified crimes are in the name of The P.L.O. is motivated to the the .do~t~me ~?unters by ~tress~g into thinking that peace would be religion or morality, but there is point of Spiritual demand. th~ indivisabllity of Pa.l~tine. ThIS wrong. They have increased the always a pragmatic method of As stated previously, behind p?mts out .that the British had no frequency and intenSity of their soothing the conscience. The main In the late sixties the P .L.O. was every P.L.O. move is a strong right to gIVe the land to Israel raids, and they will never stop underlying force behind all human directing all its energies to reasoning. These beliefs are so because they were never leg~l trying to destroy their opponents nature is rationalization. As far ]ilysical conflict with Israel. This deeply founded that the entire land~ne.rsanyway.ItSeen;tsa?Jt on the basis of ideas that are no back as written history goes men type of warfare was detructive, but basis for the organization justifies surrealistic tha~ men o~ high m· more than ways to rationalize cold were displaying this type of the power of the terrorists was murder. All of the rationalizations tt:Ilect could hide behmd these blooded violence and extreme thinking to soften their actions of regressing. Israelis were are collected in a bible like flImsy vales, but mntheless it is avarice. murder and destruction. A prime gradually subduing the guerrilas, To the Tusk example of this began on January and it became clear that a con- of 1964 when the Arab-Cairo verse course of action was Dear Tusk, from last semester. They're all the books into the return sJot. No summit conference recommended necessary. Direct violence was Where can students go to study very overdue, but I'm afraid to one will notice you standing. there that a Palestinian entity should be becoming ineffective and a new late at night? Ever since the grille take them back for two reasons. for IS minutes returning books. It formed to act as a direct speculative idea was born. It was has been closed at twelve, there The first is the look I'd get from the happens to be that students are not representative in the Palestinian quite evident that Israel was are many of us that have not been library aide when I return them. required to pay overdue fines on cause of annihilating Israel. This dependent on the Western nations able to find a decent place to study. The second is the tremendous fines regular loan books. So, happy entire mission succeeded in for its survival. Obviously, if the Where can we go? I'd have to pay. What should 1 do? I returning! creating a new ethnology; the .P.L.O. could severe these ties it -Disgruntled feel very guilty for Palestinian Liberation would place Israel in a very Dear Disgruntled, Hoarding the Books Organization. This lasted until late Irecarious position. A campaign of Baker 100 is supposed to be open Dear Hoarding, in 1967 when the AHatah merged blackmail was begun, and this for students to study in, all night. Do I have good news for you! Dear Tusk, with the P.L.O. The AI Fatah had time a crippling violence was Some people have expressed the First of all, your letter has been Where can I go for religiOUS been creating much greater havoc, directed against the Western opinion that it is poorly equipped, traced, and a warrant has been counselling? I'm in a pad crisis and and therefore had a higher status nations. This soon reaped the' and not good for studying. This is issued for your arrest. The need some advice desperateiy. Can than their competition. Con- desired results. The prreviously being looked into, and an article Charge: Grand Book Theft. The you . tell me who to go to'r sequentIy, the heads of the AI lucid agreements between Israel will appear on its suitability for penalty: Licking 10,000 book plates -Distressed Fatah became the new leaders of a and her Western allies became study use in the near future. or 5 years in jail. Dear Distressed, mw larger mass. By February of murkYJ .and no ellucidation came Seriously, you don't have to face I suggest you go to Mr. Wrubel, 1970 the terrorist organi7.ation had forth from the generally garrulous • • • • • • • • • • • •• the library aide or pay any fines. second floor, Elderdice. Briefly reached its peak in strength and west. It was easy to .'~scern the - Just nonchalantly walk into the outline your problem to him, and number. Many smaller factors had trend. The P.L.O. continually Deak Tusk, library with your armload? (box?) he will refer you to the corred been assimilated into the group, harped on its rights and survival, I have a load of library books of books and inconspicuously slip counsellor, or counseling agency.
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