Page 37 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 37
Scrimshaw Page 5 The following is the court settlement between WMC and Roemer et al. SUPREME COURT OF impliedly encourages' spiritual acknowledges that it has complet- THE UNITED STATES developnent (in a religious sense). ed a process of disaffiliation from OcrOBER TERM, 1974 the Methodist Church and that it NO. 74-730 4 Western Maryland College shall not renew any such af- JOHN C. ROEMER, III, ED- sh~ll neither sponsor nor conduct filiation. i~ ~e fut~ or establish WARD E. DOERR, KENNETH A. any religious services. Nothing in any affl~lati~n WIth any church STEVENS, and CYNTHIA this paragraph shall preclude or orgaruzation. KOONCE MILLER, students from voluntarily meeting Appellants for religious purposes at ap- 11. Appellants are satisfied that • v. propriate places on the campus Western Maryland College has BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS and-or conducting services of undertaken these commitments in OF THE STATE OF MARY- worship in the chapel with or good faith and will exercise due LAND; MARVIN MANDEL, without the assistance of the Dean diligence in complying with the Governor; LOUIS L. GOLD- of Chapel, with or without the use .rcregctnz stipulations. STEIN, Comptroller; JOHN A. of religious symbols. LUETKEMEYER, Treasurer; WESTERN MARYLAND COL- 12. On February 18, 1975, the LEGE; COLLEGE OF NOTRE 5. Western Maryland College Supreme Court noted probable DAME; MOUNT SAINT shall require that the bac- jurisdiction of the Appella!l_ts' MARY'S COLLEGE; SAINT calaureate services, if any, shall appeal from the final order of the JOSEPH COLLEGE; and be totally secular in form and United States District Court from THE ASSOCIATED PROFES- substance and shall not include any the District of Maryland. Never- religious SORS OF LOYOLA COLLEGE prayer, sermons. hymns or theless, the Appellants hereby religious OF THE CITY OF BALTI- waive and abandon their rights to MORE, INC., prosecute and maintain such ap- Appellees 6. Wes~rn ~ryland College ~~~:. a~~ a~:~r;~~~::~: ;~~~o:t t;:~,a~i ~=!a~:~said judgment may stand as to STIPULATION BETWEEN including but not limited to the W.estern M.a~land Co.lJe~e, but APPELLANTS Religious Life Council. The WI~U~ prejudice to their nghts ~o AND WESTERN MARYLAND foregoing shall not preclude the maintain and prosecute. t~e s:.ld COLLEGE, APPELLEE It is hereby agreed and use by any such religious gorup or appeal a~ to t.?e remammg p- stipulated by and between John C. ?rganization of facilities whose use ~~~~n~g t~~s~~~,o~ise (~:~: Roemer, Ill, Edward E. Doerr, ~ ge~~r:'~~l~!~e:~: bYg~~:~~lle~~ tained in this stip~ation, .if t;he Kenneth A. Stevens, and Cynthia organizations, upon terms .Supreme Court declines to disnuss Koonce Miller (hereafter referred generally applicable to such the appeal as to W.estern Maryland to as Appellants), and Western nonreligious groups or College the ~rties . ~ereto may Maryland College, one of the Appellees herein, that the appeal organizations. ~:it~tat:n~he~tft:lti~;::t o~ht:; to Western Letter to the editor insofar as it pertains should be 7. Western Maryland College has nonetheless appeal recommend to dismissal Maryland College the Western as of dismissed and-or the judgment in a firm commitment to the pro-. Maryland College, based upon this Dear Displaced Persons: reservation about 24 hour its favor affirmed. This agreement position that the courses offered' stipulation.) The usual on 24 hour visitation is visitation, though once again I is entered into upon the following by its Department of Philosophy happening on schedule at WMC. went along with the request when it stipulations: and Religion should be; taught as 13. In reliance upon the foregoing Students wanted the privilege, was made here. It has a way of academic disciplines by faculty stipulations, Appellants further saying they could handle the creating problems that neither 1. Western Maryland College members having diverse religious waive any and all objections and related problems, which I like to students nor the administration shall promptly and permanently backgrounds who meet high claims to the disbursements of believe. Soon after it was in' can handle. While it provides remove all religious symbols and standards of scholarship and pro- funds granted to Western stituted, however, evicted privacy to some, it tends to deny it indicia of church-relatedness, fessional competence. In fur- Maryland College by the Board of roommates began to complain and to as many others. including but not limited to therance of this policy, the College Public Works for any prior fiscal bold the administration respon- To "More than one student" I crosses, from the buildings has established goals to be year or for the current fiscal year, sible for their plight, as in the say: (1) Talk to your inconsiderate' and public rooms of its campus achieved at the earliest feasible provided, however, that all funds date (but no later than July 1, 1981) following anonymous (I usually roommates who are denying you except as otherwise, provided granted for fiscal years 1972-73, ignore them) letter which has just the (X"ivilege of your room and herein. Nothing in this paragraph that at least 50 percent of the 1973-74, and 1974-75 shall be ex- undermining your chance to shall preclude the possession or teaching any faculty of the Department pended only for the purposes set department) (or successor succeed in college, or (2) talk to display of such symbols or indicia forth in the affidavits of Ralph C. Dear Dr. John: your Resident Assistant or one of in student dormitory rooms at the shall be non·Methodist and that at JOM, Philip B. Schaeffer, and WHERE is one suppose to sleep the Deans, or (3) ask for option of the students therein or the least 50 percent of all religion Wilbur D. Preston, Jrs., as filed in when locked out by one's room- reassignment to a section where storage of such symbols or indicia classes shall be taught by non- the District Court. Appellants mate who is a great lover. there are more limited parietal in storage facilities on campus. Methodists. By July 1, 1977, 50 further waive any and all ob-- Could infirmary facilities be tours. Nor shall anything in this percent of all philosophy classes jections to the disbursement of any made available for the paragraph preclude the display or shall be taught by non-Methodists. funds which may be granted to dispossessed? OR a bundling room If too many problems develop, use of religious or church- Nothing in this paragraph shall be Western Maryland College by the made available to the lovers? Mter we will reopen the question of related literature, art, or applied or construed to the Board of Public Works in any all we all pay for a bed, but I can't- this type of visitation and artifacts in libraries or muse- prejudice of the four current future year, provided that Western even get into my room. change the policy. It has to ums on the campus or in class- members of the departmental Maryland College complies with PLEASE HELP work. The basic norm is the rooms when such materials are faculty. each and every one of the foregoing More than one student existence of conditions on used for educational rather campus which reflect respect than reugtous purposes. 8. Western Maryland College stipulations. The next step will be that at the for the integrity, rights and wel- shall not accept any continuing or end of the semester some will alibi fare of others, which is basic substantial financial support (a) 14. This agreement is intended to their poor grades to their parents morality, and' that contribute 2. Western Maryland College from any church or agency constitute a full and final set- on the basis of this situation, and toward the success of all in the shall neither describe itself nor thereof, or (b) from any. tlement of any and all disputes then there will be another run on achievement of educational goals - mid itself out as being a church- organization which suggests or between the AppeIlants and the President's Office. our reason for existing as a college related college. Although noth- imposes religious conditions or Western Maryland College, and Having been through this routine and being here as persons. ing in this paragraph shall restrictions on the use of funds this Court and the Board of Public twice before, in other places, I Ralph C. John prevent the College from briefly contributed or which prescribes Works requested to treat this have a pragmatic - not moralistic - describing its former affiliation any religious conditions or . agreement accordingly. The World news with the United Methodist section Church of. recipient of such support. upon the stipulation or or fact herein of should any restrictions inclusion omission for eligibility the In West- "History" its such The conclusion by the U.S. teller a note she couldn't read, scription catalogue, be any accomplished de- ern Maryland College any will such' not not be deemed an admission, ex- against reports to press or implied, any party shall furnish Commission on Obscenity and announced, "I'm a bank robber," by a clear and unequivocal church or organization. to this Agreement. Pornography - that the average to which a man standing line next statement that the College is no "I'm a policeman," customer at x-rated moviehouses to him replied, - longer so affiliated. 9. Western Maryland College 15. Promptly upon dismissal of is "male, white, married, middle- and took the man into custody. shall permanently follow a policy the appeal as to Western Maryland aged, and middle-class" - was a of selecting for its Board of College, the College shall file a topc of lively discussion at a Bill Smith spent a lifetime in 3. Western Maryland College Trustees persons of diverse copy thereof with the Beard of conference of the Seattle, Australia as a seaman, minor, shall remain totally neutral as to religious backgrounds, and at the Public Works in order that it shall Washington, Bar Association. jockey and horse trainer and was the spiritual development (in a earliest feasible date shall have a be deemed a part of any future Following some debate, the described by Iirends as a "hard- religious sense) of its students and Boord of Trustees not more than 10 application for State financial members, who are predominately swearing old roustabout." But shall not adopt, maintain, or male, white, married, middle- when Smith died, the obituary pursue any objective, policy, or ~r:t:~~r~~w~O~hi~; ~~~f:I grants or assistance. aged, and middle-class, were read: "Wilhelmina Smith, 88." Ms. plan of encouraging or paragraph shall require the early 16. The Appellants and Western soown a porn film. Smith's sex, kept secret even in discouraging such spiritual termination of any person now Maryland College, as parties' to locker rooms and aboard ship in development. No documents crew's quarters, was discovered in henceforth issued or circulated by [serving as a Trustee. this stipulation, shall each bear A would-be -- robber in a hospital near Brisbane a few the College shall contain any their own respective costs in this bank Philadelphia, after handing the weeks before her death. statement which expressly or 10. Western Maryland College Court and in the District Court.
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