Page 35 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 35
Wednesday, October 29, 1975 Women's theatre Susan Coleman "An Evening of Theatre By and intriguing view into women. ana About Women" will be presented their alter egos is the basis for Understage in Alumni Hall by the "Overtones" played by Sue Geyer Drama Department on November with counterpart Daryl Neighbors 7,8, and 9. This collection of songs, and Elizabeth Beary with LaVerne poemsandoneactpiayswrittenby Jones. One of the most explosive and for women covers many plays is the emotional "But What aspects of the female in society. Have You Done For Me Lately" With topics ranging from abortion that explores the realms of to motherhood, this revue is sure to fatherhood and abcrticn, starring leave both men and women with a Alan Zepp, Debbie Pferdeort, new insight into womanhood. Bobby Smith and Kathie Thornhill. _ The problems ot a working The final dialogue, "Councils" is mother and a son's lack of a played by Leslie Hamilton and mother image make up the theme Steve Lummis. of "Monologia", with Steve "An Evening of Theatre By and Lummis portraying the soap box About Women" promises to be an orator who couldn't afford to have exciting experience in theatre for a mother. The next one act play everyone. Tickets for the three "Calm Down Mother" presents performances will go on sale Wh t I d·d ·th t· Kathy Chandler, Jeannie Collacott October 24, and can be bought at a I WI my vaca 1·00 and Susan Coleman in a series of the door the nights of the per- woman 10 woman conflicts Ihal tcrmences, but seating "limited Jett Robinson range from a placid rest home to a so plan to pick up your tickets early Over my fall break I went home. Over the weekend my friends decided to limit each one to 2 call girls apartment. "Lesson in a at the College Activities Office in First thing, after I walked into the decided to playa special football hours. My little sister really Dead Language" stars Leslie the Winslow Student Center. house, my dog bit my leg, the cat gamejustbecauseLf,vashome.To messed everything up when she Hamilton, Susan Blackman, Pat Tickets are $2 and you c£,! get clawed my hand, and my pet fish remind me of all the fun that we used the phone just when I was Nicholson, Liz Boyer, Lisa Mann more information by phoning 848- went and hid behind the filter. used to have before I left, they expecting a call at 2:00 Tuesday and Janis Rosenzweig in a play 7000, ext. 385. Make plans now to Mommy and Daddy almost called insisted that I carry the ball every morning. that's sure to stimulate deep see this enlightening and the pollee, until I told them who I time. It was for "old time's sake," All of the sudden it seemed like lIlOJlIiIll-",,"--"im· "-'_I""'O!hn.--,An",-",£a""c",ina",ti,=,·n~'ho=w=-!--:: -' ~~~~g ~~~a~ Ih:a~ r~~;y :~~ ~~ ~:"'~fr~~~~~t:e a~~~ ~;~~ ~a~:::r L~~r(:: ~~~ They finally believed me when my began to get a little lighter. We where Ricky gets amnesia, and little brother and sister came out decided to quit at 10 o'clock, when loses his Cuban accent, his job, his and started arguing with me over it started to get dark, with the wife, and his Conga drums) I For two and one-half yeers'a girl, medical apparatus. whose turn it was to do the dishes. score tied, 475 to 475. The doctor started packing up again to go now aged nineteen, has lain in a Thus many different questions That night Mommy fixed my said I'll be able to move my arm back to college. I tried to take just coma in a Philadelphia suburb. She present themselves for con- first home-cooked meal in six again in 4 weeks. the necessities. Mommy wouldn't has been sustained in life only by sideration. Is it morally wrong to weeks. She told me I had a choice One day during the week I went let me have her refrigerator or the the remarkable advances of sustain a patient on medical ap- of fried chicken or veal cordon back to visit myoId high school. water bed so I had to settle for modern medical technology. With paratus after a certain period of bleu. I went out to eat at Me- The administrators and myoid vacuum cleaner and the trash daily and painful devotion, her time if that patient shows no signs Donald's. teachers were really nice. They compacter. I really hate to live in parents have fed the still figure of of recovery and would expire After my tenth hamburger, I kept asking questions about my sub-standard social conditions. their daughter through a tube without the aid of supporting ap- decided to see if I could get some college life like, "I thought the After the 3 hour drive back and leading into her stomach, thus paratus? Is a person ever justified friends together to go to a movie. I classes up there would keep you the 4 hours it took to unpack, I nourishing what traces of life in ending his life if he is in what he called everybody that I knew. A busy. How did you find time to decided to change my clothes and linger in a body that can no longer himself may term "unbearable few said they had some school bothe ... , I mean, visit us?", and, go down to the student center. I control its own actions. pain", and the illness is confirmed work to do.. Some others had to go "How many courses are you failing really had a surprise when my 'Across the country In Palm as terminal? Should the wife or to work that night. My best friend now?" Boy, I'm really glad they clothes got mixed up with the rest SJI"IDgS, California, a man has parents of a patient with slight. wanted to stay home and watch still care. of the family's. Oh well, I guess I'll been charged with manslaughter brain activity have the right to Gomer Pyle reruns. I got to see a Daddy started charging me for just have to get along with knickers in the death of his wife. In this decide on his right to live or die? In movie, anyway. My little sister and all the time Ispent on the phone. So and body suits until Thanksgiving. case, a woman was suffering from short, does a person have a right to I enjoyed Bambi. that it di~'t cost too much, I I really can't wait to get back. a degenerative nervous disorder die? New faculty: Dr. Rees· with a prognosis of six months to a There are no easy answers [0 Susan Coleman year of life. Her death, through an these questions. But it is necessary ThefacuItyandstudentsofWMC therapy. He is an avid sports fan generous mixture of ages and overdose of sleeping pills, resulted that they be, considered, and some have welcomed a new associate and enjoys both tennis and backgrounds represented. in the arrest of her husband moral position be formu1ated on professor of sociology to the staff basketball. because he honored her request to them. Granted that such questions this Fall. The newcomer is Dr. Dr. Rees seems very pleased die without summong "medical or are highly emotional in content, Daniel Rees, a very friendly and with his appointment as associate One of Dr. Bees' main goals in surgical attention". still they must be approached with out going individual who is professor and also with the teaching is to prepare students for These two particular cases are a dispassionate consideration. _ originally from Ohio. Dr. Rees students he has encountered here licensing as competent bac- representtive of many similar Someone may ask, "Why is it received his bachelors degree from on The Hill. Some of the reasons calaureate social workers. He cases that now confront families, necessary for college students to Ohio University, his masters in that he particularly likes WMC are strives to develop students that are doctors, lawyers, and theologians think on these issues?" Three social work from Ohio State, and "the schools smallness, the skilled at working with people in a in an age which can provide the reasons can be given. One, many of his doctorate in counseling from relaxed atmosphere, lack of rigid helping role, good at confrontation, sophisticated medical technology the people afflicted in .a manner Catholic University. His structuring, and the 'good form genuine relationships, and to sustain a patient in life beyond a that will necessitate a life-and- background includes three years in academic reputation of the have the ability to communicate certain critical period which death consideration are teen agers the army medical corp training school." He feels that teaching with others. He stresses that formerly would have resulted in and young adults. Two, college mental health students, and a year here will be quite different then sociology under-lies many other death. graduates will become the leaders of teaching at Essex Community teaching in the mental health fields of study and that sociology But the two cases cited present which will help shape the decisions College. Dr. Rees also conducts a program at Essex Community courses are designed to give the distinctly different considerations upon which our future society will private practice where he does College,a2yearjunior college that student "practical experience in to all of the people concerned. The be based. They will certainly be marriage counseling and family draws a varied student body with a living and human understanding." first case involves a girl sustained looked to for guidance in per in life soley by the medical ap- plexing problems such as those Mary Gately Meet Jane Frock paratus to which she is affixed. The mentioned. Three, problems of this girl displays only slight brain difficulty should be reflected upon Meet Jane Frock. Jane is Miss find this office very friendly and her new atmosphere when she activity. The second case con- for an extended period of time Avey's assistant in the College helpful. said: "I like having the contact cerned a woman who decided that before a definitive moral stance is Activities Office, and is very young This office may be totally new to with the kids." she wished to end her life after she assumed. And what better place to and cheerful. She graduated from you-but relax! All of this is very So whenever you need some advice, equipment, or had been suffered to five spinal begin such an inquiry than on a Messiah College just last year. new to Jane also, who has only formation, don't hesitate to stop by in- here for one month. The College Activities been working Office is operations and told that she would college campus? eventually be totally paralyzed. But how does one approach the office where all events are She enjoys the atmosphere of the the activities office. You'll be in a This woman, however, was not ;roblems of this complexity. Dean scheduled and planned. Or if you college, the noise, and the easy calm atmosphere, where you can only in complete control of her jepp offers a helpful suggestion. need to purchase any type of ticket, going manner of the students. Jane find out what's happening around ........................... mental facuities, but she also CQu1d 'Ie said, "The true ethical test is it:;OU;~!~~~~h~C!~~t::l~e c~~~~ r~:::;=I~~dAL~IOC:~=;"':NT=",.,,":P",h,,,,-,,£"=Iin,,,g-,oe:.n--::~~:::m::~~:::::THE=A::T=RE=------' have lived without the aid of any .bat enhances humanity." the lost and found, along with International Horse Show 10-29 -11- The Pointer Sisters 11-16 (2 shows) Police are keeping an eye out for "tension-breaking device" to keep distributing game room equip- 2 PAINTERS Mll..L a six-foot transvestite wearing classes from getting dull. They ment. J. Geils Band and Peter Frampton Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons fangs and a black cape, reported to interspersed slides of female nudes You may be wondering what the 11-7 10-31 - 11-1 (4 shows) be lurking around Miami Beach. among the pictures of molars and assistant does. Jane organizes the CIVIC CENTER Hair 11-4 - 9 The local people are calling the incisors to help hold the students' Master Calender, and types the Edgar Winter and Rich Derringer Godspell11-11 - 23 night stalker Gayzilla. attention. But a female dental cai~nd8r for the year. Following and Climax Blues Band 11-23 Harold Melvin and The Bluenote student found it was more than she each month, she types a calendar COLE FIELD HOUSE, U. OF MD. 11-26 - 30 It seems the monthly magazine could chew and complained that ~=te~~~~~~;~n~a~ea:i~: ~ankZappaandJimmYBuffetll- ~~;!,2 Spirit, and BUZZl Chronic Disease had circulatory the practice was a promotion of problems - it died. sexism. The controversy was soon sure all is running smoothly in the Chicago 11-22 Linhart and David Blue 11-1 settled by the dean, who ordered a game room. DAR CONSTITUTION HALL CELLAR DOOR Professors at the Upiversity of stop to all manner of cheesecake Whenever you need help with Paul Simon 11-8 Tom Rush 10-29 - 11-2 Stephen M.alyland Dental School came up net directly related to the field of anything from scheduling a dance Llllkl-9lL Stills, and Flo and Eddie J.F.K. CENTER with what they thought would be a dentistry. to ~uying a ping-pong ball, you'll La~bo::n~e ..!!l1~-2S:!_ __j
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