Page 32 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 32
Page 4 Scrimshaw could Wednesday, see October ceiling con- 15, 1975 The chain Sports Man Bowers I'd just like to pay a quick tnoute a wonderful that time. that he bet our tinuously From Jaws." and somehow now the spinning, men lives on it. He further assured us byt every song began to sound like the Harris Carlton As I was caught anyone stating notl "Theme Sue Snyder time would be fading in and out of consciousness, a wonderful having Jim Teramani cycle couples applied started complaining. to my Bob Toner (it's all I have time for) to the guys shot on sight. Immediately three what with the help of the motor- chain being the first down markers who man and stuff at football games-the Platesky then informed us of back each time I faltered, I found rules. we had the "chain gang." the fingerprinted, First, photographed, to be time to ponder a point. the Were 1930's dance of and marathons These guys work long and hard Terrors in action? and largely unnoticed during the searched every time floor, we entered actually caused was by it the the other De- or or left the dance and that pression, making the chain games taut, the markers sure are straight up is anyone leaving or re-entering way around'? Western Maryland's Green Terrors were assessed a 15 yard and down, and their striped vests would be easily identified by a When our break dia arrive our Terror football team once again penalty to cap this hectic episode. are on straight, They must be fresh slash across the arm. courageous commandant faced Saturday afternoon woes as Several other players narrowly careful lest they trip a player Second, there would only be one leader, returned to the front to they met defeat at the hands of missed being ejected also as the coming off the field or get run over three minute break every six cheer us up. With a snap of his Moravian's Greyhounds, Zl-7. A Terrors protested calls by the by a runner, three blockers, and hours. The third and worst ru1e finger he bade his henchmen come contest that was dominated by the Pensylvania officials during the six tacklers. stated that we could only use to the front of the room. Each was Terrors offensively and defen- course of the afternoon. All in all, Their one moment of attention the bathroom on our break. If we carrying about ten to fifteen piz- sively, costly inlerceptions and the Terrors suffered eight and glory is when they are called didn't have a dime tough luck. zas. Had I been conscious at the mistakes once again took a fatal penalties for 67 yards. The lone upon for a measurement. They time, I would've cheered. Bob said toll for the Terrors. Western Maryland score came on a have to take care not to get all Next thing we knew, the first nothing, but ~rabbed a pizza fro~ After a drive downfield early in one yard Rich Heritage touchdown tangled up when they run out. They band known as the Bays, entered an ~sslstan~ s han?s,~racked It the first quarter, the Terrors were run in the closing minutes. Bruce have to know where the ball is so the stage and we all began against a fl:e extinguisher, and first and goal on the Moravian Belt kicked the extra point to round they won't look foolish running to frenetlcally dancing and shifting broke off a piece, m order to show eight yard line. But a Joe Damians out the scoring. the wrong end of the field. And they around like there was no top 40. It how easy It was. We got ~he pass was picked off by Moravian Some bright spots emerged for have to be careful of the pointy soon became apparent that the message. (Whether or not the fire for a 92 yard interception and the Green Terrors during the ends of their markers, making sure touchdown. Another interception course of the afternoon. A total of they don't put a whole in the ball or ::sf:~: ~~:~r t~~e':U:i::~~I~nOJ_ ~:~~~~:s~~r n~~~ l~:~e ~~t i::ac.~ late in the second Quarter set up a 1 299 yards total offense was in someone's foot. yard Moravian touchdown run. amassed and also 18 first downs. Yes, the jobs of the men who man ~~o~~e what a dog does to the Th~ rest or the marathon w~s Moravian's other score came on a Also, Dave Dolch picked off two the chains is not a glamorous one, :1 a.m. rolled around and our relall~ely easy, ?ut then s~ IS 24 yard Jon VanValkenburg pass to passes and played well after the but they are indispensable Fuehrer-urn, leader, made a anything once you re used to I~. I make the haUti,"?e score 21-0. Rosenfeld first quarter ejection nonetheless. Without them, there However, the big statistic that "did would be no first downs, and teams ~~~pr~eo~~~~~nc~~nt. :~!\Seh~~~ ~: :e~~rt~;o~~e~:~~nc~~~:~: The Terrors suffered a severe in" the Terrors was the 10 for 37 would spend the whole game remaining saliva he could draw out ?reaks since the. pizza ~ad settled loss early in the first Quarter when day passing by Quarterbacks Joe punting. of me, informed us that because of m my stomach like a spiked metal safetyman and punter Rick Damiano and Jay Rodstein. A 'l:I our good behavior, we were being ball and had ~estroyed most of my Rosenfeld was ejected from the percent passing game isn't going to Soccer permitted to take a three-hour colon. When It ~ll ended and t~e game after a scuffle with a win many ballgames and this area break. However, he continued scores were tallied, Kurt Herwig Moravian player ....The Moravian of play certainly must improve. anyone caught sleeping with his or had set the record for player hit linebacker Don En- This week's soccer results are her eyes closed would be flogged. approximately B.39 inches frorr: terline of the Terrors after the good considering the games Since I had had plenty of ex- where he had_ ~tarted. The PhI whistle and when Rosenfeld Next week the Terrors take on played. Wednesday, the Varsity perience in sleeping with my eyes Delts ~re sending a wreath in grabbed the Moravian guard, they. tough Gettysburg College and played Loyola College, always a open in class, I had an easier time memonum. were both ejected from Western Maryland will need a big good team. After playing about 25 of it than most. Nine o'clock. It was truly a Head Coach Ron Jones' vehement effort against this team. As it looks minutes Loyola finally scored and protests against Rosenfeld's now, Gettysburg looks to be the had control of the game from there Before you could say .'cruel and model of courage in action to watch however, the ejection were of no avail as the favorite to take the game 35-21. on. The game ended 4 - 0 with two unusual hours punishment', as Ad-uh, Bob the bedraggled survivors of this up goals scored three themselves orde~1 slowly raise in each half. ended, Volleyball different style of game. After and his SO-foot long emergency fire and hmp out the building scheduled Saturday However, so as not brought out a that evenmgs hosewerequicktoremindus.Once to miss raining hard in the morning, the again we were whirled, or should I section parties, or "alternate The volleyball-watching crowd volleyball match which saw Terror soccer team hosted say shoved into the endless cycle of forms of torture" as described by at Gill Gym last Tuesday could be Western Maryland's JV victorious Haverford en a very muddy field. torture, brutaltiy, madness and the one .. Myself, I dragged my described by no better words than One suspects that many of those As the crowd filled down between 48th replay of 'Taking Care Of remaining body back to the dorm large and enthusiastic. Never leaving were unaware that another the. World Series and listening to Business.' to write this testament to the spirit before has a women's sporting match was to be held (Remember the football game, they: were Cries of 'water, water' and of man event at WMC drawn such fans. these words tonight, dear reader, treated to a very physical i-n 'sleep, sleep' surrounded me as *** The action was fast and exciting, when our girls face a strong victory. With three warnings the band mercilessly played on. I ~o~:'tI~a~~t~e~~~~:r~towa, and a lot of people walked away Towson State team at Gill Gym, given, and at time, hard physical that evening with a greater ap- 7:00 P.M.). This victory points out contact, Dick Love brought the ball crossword puzzle preciation of the game of the fact that our volleyball squad down the sideline and gave a text- ACROSS DOWN volleyball. has fantastic depth which should book pass to Jamie Mosberg who _1 Att ....pin_ 1 Amount 1ab.1 assure WMC a good team for years scored the lone goal of the game. 5Pud 2G ..... Int .. The results of the matches were to come. But credit has to also go to the 8F...._ 3_(Sp.1 4 On t.... dout>l. bad and good While the varsity A correspondent from the fullback, Charlie Wagner, Steve IIb.1 lost 6-15, 9-15, the junior varsity Diamondback approached this Schonberger and especially Jack 12SIrUd6 now stands at 4-1. one comment to make. Maryland He helped bring the ball up and 13Q1dF .. """ 9 Britt .. nt ........ has a student body of over 30,000. kept it up in the offensive end. 14B1nIlst ..... 12""'......(.,.,11.1 :~::_d ..... 10Elir"t1lst From the beginning, our var- Our volleyball team was in the Steve Schonberger then put the 16 Conld"n lS0,-_ "' ....i"""t ....1 sity's trouble was offense, or national finals last year. Yet even clamp on anyone who brought the 11N .. part 18 Su_being J6SUppr_ rather, lack of offense. Maryland when we played the best teams, we ball down the middle. Chris ~::=- 19 Chatt_tcott.t :r7Sir1I1st .....·.huoband developed a strong spiking game never had a crowd like this. Do you Hannaby blocked a few good shots, 238tockh_ "- 311 Tib ..... I."m. while the girls of WMC could do always have turnouts like this for but his biggest effect was con- 24 Caribbeln 22 Not._UIIb.1 3i9Aolho"llh little but stay bacand play a women's sports?" I replied, "No," stantly cutting off passes that ~oo 23 Bir1I1st ..... (lW
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