Page 31 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 31
Wednesday. October 15. 1975 Scrimshaw Page 3 •••••••••••••••••••.•• News briefs ••••••••••••••••••••• A $1500 gl-and prize will be business," Rabush said of the new with friends andfacuIty in Spanish. in the psychology department obtained [rom the Counseling and awarded in the current Poetry educational venture. This is a good way to gain practical (first floor of the library in backl. Career Services Office at Western Contest sponsored by the World.of Students of sign language will be experience in speaking the Guest speakers will include recent Maryland College, or directly from Poetry, a monthly newsletter for aided by providing a contract to language, and. another way of WMC graduates in psychology who the National Teacher Exami- poets. make language videotapes. getting to know faculty from the will talk about their careers. nations, Educational Testing Poems of all styles and on any "canned" classroom sequences Spanish Department. Graduate school information will Service, Box 911, Princeton subject are eligible to compete for may be used to help dramatize real There are also plans in the be given. All interested persons are ~ew Jersey 08540. the grand prize or for 49 other cash school settfnss making for a Spanish Meal to be invited to attend. Come and find ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• or merchandise awards. Second ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• served in the cafeteria. In this way, . out where a liberal arts degree in A slide show and lecture, .,A place is $500. RUMOR CONTROLLED! students could learn about the 1975 can take you. Refreshments Thousand Miles Up The Nile," will Rules and official entry forms If you've heard the rumor that culture of the Spanish-speaking will be served. be presented in Western Maryland are available by writing to: World self-schedu1ing examinations have coutnries while also enjoying the ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• College's Decker Auditorium at ~~t;!~ryFr~~c::~~I~AD~i~ept. ~:"ng:li~~~:~~o~I~;!e:.tror~~ .~~~?:.!???~:~~:.~~~:r!~~... Less than two weeks remain for 3:30 p.m., Sunday, October 19. Contest deadline: November 30, it-it's just another rumor. Ac- Attention A~L STUDENTS! r~~pectt~~e t~~ct~~~ra~~:h!~ su~~:::~:~~a:!~~ ;~~e~~~~~~tb; 1975. cording to Dean McCormick, EVERYONE will have a chance to Examinations at Western Dr. Isabel Royer. Professor of ............................... dropping sell-scheduling exams vote for SPRING CONCERT Maryland College on November 8, Biology, and her husband, Edgar. ~~;;3!.°O~i~;~b':~:COd:; ;?:~£~~f;;:~£~~~ffi&:::~~:~~;';~:,lEf~:1~:1:~~~~iti.';;:~~ '!~~~~~;;~dW~~h~!~;;'~o~:.~!~ education program at Western Cormick commented that if it's ~~~J:yC~~: ~::~~ fl~~tm;~~~ ton, New Jersey, Jerald Wrubel, invite the public to join them in an ~ft~::n~;:I~:g~i~a~~~vi~~o~~~ !:~~~~~fr-::,!;~n~onec:;e: 28, at 11:00 P.M. Br1ng a Pencil. ~~~;o~rv~!es ~:~~~i: ta:any~ :~~~::il:n~~urney through this ~~!~ve~~h, a~=~:t~rD~f :~:~~ca:~':nea!~u:~e~S:a~llj~: .. ·~·;;;~j~;~·;~~~~~i~;i~~~·I· ~::tr:;,~~r:s :~r f:~a;~:~i":~ Once in a lifetime special education. self-scheduled one. So, contrary to meeting for the 1976 Western as to reach the Princeton ity Scholarships totalling $30,800 what you mayor .may not have M'CY'dandOV't"be Golf T,"oom on Office not later than October 16, Th:heJ.?wlIowHin,gmpaodh,.:ascf,o,~~~,.~~ have already- been offerred heard, self-scheduling exams are Th urs ay, cor 30 t a : p.m. Wrubel advised. '" N... "........ ~ through the grant, and plans for' alive and well on the Hill. in the upstairs lounge in Gill Gym. B II ti of I f rm tl Guide: "Vasectomy Sale! playpen the remaining funds include the ~~•••• _..... A main t.o~i~ for discussion will '?e deS~ri:i~;~egistratiOnn P~OCed~~~$5, walker $4, bassin~t $8, ~~king purchasing of equipment. Th~ IS a n~w addiho.n to ~e the possl.bIIity of a Southern T:iP and Registration Forms may be duck $4, other baby _I~ems. upgrading program offerings and collection o! elite tables m the m ~~e:e~~~~e:~a!tlO~~r;::~:~: ',---.---------PoI1;,Che-;tl,;------------" paying for a meeting of the the cafeten~. Every Wednesday, program's advisory board, ac- from 12:15 un uoo (except for ~e to go out for golf this year are 1 Please answer the following questions, then rip out this poll, coding to the veteran educator. ?rst week of every month, whe~ It encouraged to attend. 1 more or less along the dotted lines, and drop it in the campus I Special attention will be paid to IS Thursdays) there IS a Spamsh , delivery slot. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. I the area of speech and language Table inthe cafeteria. Located at P.Si~, the national .honor I particularly because this poll deals with a very important aspect I development skills through" the the far end of ~he cafeteria, La society. m p;:ychology, .~, be 1 of campus academic life. I introduction of videotape replays. Mesa Espa~ola is open to anyone sponsonng a Careers Night .on, Please circle the correct answer, : "We're going into the Iilming who would like to come and speak Tuesday, October 28, 1975, at 7.30 1'1. Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman I I 2. Majoring in: Biology - Chemistry - Economics - English-I **** Letters to the Editor **** I'MUSic - below 1 Science - 1.6-20 2.1-2.5 - other 2.6-3_0 : I Political Psychology ,3. GPA: 1-1:5 female 14. male Mr. Editor, deficit budget. "Western Maryland College I 5. Have you ever broken the honor code in any manner? I I You guys really have your shit Sincerely, Celebrates America's 200tbl Yes No I together, that article about the Johnson BOWIe'71 Birthday!" Float jud~ing willl6. Have you ever not reported a violation that you have seen or I volleyball team was good as-shit. Ass't Director-of Athletics be done bY' a combination ,ofl know of? I No shit, it was great. It was the Drexel University faculty and Alumni We Will, Yes No 1 best example of poor taste and fonn at the Municipal parkm '7 If the answer to number S was "yes", then please Circle the: g poor journalism I've read in a long *** time. To say "the girls got their lo~~a~~:t ::o~nth~o~~~l manner(s) IR which the code was broken . I I shit together and came through" ~dge~ at app.oXlmately 12 15,ICrib sheets - prior knowledge of test - looklRg at someone s J has no place in the article. I realize Dear Student body, ~nd the parade Will begin atl test durtng exam - talktng With sO?leone durtng I some people wouldn't say. shit if Asyouknow,our Homecommg IS 1 PM r exam _ looking up answer dUring exam _ wrltmg mformatlon I they had a mouth full of it, and fast approaching ThiS year It will The parade route Will proceed Ion the desk before exam _ PlagarizlRg a term paper: obvi'.lusly the author is not one of be held on November 1st, when the south on Mam Street to the second J falSIfYing readmg sources for a paper _ lettmg someone else I those people. Neither am I, but I WMC Terrors mee~ DI~kinson As gate and then tWice around the , wnte your pa per _ I also realize that every word has a ~o;:c~~ P~so~:Z~edea f~/~n~~~ track Pnzes for float winners will ItaklRg results from someone elses lab book WIthout their I place. Whoever wrote that article rugltt, October 31st at eight PM be awarded at Half Time, First· I knowledge _ . 1 should be forced to consume his With the Commodores and Bar- $60, Second-$40, and ThU'd $201 ,taking results from someone elses lab book With their knowledge 1 weight in ox droppings for the breech of journalistic standards. naby Bye On Saturday, there Will ~Udg~~~n:1 ~ ~~ O~g~~::, J "fudgmg" the resultsofa lab to receIve a.hlgher graf;le _ Mark Mechak be a parade ~fore the game and a:e work l~VOlv~ tn hWlding the I"fudgmg" someone elses lab so t~ey receive a lower grade- the 'Homecommg Dance to be fl t Icopying someones homework With their knowledge _ their knowle~ge- the of copying . , *** sponsored by t~e Freshmen and %. behalf Committee, entire: en~ 1 changing someones homework without test to try to obtain additional I the answers on a graded . classes. Sophomore Homecoming In order partiCipation Ipoints- Dear Editor, '75 a success, to make Homecommg, courage your active Committee, I Iother we need th~ help of in the Homecoming e~e~yone. ! . m~~:C~~i:n Ct~~t!:~~~t~:~ All or~aDlz~hr:::! encourage your active 8. What kind of test was easiest to cheat on? concept of reporting the news at WIShing ~ ~~tef t me oa~ b ticipation in the HOmecomiOg I scheduled self-scheduled take home WMC. H it is possible, please send ~~de S~tobere 17 (BE~OR~ parade to show our support ~ our: 9. Which was the next easiest? me back issues of this academic Fall ~'reak). The th~me of this team. If there a~e ant. q~esbons, 1 scheduled self~scheduled take home . year (except 9-10 which I .year's parade, in keeping with the pelase feel free 0 con T~:eyOU, I 10. Would you cheat in the future if the chance presented Itself. or I received). Any overpayment in my Bicentennial Celebration going on Scott Hancock I you felt you "had fo?" J check should be directed to your this year-and next, is: BOx502orExt.349t_.!~ '!O J '.-cvl HeY, YOUI 1 ·l\. .1' W4PEL Isuo r i ~'- OPEN /OD!l1! ! \ IT'.s 5;f7iJ,~[JH! ! - ;:::::.-t ;/' L...! l ~tf~rr'~) .,l_~~'··~T~)hlr~'I "!~V'il~
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