Page 25 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 25
C ?t Pithy Saying: Wednesday, October 8,1975 "No one has ever gone Volume 2, Issue 5 broke underestimating the taste of the American public." ·H. l.Mencken Cafeteria Food Wasted I Kim Shewbridge Imagine yourself passing your table; that way the people -they have to be thrown out if you directly on your bread so it isn't added to the huge amount of food through the cafeteria line with a eating after you can use them or do. Avoid putting the peanut and wasted. that we students waste every day? gigantic pang of hunger in your the students that clean up the jelly and mayonniase in the plastic Take a little extra time when you stomach. You take two plates of tables following the meal can put bowls intended {or salad, because It is up to us students to be go through the cafeteria line and be roast beef, an extra piece of cake, them back in the kitchen to be used too much is taken and it has to be conscious of how much we take to sure of what you want to eat. and since you are thirsty maybe again. Don't return these unopened thrown away. Either be positive of eat. Are you really going to eat that 'Remember-gat all you can, but two or three glasses of milk. A packages with your trays, because, the amount you need, or put it extra piece of chicken, or will it be eat all you take. problems soon develcpes ; once you start eating, you find that you IFC - Working for Diversity can't eat or drink all your stomach told you to take, so that one extra John Norment piece of cake or extra drink is Many students realize that in of the successful grille parties it they assure smoother decisions in choruses of Lupy and Barnacle Bill wasted and thrown away. This is a general this campus takes the time sponsored last January. Along with the future. heard in years pastv) and litter very typical scene in our cafeteria, and effort of many persons and the Intersorority Council it also The IFC must work closely with problems following parties. The and as a result, student waste of organizations in order to run hopes to promote fellowship _bet- the Student Affairs office in the IFC stresses that all party-goers food has become a major problem. smoothly, or at least as well .fis it ween the 200+ greek members on person of Dean Mowbray. The should be stashing their trash or According to Mrs. MacDonald, does. However, we often lose sight campus. Dean is present at all meetings and efforts to expand campus drinking Food Manager of our cafeteria, of some of these groups that do The IFC, being concerned with with the three members of each privileges may be in jeopardy. food is wasted simply because of provide a service to the college the activities of the total student frat that are IFC members, In these efforts the IFC is students' "over-estimated ap- community. One such group is the body, voiced its opinions recently discusses problems before they working for the campus to allow a petites," or the old eyes-are- Interfraternity council on the inconsistencies in SGA become sources for reprimand choice of lifestyles. The in- bigger-than-the-stomach routine. The IFC is the governing body procedures, especially the Special problems, for which dividuals', ideals may not always Students take two or three glasses for the fraternities on campus. It selection of bands for the fall clubrooms have been surrendered mesh with the campus, but in total, of a beverage and drink one. They basically has three major pur- concert. Since the fraternities are in the past, are precedents for the !FC and its members make take two desserts and eat one, or poses, as outlined in the student well represented in the SGA senate proper serenades (where are the WMC's pastures unique. they take one and only take a few handbook: to promote the ideals of bites from it. Great quantities of fraternity life as an integral part of Dance Marathon Revived fried chicken, ham, and stuffed the college community, to insure pork chops are returned to the cooperation between fraternities Jeff Robinson ~ kitchen untouched. When there and the administration, and to Following all the walking, run- MARC through a pledge per hour one of the major sponsors of the was a greater variety of cold cuts, insure cooperation among the ning, biking, swimming and tennis- danced basis. program, showing their com- 40-50- pounds of meat and cheese fraternities themselves. playing for charity, what will they Rob Platky, vice-president of mitment to civic involvement), the were returned to the kitchen These goals have been come up with next? Well, the Circle K, has coordinated this end "gimmick can" used to collect the uneaten in one meal. (As a result, strengthened over the past several Maryland Association for of the project, one that is being pledges with folowing the dance. we are now served just ham and years. Guided by last year's Retarded Citizens, MARC, has simultaneously attempted on I'he pledges can be sponsored by cheese.) Some students take both president Reggie Lee and current decided to revive the long-gone college campuses all over the or, as Circle K encourages, by entrees, coming back for seconds eresident Gary Strain, the IFC has tradition of the dance marathon, Baltimore metropolitan area. The organizations, who may enter a and thirds on the one they like formed a bond for mutual bringing it straight from the top three money raising couples team to represent them. best and throwing the other plate p-omction in the WMC greeks. hallowed halls of the 1920's onto the from WMC will be eligible to full of food away. Students also Major plans for thisJear include Western Maryland. College cam- compete in the area finals at Johns One hour prior to the dan- return unopened packages of sponsoring dances, presentation pus. Hopkins University, November 14- ceatbon's begining, all contestants mustard, ketchup, and sugar, of a fraternity cup, and rushing 16, the finalist winners receiving a will be given their rulebooks (mort which must now be thrown away, and bidding new members. cash prize of $1000. Winners of the likely "Arthur Murray's Practical and plastic dishes full of peanut Sponsored by Circle K, the local contest. on campus here, will Guide to the Foxtrot"), shirts, butter and jelly that were intended The IFC has also announced that "danceathon"; will be held Friday receive 1st, 2nd, and ard place and dance numbers (in order to tel for sandwiches are returned the winner of the James Brandt and Saturday, October lOand 11, in trophies respectively. No one goes the bodies apart.) The band wi'il simply due to over-estimation. memorial cup for the past year is Room 100 of Baker Memorial Hall. away empty-handed, however, begin playing at 9 am Friday Gamma Beta Chi. The trOPlY is L'1 For almost 18 full hours, formerly since all participants pick up a morning and continue on for three It's up to the students to prevent memory of James Brandt, a calm, quiet Baker will rock to the certificate proving their endurance hours, at which time both band and this waste. Are you really sure that member of the Betes, who died two sounds of6bands: the Jays, Shane, and are also allowed to keep the fencers will break. Most breaks you want that much food'? Mrs. years ago in an auto accident. The Nemo, and Fritz, all from shirts distributed to them before sbould last about three hours, MacDonald emphasizes that it is winner of the cup is the fraternity Baltimore, Zehn Archar, a local the dance. although on Friday night, danci_ng 00 sin to come through the food line that accumulates the most points, group from Sykesville, and the will be discontinued at 9:00 until five or six timesif you want to, so points being awarded for athletic Hitmakers, a record collection There will be a registration table the next morning. don't take all that food that you intramural winners, members emceed by a Baltimore disc in the cafeteria, but if anyone So, Baker 100 should be alive and think you can eat-just go back being presidents of certain campus jockey. This wide range of music is should miss that, they can still sign 'well Friday and Saturday, this through the line as many times as organizations, members elected to all being donated by the musicians up for the dance with Ms. Joan week. Although the dance floor will you like if you want more. Also, if Who's Who, college award win- especially for the cause. In con- Avey in the college activities office probably only hold 200 people, the you don't like it, don't take it-take ners, and intercollegiate athletic junction with the SGA, the West- right up until the actual dan- entire campus is invited to try, something that you're sure you'll letterman. minster Kiwanis, and the West- ceathon date. Upon registering including students, faculty, eat. Leave the unopened packages The IFC is planning many social minster High &0001 Key Club, the each couple will be given a pledge administration, et al. Get the hint, of mustard, ketchup, and sugar on events this year, some in the vein marathon will help raise money for form and a Colt 45 can (Colt 45 is Dean Laidlaw'?
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