Page 26 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 26
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, October 8, 1975 Editorial ************* ********************* It has come to Scrimshaw's Obviously, the source of the prominently printed at the preface will always have the policy in the many times before, additional attention recently, that a number controversy seems to lie in a' of "Herds"; It should be noted that future, of encouraging students letters or Personal ViewPoints on of misconceptions have been Personal ViewPoint entitled the views and opinions expressed (and faculty) to express their this or any other subject are developing over the past number of "Herds" which Scrimshaw printed in Personal ViewPoint are SOLEY views and opinions, and to refuse to welcomed weeks, concerning Scrimshaw's a few weeks back. This ViewPoint THOSE OF ITS AUTHORS and print a submitted opinion because supposed opinion of the fraternity attacked fraternities from several NOT the views of, or opinions of, it is controversial or because it and sorority systems on campus. angles, and as can be expected, Scrimshaw or its staphers. "It steps on some toes, would be Incidentally, Scrimshaw's staph For reasons not entirely known, drew a lot of discussion. what a never fails-put up a sixty-foot contrary to everything upon which does not consist of all in- various individuals have the im- few seem to have forgotten is that. neon "NO SMOKING" sign Scrimshaw is founded. The only dependents. A small number of our pression that Scrimshaw is "down the Personal ViewPoint 'column is somewhere, and people will still stipulation that Scrimshaw holds, staph are members of Greek on" the Greek societies. In one precisely that; a Personal View ask it it's okay to smoke. is that all letters and Personal scctettes , since Scrimshaw is case not too long ago, the Point which reflects the feelings of ViewPoints be non-slanderous. made up of volunteers. the fact discussion in a certain class turned its author. Percd. Nowhere was WMC enrolls over 1300 students. To that there are not more Greeks on to fraternities, and Scrimshaw any editorial endorsement of that Well then, some are probably pretend that all of them adhere the rolls is not Scrimshaw's fault, was mentioned. A few expressed ViewPoint printed: nowhere in asking, if it's not necessarily your to the same beliefs and opinions Even if the staph happened to the opinion that since Scrimshaw fact, was any comment on opinion, then why did you print it? would be ridiculously niave. So far, include nothing but independents, couldn't think of anything more fraternities by the editors or staph Because a student sent it in to us, "Herds" has drawn four submitted it could be defeating the whole important to pick on (such as seen in that or any other issue of that's why. The newspaper in comments; three of these were purpose of Serfmshaw to spend its clean-up inadequacies, proce- the paper. The charges of general and Personal ViewPoint in rebuttals from _fraternity or editorials blasting an institution dures for hiring bands, parking scrtmsnaw's alleged anti-Greek particular, were founded as a sorority members. All were which is so important to a large problems, and the honor court, to stance would not be so surprising, forum for the WMC student body. printed--again, no editorial part of the same student body that Scrimshaw mention a few), it had decided to furthermore, if the following Scrimshaw has always had the comment was added to any of serve. works every week to go afte~ the fraternity system, statement had not been Sf} policy in the past, and hopefully them. As Scrimshaw has said M.C.S. Personal ViewPoint: Grain Robbery? There has been more than increased shipments of A-arm by RichardM.Tucker enough heated rhetoric this products. It is to our benefit that prices were declining at the farm long were it not for the available foreign competition, whereas summer regarding the exportation these shipments continue unhin- level while the price of bread was political assistance of the govern- individuals in their roles as con- of wheat to Russia; thus I suspect dered rising at the market did not happen ment. sumers will not speak up in protest that more than a few readers Two questions now beg answers by magic. Rather it was the result International trade is fun- as each of their interests alone is would like to understand the Why was there such a loud outcry of pay raises in the unionized damentally just an extension of small (even though the total economics behind such tn- by citizens and politicians about middleman sector (those who intranational trade beyond potential gain to the consumers is ternational trade. It must first be the grain sales, and why did process, deliver, and market the national boundaries, with the always greater than the total emphasized that the United Stales George Meany and his unions food) without justifying propor- accrual of all of the same benefits, potential loss to the producers). government does not own one illegally stop the shipments? The tionate rises in productivity. Of specifically higher living stan- It is interesting, as an aside, to bushel of wheat, and hence we answer to the first question is easy. course this is too short an essay to dards for all involved. In- note that the Ukraine in Russia know that it is not the government People looked only at the im- discuss the politically created ternational free trade is always used to be a breadbasket similar to which sells grain to Russia, The mediate and direct results of this economic power of unions in economically better for the con- our Midwest. It is a testament to wheat is owned either by the trade without thinking through America today, out to talk about sumer than interference with the capitalist farming, and a betrayal farmers who grew it, or by the the entire process. This is common improving competition in the markets through such devices as of the inefficiency of-collectivized traders to whom the farmers when those not trained in economy without constdenng the tariffs, quotas, and embargoes. farming, that American farmers voluntarily sold it. These people economics attempt to analyze concentrated economic power Unfortunately people in their roles are feeding the Soviet citizenry. engaged in these productive efforts public policies. Common sense politically sanctioned in the labor as producers will always find it in Yet as I have already explained on the assumption that they would does not go far in analyzing markets is intellectually dishonest. their interests to urge the govern- the exportation of wheat benefits be allowed to sell their product to economic problems. This benign It is recognized among economists ment to interefere with the ef- Americans as well as Russians and the highest bidder regardless of ignorance of international that most monopoly (by business ficiency of the markets when should not be deterred, especially whether he be an American, a economics combined with the Japanese, or a Russian. I shall not memory of the previous wheat :~:~~d':~:,)o:OU'dnot'U'vseMi; i'3h~~It,g, Meany emphasize the intolerable op- deals (which did involve an pression which occurs when labor element of robbery as the govern- unions illegally deny these ment picked up a sizable portion of ended The party a nine o'clock the r individuals by forcing right the fruits free of the tab with a subsidy to the and The cocktail splashed a to the floor on vantages advantages the and disad- with many of the seniors hurrying of their in scattered hundred respective of commerce created I their labor this to rot on the a very Russians) understandably concern. directions. an attentive individual colleges. Several seniors, in fact, off to see American Oratnut. But quick But with napkins docks, a emotional highly with possessed not all of the seniors were quite pleased to hand, said they is indeed although is not as important consideration to one who George Meany's excuse not at all cleaned the restive liquid from the their decisions to transfer to WMC. such an unalloyed concern for the forgivable, for he was is concerned with the abbr-ogatlon concerned with the consumer floor, and the laughter of friendly Other conversations, however. pleasures of the moment. A girl of individual rights. Rather, I shall though he used his name in defense voices continued unabated. fell to more pragmatic concerns remarked that she had been explain why it is in the selfish in. of the longshoremen's refusal to This was but one of the many The toil of filling out endless determined to enjoy herself at the terests of us all as consumers te load the grain. Meany was con- humorous incidents that made numbers of applications for work party because the harsh reality of have this trade occur. cerned only about the political merry last Saturday night's The fears of not being accepted al her final year in college would all leverage this situation could gathering of the seniors in Mc-: certain graduate schools. Some too quickly filter deep into, her It is true that by selling wheat to. provide him to get more work for Daniel Lounge. And though similar seniors still had lingering doubts as mind, and she would all too soon be the Russians the price of wheat in his overpriced union workers. incidents supplied the grist for to the kind of jobs to which they faced with the daily routine of the United States. will rise (and friendly banter, still the spilled would be best suited. And of more work hence also the prices of wheat cocktail showed itself an omen for immediate concern, one girl voiced products). This will occur with the George Meany and the Maritime the inevitable scattering of the her disgust that so many of the Blooper exportation of any domestically Unions illegally determined senior class in seven short months male students still believe that consumed good, but it is only one American foreign policy and to come. But for the moment at most women are coming to college The following station break was side of the picture. For when the stopped the wheat at the docks to hand, old friendships were to get a "Mrs. degree." Two other heard coast-to-coast on Canadian Russians buy the wheat they will see to it that President Ford would renewed and new ones made. girls quickly agreed with her TV, by accident: "This is the pay the farmers and traders in ask the Russians to Ship more of But what were some of the tOPICS statement. No males offered a Canadian Broadcorping Castra- of these American seniors of conversation dollars, and when they buy the the wheat ships in (which charge union- who had drunk: from a common rebuttal. tion." three staffed dollars in the foreign exchange times the international market chalice of learning? Who had markets they will force (bid) the rate for- freight carriage>. That shared a common environment for Staph: Who To Blame Susan Tuley value of the dollar up relative tc Editor-in·Chief: Secretaries: that of other currencies. In other Ford did send delegates to Russia one, two, three, or four years? Baron L.Tayler Susan Coleman words, the exportation of wheal and that the Russians responded Many seniors were just Associate Editor: Nancy Eichelman who the will strengthen the dollar in by increasing shipped share of their pleasantly fellow surprised to learn were. Mark C. Bayer Business Manager: classmates their on American purchases ternationally. This will mean that flag ships is evidence of the ex- Taking into consideration the each American dollar will buy Assistant Editors: Richard Naylor more foreign goods re.g. oil) than treme political power held by Big number of transfer students, this Mark Katz Body Artist: it would have otherwise, that the Labor in our society. It is a shame state of affairs was quite un- Matt Bowers Mark C. Bayer prices of our imports will be lower. that Meany should stoop to the derstancabje. Too, since some Staph: Banner Artist: attended as pawns This effect will more than offset level of using consumers to pad the seniors had not regularly they did not Susan Coleman Brian Trumpower to justify his efforts their class meetings, the cost of the rise in the prices 01 Mary Gately Distribution Manager: wheat products. pockets of his union workers at the- know many of their classmates Denise Giangola Jeff Robinson expense of the non-unionized labor Many conversations were force (three quarters of the total delightfully trivial, with nothing Carlton Harris Attorneys: The exportation of wheat that labor force). Of course this is not more serious being discussed than Meg Hoyle Samuel Goldenstein has already occurrred has clearly the first time, nor will it be the last, which punchbowl offered the Lonni Myers and Sons had this result. The Wall Street that Meany has pretended to stronger drink, or !i debate ot Mindy Natterman AND: Acast of thousands. Journal reports that this year the represent all labor when in fact he determine if American Graffitti Richard Naylor The opinions expressed in United States will likely see a is representing only a small group was worth seeing for a third time Jeff Robinson this publication do not record trade surplus of up to nine at the expense of the rest. A few conversation did turn Kim Shewbridge necessarily reflect those.of billion dollars. They further report while we are discussing George toward reflections of past years at Sue Snyder the administration. Box that the major rise in exports Meany it is interesting to note WMC, or the various colleges from Jennifer Watts 3-A, Western Maryland which contributed to this union's part historic,!!lly in the which different seniors had Jim Teramani College, Westminster, Md., strengthened dollar came from the rising price of bread. That wheat transferred. Notes were compared L __ -"B"'Ob'-T'-'o"'n."-' ::.2.:._l1"'5:.._7 _J
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