Page 24 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 24
...... Scrimshaw. Sports Matt Bowers Terrorettes team crossword ecnoss Bob Toner Jim Teramani I_eto field hockey The women's 4 WO.... n·.liI) Sue Snyder B :;,~~;=~p began season only with Garlton Harris twenty-five their women on the squad, 12l.1s1(L.'.infin.1 one of the smallest turnouts ever 13.Jacob·.tw'n 14 Anobiangulf Terrific Terrors The team, however, is experienced ~:=oIO< squad is back. - most of last year's Evonne Sue Coming off a disheartening 41-0 spectacular catches early in the Forwards "Rhoda" Rudrow, Sue IBMoI.c","uv;nOd and Wagner, Williams, loss to the Muhlenberg Mules, the' game, but was removed when he Toby Meldrum begin their fourth Western Maryland Green Terror had "his bell rung." Kicker Bruce season together on attack, so they football squad roared back with a Belt kept up his consistent booting should .provide some exciting 21-14 victory over the Bridgewater to the tune of three extra points and shooting power. The defense, Eagles in gridiron action last several kickoffs that travelled accented by the crafty stickwork of Saturday. deep into the Eagle endzone. Karen Crandall also has some Rick Rosenfeld was once again experience. Dale Torbit and Karen It was a big victory for the the key man on the Green Terror Merkle are back for their fourth '!'errors in that this year's team is squad as he ran six yards for one year and starting as links in the of the type that needs a few 'vic- touchdown and caught a 17-yard new system of play. The back-field tories under its belt at the outset to pass for another. The versatile should also be strong with retur- insure a successful season. That Rosenfeld also punted for a 36.5 ning players Susan Pollitt, Sally morale ran high on the squad is an yard average, and helped key the Stanfield and Nancy Hess as backs understatement, for the men under Terror defensive secondar:v and Barbie Vose in the goal. The ~e guidance of Head Coach Ron Junior Varsity team hopes to -.Jones and his staff performed a Bob Cahill snatched a key in- combine the experience of six complete turnaround to the contest terception stopping a strong.Eagle .retuming players with some new I_ast Saturday in Allentown. drive short of a score . freshman talent this year. _ .Trainer Fern Hitchcock was kept Last Tuesday the Terrorettes Freshman quarterback Joe busy all afternoon as injuries once began their season in the pour-ing DalJliano appears to have nailed again decimated the Terror lineup. rain at Lebanon Valley. The 51S<1flixuoed !olo.m down the signal-calling chores for In addition to Rich LUm, tackle varsity squad fought hard to lom; .... this season as he was superb in Don Dea dislocated his elbow and overcome their opponents who led 52WNllou".ncI .. completing 11 of his 19 passes for is out (or the seasori. Also, Matt athalf-time 3-0. Toby Meldrum and 151 yards of total pass offense. King, right tackle, sustained a bale Torbit scored three goals in Terror running backs Brian mluor sprain of the ankle and Rich the- second half Comeback, not ~Woodencl;ng w;,hpidte.o. Trumpower, Rick Rosenfeld, Pat Heritage reinjured the cartilage quite enough to catch Lebanon Dattilio, Steve Spinelli, and Rich around his rib cage .. Valley, who won 4-3. Nancy Hess Heritage combined for 149 yards on. and Sally Stanfield provided strong the ground as the Terrors had 300 All in all it was a good per- defensive action. ~~;=~~e,~~~f~nth~e~f::SO!,~~ '--- -r- _::O=~',,''","'::"'':::''-:O_' '",-",' ':::"'-,,".:_' _J" yards total offense on the day. ~~~i\t~~~edpa~~O~~r~~n~ ~~~~~~~ baT~ ;~~.g~:;: ~f~gt~:~~~~Victorious Volleyball pa~~~io~~~~~la~ao~~oJ~~~ down, the scoring strike being an Next week the gritlmen take on Sue Brown, Julie Vaughn, Nan Fall is here and the volleyball to surprise the Maryland team. amazing, diving snare of a Widener College, perenially a Hollinger, and Sue Snyder. The season has begun victoriously for And why shouldn't WMC's Damiano pass that brought cheers tough adversary for the green-dad hockey teeam has seven home WMC. Last Wednesday saw a students want to give their sup- from even the Bridgewater Terrors. The word from this desk is games this year, so support your surprised Loyola team blown off port?Today'svolleyballisapower rooters. Rich Lum, the other that W.M.C. will score an upset team and enjoy some exciting the court by our varsity squad, 15- game, fast moving, exciting and Terror receiver, grabbed two victorY,24-21. hockey action. 2, 15-5. The JV's had it a bit growing in popularity. It was never The wide world of football ;~~:s~r, I~~tl, w~~_lt~~ai;~~ ~l;::: il~~~c~:~nW:!ht~~~t~~~t~:~ couragmg start, but Loyola proved will be Just as successful, If not Ahhh, fall is now officially upon the field is so crowned that only the underwear in the wash? to be a weaker team than had been more so, than last year, when they us. To help signify this event, along tops of peoples' heads are visible Most guys wear sweatpants expected. Coach Carol Fritz is had a 7-3 regular season record with the crispness in the air, the on the far sidelines. All of this (with no knees) under a pair of looking forward to this Wed- The first six from last year are changing colors of the leaves, and takes place on a field that alter- shredded gym shorts or cut-offs. nesday's tri-match with Salisbury returning more experienced and the runny noses on our faces, is the nates between IS-inch tall grass (It seems that the basic criteria for State and UMBC (to be held at have a fine quad loaded with en- start of the new football season. and bare rock, before a mob of an intramural football unilonn is UMBC, 6;00 pm) where she ex- thusiastic freshmen to back them Watching the game on t.v. or maybe ten students coming from holes--the more holes in your pects our team to be really tested up. down at Hoffa Field is line and all, class, four little kids from town, clothes, the better. Maybe it in- for the first time this season. Whatever else this season but in many of us there still lies and a dog. It's enough to make you creases your speed by eliminating After visiting Franklin & Mar- promises, one is assured of ex- that little competitive urge that poetrezebie your giflink. (I jusL air drag.) And everyone has a hat shall on the fourth, the girls have cuement and fast action that will makes us want to participate threw that in to see if you were of some SOrt; visors, golf hats, their home opener on the seventh keep spectators on the edges of actively. For the good athlete who paying attention.) stocking caps, baseball hats, versus the University of Maryland. their seats. Let's see a big crowd of doesn't happen to play football for The referees often don't have cowboy hats, hats with the names Although Maryland is a national WMC students in Gill Gym next the school, as well as for frustrated enough flags or whistles to go of tractors or fertilizer companies power--a team with great height Tuesday at 7:00 omr athletes and non-athletes alike, around; consequently, old shirts, on them, and many others. ~~~ d!~;n:~~W~ti~~e :~~r~~~AwwWw intramural football provides an socks, and boxer shorts must be Intramural football is one place outlet for organized play on a utilized, and you get a lot of where fantasies may still be won't quit. Coach Fritz's analysis Sorry·folks - Even Soc~er had decidedly informal level. " ...okay, gentlemen, the play is fulfilled. Here is where you have of the situation was that WMC has problems because of the rain. The Now, don't get me wrong. You over. I said that's it--the play is ex-defensive tackles playing safety " ... everything to gain and nothing soccer results for the week was see just as much desire, effort, fun, over. Hey, you dumb &?$+?$!!, I or quarterback and former to lose-Maryland has everything only a lose to Moravian. Next game and good play on the intramural said you were down!" Often the wingbacks centering and ex- to lose." A good show of support is today at Susquehanna and then field as anywhere else. Teams are balls used in practice are in- tiddleywinks or badminton players from the student body next Saturday at Gallaudet. Next home p-ecuctng well before the season teresting representations of the turned into berserk animals Tuesday could give the lift needed game is Oct. S against Loyola. starts, and take the game seriously real .thing, made of plastic or rushing the quarterback. One of when playing. It's just that you get overinflated balloons of taped-up the best things about it is the fact fort to keep the game moving The quarterback spots the tight more people-and a wider variety leather. Wh~ they get a good. ball that you can play wherever you smoothly and to improve every- end, hits him with a pass, and of people-participating on this in the game there are lots of oobs want. one's skill and knowledge of the watches him trip ever the center, level, and this makes for a lot of and aahs and "What's this thing?" Of course, this often leads to sport. who is still blocking, and fall in a fun, and all. some inefficiency, as when you The real fun, naturally, comes in big cloud of dust for a net gain of Due to the nature of intramural have a 250--pound dude covering a the play itself. There is none of this three yards. Exciting, huh? football there are a few subtle 9.9 spr-inter on a fly pattern. This is "three yards and a cloud of dust" differences in the game compared The player himself is an in- where knowledge of the field stuff. Play Is much looser here, to the way it is traditionally teresting figure. You don't very becomes important. If you can get with a lot more freelancing. A Often there are the more played: One of the more obvious often see a Joe-stud football player the receiver to run into one of the typical play might go somethhing traditional plays-a man in motion differences - are the playing with a- shiny uniform and nice aforementioned potholes or over like this: the center snaps the ball gets hit in the side of the head by facilities. Rarely does the in- white socks.and pads and tape and the pitcher's mound or into a tree diagonally to the halfback rather the center snap; a receiver loses a tramural gridder get to fly past stuff. Intramural players are into you don't have to worry about than the quarterback. The half- pass because his hat falls over his defendersona bright green carpet the layered-look, basically. covering him. back sweeps right, pulls up short, eyes; or a guy catches a touchdown of Astroturf and pull in an BO-yard Usually you see a guy with a torn The attitudes of the players and throws it back to the quar- pass, spikes the ball, and has it touchdown pass before a huge high school football t-shirt over a differ· somewhat, also. They are terback. He, in turn, hands off to a bounce back up and hit him in the stadium throng of tens of tattered high school football jersey unusual to see guys strolling up to wide receiver on a reverse, who in face. thousands of screaming fans. More (it seems that everyone has a high a game with a beer in one hand turn hands off to the halfback often thanbot he gets hitin the face school football t-shirt and-or and a cigarette in the other. But coming back. The halfback then In the final analysis, it's just by a ball deflected by the· football jersey) over a ripped once the game starts it's all laterals the ball back to the good to get out in the fresh--well, overhanging branches of the large sweatshirt with "Property of business. Constructive criticism, quarterback, who by now is 47 crisp-October air and throw the 01' tree just outside of the end zone. Or Aicatraz Prison" or something often via hurled invective- or yards behind the line of scrim- pigskin around and rough it up with he trips over the pitcher'S mound written across the front. Often all footballs bounced off the back of mage. In the meantime, the other some of the guys, just like when we when making his cut. Or he drops of this has a certain distincf air someone's head, or both, are wide receiver and the tight end were kids. Football intramurals from view into a pothole. Or the about ito-who wants to stick a dirty aimed at teammates, opponents, have run parallel Z-out patterns keep the fun in the, game, and that quarterback can't see him because old football shirt in with their good referees, and fans alike in an ef- with a curl-back and a cross-over. is as it should be.
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