Page 153 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 153
8 WESTERN LIBRARY COLLEGE HOOVER MD -: Pithy Saying: Thursday, May 13, 1976 "If someone shoots me, I want him to do it Volume 3, Issue 14 because he hates my guts, not because he just doing his job." -AI Pacino in "Dog Day Afternoon" Brian TrumpoW9' Men on 1st Floor Whiteford Housing Council President Explains Rooming Situation Mark C. Bayer alternatives," said Mallonee. It Henry finish, it turns out that there Well, it all started with these should be noted that no ad- will still be less space for those who be looked at as "coed housing" but further upset among the women twenty extra male students ...and minislrative action was taken at wish to stay in McDaniel as a result rather as but a notes temporary a could be best avoided. Mallonee that arrangement, no place to put them. So, in order to this time. of this decision. But, Mallonee Housing Council meeting will be also stated that the opening of provide room for them, the powers Forlines offers new housing op- that be came up with what seemed Then, on or around the date of says, the attractiveness of Fur-lines called shortly to discuss the portuniues for women, who in the like a. logical idea: why not put Friday, April 29, news began to House and the fact that the balance possibilities of coed housing in the past could only choose between the them In the eo-or-so rooms on the leak and disagreement began to generally checks out mathe- future, and "this could set the dorms and the apartments. At that first floor of McDaniel. It didn't arise. Five angry McDaniel maucany makes up for any trend for it." Mallonee admits that moment, two women dropped by to to rut the quite work that way. though. Some residents spoke to Dean Laidlaw problems. it may have been better ground ftoor look Forlines there over for and check year next things men on Whiteford"s out or thewomen who were planning to and Dr. John and others began to What are the long-range effects rather than "sandwiching" them-- stay there next year complained. take up the cause. As a result, of such a decision"? Bill Mallonee "You see, this has been going on an uproar started, and a Housing Dean Mowbray called a private emphasizes that this new move not but notes that since the ground ever since the meeting," said Council meeting was called in meeting on Wednesday, May 5. at floor has choicer rooms, any Mallonee. order to get students' views and which Mallonee, SGA president solve the problem. Resolution: to Herb Watson, and president-elect Housing Council meeting covered putthose20menonthefirstfloorof Jay Rodstein, along with three of Whiteford instead. and let women the McDaniel women, were Jeff Robinson and Jim Teramani have the Forlines House. present. At that meeting Mowbray On Thursday, May 6, the Housing then giving the men the ground or So goes the general notion of how said that he would consider any and Conduct Council held a first floor of Whiteford, the housing From what can be pieced our housing problems were solved other viable alternatives the meeting primarily dealing with the problem could be cleared up. together from the minutes, and in the past week. But it might help Housing Council could come up administration's proposal to give according to the Student Affairs other sources, the motion was clear some confusions if a more with. Again, no definite action was first floor McDaniel Hall tern- Office's alternate suggestion. The amended to include the women in explanatory article were written, taken porary housing status for next women preferred the "lesser of Elderdice in this early room using information given by year. This meeting brought out the two evils" and, in turn, left the drawing. This motion, although Housing Council President Bill Since the matter had by this time female members of the campus in first floor to their male coun- sympathized with by the voting Malonee (who, ironically, is a reached a large part of the school, a large turnout for the meeting. terparts. In a 24 to 3, the members, was also defeated in a Forlines restcent.i it was decided that the Housing After quickly going through some representative of the Fer-lines somewhat close, 16 to 7 vote. To begin with, according to Council meeting of Thursday, May routine business, the Council House voted nay while, Therefore the residents of these Mallonee the addition of 20 extra 6, which would previously have proceeded to the discussion of the suprtsingly, the First Floor halls will be selecting in their men was not something the ad- been devoted primarily to ejections temporary housing for men. Whiteford rep went along with the regular numerical positions ministration wanted necessarily, and room drawing, would also be idea. Oddly enough, although there nor is it true that the ad- used for students to air grievances A petition was presented that Immediately after this matter were five times as many people ministration wants to establish a and make suggestions in this contained over 30"0 signatures was taken care of, there was a present at the meeting than any 60-40 ratio on campus. Mallonee, matter. According to Mallonee, the protesting the proposal. Bringing motion made that "students ousted other- Council meeting this year, dismissing these theories as at- Housing Council at this meeting up the observation that women from their floors due to different the Housing Council itself barely tempts at excuses thought up by decided to strike the McDaniel already have less opportunity for accommodations (For-lines and reached its requirement for a angry women for the turn of idea, and the alternative-having different housing than men, the First Floor Whiteford) will be quorum. And, there were no events, does not consider the extra the males live on first floor women objected to the conversion given priority in room drawing, members of the Student Affairs males an error on the ad- Whiteford while reserving For-fines oftheMcDaniel floor. Also brought after squatter's rights, according Office in attendance to represent ministration's part-not exactly. for women-was set up. up was the fact that McDaniel was to class." However after the the views of the administration. What it can be attributed to, ac- highly favored by the up- proposal, the room was cleared of They were excused, since both cording to Mallonee, is a case of That evening, some students perclassmen. When alternative all non-members of the Housing continued on pg. 8, col. 4 overenrollment. The college had went to see Laidlaw about the new suggeslons were requested, Council signed these men up expecting, as idea, and she said that she would ~;~~~~g~e;f;c~~~s t~;r~~~~~~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• is the usual case, others to cancel talk it over with Dean Mowbray. out at the last minute. But that The next morning, the ad- Inside this issue: : didn't happen. ministrators told Mallonee that :~~:~ ~~~~fnn~IYre:~tn~n i~e~: • they were "willing to abide" with upper floor of the dean's house. • • About two weeks ago, Dean the suggestion. They did, however, Laidlaw called a meeting of the bring up a problem not previously Both were q~ickly rebuked with • Response to Personal Viewpoint • executive members of the Housing mentioned: that of placement of logical reasonmg. • Editorial on Liberal Arts • Council--Mallonee, vice-president freshmen. A certain number of Di.scussion of what to do, and the • by Ralph Levering • Keith Dill, and secretary Meg rooms are set aside for freshmen realization that the matter had to • College Center News • Caddick-and, informing them of in each building, and Whiteford, the overenrollment, asked for being the least desired of the three i:~~~~~~~~b~~~roh: ~:sp;~:~~~ : Conclusion of "SOAP" • suggestions as to where the exira women's buildings, ends up with defeated by a 25 to 2 margin. All·. • men should be put. The Housing the most incoming freshmen. But Council executives tentatively since men are taking up the first fe~:tl~;~~:s ~:red~~:!t~g:~~t~~t~ • Sports Wrapup. : suggested the first floor of Mc- floor, the displaced women will Daniel as a good place. "At the have to be divided up between ~rl~':i~~ ::~enbr~~g~cuu:j t~~ : ... And MUCH MUCH MORE!! • time we could think of no other Blanche and McDaniel. In a real o. p""ntly-mal, Fcrlines House and ••••••••••••••••••••••••
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