Page 150 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 150
Page 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, May 6, 1976 Thursday, May 6, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Editorial ••••••·······························~······ ..•• ....Letters, to the Editor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• their help we would notbe blessed few light bulbs unreplaced ana closed. The efficiency Inherent ·in need for them, however, there ear Editors, As spring begins to show more with all of the wonderful shades of several sections of the hallway in such actions instills pride in our have been several requests that th.e Alsourior to this, although seven effed that the program was trying which Easter and Passover glorify practica1 but and more signs of life on campus, pink, blue, and yellow that seem to complete darkness. hearts, knowing that the world is owner please come and take his In my four years at this noble years is an eternity, he was to relive the past. (Really now late are universal to human kind workable and final exams draw near, the stitution I have seen many things thrilling crowds in an obscure little 60's early 70's the past?) Although everywhere, regardless of combined with expanded academic year slowly comes to a be so prominent in the dorms. The Student Activities Office has . safe from procastinators and over belongings back. ne and many things appear in upstate New York town with such some of the material was from a religious preference. I hope Mssrs. programs in cri close. Throughout the year many And then there is always the case also contributed to the campus life eaters. our pride and joy lies is Rag (Both pre-and post- other no names as The Who, prior date the message and the Grant and Stevens will reinterpret environment, consumer protection Of course, events have occurred at Western where the administration shows immeasurably by keeping one in our Instructors here on staff. And now we would just like to rimshaw) that have aroused my Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, lyrics were still as relevant now as Dr. Zepp's words in the light i Maryland that have been reported some heart and goes against their pinball machine in working order Without them we never would have thank people in genera1 for the fine However, none has ·finally Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Ravi they were when written. Although I which I'm sure they were meant, upon and printed here. in the iron-clad rule of not allowing pets at all times for student use. learned of, or been deterred from, job they've done this past year. tten to me enough, that it has Shankar, Jefferson Airplane and don't want to relive the past I am and not feel personally SCRIMSHAW. At the same time on campus. With the presence of Although it appears that the other the evils of an overactive social Just by saying "Hello" to some evoked me to write a response, many others of such low caliber not likely to forget the inspiration a letter praising the beauty there are many occurrences, those ever-so-cute- cockroaches three are constantly this in the "out of a life. Once again, we must give people here we have noticed the til the events of this past that Lshall not list them. From this for several of the songs, I am not goodness. terparts i order" condition, is 'also sometimes merely happenings of and mice, in our rooms we have money saving effort on the part of them our thanks. eekend beginning with your aspect alene it would seem that likely to forget the inspiration for !\1!l1dyNatterman .Under the Governor's direction, every day life, that have gone come to appreciate. the works of ~:~ral~1r:;t~yUSCO~~~tc~ti:r, tters to the Editor page last Mr. Jeff (Row) Tull is suffering several of the songs, that being the California adopted the toughest uimoticed. The SCRIMSHAW Mother Nature in a way that no the college. When the one machine The frats must be thanked for from people trying to return .ou ~k {April 29, 1976 Vol. 1 Issue from a terminal case of rectally Vietnamese War and the thousands would like to recognize and give other experience could have shown is in use it saves everyone else their creativity in giving us so greeting. Why else would they JUs oriented cranium. of men my own age that were of- Dear Scrimshaw ~~~~~:~~l: ~d thanks for those activities that us. their vahiable money and precious many different ways and places f?r walk on past without trying ';0 o~ In this section some concerned For those others who. did not fered as sacrifice' to Southeast We are living through a unique believes in maintaining have given us ail something to The maintenance department time that could-and should-be partying on campus. Their their mouth-now that's dedicatio udent saw it as his responsibility make up that impressive crowd of Asia. and important time of American vironment for future generations chuckle at to pass those idle hours deserves their due, of course, also. spent elsewhere; consideration of serenades also enlivened our to an elusive art. raise the issue about the quality approximately 200, you have my If you bad taken the time to listen History. The Nation's public has to the away. Never before have we been treated the student at its best. evenings tremendously and gave ranged concert that had been sympathy for either being bogged to the music and the man and God ended an era of an apathetic Jerry Brown's leadership, by the Social Committee to the experience of having to learn The cafeteria is not about to get us a new insight into the ad- And finally, the SCRIMSHA down by a heavy work load or forbid! (Sorry Roemer political' view and no longer will California has relaxed the First off, an offer of thanks has to how to fight a fire single-handedly .away uncommended for its efforts, ventaees of singing lessons . would like to recognize the stude the SGA. It is truly a shame that being foolish enough not to come of actually come downstairs after the delegate the traditio go to the administration for sev~ral without the use of a fire ex- either. By changing from an ob- body as a whole for their gre s person lacked the genitalia to your own choice. For those 200 who show and talk to the man you might that the elected beauacracy has marijuana. Governor Brow considerations. An immediate solete brand of relish to its present As far as what goes-on in regular . success in the department . gn his own name and make did have the opportunity to be have walked away with a much enjo~ed tough on control of crime. He has situation that comes to mind is the tinguisher because it was "being form we can now get it out without sections and dorms, there are apathy and thank them for the mself liable for his own com- there you had the opportunity to better impression. A viable candidate has emerged signed into kind-heartedness that is exhibited refilled"--quite an experience. ripping the platte pouch to tiny some girls who would like to ex-' (non?) support. We would also lik ents. This.might also explain see the best concert that has been The Woodstock generation hasn't from the realm of the politi when they allow the elevator in The concern shown for the well- bits ( and we bet that you didn't press their gratitude for the to thank the students for finall hy he would make such com- presented in the past four years. died it's just maintaining a low ambitious; Jerry Brown is th Rouzer Hall to be turned on for two being of the students is also.shewn even notice it, did you"). Also, the anatomy lessons from the guys convincing us that we, the star ents as " .. .I would much rather True, there have been other good profile. leader of the new generation of ricted of usin days of tM year: If it were for any in the careful manner in which invention of the corn dog will leave who "just happened to be using the Ear a band of ZED's quality play concerts in the past such as Grin, To finish this off I would like to office holders. He is not a can- mission of a major crim period longer than that, how w~uld they go about their duties. Where us hungering for a taste of that girl's showers by accident." (\n ~~~~~F~~u~~~~yp:r~~!p~~~o:.~~ her groups' material well, than John Sebastian and Spirit however thank the SGA for finally doing we the students, develop our else would you see such con- even more adament expression cannot do anything about It. But ten to a nobody like Ritchie (sic) none of these have been as total as something right while I was still didate who aims his campaign at I The Governor appointed mor m~scular abilities in those un- siderations as assigning two men delicious treat each time we pass come from the guys who have ho?" the Morningsong-Richie Havens around to see it. Maybe this is a the people but rather he originates women and minority judges in his derused portions of our bodies? to replace every light bulb in need by our local riverbed. spotted female bodies in male fra:;tr~:s;ea~~~ ~o~iC c~~~;~~ It is a true shame that this concert. beginning of something new!? 'his campaign from his constituents first sixteen months in office than Secondly, all of the students of tt-now that's really caring. And And we must extend our shower rooms. have come to the conclusion tha rson has led such a sheltered Morningsong, the warm-up With a vented spleen, and attempts to find their needs the previous administration did in living in the dorms have requested on the. subject of light, those gratitude for the excellent job the "There's too much apathy on th e. It just might enlighten him to group, did better than that and had Robert Marciszewski and opinions. eight years. Several in Whiteford that we sincerely extend our ap- energy-conscious girls of third staff does in keeping the "late- would like girls to thank "Bob" Hall for campus. But then again, w ow that this nobody was the place cooking when the title act P.S. For those of you who may Edmund G Brown Jr the 38- J preciation for the expert care floor Blanche are extremely ap- comers" from wasting our leaving his underwear in cares?" quested to play on a national tour came on. From this point on the !are Ritchie Blackmore is an year old Gov~rnor of California, is UniverSity of California and taken in hiring the interior preciative of the electricity-saving valuable money, when they arrive Whiteford's basement. Having no Jeffrey Robins another no body (George performance onstage was one )bscure Second Rate gUitarist. seeking the Democratic Yale Law School. In 1970, he was ~ecorators for the colle~e. Without measures being taken by leaving ~ 15 seconds after the cafeteria door arrison). hundred percent mind and body. Nomination of for President with fiscal a elected Secretary of State of to conservative platform C31ifornia, the only Democrat 'Personal ViewPoint: On Israel by Herman Auyang Although Haven's concert included Dear l!;d.itors. to policies on the social issues. win a statewide he has office been that a con- in in addition year. to a liberal we were treated some old material I would like to take exception Jerry stand Governor Brown became first in that he to a Richie Havens the letter in last weeks' Scrimshaw For most moderate-conservative 1974, where Jerrry Brown is a major a concern piano As a Jewish himself on accompanied celebrating locused In this, the second article on the qualitative one or a quantitative Could the recent landslide victory barbarities through sophistry, and young who have -~n. at th ithout security. As for West perfo~ed a new song in which he which protested Easter. Dr. Zepp's article I citizens, around for the man same topic, I'd like to make some one'? My own experience, and by Palestinian Nationalists in West the result is hypocrisy. Not to be forefront of protests - so, III effec ~nk, the situation is more com- instead of guitar. The entire membe.r of the student body I in- Governor Brown does n cogent observations of Israel - the recently that of the American Bank municipal elections and the outdone, there are those who still any further antagonism a lex. But should the government performance continued in its terpreted Dr. Zepp's words in the this issue, but confronts it hea government, the society - and of people in the wake of Watergate, elction of an Arab mayor in claim the PLO is "illegal" and estrangement by and of t ive in to pressures from the right- highly electrifying state with the spirit of the season, extolling the He does not believe that nationa1ism Before I go any has been' that government does Nazareth, despite adverse hence .. not a "Iegitimat~" government and it can kiss t ing factions, drop all pretenses, emotion that ran between Richie virtues of goodness while con- defense budget can be cut but generatio further, I'd like to insert my own formulate and carry out policies government publicity, be in- representative of the Palestinians. futUre goodbye, since 75 percent nnex it, and assume the posture of Havens, his music, and the back-up demning. the evil p,rese_!lt in the ....believes the prio experience concernirig the latter not only detrimental to its own dic'alions of some kind? "megal" and. "illegitimate" in Israels's Arabs are under the a aster, then it should also brace musicians being conveyed to the world. I believe this unfortunate, defense department need new in subject, because like Jews outside citizenry, but also to minorities whose eyes? This tactic of name of 30. In light of all the sympton r the worst in a house divided audience. total segregation o~ religious consideration and realignment. he believes the Democratic party of Israel, I too am a spiritual ~on of and neighbors. . At the same time, relations with calling is not new, mind you. One of social and political malaise~ a n this crowded planet, time is no From the comments that ap- groups which Schuyler Grant and The Gov~rnor's record speaks and the another country which I still owe From an (impartial?) bystan- neighboring countries continue to of Nationalist China's favorite brutal suppressions, what resldu ore when one group can stake peared on tpe bulletin boards in the Yossi Stevens advocate only serves for itself. What he lacks in allegiance to. At one time I lived der's view, much of the show no signs of improvement. As pastimes is sounding out Mao and loyalty toward Israel may ha laim to a piece of land and call it cafeteria and in the grill, the most to· promote ethnic racism and office, he makes up for with an under this dictatorial government, righteousness and judiciousness of of the end of 1975, Syria and Israel cohorts as "bandits" and their dera~atory comments were to the misunderstanding. The' virtues economic policy that is not only 18. Warren Lowman whose leader was exulted as the a particular country's policies pale have both more than replenished government as "bogus." Well, I ~~~ai~YI~::;1 i~;e~~~~b~. ?:ra::r ~~~no~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~;~~ and the Bible ••••••••••••••••• ,••News briefs •••••••• ••••••••• savior of his people and whose when juxtaposed next to the the military hardware they. lost in don't suppose those in question looking and d~ami~ sOCiety, th FPular beliefs and ideologies, God policies were' always beyond contradictions of reality. If all is the '73 war. And recent develop- were ever so ashamed as to dig a maybe there IS still gro~~d . not, nor has he ever been, in the reproach. The theme "my well, then how does one explain the ments in Lebanon seems t9 har- hole and disappear; and I'll wager compromise and reconclliah eal estate business, country, my leader, right or recent outbreak of protests in binger a bad omen to the present anyone that simply because Jerty Political subservlen~e, WI no convenient Yellow Pages. The Western Maryland College 20 percent discount on all is to spread information and drum Following th is more reprieve. even \Nhat wrong" was no idle slogan b~t one Israel proper and West Bank? The disheartening is the' prevalent Ford and Ronald Reagan labeled economic compen.satlOn,. ~ he real culprit is nationalism, Jazz Ensemble recently performed posters,boxed note paper, trade up support for Brown, presently the ingrained onto the citizenry. One plight of the West Bankers is sentiment for military solution, Castro an "international outlaw", alwaysbeenthemafilfestoblectI hat twentieth-century at the bicentennial national con- paperback.s, glassware, stuffed the governor of California, and 7 p.m., supported the regine out of a.we, analogous to that of a patient who this attack won't make him vanish of any colonizer - the scheme henomenon, in its most strident. ference of the American animals, ceramics and pewter registered to run in the Maryland Daniel LOUlige. The singers, a fear - but mostly ignorance. My is constantly being told his con- from this ole world. But suppose not work in Africa, nor Asia, a nd extreme manifestation. Association of Collegiate \ products presidentia1 primary. The Brown chamber group of mixed voices, revelation began after I departed. dition is improving, but who knows ~rceci~ti~~ne i~~o~[~e ~ho~r:~~. Mao, Castro, and Arafat did ... why its failure will be assure~ in Isra antayana said that those who do Registrars and Admissions Of- - Coded LP's from "F" thru supporters will canvas the c I was then able to come into· deep down inside that there is no in the last round. Looking back, then all our problems would be Relatedly, without mea~s ot learn from the lessons of ficers (AACRAO) held at the "M", on sale at $3.99 and be out manning the· polls 011 ranging from contact with books and literature chance of his getting out of the there have been four major solved! Whew, I've got to catch political expression, any SOCial a istory will be comdemned to Washington Hilton in Washington, - Coded Cassettes and 8 tracks, May 18 for their candidate. Those so that. the regime has ceniored and hospital. With the riots, the illusion confrontations, each with the breath - the intoxication of this economic ~ains will be futile a epeat them D.C. from "s" thru "U" on sale at $4.99 pen:ons interested in joining the music. suppressed, and with expatriates of the "benevolent occupation" is purported aim of resolving the moral righteousress is overcoming The Ensemble, following a SORRY.; NO RAIN- committee may contact Rick An American music recital will whose narratives were both an at last shattered. It matters not issue. But what followed each time me! Rhetoric is for internal banquet on April 22, performed .............. Wright, WMC coordinator for the be presented by the Omicron Eta CHECKS of a regional was the escalation enlightening and trying experience what form is the occupation, but strife, with major powers' spon- numbers representing the varied Brown campaign, in MacLea A-14 chapter of Delta Omicron at 4 p.m . for me. Slowly a different picture, that it does occupy. According to sorship and the inevitable exercise ~t~;~~~~~n~ af~~ i~o~:~t~~~ r;e~~~ Editol-in-chie styles of American big band jazz. or at 848-9856 on Tuesday, May 11 in Levine Hall. much starker, unfolded: of corrupt one P31estinian student, arbitrary no bearing upon reality. Did the Staph Selections included: "A String of One of Britain's most con- The international music frater- The next war, and incompetent leaders whose arrests, confinement, deportation, of brinkmanship. will merely cause state of Israel cease to function Mark C. Baye Nancy Barry Pearls," "Opus One," and troversial historians, Christopher ••••••••••••• nity's recital will feature a variety when it arrives, (Xllicies were aimed toward per- and wanton destruction of property after the U.N. condemnation'? No Matt Bowers Ellington's "Take The 'A' Train." Hill; will lecture on "Mitton and the The music department at of American works including petuityof their rule rather than the are all common practice~ more destruction of material, lots By clinging tenuously to this claim ASSOciate Edito The WMC Jazz Ensemble is only Politics of the English Revolution" Western Maryland College an- compositions by Bernstein, Tyson, welfare of the people. I use an Evidently the Israeli Army, who of lives, and will provide the of formality, Israel is throwing Jeff Robinso Theo Braver the third college musical group at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 6 at nounces the schedule of three Bloch, Ives, Delio Joio, Schumann, example to illustrate this: love speaks through the' barrels ot ItS scenario for but another the round basic of away with both hands whatever Susan Coleman ever to receive an invitation to Western Maryland College. spring concerts during the month LvteIl. Tuthill. and others. with seesaw your country, but never blindly. guns, "administers" without question still unanswered. Seems accords or understanding it might Enterta;'lInent Ec Vic Eremita perform at the AACRAO con- Professor Hill has spent most of of May. You see, I am very skeptical of restraint in the "conquered to me the utility of war has all but reach with the PLO Mary Gately vention. Over 2000 persons Jewish people who come back from province." In the same vein, Arab Where are we going? This is the Mark Katz Roger Levin representing colleges all over the ~~ ~o~~~~e~f~ttB~~~~[dC;I~~~~ a six- CO~1~g~~~~~~t~a:nd\h~6~1l!~: annual •••••••••••••••••••••• :::::::.:.::. visits to Israel with the verdict that. demonstrations within Israel were been exhausted. me, too, is how Sports Edito country attended the Washington Presently, he is conducting Singers will hold their Expert Watch What puzzles All is Well. Is a sojourn to a kib- against a generation of economic question that Israeli leaders must Jim Teramani convention. The Ensemble is week Folger Institute seminar on concerts. The 45-piece orchestra, RepaiR butz and excursions to historical and political discrimination. But Israel can denounce the in- be asking themselves. They have Carlton Harr' directed by Mr. James Paxton, a landmarks sufficient to com- how could that be, one asks, if they discriminate killing and maiming arrived at a cross-road of history, Tyrallt Emeritus graduate of Western Maryland. M~t~7~ a member of the editorial ~~~~~er~o:~ a~;7~~ p~. ~o~;~:~; on premises prehend the mechanism of forces have helm full-fledged citizens by the commandos when its air as events are rapidly coming to a Business Mana Baron L. Tayler Pre.sently Mr. Paxton is on the board of Past and Present and the Hall. of social interaction? And while since 1948 1 Right, so are the force is accomplishing the same head in 1976. With regards toward David. Range faculty as a visiting instructor of Yale edition of Milton's Complete Accutl'On to Timex there, did they bother to inquire the blacks since the Civil War, and who end. Are the Phantoms more Arabs within, the authority can eartoonist jazz. He is also a full-time in- Prose. A Fellow of the British' •••••••••••••••••••••••• Arab community about its are still continuing the long march "discriminating"? Maybe there is mend its ways and bring them into Advertising Mana Mark C. Bayer strumental instructor with the' Academy, he has received: : Keepsake Diamond between ~ a fine line of difference grievances and aspirations, or is toward justice and equality. What pushing a button and dropping a the fold by removing all obstacles ~ Attorneys ,Carroll County Public School honorary degrees from the: gett. : to the establishment, and through that too much to ask? I have fear does citizenship guarantee? Not a bomb on someone, as opposed to legitimatizing the expression of the David Range i ............. Universities of Hull, Norwich, and • ~. Rings system. that the "self-fulfilling prophecy" ;hooting him point blank, but the_ Distribution Malll fmueJ Goldenstein Sheffield. : : is operating here in that what they ~:I:~ t~:;:~pear~:s~t~:at~on~ ;ubtlety of it all' eludes me. One 'Palestinian movement lately Jeff Robinso1i ld Sons To thank all of the students for This lecture will be held in. : the alternative w{)uld saw and heard are only those derground, becomes refined and :hing is certain though: either way emerged; suppression. Up to now, their support over the past school Memorial Hall, room 106 and is : : Accept - BA~ . NAC : be further things that reinforced their tacitlv sanctioned, and in the end you are as good as dead! Or how Plus A . thousands! year, the College Store will hold its sponsored by the English and. • • M_r Charge i'er. Check,. open channel previous convictions. Because of mure" vicious than ever: Students the only legitimate register their The opinions eXI this paper do not first "STUDENT AP- Arabs to for our chauvinism and patriotismJ of politics tend to put emphasiS on about the Israeli assassination' dissatisfaction is through the necessarily refler: f the administration. PRECIATION DAY SALE" on ~~~~I~n~e~~:~~tsTh~t p~~~e~: CARROLL COUNTY'S :: : whose. we not only have inclinations to put war and overlook the fact that bureau, the lists" Mossad, successful Israeli Communist Party, which May 14th, 1976, from 8:30 A.M till invited to attend free of charge.: FASHION CENTER - :.! DAVlgS JEWEL~ERS : and "shopping • our own country on the pedestal I mtimidation, discrimination, in- "purchases" have included makes a good excuse when it WriteSCRIMSHAW,,~ ~estern Maryland College, 4:30PM. ., ••••••••••.• ·1;: - West.minster : : 4' Ean Maln ~.. : but our perception of reality i~ trusion the result of insensitive Palestinian politicians, in- comes down to cracking heads - W!iIMd. The following will be on sale: blurred as a direct consequence. policies - are, equally effective in tellectuals, and sympathizers. One· ~ NOTE: The conclusion to ' ~..ppear in next week's issue. -10 percent discount on all A Jerry Brown for president: Shopping Center : : Westminster, Md. : rolled in the name In short, are the Jewish com .. causing friction, hatr,:~, ~nd can only possibly explain these' and 'heads'have Alarminl!lv. it is the c.lothing items in the store of order. munities' suppor~ of Israel a charge of political affthatlon. ~~~~~t~;:.~~e::p'~~ i:••..•.•................ : i....H~_.~'.unHU& •• :
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