Page 154 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 154
Page 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, May 13, 1976 SGA Podium: Budget discussed in last meeting of year Jeff Robinson The Western Maryland College In a calculated political Council, $10 was added that had not quickly refuted by saying that they students feel on the subject of SGA S611ate held their final maneuver, Rick Coss made a been previously allotted for that could be reviewed as chairmen at having more smaller concerts meeting of the year, Monday, May friendly amendment, accepted by purpose. After having heard the any ~ime ionthe Senate's discretion. rather than the two that are held 10 in Rouzer Lounge-their first the author of the motion, that the discussion on all of the different under the newly-elected president, extra $5000 be given back to the aspects of the document, the A lengthy, IS-minute discussion Jay Rodstein. The three big items administration. After this was budget was finally approved with was held on the roles of the Senate In final announcements, the discussed-the upcoming 1976-77 accepted, Holmes went on to one negative vote. Vice-President and the Social students of the campus are all budget, the election of new com- amend his own motion to read that committee chairman in dealing invited to the cafeteria bull roast to mittee chairmen, and the the $5000 be given to the new In answer to the annual problem with Homecoming. It was in- be held this Saturday night in the distribution of responsibilities for college center fund. Because of the of funding the Black Student terpreted from the constitution to back of Gill gymnasium. The Homecoming--moved the Senate extreme action that would have Union, former president Herb be that the VP was executive Senate will be sponsoring a free head-long into the activities of next been taken if the motion had been Watson suggested that the Senate coordinator of the activities while band as entertainment for the year. approved, a vote was taken and the recommend that the ad- the chairman would take care of event. The final meeting of the motion defeated, with only three ministration pick up the tab the logistics of the situation. At the year was then adjourned. The hottest issue in discussing directly for the organization. Kim same time it was decided that the budget came up in fonn of the members two voting in favor. of the Grove added on this subject that grar boards would be placed in The results of the finalized Only parts other proposed funds to be allotted to the budget were tapped. Upon a such a move would probably be in appropriate positions to find what budget were as follows: Black Student Union for the motion by Debi Erikson, the Senate compliance with federal law coming year. As soon as the $200 dealing with minorities. Rick Coss allotment came up, there was a considered the plausibility of. made the motion as Watson had The total amount of funds con- Float prizes 60.00 of the social motion put on the floor, by John sending two members annual NEC worded it and it was passed im- trolled by the SGA is based on an Flowers 50.00 the committee to Norment, "that the BSU receive $0 convention in San Antonio, Texas. mediately. Following this Watson allocation of $24.50 per student with Misc. 50.00 next year." Following a rather The trip was estimated at costing also suggested that the Senate was an estimated 1,250 students Concerts 15.000.00 short debate on the relative merits up to $1000, all of which would have passing the buck and not trying to enrolled, or $30,620. NEe 100.00 of the BSU's use of the money- been funded by the Senate. After deal with the issue at hand. Allotments Publicity Co. 150.00 touching on whether there had having heard several viewpoints Fr. Class 150.00 SociaIC~. 200.00 been sufficient cultural enrich- on the subject, the motion was shot On the subject of committee So. Class 150.00 tdance Iundj ment stemming out of this year's down thereby leaving the matter in chairmenships, all three positions Jr. Class 1,000.00 nJlf"raling funding-a vote was taken on the the dark until it is brought up were elected in unopposed races. Sr. Class 150.00 Telephone 200.00 matter- The motion was defeated, again next year. Jeff Robinson was elected as Scrimshaw 4,700.00 Xerox 25.00 by a wide margin approaching a Action Committee chairman, Contrast 1,000.00 OfficesuppJies 35.00 two to one ratio. The only real addition to the Loretta Thornhill for the Elections Yearbook 6.000.00 Stamps 40.00 budget was given to the Housing 200.00 Total 31,270_00 But the issue wasn't entirety Committee, and Chris Holmes on ~~~Sing Council 10.00 finished with, as John Norment, and Conduct Council upon their the Publicity Committee. A Films 2,000.00 There is an estimate $650 income immediately following the first request. In order to pay for copy- suggestion was made that com- lIomecoming from certain events to cover the vote, put in another motion stating ing process for minutes, agendas, ~it::el~~~~~;~ar~y~b~~et~~b~~! ---_:_-------=::.::::_ _ that the Tnter-Fraternity Council and announcements for the also receive $200 from the Senate of the ·················~e¥fs briefs···· •••••••••••••• budget. On this subject the debate went on for a lengthy period of time with the proponents bill bringing out several interesting points. The College Center campaign hopeful these will be found. The college. He also took sabbatical Association of MetaphYSiCS. has e~ceeded the halfway post in deep interest in Western Maryland leave in 1968 and 1969 to study The author of the motion ex- the climb toward $2,400,000. A total College and in this important contemporary Buddhism and plained that the IFC held the Quad of $1,245,000 was reached last project is most encouraging." Shlntolsm, and several new The Council on International party annually, to which all religions in Japan. Educational Exchange (CIEE), students were invited, and this ~~gS~~;;:n:n~o :!~~:;td ;~ _ the largest student travel year accepted a $300 loss on the Bricker, '42, National Co- Dr. Reuben Simon Henry During the past year, he was a organization in the U.S., is giving project. According to Bruce Chairmen. Holthaus, professor of philosophy member of an evaluation team the l!176 Student Travel Catalog Lamonica, the event was a "good "We're gratified by the sound an~ department chairman, will conducting case studies of away for free. What's in it for you? party" to which Norment later support coming from many alumni retire from the faculty at Western Houghton College, New York, and If you're affiliated with a college, added that some students get more and friends," explained Mr. Maryland College at the end of the St. Francis College, Pa. The university or school, there's enrichment out of this type of party El1ingsworth. "The Special Gifts school year studies are organized by the plenty! If you're a teacher, a than some of the other activities on Middle States Association of student or an administrator, the campus. Rick Coss interjected that phase of t~e campaign is going "Dr. Holthaus in his thirty years College and Secondary Schools Catalog has 50 pages of bargains, the SGA had "started the ball ~ery well with new pledges commg as a member of this faculty has benefits and travel advice just in rolling by voting down the last In each day. Not only are we endeared himself as an out- Dr. Holthaus has also par- time for your next trip. motion" to cut BSU out of the halfway toward our total goal, we standing teacher and a truly ticipated in many scholarly For a copy of the Student Travel budget. Another student stated are over halfway tow~rd ?ur superior human being. He has had associ~tions. These .inc.lude: the Catalog, write CIEE, Dept. EMC, that if the Senate started funding $4OO,OO? goal for the Special Gifts much to do with the development of American ASSOCIatIOn of at 777 United Nations Plaza New special interest groups as they had campaign. My thanks to all the the present educational program of University Professors, the York, New York 10017, or 236 'North Gatos in of the BSU, everybody will begin wor~ers and lea~ers who" are the college. Fortunately we can American Academy of Religon, the Santa Cruz, 314, Los enclose 25 to ask for it helping to make this happen.. still look forward to having him American Philosophical California 95030, and Gifts from trustees and other key aro~nd for ~,eac~ing on special Association, and the American cents to cover postage costs. On the other side of the coin, alumni and friends have reached assignments, said Dr. Ralph C -------:::-:--;----:-----:----:-:------------, Dianne Moorehead got back to the issue at hand, the funding of the =~~·up;~ha~a~~ay~~da ~:~ Jo:~::~:g:f~::~~e~t~. Holthaus Sfapk: • fa becutte !FC, and said that if the motion important role in this solid foun- attended Morningside College m Editor-in-chief Staph were passed, the Inter-Sorority Council would cOl"l}enext and ask dation of support," said Mr. Siou City, Iowa, where he earned Mark C. Bayer Nancy Barry for an allotment. One Senate ~~~~~'~::~!~~~~~~e=~ ~~ti~~~~r~~:ds~~~~esde~re:~st~~ Matt Bowers member felt that the party used as to date, far and away the best University where he received a ASSOciate Editor Theo Braver an example was not cultural in supportwehaveeverenjoyedfrom master's degree in 1934, a Jeff Robinson Susan Coleman context, and dealt with beer therefore it was just for fun. After ~~~lI!':s~·~ivi~~f!!fr~'::: o~;~i:;~~ ~:~~~~;r;~ 19~~~~~~ hii~ P~~~~~~ Entertainment Editor Vic Eremita having heard both sides go back :oa:~
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