Page 158 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 158
....6 Scrimshaw Thursday. May 13, 1976 Personal View Point Counterpoint on Israel by Solomon Snyder and Stuart Raynor Herman Auyang's Personal not, in Mr. Auyang's view. unusual Situation of a successful View Point "On Israel" echoes the Four major Israeli-Arab con- defender having to sue for peace. the Arab's will not discuss a Mr. Auyang is horrified that Arab viewpoint in the guise of a frontations each time followed by Having successfully defended general peace settlement which Israel can "denounce the in- thoughtful analysis. He expresses an "escalation of a regional itself four times from major guarantees secure, defensible discriminata killiing and maiming his distress over the enlightment strife." The Arab nations greeted assaults, the responsibility is borders for Israel. Tell us Mr. of the (PLO) commandos when its which carne to him when be was the original U.N. partition plan placed on Israel to pacify its neigh- Auyang, why is that in spite of air force is accomplishing the able to read uncensored material with an assault on Israel. Though bors. Israel must make con- Israel's long standing and repeated same end." Bombing of super and speaks with "expatriates" out-numbered, and out gunned the cessions. The Arabs need not take offers of direct negotiations, the markets, slaughter of children in after leaving his native land, Israeli's defended themselves and one concrete step to demonstrate Arab nations refused to enter into schools, booby trapping busses, Would that he had displayed defeated those that would "push "good faith." Evacuation of the direct, race-to-race discussions? murdering Olympic athletes-these similar interest in informing them into the sea." Presumably, Sinai, return of oil producing are equated with attempts by the himself of the facts with respect to Israel could end the strife by being facilities, departure from occupied The so-called Palestinian's of- Israeli's to root out the nests from the Israel-Arab situation. He defeated. Each time 1948, 1956, territories-demands on Israel. The fend Mr. Auyang's sense of justice. which these attacks have come! impugns the loyalty of American They were not forced from Israel. There are none so blind as those citizens who support Israel. This ~s::~::n ~r30:,~e bZ~~~ I:s~a~~~ ~~~ t~e:~u~~e~!:t~l~c~~rJ:~: They left under the urging and who will not see!· "foreign allegiance" theme is a fact whichdisturbs Mr. Auyang? : of American companies, and ex- threats of Arab leaders during the This brief reply is directed to tired, weary charge having been This is a new, unsettling breed-a pulsion from U.N. resolutions. A 1948 conflict with the promise that, readers of Mr. Auyang's trotted around the track beyond its people who remember Hitler's strange quid pro quo! Upon the quick destruction of the "distortiOns" in the hope that they endurance. For shame! Is the "final solution" in which The West Bank _ Mr. Auyang State, they would be returned to will be encouraged to go beyond his same principle applicable to in- crematoria consumed six million fails to mention that Israel's cc- enjoy the fruits of victory, which "analysis" and discover that there dividuals whose parents came and who say "Never again." cupation of the West Bank of the never came. Since then the are equities involved other than from other countries and who Jordan River is the result of its "refugee" camps have been those which he has presented. As continue to show an interest in and I wonder if Mr. Auyang's sense repulsion of an Arab attack. The maintained_no attempt at reset- for Mr. Auyang woe be to support of that country? Probably of the bizarre is aroused by the occupation continues only because uerneot-as anti-Israeli campaign. the example! if his article is an in scholarship, an element continuing World News Perspeetive ,,~ Boger Levin In Rep'3' to Mr. AU3'ang In reference to Mr. Herman. Auyang's subjective and faJla_cio~s versus f!1inori~y. David Hume saddling Israel with an im- them stronger. But sti~l ~pl.e like acts. I find it frightening that the article, I would like to refute hIS ~~:~~io::~hwh~~~ser ~~~~:To~i;': *r:~iS~i11 7~~itub~ed ~:iSw:r~~ ~;~n~~~~~~.e to discr-iminate ~~!~~~ti~~~on~rg~~ze~lo;e~in~~ overtly ludicrous logic. In the past (popular) feelings should outweigh opinion. Obviously you are a victim As r con~inued to trudge through association to participate, but this Mr. Auyang has written other the mino~ity's (experts in this of this propaganda. You quote an ~our viscious and polluted ar- is in keeping the present Kangaroo opinionated and unsound comedies case) feelings I do not pretend to unidenthied Palestinian student to tlcle, I found you were upset that Court status of the U.S. The rest of and at this point I am weary of have an answer to this question, as support your views. I could quote I~rael denounces agr esstve your paragraph was too muddled opinion being called fact. you do, but Mr. Hume also went on people that claim they are VIOlence. You f.elt this was an for further comment The first and most obvious point, to say that all people are entitled to Napolean. Further you claim the unjust denuncf attcn, because In conclusion, Mr. Auyang Israel Mr. Auyang, is to rea1ize the live (even Jews) . Israelis speak through the barrels rsr~el defen~ itself or retaliates will not be the victim of the definition of "dictatorial," and it is I agree with you on one.pomt. All of their guns. What do the P.L.O Being a.s .o~JectJve as I can, I decimation that you predict. quite obvious that this word is not is not well in Israel. That IS exactly and other Arab countries do-talk wonder If It IS wrong to denounce Rather I postulate the antithesis. one of your vocabulary. I heartily the cause of the problem o~ the people to death? Then you talk s?meone for trespassin~ on your Israel fights for existence, while suggest that you consult a die- West Bank. Yet m your biased about discrimination. I call r-ights. I honestly believe that their oppressors light for false tionary to complete your literacy. article you rorgottc point out that discrimination trying to ex- Isr~~1 is not acting in the agressor principles. The former is a more After doing so, you may come to the Arab countries were asked terminate a country, or selling oil posttton, because they can not adrenal!n spurining cause. I doubt realize that the government of several favor:' by the people of the only to people. that agree with you economiCal.lY afford another war that any of the present groups Israel is not dictatorial. In fact Mr. West B~k. First, Egypt was as~ed I think: that if you open your eyes So the logical path would be to seeking Israeli destruction will Auyang, that is the very concept to admit the West Bankers Into you will realize that the Jews have denounce those that cause the succeed, but they will continue to that Israel is attempting to avoid. Egypt. Second, the people asked always been the object of tro~ble then you are up~t. at waste the lives and money of all Secondly, you complain about for help by way of money and food discrimination, Uecause they have calling .the P.L.O. a cnm.mal To me, Mr. Auyang, your point of the people honoring their leaders. In both cases Egypt turned them been generally weaker than other organiztlOn. I do not conSider view is the lowest possible. You Yet what does every country do down. Where is all. that great love conglomerates. Yet they have murder, blackmail, bombings, -;~~'lt;,itit ~tn~!~fS~dee~lf:ol;~:~ with the head of a successful military revolution or war? They ~~atl~~~~?n~t~~l i~~~:t t:: ~t~~~~~ed~~~remeotrhe~s m~~~: e:~~~~n~:non~n~e ~:t~~rSt~~~~ together? honor him, and just as frequently they place him in the highest office Letters to the Editor of the land. The reasoning behind this (which again has eluded you) considers the fact that this in- Dear }<'rats, what I found wrong, or reiterate dividual has been a major con- Once again my night was spent be answered only by actions. don't indict, ~our actio~~ do. Can the things that are right. I decided tributing factor. in ascertaining 'till two a.m. in the morning Words are cheap. Answer not only you handle thIS? I'm ~ilt~ncgo~:!~: Simply to share what a person I what is best for the people. Con- listening to a group of imbeciles me but the whole campus. Let your Jim Wrigt).t respect told me: "There's sequently, Mr. Auyang, your so- outside my window; a group of answ~r be change towards P.O. Box 1392 something funny about WMC. called revelation is no more than individuals on this campus who maturity and a sense of respon- There's so much wrong with the an adolescent dream. Further, the have never learned to mature and sibility. I am-we are-sick of your • • • • • • • • • • • •• college but [or some reason you people of Israel do not blindly love be responsible with their actions actions, sick of your "pseudo- their country, Mr. Auyang, they Need I specifically designate the brotherhood." You're funny and Dear Sc~imshaw Readers: ~:r~l:o !~v~~~e ~r1i~~nt~la~:y':' merely love their country. The group I'm talking of? You get three you make us laugh, but don't you I just wanted to take this op- THANKS. explanation for this is obvIOUS. It guesses and the last two don't see? We laugh not with you but at portunity to say something about is the only one that they ever had. count. Now think hard! If you you. my four years. r debated whether Your friend in spirit, For the first time in modern guessed the frats-you lose, like the What is your answer? My words to expound on my ideas, criticize John w. Norment history the Jews have a homeland. rest of the people on this campus And as always others are trying to that came here to relate to others take it away. You point out that the with a sober mind. Why do we leaders are more interested in tolerate supposedly mature men perpetuating, their rule rather acting like buffoons? They are no than considering the best interests longer funny. Their vulgarity and of the people. Mr. Auyang, aren't crudeness has pushed me to the these two concepts synonomous? I limit and I now- feel compelled to find it incredulous that any action. These allegations of im- rational person could make such a maturity are not my own alone, statement. The leaders of Israel they widely permeate through out Our peoplt> makt' it beuer are not just leaders of the Israelis, this campus. My intolerance is not they are fellow Jews in a rash, there are others that have Subs Pizza struggling country. been pushed to action as lout of Next you make a comment that concern for the student body and Mondiilvni~ts makes your others seem almost what affects it. A minority has Chiekero Day·Monday·Dinner Sl.6U believable. You admit that you do tramped on the sense of decency 5.p,m, 11 p.m, not trust the Jews returning from and responsibility of the majority Pizza DIy· Tuesf:il;y·S.40 off Israel that report all is well. long enough. Sp.etti o.y·Wtodn.,cM\'·OinJ1lr Sl.U Personally, I do not trust My words have no force of their College Nj~t prejudiced individuals that make own in accusing others. No single {I.D. rcquiredi WITHIN WALKING OIST "I'CE illogical judgements equal to those voice ever is or should be. Yet the of the returning travelers. I agree actions of the frats have been 13" pizza·with one i that a quick visit to Israel does not witnessed by a11 on this campus topping only $2.29!!! reveal -the essence - of the and those actions themselves point Silvahon, but neither does your an accusing finger: If the frats can I selC-reflective exclamations. Still on1y relate onJhe level of "Rouzer Bud ...Mic & Schlitz I'f:l¥LY REMOIIELFD R.,.,. J 010 W"lmi .. ,c:r you insist on attacking the Sucks" then I will deal with them, on Tap American Jewish communities for on that level. If not, then change 140 Village l~~~~AN__D_E_D_SE__ A_TIN G M_~_9_1_1_~__ their support of Israel. This seems must come. r extend a challenge to question the idea of majority for a11 to read-a challen~e that can
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