Page 152 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 152
Page 4 · Scrimshaw Thursday, May 6, 1976 S P ·O· rt s ~~~~raH~~::' The women's Women's lacrosse braves cold 1. half was second lacrosse team much and Lynn tallying played . . - Bill Johnson ~~'~~~~t~~~C~~tf~!~ w:: ~~~;~i:~e~~~.e~cx!t~:i:~i~~ Lo~:l~. ~ou~~ ll~~~d co~~~~! played on a very cold day and this won 3-0. • Ric Groff .. against Loyola. The game was play by Sally Stanfield, Nancy girls really enjoyed themselves . Hess & Ruth Seaman on the quick And to top it off, they 1 had some effect on the teams. Essex players in the second hair" Goals were scored by Fran Cizek Diamond double dropped Loyola had the advantage in speed made the half much closer. Lynn with 2 and Sue Fairchild with 1. ~~ol':~e~t at~ff~~~ t~~~~~:;~ ;~a..:id~::aostB~~n~e ~fr~~~~~~rntt~e~al~ i~~e;~f~n~~~ The rain, cold, and a bird-hitting fielder Rich Heritage was ruled out seemed to have a player on ~f- punch with Brenda scoring 3 goals end most of the game. Gettysburg nine put a damper on on an appeal play for leaving thi.rd ~~~~~g Tuh:~ro~:~ b~~~, :~ i~ Tennis tOllrne~ continued from page 1, col. 4 the Terror diamond "hopes this base .. too soon on a potential connecting passes. The offense Warfield 6-2, 6-3. Both doubles championship nere Sunday :=~r :n~~u!::~o ~-b~~~~ ~::.l~i~yc~.~ln!~~abl~~ ~~r~~.:~:~::!~:!~~~~~~!tt~r:~~~t~ ~~d~ ~~W~%n~:;e6~4~~~~I:n~ m;~:~s~~:sh~7he team scores. and on account of the wind and Terrors a v~ry Important run. As It they could muster was killed by Terry Mott & Nan Hollinger In bringing home 6 of the 7 cold. The scheduled double-header turned out I~represented the tying having three goals called back by winning 6-2, 6-2. trophies, the girls also brought ~:~~~~!J~~~~:~~g:~~;!~~~:~~ ru;his past week's action leaves ~~~!~i~~~~~i~:,g~tst:~St~:a:'1~oO~ w:~~ ~hee~A~ta{~~n~e~:r~~ ~~=Pi~~~i;.oU;~ea~:an!s s~~~~ up Monday. WMC with a ~ MAC record and a the 1st half. - Towson. Fredi Eckhardt won her were WMC 67; Loyola 45; Goucher Carter Mankiewicz hurled the 6--~1overall mar~. As coac~ Fern The second half was played with first match and then bowed to 40 Johns Hopkins and TSC with '1:7; 1~;a~~~s~~~n~tai~ ~~~~?; ~~t s1:: f:t~ ~~St::~:r:n~~ ~;~ :!:;~:~.~~~~ttj~~~&) ~~~; ~fl~~h~~~~~~fIa~~e 0::~!~~~~~~~~~:~~e~:~~~~:,ht~~~ ;~~~~ ~~~~ Terrors had been ahead 3-1. WMC much knock us out of any ~lnd of several exemplary assists to goals from Salisbury state 6--0, 6-1, but. didn't shaw. Asked why her team also had the lead in the second chance for ~he c~amplOnshl~, but through the use of precise passes." fell short to one of. the finalists. did so well Coach Weyers said game 5-2 but a persistant Gel- we can still wind up wlth,~ WMC did play much better in the However, Sue Cunningham (who .kiddtngly, "they showed us all that tysburg offense -- an offense with are s p e.c tab Ie sea son. second half, but couldn't com. was seeded fourth) Went plowing silver for the prizes, and we went whopping .31B team batting Theoretically, had the team taken pletely shut off Loyola. This through the singles tournament crazy." Then she said how proud average -- kept chipping away at t~o. each from G-burg and resulted in exchanging goals, winning her first mat~h 6-1, 6-0; she was of the team effort putforth our margin until they emerged the' Dickinson, they. woul~ have~ at which didn't do much to catch up. her next 6-4, 6-1; the third 6-3, 7-6; oy the girls, and that it took every winners. worst, ended up m a be for flrs.t. Goalie Pam Hudson did a good job next 6-2, 6-3; and in the finals last player to bring home the team The umpires did not help the The last game of th~ season IS making 8 saves, as Lynn Glaeser Monday beat Beth Yanowitz from championship. She was also proud Terror cause any in the second today ~s the Terror nme takes on led the' team with 3 goal Brenda Hopkins 7-6, 6-2 to win the jsingles of how well Sue Cunningham game. Pitcher Kevin Zowacki was York I? a. doubleheader here. Donovan had 1 goal as did Heather championShip of the MAIAW. played to win the singles Cham. upset by a number of ball and Game tirne IS 1:30...... Humphries. . The doubles teams had as much pionship, noting that Sue had to strike calls and Rick Rosenfeld The girls travelled to Essex. fun: The teams of Karen Merkle & beat not only the third seeded was tossed out of the game for Monday the Terrors hosted Nothing went right in the first half. Wendy Good, and Terry Mott & player, but also the ist seeded arguing a called third strike. But Dickinson at 1:00. Results are Essex executed their Iun- Nan Hollinger both worked player as well. And she made a certainly the most controversial unavailable at the time of this damentals superbly and this with a through the pairings to get to the closing comment that next year play was one in which center- writing, for that twin-bill slow start by WMC, equated out to finals. The two teams will face they're going back to get the other Track team finishes eighth a commanding lead at the half. The each other for the doubles trophy. Western Maryland's track team high jump during a steady GAY? Prail'l & Fancy finished a creditable eighth overall downpour to take second in that this past weekend in the Middle event. (Earlier this year, Frazer I'd like to find someone who Atlantic Conference cham- set a Hoffa Field high jump record is motivated and has 'his head Donuts pionships at Dickinson College to with a leap of 6'2'14".) Pat Datillio together and would like to conclude a moderately successful covered 44'8" in the triple jump- a start a telephone information season personal best and good enough for drop-in center for area gays. Open I.... .rtImoon 140 VIIIatt Gettysburg took first place third pla~~. _ I ~Isupply start up money honors and Widener the runner-up Buck Horsey ·also set a if YOU'll supply initiative. w..brMk~c::wr spot as the two schools garnered personal record as he put the shot T_.. Iftd~ most of the available points, 45'5" and finished fourth. Steve Serious replies on/yo leaving the rest of the field of over Vaughan seta school record of 4:21 Ican be reach'edat 20 schools in a tight race for the in the mile on his way to a sixth P.O. Box 68 1.0 VillAGE SHOil"P'lHGC[HUII remainder of the positions. place finish. Tom Lewis also Finksborg, Md. 21048 Several Terror thinclads had earned sixth place points in the excellent performances to help the intermediate hurdles and par- squad, 6-5 in dual meets this ticipated on the sixth-place 440- spring, attain its high placing. relay team with Brian Trumpower, Scott Frazer cleared 6'0" in the Chuck Barbour, and Rod Bowen Victory on the golf course HANDMADEN On Monaay, the 26th of April, ROUTE 1", WESTMNSTn PIKE Western Maryland partiCipated "NK~lIlllG,~D. in the Middle Atlantic Conference IS...I.u~·r,.. "~lsl~mo_, Golf Championships at Hidden ---------------------------- Springs Country Club, Willow IiNTERTAINMENT FRIPAY " SATURDAY Grove, Pa. Representing us there FlNluru. ~EH .... TE$ AT· Tt'fE KEYBOARD were Dave Rae, Tom Boyle, Denny ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------ Dunn, and Jim Green. This four- GfFT CERTIF'ICATES PRIVATE PAR.TlES some played admirably, tying for YO. kESEItVATIO!'iS-llJ.4eM er IU.ZH second place in a field of 21 teams. In top spot was Scranton University, with a score of 645 (4 player score for 36 holes). Sitting a single' stroke down at 646 were the men from the Hill joined by Wilkes College. Dave Rae shot the low scores {or WMC, 7Band 75 for a 153 total. This was good enough to grab "the second place trophy for in- dividual. golfers-quite a superb Our people make it better accomplishment with 83 other participants! Other scores for the continued from page 1, col. 4 Subs team were: Boyle, 164; Dunn, 164; and Green, 165, Very windy and physical as both sides played an MOndavni~ts cold conditions were responsible aggresive brand of soccer. WMC's for the high scores. shortpassing game was sharp and Olieke" Day-Monday·Dtnn~r S1.60 Two matches have been played many fans felt the Terrors played 5 p,m .. 11 p.m. Pizza o.y. Tuesday,$.4O off since the tournament. On Thurs- better Sunday than they did during day, the 29th, WMC met Mt. St. the regular season in regards to College Nj~t Spaghetti Oay·Wedn .. dlv·Din~r Sl.U Mary's in an away match and that aspect of the game. As the 11,_.0. required; WITHIN WALKING OJST .. NCE came away with a 19 stroke vic- opposing center-halfback statea tory, 316 to 335, Denny Dunn set the afterwards, "You were three steps 13" pizza·with one j Opm 6 a.m, daj:y except ,;.. :1'l!lY~ ~ .., .. pace this time, shooting a 3 over ahead of us all the way. You played par 74, Boyle had a 79, Rae an BI a ~oocl game and deserved to win." topping .. only $2.29!!! :g:ri~;.er an 82 to round out the The German booters were em- & Schlitz ployees of the embassy who we~ Bud,··Mic l NEWLY REMODELED R.)UI.I40! 848-91111- J The May Day match with Get· admittedly out of shape. ThelI" on Tap Westminsfer tysburg here at WMC was post- average was approximately 28 140 Village .,~---- 'EXPANDED SEATING poned until Monday. Getty~burg, years old.
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