Page 157 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 157
Thursday, May 13, 1986 Scrimshaw Page 5 SGACampaign Statements that didn't get in J.P. Middleberry l:harles R. Inri I'm going to speak to you acquaintance e?Ob. yeah, I forgot. Abe yeah, I forgot. Estella Fripp is still back where r had to leave back in the old place, too. ... rise back to top. Right, Warren'? him. I didn't remember that. Now Harding was one that Gerry Sorry, Abe. Why pick the wounds? It is time let me take with me out of the old Asa Fine Arts major, I feel that I detail in the veins and sinews of the am totally and unreservedly Hand of God, here seen holding a r wonder when five-o-clock will for the healing to begin. No, I can't place ... said he was one of two that qualified to lead you, my fellow "Fripp for SGA" sign. Note also come. I promised Snockums I say that. It wouldn't sound right. wouldn't be missed. Wonder what students, in the high, dignified the free-flowing form displayed in wouldn't hit the bottle until the How about, my wife is still wearing he meant by that. Too bad Warren honor of this high and dignified my Adam and Eve, who are seen happy hour. Maybe if r stopped the same honest cloth coat she did died while on bottom. I will not die. office. Just to show you, in as high as they are banished forever from drinking so much she'd let up on since '74 ... er, that she always did"! I will return ... make a comeback and dignified a manner as I can the Garden after marking a ballot me ...but it's just too good, too fine, No. Gee, it's tough without my ... then make Woodward and think of, it might benefit you to labeled "Opposition." Why, this too comforting. Besides, it eases speechwriters to invent all my Bernstein and Hoffman and I compare and contrast my cam- magnificent work doesn't simply the pain in my leg. Wait a minute. thoughts for me. Hear there's a dog Redford and Dean and Ervin and paign posters with those of my suggest Michaelangelo, it shouts My watch has stopped. I haven't around here name of Ripple. I'll Rodino and Cronkite and Rather nameless opponents. his glorious name ouu r And as for kidnap him. Rename him and ... (continued in 18'h seconds) t....,O D erway tC1 my opponent's campaign posters? 9 h tC1 II ege ....,enter U d ge~~I~e:~~~ii~~~r:~obe:uW:f~~ Poor Al Capp, at best. ~~ Cc~i:f~tf~~~J~u:,:!~~n~e;~ m~d a~:~~!n~f~:easO:nf~~~~~ Well, the end of another great I guess." would you like it, after all, if you paint hasn't quite dried and it does structure, entitled "Roy Fen- school year is upon us and with it Speaking of blueprints, the first received one of our bills and the tend to drip a little.) Note the ~:~d~it~y~~~~~, C~:t : ~~;:rf~r:ar::~~~f~~~e~~~ld ~[~ ~:~";;:;s 9 O~e~!Udree~~as~~nt~~ ;:~~of~~le ~~~;';ett:;r~g~~nh~~It 1~~~~~t~:c~~le:~;:~~~~en~~~ fortunately it's not around "Goldfish-Swallowing" or "Phone- Scr-imshaw, and they look year, when appealing to parents, ~:~I~n~~eO:~~:~:::a':'~o~!~~: ~:~~rn~ ;~i~:~~~:~m~~i~e~t ~:~S~,!£i~!~~ :ar;.tre;~~n~~~ ~rr~~~Sri:~~ deJ;~ede~~v~~I~I~~~ :~~~~i'm~:e~ t~O~~~~a~f;t:o ~~~ -S- - -h- - - - d-- - - -.- - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - ., : ~~~ii~i~~:~ltii~:d O~ric~~rS,w~:~e~~u~ ~~~~: w~rit;s~f r~~~: b~:s c1ai:ned and buy 10,741 boxes of rubber local obscenity to muscular attention violated Donatellan standards. ~~~ e e bands and paper It's cailed students! Give up'? always has clips. ministration U e 0 "Fund-Rals exactly a part where ing!' As for student activities, Dean Yes, events • • : I Mulebray, contributions Laideelawdown. the trouble last knowing rek asing Currently clips 3,047 or of the ground an floor is being leveled ·f paper Dean box rubber bands we tt. are busy trying to and and Dr. Johnboy Master AUrora off Dr Set is Johnboy to Championship is Skittle-Bowl for another. rnstleup ~W;~~'_M:y ~.;. SGA Action Saturday, May 15; • ~~~~~~~~~~~en~~~t~~:~tu~~~~~~~ ~~~~it~v~~~~ a r~e~~~~~~~~i~gl[~~ ~i~I~Cif~ac~~le~~':s~' "A S:% tt~: Committee Picnic. Both members sp~n~~~~d ~~Vi~;re:~~~~~ ~7~~ I years. and according to Ihe this: "And as you can readily see, Aurora Manufacturing Company will be expected to bring own Lines Inc I publicity releases, it's bound 10 be dear ,liumnus. parent. friend. tells us that 'you don't know what drinks. 9'00 p ~ Phi Delt Open Party I "a winner"! As one student stated, casual acquaintance, check one), real fun is like until you've had a 7 p.m. Movie: Dirty Harry 9:00 p'm' Bachelor Ope~ Party. '"If it keeps those administrative the need for an adequate supply of chance to play Skittle-Bowl'!" In sponsored by ROTC. 9~00 ~.~. Gamma Bete Open' guys lookmg at theIr blue-pnnts rnbber bands and oaper chps IS part this addition to the Stuident 8:30 p.m. Transcendental Party. • andnotmyGPA tt'sokay\\]thme mdeed_a VItal necessIty How Center is being built in order to Meditation Lecture. Moderator 9:00 p.m. Preacher Open Party L - - - - - - - - - - - - , makeu? for the fact that the entire Clark Easter will discuss ways to 9:00 p.m. WMC Country Club Broom Closet. . .• Quad WIll have to be razed in order I use TM to aJleviate money worries, Formal. The theme for this 2:30 p.m. Lecture by John C. .\~ p.m. ROTC March, Huffa I to build the new center. "Well, we ~~~na~ ~~:c~:~~ primarily concerning the $65 you evening is "Sure Suicide." Roemer to Area Parents FI::ill M' • had to draw the line somewhere," .pent for this course. Sunday, May 16: ~h~~~i~nl~r~~~ ,:'Seperation of DOI~S,s~~~o~~v~~ L~~I:~~/~I~~~1 ~~~b~~~~b~irl' F~~~~.~a:vi~~; Sam Peckinpah's Se~~ ~~mLi:t~!e~:~~~i~~i~~~ 3:15 p.m. Lyn'ching by Area b 9kOOl'~'D~~~~artYils~n~rfd: stop to all that drinking on cam- The Wild Bunch, sponsored by Topic: "Get Your Fellow Man to Parents to John C. Roemer, Baker riue ~~g~Oo~vi~t~on~u~~ ~~ g~ e.. pus!" At this. the four fraternities Blood Assurance Follow The Lord, and Then Maybe Steeple. . only disdo songs with m no~:. po.oled fu~~s so that they could 4 p.m. Quaker Meeting, Baker We'll Be Able To Use The Big w:~::n:'-~~n:~~\y ~~ Lost sU8feSti.~~ l~iCSt ~il:5be used. The. ~~e ~~ff~~nts~~e~:~k~~~ ~~~ 1~~g;:~P~~:~~:~;?hv~r~i~:nt~: B~:I:n::.o~:1 ~:~~~', Howard 7;30 p.m. SGA Meeting, Rouzer par y WI en a : p.m. : campus. O!oc'3OkO,~S~'~elt Formal held 10 Big ~;~~rce~~:n~i~~~~:~ ~r::t~ ~~ ::e~n~~Tn°:~.;' '~~~e~~~:!r~~~ w~e~~, :0~e~9~he TOWering: to:~~ :i;t:h~U: f:~~t:;:~~~t~~ • seat space guaranteed. old business and new business. Inferno, sponsored by the COllege. benefit? "Well, I'll tell ya," said I e~dOOmP~tl~h~:;:sSeml formal, th!:~u~k:'~o~~~.o~~:~v:; ~~~~i;sgs :~~ be~gJn w7i~h n~~ ~n: ~und. First Final Exam. Mulebray. "It's sheer boredom. J 8 30 P m Sigma CasuaJ, held m Psych Club. business ..Old business will kick off Gr~d~s di~ributed. .. • ~~a:~:~~:~~~~i~::~~tY~U h~~; I -------------i 8:00 p.m. McDaniel Girls Offer themeett~gandnewbusinesswill 4:30 p.m. Mass SUICide, Bake~ thepartiesandeverything,andit'~ cDonalds all I can do to eat in the cafeteria That Jo Major Doesn't Steeple. is writing Teach." all this down.! - - - - - - - - -- nurds, Wimps, and chern maJors I "Massages Back rubs 20 cents. "All conclude It. Betcha Donna Culotte ,- • Serti.ltt6katu wi6ke6 - -i like I'm one of you. See, if I ever For awhile it was suggested that a lOver" $20.00. I look at one of those gorgeow computer be used to match the. Tuesday, May 18;. I br-er. nice young ladies, I'm in fOI ideal roommates, but some tr~ble, Monday, May 17 4:00p.m. ROTC Haircut Service • etle1IgOKe gGOd tack it. So why don't you leave me tc. ... wascausedbyoneoftheq.uesttons.. 1:00 p.m. Football Pep Rally, ANW ' I Nt 6~ I enjoy building all this neat stull • on the form, namely, (conhnuedon. Hoffa Field 4:30 p.m. ROTC Dress I 2 I like I'm doing. Gosh, it's better 12) .. _l.i3£Q,;.m .. ~11.~e.I!:l~,J-~~_...J\U~~~ '- than when I was a kid!"
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