Page 148 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 148
, \ Page 4 I \ Scrimshaw Thursday, April 29, 1976 \ "I I Women s acrosse - ForYour cootinu\ld from pg. 3, col. 5 notably Nancy Hess playing a good girls \beat Lebanon Valley 7-5. The girls only have 1 game this Bicentennial Engagement ~~i~C~;~h~e~~:~ ;l~~e~~t¥~~g:f~~~\\~\~~a;tat~:t~=~f S:!:;dc~a~f~ week, away- at Essex at 4. fense too improved. utilizing many Beier defense \rith some more and Forever 'give & go' passes scoring the punch \in th~ offense _final GAY;> season high. Goalie Pam Hudson the gamf out. Th~ offense seemed I'd like to find someone who ~~~e~~IYm:n~a~~otsbe~:~ ~:~: ~~r~ntr~y~~ett~~~ O~~heh~~m~ is motivared and has his head ~:r~~I~~S~;e;~::n~~a~~~!~l~h~~~~e~al~~~e~~.h\To~eC!~l~eg~~~:;~::/;e:e;e:~:;U::f~;;;~ion 2 and Mary LOUIseJones with 1 against WMC, but seemed to drop-in center for area uavs. Then keeping their streak the balance OIit by having at least f'JI suppfV start up moneV : : ~ :~~tsBr:::Dr~O~:~h~~dl ~osa~v~s2 if vou ~I suootv initiative. bouhoing three LV shots •••••••••••••••••••••••• off the f~:~~/~~::;/ie~n~r. tt :,~:~~~'e;~~~~~~~:~h~:dl~f;:a~~: P.O. Box 68 had 1 goal each ~ • Da1e Torbit • : e 111e :and Jan Wildl', Su, windsor. & Finksburg, Md. 21048 : .: \ \ : CARROLL COUNTY'S : •••••••• \ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : FASHION CENTER: Ba~:r;e;~sop \ THE : Westminster : WestminSle, $ropp;ng Cente( HANDMADEN · ...................... . Razor Cuts, Specializing in . · ......................... Styling, Shopping Center: : 73 West Main Street · · Layer Cuts Handmade crafts!! Bringyour crafts in · Expert Watch .............................................. and let us display · : M. ro. W.Sal.·9-6 F·9·9 Th& Repain and sell them for vout! 4 Barbers on premises i : Accutr'on to Timex Keepsake Diamond- :::. I Rings A perfect Keepsake diamond says it all. reflecting your love in its brilliance and beauty And you can • : Accept - BAC - NAC ROUTE 141, WESTMINSTER PIKE choose with confidence because The Keepsake guar- · ~er. CheckS: . ___________ ..:S_In~n.!~~_a~l~e~_!~~ _ anree assures perfect clarity. fine white color and · :WD. FlNK51Jt."1t,G, . !Master Charge precise modern cut There is no finer diamond ring .. SATURDAY FRIPAY ENTERTAINM&NT : KEH "a-\TE$ AT,'TtfE-' KEYBOARD F.. turh,. : . · OAVIDS JEWELt:,ERS . ------~~~~!~~~~~-~~~------ Keepsake' 4' Ean Main ~t. : : · PA.RTlES PRi-VI\Tl: : GIFT CERTIF'ICATES 'Westminster. Md. : ~~ •.t',~H.& ••• FOR RESEItVATIOSS--I3U060 or 16:UI!08 r---------------------------, IHow to Plan Your Engagement and Wedding I 1 1 1 1 we serve ... 1 1 I 1 I Name' I I BREAKFAST I AJdrcs> jCi,y . ~ __ I 1 IS,a,e Subs , I Keepsake Diamond RI~gs, Box 90. Syracuse. Z'r New York 13201 I MOnday ni~ts ~"!::"~o:..:e~~s~~I~~~~~I.:.:..e~~,~3!!~~~~~~8!:6~...J Chicken Oay-MondaY-Dinner $1.60 5. p.m. ·11 p.m. Pizza Day-Tuelday·$.40 off pri:lili & Fancy College Night Spaghetti Oay·Wedn~day·Oin.r $1 .• --Only 140V,"- ('._D. requiredj WITHIN WALKIN« mST
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