Page 149 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 149
HOOVER LIBRARY WESTERN MD. COLLEGE WESTMINSTER; MARYLAND 2llst Pithy Saying: Thursdav. Mav 6, 1976 Never before in history has so much been Volume 3, Issue 13 screwed up for so many by so few .. Anthony Newley from "Stop the World I Want to Get Off" Brlar,Trumpo""'!'r Rielcie II...... 1Id 1iI0JUdKg "'IUJ Not well attended, but a.good concert Elizabeth Creagh The annual S.G.A,·funded Spring Maryland after these five or six Bay Blues," "Like a Woman," and and sent him writhing around the conceert, 70 purchased copies. Concert was held last Thursday, years. He played a number of old "Handsome Johnny" were stage with the music, and it was April 29, in Alumni Hall, and favorites, all of which received featured in this segment. In the exciting to hear the familiar voice Some students have complained seldom have I seen such a meagre applause as the audience course of the show, after breaking of an old hero from Woodstock, that Richie Havens' portion of the .rowd at such a fine show. Perhaps recognized them. He played alone a string for the second time, which now seems so long ago concert was outdated (I disagree); It.was poor publicity, or perhaps it on an acoustic guitar for the first Havens pulled his microphones but all things considered this event was the letdown from expectations par! of his show, during which he and a chair over to Alumni Hall's Of the few lucky people who took was a' success for the S.G.A. Social of Poco and the Charlie Daniels played "Fire and Rain," "Here grand piano and played and sang a advantage of this excellent op- Committee, chaired by Linda Band; but one would hope it would Comes v the Sun," and several slow and very mellow song, portunity, almost all were well- Thomas, which for the first time require a better reason than either newer songs. Two musicians joined commenting that he'd never done pleased with the evening. Mer- made all the arrangements and of these to keep over three- him with an electric guitar and a that before. The crowd was taken ningsong had brought along a box quarters of the students on this bass for the last portion of the show with the incredible energy that of albums to sell, and out of ap- ~~~e~~~~et;: O!~t~c;es ~~~~o;~~~: from seeing a wide variety -I campus high-quality music for a and the encore. "San Francisco sometimes lifted him off his stool proximately 250 who attended the Concert. of , ridiculously low price Forty students interviewed Morningsong was the first group WMC Tests: Multiple ambiguity? to appear, and their repertoire Philip LaPadula included everything from hard rock to quiet, mellow tunes to root- When was the last time you males and females, brought forth their tests, Seventeen thought the rather a person gets into a college stomping bluegrass. The five-man stayed up until two o'clock in the the following results. A majority of teaching was, "good", twenty-two often depends on how he did on an band was skilled and energetic in morning to study for a history test, 67.5 per cent of the students thought it was, "fair", and one assanine test he took on a Saturday its music and very friendly in its only to mess is up because you thought that WMC tests were often thought it was, "poor". The gripe morning when he had a hangover rapport with the spectators, who didn 't know how many people were too ambiguous and vaguely wor- seems to be with the tests not the and left his contact lenses at home. ded. When asked the question, "Do were immediately at ease and out of work in 1932? A typical teaching. quickly won over by the appealing multiple choice question may ask, you think that WMC tests are often spirit of the music. They opened "How many votes did Roosevelt too ambiguous and vaguely wor- to I~:~~i~t~h~:~h~ ;~%~i~;~~ 'Ob:~~ ~~:~C:ei~~h:~~~~i:~ responded, seven ded", twenty with several bluegrass numbers, defeat Hoover by in 1932". An- the students feel negatively about al process? The answers are: a.l among them the "Foggy Mountain swers: a) More than one, b) 25, c.) "Yes,", compared to thirteen who the SAT tests as well. In my Encourage professors to give only ·Breakdown," which featured 3,528,234, d. 3,528,259, e.) c+d-b, f.) answered, "No". Many of those opinion, the SAT's are more of an essay tests, b.) Encourage impressively fast and precise leads All of the tove. More likely the who answered, "No", said that insult to a person's intelligence professors to continue giving on the banjo and violin. A mixture question will not be that clear and they thought some of the tests were . than a judge of it. For colleges to multiple choice but make them less of everything from heavy to very will require the use of a thesaurus ambiguous but not most. Most of put so much emphases on these ambiguous, c.) Say nothing or the gentle rock made up most of the before you can find out what the those who answered, "Yes", vague and monotonous tests is teachers will flunk us on the next rest of the show; this brought out guy is talking about. Sometimes I thought that the practice was totally irresponsible. After four test, d.) All of the above, e.) None less excitement from the crowd but think they should include an an- pretty prevalent. Interestingly, the grinding years of high school, [Ifthe above, f.) some of the above. still kept its interest quite ef- swer which states, "I don't know Freshmen Class seemed most fectively. Realizing that the what the hell you're talking dissatisfied with the tests. Of the Sports victories audience, tiny as it was, was about". Freshmen interviewed, one responding best to the bluegrass hundred percent thought the tests Germans blitzed in soeeer style, Morningsong finished their The ambiguity and vagueness is were too ambiguous. When askec act with a medley that included not limited to the objective, the question, "Do you think WM( the great favorite' "Orange multiple choice tests, although it is teachers often try to trick and In an exciting contest playea them on a penalty kick and Doug Blossom Special." Wild applause obviously more prevalent with it. A confuse students on multiple here last Sunday, a team composed Barnes pumped in the other one as and foot-stomping brought the one sentence essay question often choice questions", nearly half the of Terror varsity and j.v. players the Terrors avenged an earlier 3-0 group back for an encore that reads like a long paragraph and is students (eighteen out of forty) as well as several Westminster defeat at the hands (at the feetj ) of closed with their thanks, their wish generally as clear as mud. Some said, "Yes". Many of those who High booters combined to defeat a the Germans. John Olsen and to stay longer, and a Slow; SWeet' professors apparently go on
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