Page 155 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 155
Thursday. May 13. 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 ~(lit()rial••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Originally this article, written by graduates in managerial positions. graduating from high school at age and products--are put forward postgraduate business studies WMC professor Ralph Levering, And Secretary of the Treasury 17 or 18 have a coherent idea of indiscriminately pursued at night. This kind of was to be included as a Personal William Simon, another highly what their personal values are and But, cost-conscious students and supplementary training on top of a Viewpoint, but his views on the successful college graduate, has what they want to do with their parents understandably ask. will sound liberal arts undergraduate future of liberal arts education urged that corporations give lives? How many have developed this opportunity for personal program produces high-caliber seem so important in this time and financial support only to in- skills in communication as fully as development during the critical executives of great value to place that we are running it as an stitutions whose academic they are capable, and how many years of transition from youth to editorial, with Scrimshaw's sup- programs reflect a pro-business feel comfortable in a broad variety adulthood have any tangible value business." port: viewpoint. As Simon surely now of social situations? A liberal arts in the workaday world? Un- Liberal arts graduates have in From John Winthrop to Thomas recognizes, a genuine liberal arts education offers the opportunity to fortunately, there can be no the past and will continue to play a Jefferson and from Horace Mann program must emphasize free become aware of one's own guarantee. But one can be virtually central role in the professions, in to Lyndon Johnson, Americans inquiry, not a pre-selected, closed cultural heritage and that of other certain that many occupations--the have believed instinctively in the ideology of any kind. peoples, and to draw from these law, medicine, teaching, jour- government, and in business (65 value of broadly-based education. These are just three examples of legacies to be better able to act in nalism, the ministry, and top percent of the 1.000 executives at It is ironic that, as we celebrate our the verbal barrage (not to mention the present management and technical Prudential's headquarters are Bicentennial, the concept of a the budget cuts by state and positions in business and govern- liberal arts graduates, for broad liberal arts education has federal officials) directed against Social scientists have known for merit-will continue to be closed to example. whereas 35 percent are come under greater attack than at liberal arts programs in the past a long time that college-educated those without college degrees trained in business administration. any previous time in our history. few months. adults consistently have much engineering, law, etc.r. But the Caroline Bird, a graduate of How can one who believes deeply more information about con- Donald S. MacNaughton, the primary reason for a liberal arts to be the will continue education prestigious Smith College, has in the liberal arts tradition respond temporary affairs than their high- chairman and chief executive intellectual, moral, and emotional used the writing skills she to these attacks'! The first step, school-educated counterparts, and officer of the Prudential Insurance development of each person, a developed at least partially in that perhaps, is to admit that parts of greater ability to use that in- Company, stresses the practical development whose full benefits liberal arts program to question the argument have some validity formation to comprehend the value of a liberal arts education in frequently are recognized much the value of a liberal arts College is not for everyone; it world around them. In my own the April 1976 issue of Change more clearly a few years after the education. Her book, The Case clear ly is not for those who have a research, for example. I have magazine: completion of the exciting but Against College, has been a best- virulent distaste for reading and learned that college-educated "The ability to think logically difficult collegiate years. seller and has resulted in favorable writing about complex ideas; and Americans during World War II and analytically. to express oneself appearances on such respected it no longer is for those whose only had greater understanding of clearly orally and in writing, and Caroline Bird, William Simon. television programs as Sixty reason for going to college was the Stalin's intentions in regard to such the kind of personal value system and the editors of Newsweek have Minutes. In a recent cover story assumption that a college diploma matters as a separate peace with and broad-gauged, objective never said that they made a the editors of Newsweek also cast guaranteed pleasant, well-paying Germany than did the high-school- thinking traditionally associated mistake in pursuing a broad liberal doubt on the value of a liberal arts professional employment educated. Clearly, the develop- with liberal arts training all playa arts education. Students today education; they even suggested The main reason for attending a ment of knowledge and analytical vital role in the busines world. The would be wise to think twice before that executives reconsider their good liberal arts college, now as in skills during college has lifelong nuts and bolts of business giving up this chance for personal ingrained "bias" in favor of hiring the past, is to develop oneself as a value to citizens of an open, techniques can be taught on the development before entering the broadly-educated college person. How many persons democratic society in whilht ideas- job, in industry courses, even in nine-to-five world Personal View Point On Arabia and Israel by Yossi Stevens As a Jew who has travelled and can freely demand active in- did dimension throughout all of But that dialogue must begin on growing distaste, the downright worked in Israel for a space of two tegration into all dimensions of Arab history. Islamic-Arab law one basis: we refuse to offer any contempt, a portion of the New Left months, T think that I am qualified Israeli life, because I do recognize classifies me as inferior to all longer any apology or justification intellectuals shows toward the to make a few remarks concerning that this has not been adequately Moslems, and this principle is for our four-thousand year very idea of democracy.' The point the article 'On Israel', by Herman achieved. Briefly put, Santayana's ingrained in Arab thinking. As a existence as a people and a nation is deserving of great_attention. For Auyang, which appeared in last remarks would be prophetic in this Yahud, Iam in Arab eyes an object with a right to our land and life all the unsparing criticisms of week's newspaper. case, if there were not the attempts of contempt. But I am also an ibn Israeli society have been made by made by the intellectual and Israel, and all of today's Jews are In conclusion, I should like to nations headed by reactionary or If I examine the issue of the political left to see far into the Banu Israil, descendants of those bring the issue home with a few extremist or somehow monolithic problems of Arabs in Judea- future. The attempts exist. Allon Banu Israil that the Arabs quotes from 'The Campus Left and governmental apparatuses. There Samaria, I agree with Mr. Auyang is, after all, in the Cabinet; Labor mythicise as having been the Israel' a brief but profound article are only two dozen democracies, that the military occupation of that must face serious inquiries of its virtuous ancestors of a now- written by Irving Hawe in 1971. In real and functioning, in the world territory has not been serene. Any platforms by Mapa'am, and I need despicable nation. This is but one it, he makes it clear that many of Israel is one of them. army is capable of brutality. and only name such other Leftist Jews aspect of a hatred and prpjection our society's leftist and anti-Israeli no-one has claimed that military as Noam Chomsky and Shlomo which leads Memmi to declare in sentiments are based on the old As Howe remarks: 'Of course administration is the best solution Avineri and Michael Bruno to his recent book, Juifs et Anabes: saying that 'in the warmest of Israeli officials sometimes violate for the West Bank. There was make my point; Israeli and Jewish hearts there's a cold spot for the the democratic norms proclaimed never any purely 'benevolent society is based on the theory that ' ... Israel represente Ie resultat, Jews. A more immediate reason by their government-something occupation', therefore, because change comes through exchange. encore fragile, de la liberation du for this shift in feeling toward that can occur only in countries there is no such animal; but if In other words, the mechanisms of Juif, tout comme la decolonisation Israel has to do, however, with the where democracy exists.' statistics were compiled, I think development of Jewish thinking represente la liberation des that the Israeli occupation would that have been present _[Q.r peuples arabes ou noirs d' Asie et Extra! rate as one of the more humane. thousands of years have d' Afrique.' Statistics. mean nothing to in- allowed forthright discussion of '... Israel represents the still- dividuals who suffer personal and serious issues, and this has had the fragile resu1t of the liberation of Last January, tire totally clogged vents could be a health the building housing particular losses in the condition of effect of keeping Jewish society the Jew, just as decolonisation destroyed Asbestos Fabricators the hazard. "If in fact it did blowout a Capitol occupation, so I can only suggest from being anything but represents the liberation of the Corporation in Alexandria, va. toilet, we would only be doing that Israel be careful to minimize monolithic. So, Mr. Auyang, many Arab or Black peoples of Asia and Said Raymond Clayburn, manager someone a favor by going in and as far as possible certain aspects of Jews share your concern about the Africa.' of the firm, "This is not a fitting making them comply with its administration that have the situation of Arabs within the end for an asbestos company." regulations," he explained. effect of creating resentment. I structure of Israeli society and-or Try to understand our pain, Mr. mention particularly such acts as administration. Auyeng: for two-thousand years Two holdup men drove into a punitive destruction of property we have maintained a hope of Eugene Trowbridge of Newark; Jack-in-the-Box drive-through and the expulsion of political ac- They will not share with you your national liberation and restoration restaurant in Los Angeles and tivists having no connection with rather doctrinnaire tendency of inalienable rights, because we ~;;iy~:!~~Oc~~:f:~~~O~:ta ~~:~ active attempts to do violence toward examining one side of the have endured too much as a people pressure sewer-cleaning hose in ~~e~~d:e~ ~~~~~:sct; g~~h:~: against the Israeli Government. coin. Let us face the fact that if we dispersed among enemies. If you the main outside his house. condemn Israeli errors, then we see the creation of Israel as the "I heard an awful niose, like a preached Cordia Downs who was -Mr. Auyang would do well to must be ready to show why the result of the determined struggle of manning the take-out window. realize that a considerable body of deeds of the Arabs have been any the Jewish Revolution, then you tornado, the awfuiest noise I ever "Give me all your money, and if centre-left Jews in Israel and more enlightened in their con- can see that we have also a definite heard, then boom, the thing you think I'm kidding, in about two America would be capable of ception and execution. We must be right to be in our homeland, a erupted," said Trowbridge. "It minutes I'll show you that I'm just blew its stack, it blew me right making (and do make) statements aware of some basic facts, such as country the size of Maryland, and off. I almost fainted." not," he told her. similar to mine. If Israeli govern- the fact that sixty-two percent of that we must .maintain our own He 'said the sudden explosion Miss Downs handed him a fistfull ment policy has not always been Israel's Jews are Arab Jews who small plot of ground because we shocked him for a few minutes, of dollar bills and watched as the ideal, it must be remembered on were expelled or fled from per- have not been free from fear until he realized what happened, man got back into the car. the other hand that Israel is a secution which continues still anywhere else. He called in the sewer cleaning He started the engine with some working parliamentary today. crews, but, according to difficulty, and then, as the two men democracy where a multiplicity of This point made, I think along Trowbridge, "They just stood tried to drive away, the car stalled opinions are expressed. We Jews I know this because I have met with Memmi that Jews and Arabs there and laughed. They thought it and wou1dn't start up again. The (and Arabs in Israel) have one quite a number of Arab Jews in could achieve a definite progress was a joke." driver got out, walked up to the major short coming: we are France and Israel. The Jewish by supporting both Jewish and "I called up the main office and counter, and handed the money human and prove to error. Free thinker Albert Memmi, born in Arab liberations, instead of letting they had the nerve to laugh at me, back to Miss Downs. "Take your expression compensates for that in Tunisia, emphasized in a Lecture them conflict. This would be dif- too. I said, 'Don't laugh at me, money back, and please don't say some extensivS_l!leasure. Thus, I in Strasbourg, which I attended, ficu1t, but as it has not been yet buddy boy," " Mr. Trowbridge anything about this to anyone." can criticise the Government of that while the oppression of the tried, it cannot be discounted too reported. Israel on its policies (and I do) and Jews by the Arabs did not reach quickly. I should much prefer open The explosion was caused by a The last Miss Downs saw of still be loyal to the nation and the the astronomical proportion born dialogue with the Arabs to clogged vent in the Trowbridge them, the two suspects were people as a whole-including the of German technological effien- reduction of all issues to simple house. Nathan Olmstead, Newark pushing their car north along the Israeli Arabs, in favor of whom I cy it existed nonetheless in sor- mutual hatred. highway. Public Works superintendent, said
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