Page 10 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 10
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, Se~tember 24, 1975- 'D,~ns:tivities Office Is There To Help As one enters the new College time slot and to fill in information Activities Office, one is confronted regarding. the nature of the _ac- problem or question arise. to WMC students. reflected in her personality and with a bright face and an at- tivity. The office then contacts This seems to be an efficient After an informative chat with friendly manner. '" rnosphere of friendliness. That manner of handling the scheduling Miss Avey, one can conclude that With all of the above in its favor, bright face belongs to Miss JoAn Dean Mowbray and submits this of activities. At the same time, it the College Activities director is the new College Activities Office, Avey, a graduate of Concordia information. The Dean would- then will prove to lend a good share of well-suited for her position. She its duties and its plans, will cer- contact and-or student Teachers College (where she organization the directly should a time and attention to college ac- has energy, interest and a tainly have positive results for the earned her Med., and where she tivities, and should prove benefical willingness to help. This is all \\'.MC students. , was previously emplo}:,ed). Miss Avey's formal title at WMC is the Women's Health Services College Activities Director. Linda Mig! and Meg Hoyle Through speaking with Miss Avey, I learned alot about the Dr. Jaqueline Lord, a local problems are advised-to see their Baltimore number for such be from three to five on Wednesday purposes and plans of this new gynecologist,' runs a Women's \own doctor,, or t~e counseling is available in Thomp- afternoons" an~ the stud~nt. will addition to campus life. And I saw Clinic every Wednesday afternoon Carroll County Hospital. 'I'his son Infirmary. have to come m for preliminary that she doesn't just sit there as a in Thompson Infirmary, from 3:00 includes the treatment of VD and Dr. Lord is not always._~ call, tests either on Tuesday afternoon, Iigurehead-. she's always on the to 5:06. major infections. but she is available in emergencies from one to three, or Wednesday move: removing stubborn 8-balls Those seeking abortions a'M-or as a private doctor. Her town office morning, from eight to twelve. The from the grasps of the pool table counseling are referred to the is at 150 W. Main St., a few blocks nurse will take the blood pressure, pockets, and informing students of Dr. Lord offers check-ups which Hillcrest Abortion Clinic, in the from the campus. . urinalysis, and a blood test f{ It to new party policies. include pelvic examinations, pap Baltimore area. The Women's Clinic has been in check for syphilis and anemia. Because of the constant action in smears, tests for venereal disease, In the case of rape or service for the past three years. is necessary that the appointment the office Itself, we headed for the' blood pressure, and breast cancer. hemorrhaging, students are sent to According to the doctor, the be canceled, it is asked that the IJ'ivacy of the publications office, She has the facilities to treat minor the Carroll County Hospital resocnse has. been very favorable, infirmary is notified at least where I discovered some in- vaginal; infections and give-""'Emergency Room. This is done for and there are no plans at present to twenty-four hours in advance. teresting facts about the College pregnancy tests; she is also several reasons--the need for cha~ its operation There are many people for the Activities Center. available for advice on con- protocol, evidence for the police, doctor to see, and someone can be traceptives and gives prescriptions and tor; the protection of the in- Women wishing to see Dr. Lord fitted into a cancellation. Anyone The reason for instituting thr for contraceptive equipment, in- dividual if the case is brought to should call the infirmary for an requiring further information can Activities Otnce is manifold c1uding IUD and "the pill:" court. No rape counseling if offered appointment. There is a two dollar call the Thompson Infirmary at N Theappointmentswlll either Maryland, a feecharged. Something was needed to ease the . Women with more serious at Western F but It D B t . 262 or 373. beew overcrcwdtng cr tbe ssudem ew acu yo r a es Affairs Office and Dean Mowbray. Intbls way,everythinginvolve'C;ndyThompson ° 0 . can receive needed attention anri Dr. Denny Seymour Bates, one of and administration, the respon- Dr. Bates would be interested in assistant at East 'tennessee State reap success. The smootf the new members of Western sibilities of his position, the ad- the possibility of starting and University, a coach at a junior high scheduling and management of Maryland's faculty, is currently vantageous location of the college, playing on a winter league school, a coach and teacher at a studentactivites is one of its major the Assistant Professor of for he and his family, and the basketball team at Western senior high school, a coach for purposes., Education. His duties consist of quality of the students. Maryland. When asked if he is track and field at the University of Organized to-develop nlilw areas coordinating the educational ad- Dr. Bates is aware of the stan- planning on being involved in any .Atabama, and a principal for a of interest, the office is focusing ministration graduate level, dards in which the students at other activities at W.M.C. such as high school in Alabama. . more attention on what is' being supervising student teachers, and Western Maryland-have had to sponsoring groups, Dr. Bates said Dr. Bates received his B.S. and offered and added to the Student instructing two undergraduate meet in order to study here. that he would like to eventually, his M.A. at East Tennessee State Center. educational classes, Therefore, he says he is looking after he adjusts to his new job. University and his Ed., D. at Dr. Bates is very pleased with forward to working with people of University of Alabama. He has Miss Avey was hired as director his new. position. Some factors this caliber. --. Dr. Bates has been teaching for always wanted to teach higher 'of College Acttvtttes- to help which influenced his decision to During his free time some of his nine years and four of those years education ever-since he gotinto the establish procedures for the new' came here were the rapport bet- activities are basketball, jogging, he taught higher education, In the educational field and now he has ~~~~:~i~f~~~!~:~n:~G:Oii: i:w~ij': wl":s~raduale ",hie;.~~;::;;::.~.:;~m' management run smoothly: GHIWIWS-(Gee How I Wish It The answe.r c~mes 9u1te qUickly hour per-iod. Some choice. . Baron L Tayler general supervision of the building, Was Saturday)--a phrase em- as the realization hl~ th!lt the In other ways, ~e GIGIF ~s a The Medium Enchilada: working with the Postmistress and blematic of a freshman's first sound you lI;re hearing m the welcome weekend n~ual to relieve Mark C. Bayer Bookstore manager, supervising endeavor to embark upon the background IS not a herd. of the week long tensions tha~. ac The Small 'Enchiladae: the gameroom and Grille, and weekend social life of Western Westminster cattle mooing cum~ate from too ~uch writing, Mark Katz generally providing a happy and Maryland College. It appears that somewhere in a nearby pasture, reading, an? s.tu~YIng on the Matt Bowers' inviting atmosphere. a Friday night attempt at but is actually the band hired for campus. While It IS not recom Peons: sociability, the "GIG IF'! has the ensuing night. The ~escription mended to attend ~h.en you. know Susan Coleman After only a week of operation, embedded itself into WMC !)f~emUSiCOfth~nigh\~~summed :ak~en~~e ~ere, I,t IS Jfls~~ble to _ Mary Gately Miss Avey 'can't say much in th( way of results. However, she die :e~~.i~e:=en~usra~i ::;:~~ IIp m one word- Loud. the four hOu:c~~~ta.?~~~irr;g Denise Giangola say that from what she's heard, the of course, to find that "GIGIF" qUTCh~ye~!i~u~:ti:-gi~~~~~ upo~ the. volume and mtenslty ~f ~~~aH~~ Student Center has begun to at tract'more people. Opinions haVE ~~: ,,'or ~'Gee ~;:: ~~d't'It'S into the small building. Soon the :i~~gVO~~. ~oe~:era:; ::~i~; Lonni Myers led her to believe that the at- da~C/h~I~~t o~~eof wesf:mjn~t:r'~ ~~:t~:~~~~l~~:~~:r~: ~~:~el~P~i1~tU:tr:~:~, inth: Mindy Natterman mosJiiere is more inviting than :~h~:b~:~~r before, Miss Avey also realizes ~orek' enlivened establishments, =~e ~;;::ent:oa~~~S&~f~~~ GIGlFcould be what the average, that "there is not too much to at- ~ /ireshman re.porter_, ~ble walls and ceiling. With an outside tC:~~ngQior ~ustomer student is Kim Shewbridge tract the- gals", but that will to find o~t any more Information on temperature of 43 degrees, the But don't go there looking for a Jennifer Watts )robably work itself out. ~e. subJ~t from the some~hat tempation is to walk outside every stimulating evening of con- Jim Teramani The Activities Office is hoping to up~classmen, I deCided five minutes without a jacket on versation' not unless you want to Bob Toner add another pool table and a ping- to l.nve~hgate .the exact with an ensuing case of pneumonia_ go out and talk with cows mOOing Susan Tuley pong table. They have already placed a TV in the Grille, and hope ~~~~~~~.t~~h~fd !~I~~~~~~~e~ follOwing sometime in the ne~t 12- 'Ilt in t!te pasture. . Head Secretaries: to add some comfortable lounge .not suggeSted ~ere to walk the KimShewbridge I.V. Fellowship Susan Coleman furniture in that area, also. ,supposed half ~ile to Frock's, as There are plenty of clubs and a missionary in his work. Nancy Eichelman The College Activities CenteJ; is pe_~onal expenence has exem- organizations on campus that give LV. holds meetings on Wednes- The Man Who Fixes _The open to WMC students from 8:30 am - 1'2:00,pm on weekdays! and ~1~e:begiMihg of the evening is ~~~t~~ ~f&:=~~l:,e~~~ :;~ :a~e:~~::'~e !v~~n!nus~~~; BoOkS~ichard"NaYlor' until 1:00 am on weekends. This much the same as any.other dance is one club ~t might let rou get to begins with singing songs followed EI SUpremo' Drawer: includes the Grille, gamerooms, de. t~:~~te~:~P:~~o~sh~~~ ~:;ra~~u~~~~b I~t:~te~~=~i~: ~e:~;=t:pee:e:~~ :%~~= Mast !::;;t~~;er a message of the club presents Fellowship. Christian or three s and qUickly make thelI' way Brian Tru(llpower' An added -point of general in· !.'t::.';.. :~~~:'r~n~: e:'!~ pr:~:n'1'a~:;a~ionL:~1~~:'!'~,::":~:::':;;;,Int~ru~~;oto:~Atto"~~~,,Go'd'n"';n terest is that there are new )rocedures for scheduling activites of the .w~ll, The drlOks flow fr.ee1y "fellowship of students who meet courages its members to be in and Sons (including open and closed parties, on and off campus, other =::;~~:~~;~~.~~:::a~el:~!':ser :~w~~~:ls~:i~':~ :~~~n6;=~ :!!c~:t"~~:e 0: AND: A cast of thousands. organizational activities, etc.) The the bank so to speak by drinking Christ, to make aware to people the week for prayer, discussion, ?nd The opinions expressed in scheduling and approval of these more than enough to cover the world mission of the church, and to the sharing of experiences and this publication do not events still go through Dean $2.ooent.rancecharge~ytheen~of help students to find what God problems. Action Groups give necessarily reflect those Mowbr~y and the Student Affairs the ~~ght. . An ,lnterestmg wants them to be," Its three basic students more' personal contact of the administration: Box Office. First, however, a date and prO~dlo~: whi~ bnngs about the goals are diScipleship, evangelism, with only a few Christians, and 3-A, Western Maryland time form is filled out in the Ac- question, How ~n the world do where they spread the Christian then they can still attend the Colfege, Westminster, Md., tivities Office. This is to reserve a :ri,::~~~;_::ref.0ffofsucha :~:~,t:h~n~es~~~~~~p;: :f::hi~~i-::~~:~ for a full '--_2'_'5_7 -'
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