Page 145 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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C ?et HonvrR L'BRARY .: I) .?1l57 ~ STC"h" M~ "0UF.GE ~)j .:";., I \ Pithy Saying: "Movies are better than the books Thursday, April 29. 1976 because you can't spill coffee on them." Volume)"; Issue 12 -National Lampoon 3 SGAPodium Smoking, extracurricular activities discussed Jeff Robinson The Western Maryland College the four semi-finalists in the was passed almost unanimously to Aside from student-faculty only one negative vote cast. SGA has held two separate Senate Distinguished Teacher's Award in get two student visitors on the 48 committee selections, the Senate The other business taken care of meetings in the past two weeks and recognition of their teaching ef- member board. As the motion had to consider the problem of during the t-hour, IS-minute long come up with a pair of dissimilar forts. This was done since few stood, one would be the SGA extra-curricular credit for a meeting was mostly in the nature and almost completely opposite attempts have been made in the president and the other would a second straight meeting. Roger of committee appointments. The assemblies for their efforts. The past to give any distinction to the member-at-large selected by the Levin, the idea's major proponent, Sen~t.e selected students 'for the one held this past Monday, April runners-up in the annual contest. Senate. explained that the curriculum position based upon personal 26, in Rouzer lounge could have In final action taken py the April committee had supported the k~owledge and the letters sub- been termed a "ho-hummer----it 19 meeting, comment was brought Exactly one week later, April 26, concept, but had questioned the muted for the different committee almost didn't get the necessary 50 up that there were no student at the same location, the Senate narrow margin of victory the positions. The names of the percent quorum necessary to start members of the board 'of trustees carried on a "housekeeping- proposal had had at the SGA's students selected will be printed fit the meeting. The other, staged the for WMC, either voting or non- business" meeting. Since they only previous meeting. Essentially, the a later date. Monday prior to this, was more voting. The point was stressed by got the necessary 23-member committee wanted to know if the vital, dealing with issues that will several Senate members that the quorm ten minutes after the students would truly support the The next SGA meeting will Be be-talked of much more in the near SGA would have more credibility meeting began, the Senate moved ideal if they were to put it into announced to all Senate members future if they first attempted to get non- to suspend the rules and do away effect. In answer to the cry for a upon the decision of the newly The major focus of business voting "visitors" on the board, as with the need for a quorum in case wider margin the Senate voted elected exectuuve committee and April 19th was on three items- the [acuity has presently. A motion anybody had to leave. almost unanimously in favor with president elect Jay Rodstein. smoking rights, credit for extra- (fl'(flhy? Credit for student activit curricular activities, and putting a Rpmpr/y for student member on the board of Y trustees. On a motion put forth by Roger Levin and Steven Kououris Linda Thomas the Senate voted in The following is being proposed to: committee will meet at least once ballet or any artistic dancing) ALL OF THE EVENTS WILL BE favor of banning the right to smoke 1) Stimulate student activity in each semester. The purpose of the square dancing not included) SUBJECT TO THE WMC HONOR (both students and faculty) in cultural affairs on this campus, committee is as follows: (grille parties,'recitals in Levine. CODE. classrooms during instruction and and in doing so a) to review calendar events for not included) examinations. An amendment by 2) Broaden the exposure of the the coming semester and decide 5) Art Exhibits- any exhibit in Effects: Erich Yeich also provided for a students of Western Maryland which events will be included the Art Building or an SGA The immediate effects of this separate room for smokers during College to cultural affairs. b) to decide which types of designated exhibit program would be to: exams, because of the length of There is apparent apathy on the events will be included in each 1) Help curb the transfer rate by such periods of time. WMC campus in the realm of semester. PROCEDURE: providing a mo-e stimulated The motion was a direct result of cultural and intellectual events c) to determine the total number 1) At all events other than art campus. the referendum vote of 400-187 in that. take place out of the of events necessary for the 'f.! hour exhibits or sports events, cards 2) Provide present students with favor of the same proposal in the classroom. No student, unless of credit to be given. will be stamped by a unique a morerounded and varied cultural recent election. Even with the resigned to an ascotlc life, should d) to arrange to have a person to stamper. Each block will be life on campus. above mentioned affirmative graduate from any liberal arts stamp the cards at each event designated for a specific type of stand, four members of the Senate school without being exposed to life e) to oversee the transfer of event and the stamp will signify The long-range effects of this voted against the smoking ban in experiences which exist outside of credit hours fulfillment of the requirement program would be to' the final hand count at the meeting. the classroom. A well-rounded 2) Presence at Art Exhibits- will 1) Increase the general prestige The next step for the SPA is to try exposure to sports, theatre, music, POSSIBLE t::VENTS TO BE IN- be confirmed in one of two ways: of WMC in the eyes of the com- to convince the administration of speakers, art exhibits and so on is CLUDED a) cards will be available at munity the worth of such a ban campus- essential preparation for social These will be decided on by the the exhibit, each student is to take 2) Increase the volume of fresh- wide. life. This type o[ education is not committee. Suggestions: one men applications by promising \ Another controversial subject taking place on the WMC campus. I) Sports-any sports event that a b) A sign-in sheet will be students a well-rounded life on was the extra-curricular credit PROPOSAL: WMC interscholastic team par- present at the door, each student is campus proposal. The concept of giving 1) A card (see below), index or ttctcates in on campus to sign his own name and student Roger P. Levin credit for attendance at different wallet size, with a face of squares 2) Theatre Productions-plays, number. Steven L. Kououris types of cultural activities that are will be issued at the beginning of opera, musicals, follies, comedians In eitherease, the student must "_~~ I held on campus had been discussed each semester to each WMC brought in by the college etc. takehiscardtotheSGAofficeata Inside this Issue at the previous SGA meeting. student. DIRECTING SCENES FOR later date and have the card Following a small amount of A square will be stamped once CLASS ARE NOT INCLUDED stamped. Responses to: discussion by Cindy O'Neall, for presence at the particular type 3) Speakers- anyone: brought in 3) The block for the sports event student representative to the of event. If a student has the entire by the college to speak to the will be "X" ed out by the student curriculur. rmittee, on what card stamped, 'h hour of credit will general student body, i.e. govern- All completed cards will be Junior Follies ways to support the proposal, the be added to his total number of menf officials, experts or presented to a designated official Senate votec by a narrow 16-13 in hours. authorities in specific disciplines and 'h credit will be added to the Quad Party favor of the motion. 2) A committee consisting of (psych, sociology, authors etc.j student's to~ credits. Two cards And Just About On a minor matter the Senate three students, two faculty 4) Musical Productions-jazz per ~ear yeild one semester hour turned up 19to 4 in favor of sending members, and the head of the band, visiting musical group credit. CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN, Everything Else letters t~ the department heads of Student Activities Office. This (except spring and fall concerti THEREFORE, PRESENCE AT 1- 1
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