Page 144 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 144
Scrimshaw Thursday, April 22, 1976 S ·p...orts C.'ltonH"';~ The women's tennis team just Women's tennis Merkle&WendyGood2-6,6-2,6-4. The final match for the week was Jim 'rerement the girls The Ilnal score was Dickinson they journeyed to successful. First had it a little tougher. UMBC for a match Towson winners and won 4-3. were Sue Cunningham today at 3:30 here against Ric Groff . Bill Johnson came off a busy week moderately at Dickinson'. This time The single 6-2, 4, WMC 3. The girls cave a match The singles wins were paced by 6-1 and Judy Warfield'6-4, 2-6, 6-4. State, and Tuesday against Loyola Sue Cunningham who after losing The double winners were Karen here at 4. Diamond deeds ::~~=~~,~~~!~k~~y-:Short stuff said that Sue showed a lot of Things are finally looking up for' being in the doubleheader against courage because she wasn't Intramurals are really rolling 1 fonned ... The leaders in men's Western Maryland's baseball MuhIenburg. paying well and still won. The along ... 1D the girls softball, 1st softball (according to the scores team. The season started disap- other singles winner was Julie floor Blanche and the Delts are in .turned in) are fOf the green plintingly. Five straight losses These victories of late give the Vaughan 6-2, 7-5. WMC sweJ:t both the winners bracket .. .ln volleyball, : division the Waterville Weasels, were suffered at the hands of op- Terrors a 4-7 record overall and a doubles that day with Karen 4th floor Whitford, ground fioor, the red division Kelly's Heros, the ponents such as UMBC, Mt. St. 4-4 record in the Middle Atlantic Merkle & Wendy Good winning 6-4, Whitford, rst floor Blanche and the gold division the Melters and the Mary's, Lebanon Valley (2), and Conference. Things are looking 6-4; and Terry Mott & Nan Yuckettes (that's the name that .blue division the Bacbelors ... the JOMS Hopkins. Three of these sweet for the team for the first Hollin~er winnin2 6-2. 6-3. was downY are in the winners women's athletic program's an- losses were at home. bracket... Will keep you infonned nual banquet is on May 3 this year time. The outlook for·the rest of the The next match was against ofthestandings·asIgetthem ... The with awards to the most out- Then, Saturday the 10th, the guys season is good as Western Wllson here and again the girls a-t. badmitten tourney started last standing player in the 5 sports and played a doubleheader against Maryland steams forward under were victorious winning week with men's singles & men's the Spirit of WMC awar.d ... 'ti,lJ Muh1enburg at home, picking up the leadersbip of the arms of Single winners were S'*ue doubles ... Again will keep you in- next week. their first victory and splitting the Dolch, Mankiewicz and Zawacki CUningham e-o, e-e: Julie Vaughan twin bill. From that point on, and the bats of Rosenfeld, Irvin e-o, 6-1; Betsy Fogle 6-1, 6-1; Fredi Men's lacrosse 6-3; things have been looking good. and. Heritage. Eckhardt were 6-1, Karen the Merkle double & winners Last Wednesday the 14th, The team traveled to Messiah Last Wednesday the Western leading scorer for WMC was Jack Franklin & Marshall received a Tuesday to play a single game. Wendy Good 6-2, 6-3; and Tracy Maryland Terrors trounced Kendall with 4 goals. Saturday the 6-3, 5-7, e-o. thorough drubbing from our team Results were unknown at press TutUe& Nan Hollinger Stevens Tech by a score of 15 to 2. Terrors meet Lebanon Valley at here at WMC. The Terrors time. This Saturday, the guys play Golf Freshman Goalie Wayne Birely home. After the game a chauffered decisively won both ends of a a doubleheader against Loyola held Stevens scoreless during the taxi service was provided to the doubleheader. pave Dolch pitched here at WMC. Play beins at 1:00 Two victories last week raised first half. The more experienced locker room. Western Maryland to its second PM. Then on Tuesday next, Terrors dominated the game from victory,of the season, 8-6. The third Western Maryland plays a game at WMC's goff team record to 8-2 on was had by Kevin Zawacki in a 9-5 Washington College at 3:00 PM. the season. First, on Thursday the to :te~;tbr:: ~~le~e~~o:~ .. traveled the 13th, putters score. Way to go, Terrors r The rest of the season features Lycoming and soundly thrashed one occasion defense man Craig doubleheaders vs. teams from Hughes scored for WMC. The On Saturday, WMC traveled to Gettysburg, Dickinson and York. them by nearly 50 strokes. Moravian, splitting two well-fought On . Saturday here at WMC, games. The first was a loss, 5-4. Catholic University paid us a visit teams will be represented there, The second a 3-2 win chalked up by How about coming out to the and came away losers by 12 however, WMC's chances tor .a Carter Mankiewicz. This was baseball diamond this Saturday at strokes. Our team scored 369, a good showing are excellent. Our people make it better Carter's second victory, his first 1:00 PM to support our team? record low for them. Towards this This year, WMC's golfers have losing their Men's tennis fine effort Tom Boyle shot a 69, performed admirably, by an aggregate only two matches Dennis Dunn a 71 ar-d Jim Green a 72. of three strokes. Four matches are If there is one thing which to lose by one match, the score The next match is this Saturday, left in the season. If all of those are Mond~yni~ts characterized the mens tennis being 5 to 4. It was a very close home vs. Loyola. Tee-off time is won-and the possibility of doing team, it is that they are consistent. contest (it would have been the 1:00 P.M. On Monday, the MAC this is high-the team will have had 5 p.rn .• 11 p.m. Again, for the third straight time in first time in twenty years that Championships will be held at the best record that has ever been reporting the mens results, it is a WMC has beaten F&M in tennis). Hidden Springs Country Club, racked up by a Western Maryland College Ni!tlt win, loss story. The winners this time were Dave Willow Grove, Pa. A lot of tough golf team, 12-2. 0.0. required) First, on Saturday the 10th, here Deitrick (6-0, 6-1) and Jeff Hein- at WMC, the Terror netters won baugh in singles, Honeman and NOTE: .Last week I issue. He write the Ric against Muhlenburg, 6 to 3. The Deitrick (6-1, 4-6, 6-4) and Hein- Groff's name was in _ men's lac-esse 13" pizza-with one winners were Bob Davis (6-2, fH), baugh and Truitt (6-4, 6-4) in advertently left off both for this week topping - only $2.29!! Dave Deitrick (6-1, 6-0), Jeff doubles. the credits for that and last. Heinbaugh (6-1, fH) and Bruzz The team record now stands at 3 Bud, Mic & Schlitz Truitt (6-1, 6-2) in the singles, and wins, 3 losses overall with a Mason- on Tap Honeman and Deitrick (6-2, 6-4) Dixon Cont. record of 1 win, 1 loss. and Heinbaugh and Truitt te-o, 6-1) Another note of interest: Jeff 140 Village in doubles. Heinbaugh, who is 6 and 0 in we serve ..• Next, on Wednesday the 14th, singles play was elected as mens . . again at WMC, the men netters tennis team captain. . took on Franklin and Marshall only Congratulations, Jeff! Women's lacrosse BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Expert Watch i A tough week for the women's also improved, The second half Repain lacrosse team this week as they was played aggressively by both Subs Pizza on premises ! drop three games. The first one teams with some excellent passes AccUtrbn to- TinMtx: ! was at UMBC. The field was bigger and better defense. However, with . than ours and the breakdown of the the type of defense that Dickinson Chicken Day·Monday-Dinner $1.60 fundamental skills put us behind 6- played the game seemed very Pizza Dey·Tuesday-$.40 off -. t at the half. Part of the reason was slow. The final score was Keepsake Diamond', : the different offense by UMBC Dickinson 6, wmc 5. Our goals were Spaghetti Day-Wednesday·Oinner $1.25 ""'l~_: which seemed to contuse our team scored by Mary Louise Jones, Jan WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE Rings for a while. Finally in the second Wilder, Dale Torbit, Nancy Hess, " : half the offense got rolling and and Brenda Donovan. Accept -.JlAP· NAC'!": even outscored UMBC in the The team plays a home game I Open 6 a.m. daUy except ~~'l1dayo; 8 3.m ,I second half but it wasn't enough as today at 4 against Lebanon Valley. :Master Charoe· Per. Check't the game ended UMBC 9-wmc 5. and lIext Tuesday here &gainsl : : Goals were scored by Heather Loyola at 4. _ I NEWLY REMODELED Roule 140 Hwnphries and Brenda Donavon The team plays a home game Westminsfer : J : 'DAV,IlIS JEWEL~ERS .: with 2 each and Lynn Glaeser with· today at 4 against Lebanon against I _ 4.1 East Main ~t. . : Valley, EXPANDEDSEAnNG 1. and next Tuesday here -~----- 8411-9110 . Westminster. Md. • . : Loyola at 4. The game against Wilson wasn't :." : much better. Again the attack didn't generate any offense, and the defense allowed the Wilson offense to many shot froln close range. And again the second half Plain & Fancy was better. But the same ==1" tJ situation - developed. The team was too far behind to catch up. Itoun: lie. WESTmNSTEa PIKE Donuts Final score 7-5 Wilson. nNKSBL"G, MD. ~4C1!4 .... &l8!i t5 mlnutetrrom Rebtent ..... ) --ENTEiIT;INMENT-FliII)A~-I~~TURDAY--- ()pen i....afternoon 140ViUoga di~~ c~=eou~~;s~t~~c~~ns:e record, but the game was better F •• turi,.. KEH BATES AT··THE KEYBOARD W..unds R...-wationt Onfy • only 5 min..... _ played by our girls. Dickenson ~~~~!~~~~~w_~~ _ Te..... 8nClo-kpiftl played a defensive zone which j GrIT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES Open 24 Hours • !loy ~~:~e ':ts~J!e:~ ~r:e~h~~ "I' F_O._RE_SE_.~VA_·T_IO_~_'S--I3_-,"___ "_"_I_~ _J 1010 VI~LAGE SHOPf'lNG CENTER more cutting ~'! passing, which ._
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