Page 140 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 140
Page 8 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 15, 1976 :cSs[QJj;§;j~:c; Chapter 8 Created by Vic Eremita wrttten by Arthur Fonzarelli Vicki hummed to herself as she things which she gabbed about in Elephant napkin in half, then make him feel better. trucker's jackets, Henry figured" headed toward the Quad. Ever the McDaniel Hallways, and this completed the action with a quick, they were town people. ilioughThat Guy had asked her for element of naive sincerity gave furious flick of the wrist Henry knocked on her door. But why were they knocking on a nate only this morning, she had her, in addition to a special charm Peggy, who was wearing cutoffs r·!:'P"mpv",",~",,~o!!.,''--. ---, been sitting through what seemed and pertness, the distinct label of like eight classes of three hours being someone who hadn't been ~~;~ ~~'~~~ul answered. He :~~~~O~~~l~::eu~d~a~~,tt a:~ Call Baltimore each waiting Ior'fhis Evening. Oh, here too long. Well. give her time. she kept her anticipation well She'd !earn. di~~i:~~ ~e t~O~orway, in ~~~lec~t;:%PI:,db~~eSh:a~a~ "" Using covered, of course - it just wasn't her best jeans and her blue tubetop beautiful. Funny though, she didn't you know, cool to show your and her white button-down shirt look all that happy to see Henry the 876 extension feelings. But anyone who'd been "Look, man, I don't know where and her eager, enthusiastic air "Uh, Haven't you got physics here for more than a year could I'm .gonna take him, said which gave the rather typical problems for tomorrow?" she spot the signs. Crazy Jack. He was bent over In holding up John, who was just clothes a freshness of their own. asked him. She really placed a lot of im- barely conscious and wet.Irom the "Hi." . "Nah, not worried about them." the SGA office portance on this date. But then, shower. He had his underwear on. Paul nodded, and walked over to Henry answered with a swagger that's how Vicki always was - "Well, outasight, ma-a-an", the fridge, when: he took. out t~e He was not a good swaggerer butL.,-.,.,.,=======~ very, very enthusiastic about the drawled Paul in a cruel im- ~~st Coors can In the" first SIX, he was swaggering pretty good : •• _•••••••• - : things that interested her. She had. personation of Jack's speaking in fact, gone back to her old high manner. He wasn't in the mood to ,,~~.~' ~~~~ul ~a:J~me trouble tonight : Ba~:;·;~'oP : school last semester because she be taking any garbage right now, couldn't miss their homecoming- not with Vicki coming over :~~~n!o!:~i~ ~~~r~o y:~~i:~~~ w~~~~~~ri~ ::s~~~~~~~:: Westminster $hopping C&nter : even though many of the new. Strangely, he wasn't really freshmen and sophs there didn't thinking about Vicki. ~,;!o~ :~.;:-" Vicki giggled" - ~l~~;.om;e~~~hel~~~~dra:t o~i:~: Styling, : recognize her as the former head "I know. Now do you want a beer Without saying anything Henry got· Razor Cuts.- : cheerleader for the 'rabesco High "Geez, you 'practically broke his or don't you?" up, picked up the wastebasket and ~ : Tigers. Yet these romantic nose, you know", muttered Jack. took it down the hall to empty it. It • Layer Cuts • flights to Mars of Vicki's were in no "Prob'ly have to call a doctor." was nice to do things for Peggy. : : way to be disparaged. Unlike John started to squirm. "Easy Henry hadn't been feeling welJ On.his way back, Hnery couldn't. M, rc. W, g.,t..9.6 Th S. F.9-9 • many, she really believed in the boy," said Jack, holding him down. lately. He had been kind of help noticing these three tough- : : nauseous, and couldn't make looking guys going down the hall .• 4 Barbers 848-3620 • :. Jt.E~lt'<;:::Il. ;O~ .n1E.lIK\:. "Don'~ try to stand." himself eat. Also, it was really Since he never saw them around ::. ••• _ •••• _ •••••.• _ ••••• : HIKE OR CAR RALLY TO BE· "I don't care what you do, I just ·HELD ON SUNDAY, APRIL 25! • said don't bring him here! I"~ Paul ~~t~~o~~.r ::::: ~~ ~oadto b!~ •••••• __ ._ ••••••• _ ••• _: ••••• _ • _ ....... • FILL OUT THIS FORM IF Y6U. suddenly grabbed a Bio Book and missing classes, something he had Expert Watch :: ~~~DMADEN • • ARE INTERESTED AND DROp. threw it at the closet door. It hit its ·IT IN THE BOXES PROVIDED 11\' • target with a sharp smack, then re~~~o~~rg~~vhe: ~~~7t!~~ rrt~~ Repairs :. • 73 W M S • THE CAFETERIA AND THE. collasped on the floor all, he could walk around _ and he on premises :. . ain t . .GRILLE BY TUESDAY APRIL. rtre plastic plates depicting frog knew just the place where he _ • W4 speciatize.In .20. '. interiors and chick embryos to TilJ1ex :: crafts! I! wanted to walk, too. Remembering Accutr'on Handmade • I WOULD LIKE TO PAR •• oecoming bent and frayed. ~~~~sov~~~~ Si~twi~~~e ~y:~~ : • Bring yours in. ·TICIPATE IN: • "Okay, man. Okay." Craiy Jack the long table in the back of the Keepsake Diamon9 :. and let us display ~__BIKE tIIKE. ABOUT 10-15. gave up 00 Paul and dragged John Henry figured ShE Rings : • and sell them for you!!!!. < • ·MILES THROUGH CARROLL. toward his own room. "Jesus." cafeteria l doing much tonight, an{ • • __ •••• -••• wasn't • COUNTY: ADMISSION FREE; I. Paul was preoccupied. He who knows, might want to see him. : .P.M. STARTING TIME. • finished his filth can of Coors, .._CAR RALLY. STARTING TIME. J.lmost completely deciminating ~o~:rhi~~dtoi~e~::' a~~~~t \~n~:' . Accept· SAC - NAC : .1 P.M.: REGISTRATION FEE $1 • half of the two six-packs he had • PER DRIVER. 50 CENTS FOR. lxIught for tonight and dropped the ~~~:~~;:~!~:~s~eu~~~o~~; : Master Charge Per. CheCk: ' • EACH ADDITIONAL PERsbN .• spent can on the rug. He was and couldn't talk at the moment. C· : . • MINIMUM TWO PEOPLE IN ,:::elting along great on campus. and But she did smile at him! .. DAVIDS JEWELLERS : • EACH CAR. • then the frat had to stick him with a : 'Iueer for a roommate. Life was Henry had some physics: 41 Ean Main St. : Our people make it better • NAME· really rotton He slowly started to problems to do for tomorrow's: Westminster, Md. : ... __ ...... : B.O~ ~U~1B.E~:••••••• : tear the in~riminating Purple class, but to hell with them for : : tonight. After all, he was to sick to __ .... _. __ ••• __ •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• go " da" anyway, ,;ght' H,n,y • Monday nights • • said this even thou~h he kn~w that •• : • SUN & EARN CREDITS THIS SUMMER • Peggy would smIle agam and: 5 p.m, - 11 p.m. : JUNE 7-AUGUST 13, 1976 : tfglgetl 0.0. required) • rAKE HOME MORE THAN A TAN • UNATTACHED? College Night • FROM OCEAN CITY, MA~YLAND .Seniors, maybe we can matct • 13" pizza-with one • .you up with an interesting t:::~R0Ll. COUNTY'S .. topping - only $2.29!! : :assignment in FASHION CENTER Mic & Schlitz Westminster • ANNOUNCES I1'S 2nd SUMMER SESSION • your the PEACE CORPS_ .,._ Shopping Center . Bud, 140 Village • • SALISBURY STATE COLLEGES on Tap .See • • IN OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. : Career Placement OfficI'! : • or call ACTION toll free .a., COURSES • fB/!fI(S~, ,~ • we serve._. [ • . • 800/424-8580, Ext. 38 __D¥IN KISS _, . .~~::~c!::j~ ~rinciPles (Econ 2Q2! 8:00.9:30il.m .• • Introduction to Film (Enillish 214) 9:3()'12:00 noon. COLLEGE CAMPUS, _BREAKFAST • • REPRESENTATIVE LUNCH DINNER .Summer Session II • • Principles of ~rketing (BAUD 330 8:00.9:30il.m. • Needed to sell Brand .Name Subs Pizza • Human Sel(U~hly (SSe 101) 9:40-11:10a.m.. Stereo Components_ :FilCU!ty All courses are taught by regular full tIme SSC faculty : to Stu~el1ts:lt lowest prices. Chicken Day-Monday-Oinner S1.60 • Place AtlantIC MethodIst Church, 4th & Balto Ave, Ocean City, Md. High Commission Pizza Oay·Tueiday-$.40off Cost $25/credlt hours, plus a one tfll~e $10.00 reglstrat.lon. fee • NO INVESTMENT .Call: 1/301/546·3261, ext. 306 ~r write OffIce of ContinUing Educa.. REQUIRED Spaghetti Oay-Wednesday·Oinner $1.25 .tlon, Sahsbury State College, Sahs~ur, Ma~land, 21801 for • Serious in uiries ani I WITHiN WALKING DISTANCE • reglstralon materials and/or other informatIon. q y. • • • FAD Components,lnc., t • NOTE' These c:oursesilre pari of the regular curriculum ilt sse. \. 20 Passaic Ave._ Fa~field, I . • Enrolled students at olher colleges and universities should • New Jersey 07006 • check in advance with their ilCildemicdeans/advisors to insure • NEWLY REMODELED a.)ute 140 :..:::: ••••••••••••••••• : __ Ai.2.~el.n~.2M.7:iiiz.::.;__ • f_- E_XP_AN_D_ED_SE_A_TIN_G \_:_~_~_iIfIS_IO_'er_J <
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