Page 143 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 143
Thursday. April 22, 1~76 Scrimshaw . Page 3 On Oppression by Jane \Wittig " ...when a strong man meets words." representations of itt/as. To these serves to further intuitive un- they oIten prove "inseparable. He. :,:~~d;::;i~'all h~~:~.a:~ This passage is quoted from the ideas or .lmeges, Were ad.ded in- derstanding of. conditions in the ~e:~~m::!~~:~~t:i~eb~~~~ this cheerfulness is the source of Image of Hexagram (47) Op- ~:'~~f~~~':r~~tc~d ~o;~~e~ahontod~~·~:ermost can be surmounted only_by later successes, it is that stability pression (Exhaustion), from the of action indicated by the image: e"On 0 t~: ~t::~ion I of op. recognizing them for' what they =ch ~str:~~ u:: f:;~k~: w:; :c:~t:n~~ ~:O::n~b~:~~ a~g~ed good ~r evil.' Reflectingen PRES~ION to character for- are. In this recognizing as fate the exhaustion ~nly has no sue- passages appear in various in- this ":lformahon, one cool? then matlon. ~:s~ t~hat!.t~~~~~ ~k~;:.v:~ cess. But if adversity only bends "a terpreted sections throughout uue ~~n t~e ~ep~e::ta!~~:! OPPl-t.t:~ION brings out the test use would it be -to'Sform against man, it creates in him a power to great ~ok (The f!-i~hard' Wilhebn expec~n:, ~p~n but al~~ where of character; fate _ and through. this lessening react that is bound in time to translation 3rd edition). it might lead. Witp. the complex of O':P~ESSION leads to per- of resentment, character is manifest itself. No inferior man is As an extremely brief ex- events immediat'ely before one in pleXlty and thereby to success: purified and advances to a higher capableoftbis.Onlythegreatman planation of the nature of the image fonn, one could follow the Through OPPR~SSION one level. brings about good fortune and book... . courses that promised good fortune learns to lessen one s rancor.. '''11irough' movement and the remains blameless. It is true that "The hexagrams of the Book of and avoid those that promised K'W} OPPRESSIO~ ~4~). thIS awakening ~thin of the requisite for the time being outward in- Changes are representatives of misfortune before the train of hexagram leads the individual of insight, one. frees oneself from fluence is denied him, because his eartJ:!ly tileJ1omena" In their in- events had' actually begun. developed character finally into oppression. Hence the prospect of ~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~: ::~~~~~nof t:::n':~:~:~ori~~ "In addition to its use as an .::s~~dD;:'C~ti!e ann:.~~~: ~p~~~~~n c::ae ~e ! 'be strong within and sparing of Thus-the hexagrams/~ere oracle. The Book of ChaJ;tges also arise; these must be overcome, yet end." G c;;;20'.'./'O\ ~ 0 Chapter/9 C'~"'d by Vi, E·Ii- " Peggy escorted them in. Henry with the back of the hand. The Frankie Valli about getting some couIdn'tmove, but he aetuaIly Jet forceoftheblowandtbesurprise for the f!nlt time echoed ,.lI.~ ••• ".".~;j."..,.••II.;o:·.,'. out a little gasp that caused 8 girl of it aI.I sent Henry W the floor, somebody's room. who was carrying her laundry past • • • •• -. • • • • • • . I>S a corollary t,., the above ren'lrks •. we c"\l~ unon the THE to stare at him with big, amused • • ~:~:~.!':~ t~::!:; v!=e b~r~~:,~~:s t~~l;s~~:~: It_eJ~n O~n~h~~ '~~:~!t;O e~eft,y didn't know what to do. Of : lD~iJ:~AR ~~~~~I::.: t1tles. An organlaation exlsts already which ls ready =e.~~~ekn~fP~g~o::. -HELD ON SUNDAY, APRIL 25!. ';~r;~~aio c~~:id!~:t~~~~s o~f r:ii~~::l~~r:~d. W~~!~~~~y the may be. We welcome your vOlce in the decIs1on_making. relationsbipswithguys.Butbehad :~ I~~~~:~DIFD:~~I: W; ,', It 1s your chance to keep Isreel ~HS; ;-:5. oollege on th1s alive always felt that it had been a little • IT IN THE BOXES PROVIDED IN,. Handmade cr.afts,:. • oampus • ..J·l/""'rt1s~ in.. . THE'. BrJngyaurs ~~:~~~~~:!~~"'~':!th~~; .THE CAFETERIA ·AND APRIL: ::=''!:.::~::YOU1!!!: • Schuyler Grant / / ='~o:dce::w~~= :;~ILLE BY TUESDAY, flresident 105s1 Stevens c_c~ I Dr Zepp Secretary bothered wi~ him, surely Henry • • ••••••••••• ,• Ha_ttaooablm Ma" Week ~:",~?~\~?-:=~ • I WOULD LIKE T{) PAR.· • ., ••.• Jl_, ••• '.... to f~l sicker: ,1 ·TICIPATE IN: • ,., • Friday APru 39: . CARROLL tfgJ..... eft. After a'UWe bit 0'- deliberation !......BIKE HIKE. ABOUT 10--15.' . •. Comedy Team _ Edmonds and and a lot>offear, Henry tentatively •.MIL.ES THROU.Glf •. ti rg • iii Curly Imocked on Peggy's closed door .COUNTY; ADMISSION FREE; 1 • with one undersized knuckle. He .P.M. STARTING TIME. •. • Cobcert No. Z • Glass MOOQ FEE '1 • heardgiggling,insidebeforeoneof ._CAR RALLY, STARTING TI~ • '. • : Alumni Admission: free 8 p.m. !be townies answered th.e door. .1 P.M_: tmGlSTRATION "Yeah?"Althoughtheguyinthe .PER DRIVER, 50 CENTS FOR Price for all events: 6.75 trucken' jacket was only about a • EACH ADDITIONAL PERSON.'· (:I\QRCLL COUNTY'S Cost ~ master Heket: 4.00 foot tailer than Henry, it seemed .. MINIMUM TWO PEOPLE IN· . FASHfON CENTER m~ ..~cam~·to give Peggy back • EACH CAR, : ~nst8r Saturday May I: Spring Carnival- 11a.m .• 5 p.m. !:rJ~tebasket,'· Henry slam- ; :~~:UMBER' : ~no center : , Spring Dance - 9 a.m. - 1 a.m., _ cafeteria tickets: $5 per couple, A voice from inside said, ''MaD, • • • • • •• '. • • • • • • .' ••••••••.••••• after tonight, she sure is gonna ' .. Band: Joy semi - lonnal need somethina than a Beer will be served'
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