Page 142 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 142
Po .. 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 22. 1976 Editorial Election Results Practical jokes-ha, ha, funny. come in. And'sc there they gather, S_G_A. Senior Class Vice-President So Colver - 115 funny, everybody laughs. right'! leading a birds life'on the inside of President President Wrong. Last week this paper Alumni. Jay Rodstein - 316 - Lori Grimes - 128 Diane Poole 72 printed a special liberation issue. Steve Spinelli - 255 - Treasurer One of the major toplcs-vtclence- So, what has been done about Qther 1 Vice-President was covered extepsively in several them to alleviate the problem Dave Taylor. 94 feature articles. J And yet IItUe recently. Instead of placing Vice President Judy Wood 141 Linda Augngliaro 73 mention was made of the smaller screens in the widows, in order to Secretary aets of violence -that appear to simply keep the birds out, they are Doreen Stotbman 481 inhibit this campus almost as allowed in when the weather gets Other 11 Treasurer Rosanne Uotta 157 plentifully as the cockroaches one hot and the windows must be MaH Bowers 97 Historiim m~y find under his bed. opened for circulation. When their Treasurer Karen Zawacki presence becomes notJ.cable In- -43 Jane Trafton 160 Some may call it malicious tense (have you noticed the litUe Jim wogsland • 495 Linda Karick 19 Referendum mischief. others may consider the white spots on the seats there Do you think a regulation acts as "just fooling around." recently?), the maintenance Recordfng Secretary should be instituted that would Whatever way it is described, deparbnent is called in to shoot the Secretary finding shaving cream in your bed poor devils and then remove the Lonnie Meyers· 140 prohibit smoking in all and pennies on the other side of remains. Paul Fulton • 333 classrooms? ·(This r.egulation your door is not always quite that Historian would be lIiIIftna _Oil teachers Freida Allen . 199 as well es students.) fu~)'. Now how does all of this tie in Donna Armstrong 145 YeS-4OG Take, for example, the case of with·~ problem of practical jokes No· 181 \. the recent "fll'e drill" that was and the like on this campus? They Corresppndin'g Junior Class carried out at 4:30 am last are all true examples of an un- Secretary 1210 Total Students on Campus Saturday morning in Rouzer Hall. thinking, incompassionate form of President 605 Voted 50%'0 , For those of you who didn't know sa1fism that crops up almost Denise Giango1a :293 605 Men 605 Women. that a drill was schedu1ed for that everywhere in sight. By not con- Bob Underwood 2f!l Sally Reck 95 time of morning, weU, you're right, sidering the potential effects of an Other 5 Bob Heer 86 330 Men vOfeit· '215: w9trie." voted it wasn't. The only people who bad anttctpated action, these any forwarning that it was coming characters are creating or adding were the three individuals who to an unhealthy situation. The News briefs were spotted running off in the jokesters are not solving the direction of the quad, laughing and problem of boredom on this On Thursday, .April 22, 1976, the jazz. A special tribute to a true this Monday will be accepted. aU the way. But the 100 people who campus, they are just adding on to Western Maryland Jazz Ensemble, king of jazz, "Duke" Ellington and made their way back .to their someone else's problems. And under the "musical direction of" other big band milestones like, "A Others are too late. rooms after the alarm was turned shooting innocent birds iis unhu J_!IllesPaxtop. will play by request String of Pearls", "Lil' Darlin".', 1bose who went through the off didn't think it so hilarious. manitarian,' and will probably at the National Convention of the "Opus One" will be performed. Social Committee-sponsored never alleviate the situation. service will be informed as of their And then several issues back American Association of College Rounding out the sounds of the late matches., through the mail, on there was the story about the fire Therefore when you see the Registrars and Admissions Of· 1930's and 1940's will be Stan Friday or Saturday of this week. that started in MacLea after chance to commit the perfect joke, ficers,tobeheldattheWasbington Kenton's "Here's That Rainy someone placed a burning well, here's )"Our chance-don't Hilton, Washinbton, D.C. At least Day", and Ellington's, "Take The ---------'--- newspaper under the door of the commit It. And when you see your 2,000 persons will be representing "A" Train .. rooms on the fourth floor. Doesn't "friend" throw a bag of water out colleges all over the U.S., and the The today sounds of the re- Note: ':Ibis week, Scrimshaw that just joggle your funnybone? the winddw on an WlSUSpecting Jan Ensemble will be performint established big band can be heard also ..r~v~ a few let~rs con- How close to killing someone or passerby who just hjlppens to be : ~~:.~eis~: ~~~ in the songs that Woody Herman's ~::~tsf:i~ to pubhsh ~~ ruining all of his belongingS 00 we carrying his final draft of his have to come before we all stop Psych term. paper, well, mn't college musical group ever to ~~,=;u:e:s; ~~~:: Moliere's ~e I~m~~~.!:~~: laughing? laugh (don't even laugh now receive an invitation. Strimshaw Love","Corazon",and'''IbeFirst to be presented this ~end. because this incident actuallv wishes the best of luck'to all in- 'Ibing I Do" However, these letters arnved 100 According to Dean Wray hap~ last year.> voIvedI Country' styles will be late to be typed up andpublisbed in ----- represented by, "Mr. Bojangles"; this issue. Scrimshaw reminds its =~~:~::~ntylb~ AS for what the administration On Tuesday evening April "Z1, Rock opera's by, "Everything's readers that letters to the editor part of only a few members of this can 00, the situation eDsting in 1976 at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall, the Alright" from Jesus Christ must be in the .mailbox (3A) by campus •. But what's more this Alumni Hall should be looked into Western Md. College Jazz En· Superstar; and Broadway by, Monday to be published. The point behavior is accepted all too readily quickly. Doing away with the semble, under the musical' "Send In The Clowns" from. A of the letters was Similar, by tbe greater majority of the lirds, tilling lor the sake of killiDg. direction of James Paxton, will Little Night Music. bowever: that &rlmshaw made a students. Some people even go so . is senseIess'". New screens, regrown present a special BICENTENNIAL seriOW! error in not publishing far as to eondemn the use of ivy, anything, would be better than JAZZ CONCERT. fte program is ' information about this production, practieal jokes, while at the same the way the problem stands·now. free and is opeD to the public. An announcement to those who and for this we apciklgize. There is time conmning it by giggling To tie this uP. the issues The program will consist {If turned in computer dating lonna: an article about the show in this under their breath ..... they bear ~ In this editOrial are varied styles of American ligband Only those which were turned in by issue. . of what happens to someone else. distinctly different. And yet when But it is Ume for this to stop. r.~~:aiDSt=.~::er,bo: ought to be COrTeCted or pondered 'Ibrowing a fm!cracker out of a. unreasonableness and non- upon in the near future. _I may be below. can come necessity inVolved I'd" the k JeffRoblnsoD .Editor -in·chief . Stap~ ..,~.~·J~" while not locking to see in .them-and d window, "It dangerously clOie 10. blinding . ""nva I IS wee en· ,Nanc.y.Bitrry '.;ij,. Mark c. Bayer Matt Bowers'i ==,:.r.!'d~~~:,; ~nc:~nstage or Alumni Hall MakHelieve is the co:e of the Theo Braver ;',. - parked on the lot may result in a will hosl Moliere's "The s~w. MoU~ emphasIZeS ~e COItly repair job for the owner in Imaginary Invalid." The action frailty and foibles of humanity 10 I ASSOCiate Editor Susan COleriian '.order to straighten O\It ~ dent in will take place on Apil23, 24. and' what are rousing and often bawdy Jeff Robinson Vic Eremi,ta the roof or replace the canvas in a 25. 1bis whin1s.ica1 satire is being ~es. He makes us laugh at our Mary Gately convertible top. directed by Marilyn Warsofsky. weaknesses, and ~t shows un- Roger Levin' /is one of the great playwrights' derstanding,Butnuunlytheplayh Entertainment Editor And it aU has happened before. duringtheil.lustriousreignoiLoois a comedy, light. and gay, .full 01 Mack Katz Richard Naylo! People have this tremenOOusly to XIV, Moliere's specialty was ~ergy, co~lon,an~de~t. It lim Teramani pass things off as situaUOD8 that mmedy. "The Imaginary Invalid" lS a ~ame, a. mixture of illUSion and Sports Editor they can't possibly m anJtbing· was first performed on Fetruary reality, a bit of froth. about. They cannot stop the 10, 1613, at the TheUre -du Palais- W~~ing wi~h the play a~e Carlton Harris vl.olence-or they're not willing to Royal by Moliere's own acting Ctu:lst.lan Wlt~~er, who IS Tyrant Emeritus try. Even the administration Is company. Moliere played. the lead des~mg an o~ set, .Susan Business Manager Baron L. Tayler fault in dealing with in- himself at a time wbe!l he was Stemmetz, who IS assistant David Range descriminate and senseJess extremely ill. During the fourth director, Jeannie Collacott, wh~ is Cartoonist destrucHon. performance, Moliere was seized stag~ man~~r, and ~da Mig}, Mark C. Bayer In this cast though it is more a with a. coughing. s~ll and soon who IS publiCity coordinator. Advertising Manager concept of "doing what we have to after died from his slck.n~ _ The cast includes Louis David Range Attorneys do." With the recent rennovatioo of 1be story of "The Imaginary Chambers ,as Argan, Carol Distribution Manager Alumni Hall, all of the ivy Invalid" revolves around the at- Warhime as Toinette, Patricia Samuel Goldenstein surrounding the hall has been torn tempts of the hypochondriac, Nicholson as Angelique, Jo Miner Jeff 'Robinson and Sons down. With the ivy went the home Argan, to marry his daughter to a as Beline, Bob FineD as Monsieur of several hundreds of birds-birds doctor. Unfortunately, the Bonnefoy, Bobby Smith as Cleante, Plus who are now looking f~r a new daughter is in love with someone Bill Jenkins as Monsieur Diafoirus, A Cast of thousands! place of residence to replace their else and refuses the match. The Steve Lummis as Thomas The opinions expressed in this paper do not old ones. Presently they have follOWing antics culminate in the Diaioirus, Robin .Seiland as n.ecessarily reflect those of the administration. discovered the inside of the hall to unit~ng of the two lovers and an Louison, Chuck Benjamin as Write SCRIMSHAW ...£iox 3A Western Maryland College, be a perfect refuge whenever uproarious ceremony in which Beralde, Carlton Harris as Mon- I' refuge whenever the windows are Argan is proclaimed "Doctor sieur Fleurant, and Mark Bayer as L ""_"_m_;n_"_e'_, M_d_· opened, thus allowing them to Imaginaire." Monsieur Purgon ..
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