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c~t 8 _J...._ • HOOVER LIBRAill' COLLEGE 21157 .,T WESTERN Mil. WmMIHSTER, MARYLAND ~l. Thursday. April 22, 1976 Pithy Saying: Volume 3, Issue II If I ain't got friends, I ain't got nobody. -Billie HOliday Br.lanTrumpo"",!,r Can the Language Department Survive? Is the Language Department On1y a few interested students an important part of the major and chief among them that the nature possibilities are only being dying at Western Maryland showed up. that the Language Department will of the houses made them a bit discussed College? This could very well be The major topic of discussion "fight" attempts to take them sepeate from other student dor- Also discussed were the centered around the language 'away. mitories on the rest of the campus; possibilities of student fulfilling I . ~~oc:'\u~U;ac~tya m~U:~~ ~; houses. The standing requirement It was also stated that Dean one student claimed that after their language majors by studying the Department, along with in- for language majors is a year in Laidlaw wants nineteen people living a year in one of the houses, other facets of a given country terested students, are working to one _of the houses, speaking the to sign up for the language houses she "lost contact with a lot of besides its language-such as improve things, as was evidenced language of that house, unless the for next year-fourteen to ac~peop1e." A suggestion made for literature, culture, or history. At in a _ Language Department student has lived in the actual live n the house, plus a waiting list improving the situation in the this point a poll is being planned meeting held last Wednesday, country. The possibility of allowing of five people or more (of course, language houses involved giving The results." of that pull J may April 17. Unfortunately, this dual majors, Spanish-Econ majors will receive priority over credit hours for living there. enaore the Department to make the meeting brought out one of _the students for example, to spend on1y non-mejcrs.r Among general good Students could choose from credit- streets of Paris or the shores of major difficulties threatening the a half year in the house was feelngs toward life in the language no credit, one credit per semester. attractive I Department as well-none other discussed. In general, all agreed houses, a few criticisms and or three per year. At the present Spain a little more the sidewalks to of those who trove! I than our old enemy J\.1r. Apathy. that the language houses constitute disadvantages were mentioned- moment, however, - these WMC. Junior Follies a Bicentennial Bash Susan Coleman This year's Junior Follies, students in the play enjoyed the evidently designed to' educate as terizatipns could have been novel Actress-Robin Stifler (Betty "Nothing's FuMY Anymore," was show just as much ~ those on well as entertain! as well as fUMY (whv 'lot two guys Crocker) a comic look back 200 years in stage. t-tO move the Monopoly pieces?) honor of our nation's Bicentennial. The problems of the show were instead of tradtiona1 and archaic. Supporting Actor--Wooden In- With the help and talents of The set and music lent a great definitelyoff.setbytheenthu;;ias~ Many of the scenes ended anti- dian many- junior class members and deal to the show. Red, white, and shown by bo~ cast and audience, climatically and needed more ntrector-who else? Deborah other students (we can't forget the blue bunting and color-coordinated but they existed none the less. rehearsal but the excitement and Pferdeort .Overcrowded scenes where ~e eagern~ of the performers made Scene-"Louisiana Purchase" ;=~~:an~:~B~:ers;tOO ora: ' ~~a;ti~~~:r~ ~~~~e:hed r:o: extras detracted from the main up for what they lacked in polish. Singer-Sue Geyer (Betsy Ross) celebrity roast. This step into the melodies as "Oklahoma" and the action, a support pole directly in Dancer-·Mary Frank (Suf- past allowed the audience to meet commercial themes of Budweiser the center of the set, singers that It is this excitement and zeal that fragette) the founders of our country and and Muriel cigars added to the didn't project, and unsolicited held the show together through Hwnor--Gerry Philips (Martha • learn the "behind the scene" different scenes. There were a few singing from the band were all good times and bad and made it a Washington) . motivations for some of the most musical standouts that really problems that shoul" have been worthwhile exp_erience for Costume-c Charlle Wagner important decisions made in our helped the show, such as "Where Is straightened out even in an audience and performers. The CNapolean) country's history. The celebrity Love" and "Senator McCarthy". amateur performance. But the class spirit and enth ..steam shown Musical Number ..« Senator panel was composed of famous The B.S. Quartet perfectly filled major problem of the follies was by this year's juniors made McCarthy" American personalities straight the few moments between scenes more basic and elementary than "Nothing's Funny Anymore" a out of U.S. history 107, such as and the small but 'always en- these; it was the show's script. The follies to be remembered. Booby Prize-Jo Carol Hughes, Thomas ,Tefferson, Woodrow thusiastic band helped to keep just script lacked freshness, it was Gay Jewell Wilson, and ... Betty Crocker?!? about everybody on.pitch. heavy with stereotyped, uninspired Annual Follies Awards (any woman whr- would allow The original script, which was the characterizations that cOuld have Best Actor-Dave Janzen herself to be exploited as just "a result of a composite effort of 8 The follies were broken down been vastly improved with a little (Thomas Jefferson) nice piece" deserves a prize!) juniors, was designed to bend the into five different scenes that dated imagination. The eharae- history books without breaking from Betsy Ross in 1m to Senator May Week_Activities them, and was fairly successful McCarthy during the red scare of even though the show did have the 50's, but without much concern Saturday April 24: Pre-Spring cents for each additional person Holy Grail" admission: $1 some rough spots and slow scen~: for chronological order. All the Week Event must have at least one navigator i showings: 7 p.m., 9 p.m. and 11:30 scenes were tied together by the Corte House Talent Show p.m. "-p.m. in Decker. appearance of the "mystery Director Deborah Pferdeort did guest" who shaped the history of featuring students and other local Freshman Slave Auction _ 6:30 l'uesday: April 27: a fine job of organizing the large our country bv influencing the talents prizes will be given to rst p.m. Decker WMC Jazz Ensemble Spring number of cast members and the and 2nd place winners 9 p.m .. 1 Disco - Night Mixer - Featuring Concert-admission: free8:00p.m. bedlam that always surrounds an different hustoric figures. Dancing a.m. admission: 75 cents. Bill Spricer and the Hit Makers, !J In Alumni amateur production was overcome dames, drunken prohibitionists, p.m. in Cafeteria, Computer - date by the enthusiasm of the cast. It is and an international game of Sunday April Z5: available. Admission: with Wednesday April 28: a great achieve. lent to capably Monopoly are all uncovered as the Bike Hike-through scenic Carroll computer date - .50 cents each Sing-a-long . at the Gazeebo 6: 30 ...I arrange such a diverse group and reasons behind important historic County about 10 miles admission: regular - $1 each. Beer will be admission: free retain an infor~ and fun at- . decisions-the right of women to free I p.m. Leaving from the served . Dulcimer Concert - With Ralph mosphere. The large crowds that vote, the repeal of Prohibition, and Grille. Lee Smith at the Gazeebo 7:30 came to see the follies and enjoy the purchase of the Louisiana , Car Rally - registration fee: $1 Monday April 26: admission free. the antics of friends and fellow territory. These folli-es were for driver leavmz from the Grill 50 Movie: "Monty Python and the
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