Page 146 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 146
1 Scrimshaw Thursday. April 29, 1976 Thursday, April 29, 1976 Scrimshaw ~(litorial············································· •.. "Imaginary Invalid" succeeds Carlton Harris _ 9san Coleman who COUldn't Sing was well Sports Jim Teramani Judging from the number of entirely favorable, and Scrimshaw the question of whether the Follies, wrote it down. provokes new thought a The Imaginary Invalid was for the passionate suitor. Make-up teacher Bill Joh~son letters sent in, and the emotion appreciated hearing from those an amateur production, should be The question .rernains, "Why discussion (which it certainly c esented to full houses last for the show was very obvious and played by Bob Smith and the obvious in their writing, it looks individuals who wrote and ex- reviewed on the same standards review the Junior Follies?" -But be said to have done here. { lnd~ ~kend by the Western Maryland overdone, with painted on mischevious Louison portrayed by Ric Groff like the Scrimshaw has a new pressed their opinions about it. as, say, a semiprofessional just barely. One gets the distinct a mixed or partially critical revi liege Drama Department. eyebrows, freckles, and even Robin Seiland. The three doctors, controversy on its hands. Joining Since, however, Susan Coleman production put on by the professors can have more educational val rected by Marilyn Warsofsky, geometric figures, all designed to Mssrs. Diafoirus, Fleurant, and Action on the diamond ... such recent campus issues has been angrily criticized in and student majors of the impression that had Ms. Goleman than a completely favorable 0 ~~ also designed all the give the feeling of the fantastic. Purgon were played by Bill precipitated by this paper as particular for wrtttngthe review, Dramatic Art Department. Well, written a loo-per-cent rave, that In an age in which too many stumes, it was a ridiculous and The acting was stylized to be Jenkins, Carlton Harris, and Mark On Tuesday the 20th, the score the review would have met with no whether or not the SGA is using the and Scrimshaw has been criticized Ms. Coleman was, it should seem, argument whatever. So one casts a dividuals are brought up to look dicrous critique on the relative over dramatic; loud, and was Bayer and Beralde portrayed by baseball team traveled to M correct procedures to hire in general for printing it, it may be extremely scrupulous in noting the questioning eye toward those in- 'the boob tube without criti erits of the doctors in 17th cen- carried to extremes; with gran- Chuck Benjamin. College to play what they expected that conte Homecoming bands, whether or a good idea to clear up a few differences between thie kind of dividuals who suggest that while formation or discrimination, ry France. The play was written diose gestures, flourishing en- to be a single game. However, These two splits brought the not the merits of the Greek system misconceptions. show and a Drama production, as . Dramatic Art shows such as the ability to recognize that which Moliere over 300 years ago, but trances and exits, ana over drawn News briefs after winning 6-3 behind the pit- season's record to 6-9 with 7 game outweigh the problems, and As previously mentioned, the her comments about-overcrowded recent production of The good or bad about any form c is production combined fresh facial expressions. This style was ching of Wayne Coblentz, they left. whether or not the new college junior class devoted a lot of effort scenes, singing from the band, and Imaginary Invalid should be enhance one's enjoyment or fovations with the original to consistently carried out in the set Students are reminded that on were informed that another ga center should be built in its planned to this production. Ms. Coleman a support pole in the middle of the reviewed and criticized, the at- preciation of it, whether the fo educe a pleasing and very funny design, costumes, and make-up Saturday, May 1, '1976, WMC will was to be played. This one location, is a new topic for debate, was well aware of this, and in , set indicated. (Incidentally, Ms. tershow coverage of the Junior in question is "just for fun" ow. and Wa3 one of the basic unifying be hosting registration and dropped 2-1. Today, WMC went on up route 140 namely whether or not the Junior Coleman'S criticism of the ~uppor! whether it has something deeper The lights and set design were themes of the production. visitation activities for high school Then last Saturday, the day of to play two against Gettysburg. Follies should be reviewed. several places commented pole had nothing to do with moving Follies should consist of nothing goal. One of the letters print ~ated by Christian Wittwer. The Fine performances were given students. Starting at 10:00 A.M the quad party, the team played a This S 'favorably on the "spirit and en- it. Rather, she was criticizing the more than a plot synopsis. But" below ends with the empha t was dazzling and gaudy which with registration in Baker doubleheader vs. Loyola here. The faces Dickinson. Play in the first of thusiasm" infused into the show. since a mere rehash of story by Louis Chambers as the Last week's Issue featured a production for not utilizing the pole details would mean nothing to statement that 'Follies should lped to create a clownish at- hypochondriac Argan, Carol Memorial Chapel, the program games were again split as Loyola two games begins at 1:00 p.m. review of "Nothing's Funny /'.,.,/), ,d, t,. ~',e~s band of -ZED's quality play other Anyone irterested in running must Thursday. But t hav" opened a two-way un- slightly ridiculous. Forty percent don't think it will work this time, deserves it. show's script, as I know the oth groups' material well, than listen submit a written letter to President out of the way. Last Monday the ended up 5-1, Goucher. with Shirley Sincerely derstanding with our majors in of the two most recent issues were either., Val Daiyrimple were. If you say the show was to a nobody like Ritchie who? If we Bi~r:s~l~~: ~~~xf~;S~f~i~eMar:u:t team dropped a game to Goucher Zengel scoring the only goal. overall success, how can you. questions relative to our Language devoted to such Space. While I William Todd that the worst problem was ar Editors, have to have a person named 14-5. Inexpereince played a big Then came the good part of the would be the first to admit that one Houses, our courses, lab, and In my opinion, the Quad Party of Ritchie play at the concert, why have served on the Council for at part, but the few times the girls got week. The team beat HopKins 1(}-3 faculty positions. Also we believe duty of a campus organ such as script? The script did h ril 24 was one of the best things couldn't we have gotten Ritchie least one year. The President must going, it usually worked. Our at Hopkins, on a hugh front lawn of t.hal the meeting reported by Scrimshaw claims to be is to make Dear Editors and Susan Coleman, Dear Editor' SOMETHING to do with the sh at has happened on this campus Blackmore! , ~~:;~~~:!~~%o~s St'"bet"':t' a'~adoth t a e scores were Dale Torbit and Lynn their administration building. The Scrimshaw was not a typical one. known the views of its readership, I am writing this letter in One man's opinion is certainly afterall. Did you ever try to writ is semester. It would have been .,. .. '-" 'Glaeser with 1 goal, and Heather defense .played much better, earlier Usually we have from twenty to ;~~~~~:~imi~!~ e~uer~!~ini~t:h: ~,~~~s:".t~ :~u~~ dk~n~~r~r~Ii~; ~~e ::;:n'~uo~~~ionFO~~~!n ~=v~:!~ script for seventy-some peo en better if it had started An event ............... sophomore. Humphries scoring 3. continued on pg. 4, col. 1 Sincerely, twenty-five students atten
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